Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2)

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Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2) Page 7

by Vera Quinn

  I feel pretty good. In fact, I feel darn good. I fold the blanket up and put it on the back of the sofa. I fluff up the pillows and leave them on one end. I get my clothes and go into the bathroom and take a quick shower. The hot water feels soothing on my body and it wakes me up. I dry off the best I can with the small towels and dress quickly. I brush my teeth and brush the knots out of my wet hair. I clean the bathroom up and hang the towel over the top of the shower curtain rod to dry. I dry the rest of my stuff off with a towel and stick it in my backpack. Making sure I don’t leave a mess. I put all the trash in one bag and tie it up. I make sure I have everything clean and then I put my hair in a ponytail and grab the damp towels. I look around again. I move the boxes back where they were and look at the clock. I still have thirty minutes but Bud will be open already. Maybe we will have time to talk. I walk down the stairs and drop the trash off in the dumpster. I walk in the front door and I see Mildred is already making coffee. I walk back through the kitchen and I see Bud has another cook working with him this morning. I take the towels back and put them in the washer and put my extra t-shirt in with it. I start it and Bud comes in behind me. He is all smiles this morning and I must say I feel the same way.

  “How did you sleep last night? Any problems?” Bud asks me.

  “I slept great and everything was good. I’ll go back up and get the food from the refrigerator when I get off. I cleaned everything up.” Bud is nodding his head but then he looks at me.

  “Does that mean you will stay up there for a while? At least until I can afford a few of those cheap cameras.” I guess Bud was serious about the extra eyes thing.

  “I will, but only if you let me work a few extra hours to pay you some rent. It’s only fair.” Bud gets that look on his face when I know he is going to argue with me.

  “Tara, you are doing me a favor but I’ll compromise. I’m going to get the phone line run up there today. I have a buddy that owes me a favor. That way you will have a way to contact me if you hear or see anything. You stay for free until I get the cameras set up. Once they are set up then we will talk again about the extra hours. I will move the half bed up there today, also. End of discussion.” I want to argue but I can’t. “Grab what you need because I am taking you to get the things you need from home. I’ll be tied up the rest of the day so we will have to do it now.” Bud is waiting for my response but I don’t know exactly what to say.

  “I can do it later.” Is what I come up with.

  “Don’t you have class a class tomorrow night, wouldn’t today be better?” Bud is right. “Besides, I don’t want your mom and sister giving you a hard time. This time of the morning they’ll be asleep. You can get in and out without a fuss.”

  “I share a room with my sister.” I think about it and Bud is right. I know where all my things are. It’s not like I have that much. “Are you sure? If I wake them up there will be hell to pay.”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I’ll grab a few empty boxes we have and some trash bags. It might not be the best way to move but it’s fast.” Bud is the best boss and I realize that Bud was wrong yesterday. I do have friends, him and Sal. They may be my bosses but they are also my friends.

  I grab my backpack while Bud is getting the boxes and trash bags. It takes me a while to get to work from my apartment but I am always walking. The ride over in Bud’s truck doesn’t take long. Bud parks in front of my apartment building and it looks quiet. At six o’clock in the morning it usually is. I don’t see Sheila’s car, or mom’s either. I look up and I see no lights on in the windows to our apartment.

  “You sure you want to come up? You can wait here and it won’t take long.” I don’t want Bud to witness the way Mom and Sheila will react if I wake them up.

  “I’m coming up with you. Deal with , Tara.” Bud sounds like a papa bear. I just hope he doesn’t regret it. Bud gets out of his door and grabs the two boxes. I take the trash bags. We finally make it to the apartment. I open the door as quietly as possible. The living room is trashed. There is beer bottles and take-out cartons all over the place. Bud walks in behind me and takes in the way the place looks. I am ashamed of the pig pen.

  “I’m sorry, Bud. The place doesn’t usually look this bad. They must have had people over.” There’s not much else I can say.

  “Do you usually clean up after everyone?” Bud asks me.

  “Yes, but they don’t leave it this way very often.” I am honest with Bud. He shakes his head.

  “Gather up what you need, sweetheart. This time they can clean their own damn mess.” I go to my bedroom and open the door. The room looks like a tornado hit it. Tornado Sheila, but at least she isn’t home. I still have the trash bags in my hand so I strip my bed, pillows and all, and put everything in one trash bag and tie it up. I go to my dresser and start opening drawers. I put everything in another trash bag. I go to my closet and pull down a couple more blankets and put them in another trash bag. I bend down and pick up the shoes I have, three pair, and throw them in, too.

  I pick up the trash bags and take them to Bud. “I’ll take these down and be back.” I just nodmy head. I take two of the boxes and go back in the bedroom and clean out the nightstand beside my bed with the rest of my school papers, my mail, and the jewelry I have. Then I go to the bathroom with the other box. I get my personal items out along with my hair products, blow dryer, flat iron, and the little makeup I have. I also grab the towels and wash clothes I bought myself.

  I can’t believe I am twenty-two years old and this is all I have. A couple of boxes and a few trash bags. I’ve never been one to hang onto a lot of material things but this is ridiculous. I don’t even own a dress. I know I need to do better for myself.

  I go back to the living room and look around. Bud walks back in so I get the boxes so he can get them loaded. When Bud is gone, I go to my mom’s room and open the door. I see she is not home either. I go to her closet and find the box that I am looking for. It holds all our important papers and some snapshots from my childhood. I left these in here so Sheila wouldn’t destroy it if she threw a fit. That’s one of Sheila’s favorite things to do is destroy anything important to me. I shut the closet door and then leave my mom’s room. I go to the kitchen and there’s really nothing in here that is worth taking. I go back to the front room and Bud is waiting on me.

  “That’s it.” I don’t know what else to say.

  “Let’s get going then.” Bud’s right. I feel sad leaving this apartment. Why, I don’t know. The only thing my mom and Sheila will miss me for is money. I just wish I could turn off my feelings for them both.

  Chapter 9


  I walk into the diner and look around for Tara. The only waitress I see is a middle-aged woman. The place is empty and I look at the clock to see that it’s still early. “Take a seat anywhere. You are the first customer this morning. You want some coffee?”

  “Yeah, black.” I tell her.

  “I like that. A man that knows what he likes.” I take the booth in the back so I can see when people come in. It’s not long before the waitress is bringing me my coffee with a menu under her arm. “Do you know what you’d like to eat or do you need this menu?”

  “I’d like two eggs over easy, sausage, hash browns, and dry white toast with grape jelly on the side.” I look at the waitress’s name tag to see her name is Mildred. “I need some butter with that too, Mildred.”

  “See, that is exactly what I mean, you know exactly what you want. My day is starting out right.” Mildred smiles.

  “Glad to help with that. Could I have a small glass of ice, too? Is Tara working this morning?” Mildred looks me up and down.

  “Why?” It’s simple but I know if Mildred does not like my answer I will get nothing out of her. She’s the type to be open and friendly in hopes of getting a better tip but she doesn’t take anyone at face value.

  “I need to talk to her about her second job. My club bought the gym she works at and I have some things I need to discu
ss with her about her application.” Mildred is looking in my eyes to see if she can find any deceit. It’s half true. I see when she decides I am telling the truth.

  “That girl works too much. Don’t be pulling her away from us. She’s the best waitress to work with here. She shows up on time or early every time. She’ll stay late and if anyone needs off she jumps at the chance for the extra hours. It’s hard to find people that will work like that. I know she likes the extra money she makes at the gym. Bud ran her over to her apartment to pick up some things. They should be back anytime. Bud is putting her up in the room over the kitchen. He would have offered it to her sooner but couldn’t come up with a good enough excuse. That girl is proud and determined to not turn out like her sister.” Mildred cuts her talking off when the bell goes off over the door.

  Bud walks in with Tara trailing behind him. Mildred doesn’t say anything else about Tara’s sister. “I’ll tell Tara you want to talk to her.” I give Bud a nod but Tara is in a hurry and doesn’t give me a second glance. I see Mildred talking to Tara and Mildred must be telling her what I said because Tara finally gives me a look. She doesn’t smile or show any emotion. I am going to need to step up my game if I am going to keep tabs on her. She’s not impressed by my cut or my motorcycle. I think I like that.

  Most women try to push themselves on most bikers. I don’t know if it is the thrill of a bad boy type or to get closer to the Feral Steel Club. Either way they are wasting their time on me.

  Something about Tara interests me. She’s different. I watch her as she is working as more people come in. She’s not flirty with any of the men but she’s not over friendly with anyone. She moves with confidence like she knows exactly what she is doing. I guess working here since she was sixteen gives her that confidence. The thing that stands out to me about Tara is she never dresses to impress and I don’t think she wears any makeup at all. She doesn’t need to. She has a natural beauty about her. Not the fake made up beauty you see on television or magazine covers but a girl next door kind of pretty. She’s also doesn’t look like she worries about what she eats.

  Her tits aren’t overly large and the clothes she wears doesn’t pull them together and push them in your face. Even in the loose jeans she is wearing with the long t-shirt I can make out that plump ass. The rest of her is a mystery. The clothes she wears keeps her covered, it’s a shame. Tara Blount is a woman of mystery. Why is she so focused on her education if it is taking her so long to get it? Why does she have such a good work ethics if she wasn’t brought up that way? Why does a woman her age not try to at least flirt with the men that flirt with her? Oz hasn’t found any boyfriends. I need answers or Tara will never leave my thoughts. Maybe I just need a distraction.

  “Here’s your food, handsome. If you need anything, you just wave.” Mildred sets my food in front of me. I look at my plate and it’s just like I ordered it. Mildred has the coffee pot in her other hand and fills my cup.

  “Could I have some ketchup and that small glass of ice?” Mildred nods her head.

  “Sure thing.” Mildred walks into the back and brings my ketchup and ice back. “Everything look alright?”

  “Everything looks good.” I tell her. Mildred leaves me to myself. I put a couple of pieces of ice in my coffee and stir it. Then I salt and pepper my eggs and cut them up. I add salt to my hash browns and add some ketchup. I cut my sausage and proceed to eat, keeping an eye on Tara.

  I feel like a creeper but I can’t help myself. Tara does nothing to draw attention to herself but I can’t take my eyes off her. I guess my brothers at the club are right. I need to get laid. It has been a long time. I take care of myself. I don’t need to explain things to my hand. I don’t have questions to answer that I don’t want to face. I went through the faze of fucking faceless women in my teenage years and early twenties. I’m a man, I love pussy but I have never had a girlfriend or woman of my own. Now, I don’t want to stick my cock where all my brothers have been. When I watch Devil with Callie, I want that someday but what the rest of my Feral Steel brothers do, that doesn’t interest me at all. I don’t know why I am even having these thoughts. Tara is a job just like any other job.

  I have eaten half my food and Tara still hasn’t come over to see why I was asking about her. This woman mystifies me. I see her coming my direction with the coffee pot in her hand.

  “Do you need a refill?” Tara asks me but her eyes never meet mine. She looks anywhere but my eyes.

  “Yes. Didn’t Mildred tell you I asked about you? I need to speak to you when you get a chance.” Tara looks at me like I have two heads. She refills my cup.

  “She said you needed to speak to me but I have work. I won’t have a break until ten thirty. I got a late start so Mildred gets the first break. I can’t leave the floor with no one on it.” I look at her avoiding my eyes and it amuses me.

  “I’m right here, darlin’. Look me in the eyes when you talk to me.” She finally looks at me. Tara looks tired. “I’ll be here when you get your break. I have a few things to do at the gym and I will be back. Relax Tara, it’s just about your job at the gym. Just call it a follow up on your interview.”

  Tara just nods her head and starts to move along. I stop her. I take my wallet out and give her twenty dollars for my breakfast. “Tell Mildred to keep the change.” Tara moves along and I finish drinking my coffee, get up, and walk out the door. Tara is going to be hard to get next to but if that is what Devil wants me to do then that is what I will do.

  It’s a beautiful day. I get on my bike and ride the short distance to the gym. When I get off my bike I feel the pain in my hip when I stand on it and my legs feel weak but I won’t let it get me down. I’m alive. That’s all that runs through my head. I’m not the man I once was but I am alive.

  I walk into the gym and I see the light on in the office. I make my way over and I hear voices coming from inside. I am not trying to overhear but I don’t want to interrupt either. When I hear the voices, I realize it is just Devil and Callie. I wonder what Callie is doing here but I know she spends as much time with Devil as she can get since they have two sons to tend to. I tap on the door so I don’t just barge in. Considering it is Devil and Callie, there’s no telling if they have clothes on. I wait for someone to tell me to come on in but it takes a minute. I laugh to myself.

  “Get your ass in here.” Devil doesn’t sound happy. I can’t help the smile on my face. “You assholes cock block me every damn time.” Callie smacks Devils arm.

  “Isn’t that why you have a home? Hey, I was just trying to get some work in while I wait on Tara to get a break at work.” The smile never leaves my face.

  “You’ll learn when you get a couple of kids running around you get it when you can. My damn house is like the damn Ramada Inn. People check in but they never check out. I would like one week of only my family at my own damn house.” Devil is in top form this morning.

  “Kylar, everyone at our house is family. We just have a large family and everyone likes to congregate at our house. You should be proud. Besides, don’t I always make it up to you?” Callie is sitting on the edge of Devil’s desk and he is beside her.

  “You do babe, but for once, I would like to not need to make an appointment to fuck my wife. You know you are damn sexy when you have one of our kids baking inside of you. I can’t keep my hands off you.” Devil kisses the top of Callie’s head.

  “Looks like you have had plenty of time with your wife. You keep her knocked up. Give the woman a rest.” Callie laughs but Devil gives me a hard look.

  “What the hell do you want, Rome?” Devil never takes his eyes off Callie.

  “It seems like Bud is setting Tara up in a room above his diner. She didn’t go home last night and she was moving her things in early this morning. That may put a damper on your plans for the apartment complex concerning her.” That gets Devil’s attention. Her walks behind the desk and sits down.

  “Do you think she would make a good manager for the complex? I don�
��t like the idea of using her to get to this Liam if she could be an asset to us. People outside the club are hard to trust but we can’t put all the brothers to work if there is still a threat hanging over us. Someone needs to be available in case of emergencies. I don’t want to run shoddy businesses. That’s how you build a bad reputation, and as small as this town is, we can’t afford that if we want to make our businesses a success.” Devil is right about that.

  “How do you want me to handle it? If she has a place to stay it blows our idea out of the water. What is she going to gain? More hours to work? From what I have heard from her and Mildred, another waitress at the diner, she works all the hours she can. She’ got nothing left to give. We may need to look somewhere else.” Devil is considering it.

  “Can her job here at the gym be given to someone else?” Callie asks. “I don’t know everything about it, but from what you told me, the manager of the gym could do most of her job here.” Callie looks at Devil. “Didn’t the old manager say Tara was filling some accounting duties that were his and the secretary’s job? The manager you hire for the gym should do his job or have his assistant or secretary, whichever he has, do the rest. I believe the rest of what Tara did was custodial and can be filled easier than the manager for an apartment complex unless she has other responsibilities I haven’t heard.” Devil looks at Callie like she is a genius.

  “Baby Girl, that makes a lot of sense. I don’t know who we are going to get to manage the gym but you are right. He or she needs to do all her work instead of handing it to someone else. They will have an assistant, also. Some of the things Tara was doing go to the accountant as well. We’ve already talked to a cleaning crew and I thought we would hire a couple of part-time workers for everything else. Tara was going to be the only full-time employee except for trainers and exercise and self-defense class instructors.” Devil looks in thought and starts looking at the stack of applications on his desk.


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