Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2)

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Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2) Page 8

by Vera Quinn

  “So, you decided to go with the self-defense classes like I suggested?” Callie is smiling. Devil looks up at Callie and I feel like I am intruding between the two.

  “Oz put up some interest flyers at different businesses and we got a lot of response. He also put it up in the library and out at the college. I think it is going to go over pretty good. Good idea.” Devil tells Callie.

  “Glad to help.” Callie and Devil are sickenly sweet sometimes. I like it but sometimes it is hard to watch. Devil looks at me.

  “Right now, we are at a standstill while waiting on some permits to update things here. Get close to Tara, you know, be friends.” Callie laughs at that. Devil gives her a look and she stops. “Oz should have the background check finished this afternoon. We will proceed from there. I know we are going to be watching the books at the apartment complex. There’s too much of a temptation with the cash.”

  “Don’t people pay by check or debit card these days or direct withdrawal from their banks? If we get a better class of people in the apartments, then there will be less cash transactions.” I tell Devil. Isn’t that the way it works? Hell, I’ve never rented an apartment.

  “Rome is right. The application states the forms of payments accepted.” Callie puts in.

  “Maybe Callie should take them over.” I think out loud.

  “Not happening. My ol’ lady is busy raising our kids. I intend to keep her knocked up until we can’t have anymore. That’s why I need for all of our businesses to be legit. I’m not taking any chances.” Devil is right.

  “So, Rome, how many friends do you have that are females? In fact, how many friends do you have outside of the brothers at the club?” Callie asks but she already knows the answer.

  “Callie, you are my friend, aren’t you?” I smile at Callie. When I first began prospecting for the Feral Steel MC I kept my distance from Callie. I couldn’t understand how she would want to be around me after everything my blood brother, Stacks, tried to do to her. Callie would have none of it. She went out of her way to become friends with me. She was always requesting me for her guard duty and she would bring me food to the clubhouse. She brought food for all the club brothers but I just couldn’t understand why she would for me.

  After my avoiding her every chance I could, Devil called me in his office one day. He had me sit down and then Callie came in. She walked right up to me and asked why I avoided her. That woman isn’t scared of any damn biker. I explained to her my thoughts on the matter but what she said knocked me on my ass. I was standing close to a chair and I fell into it I was so shocked.

  You see, I told her I didn’t want to remind her of what my brother did to her. All the cruel things he tried and how he made her life miserable when she should have been happy. She stared me down and told me we can’t pick who we are related to but what I need to think about is that my other brother makes her very happy every day and she thanks heaven every night for him.

  To say the least, she had my undying loyalty from that day forward. I would lay my life down for her and her children because she reminded me that I am her family, too. She doesn’t hold anything that Stacks did against me. She left me speechless and when she stuck her hand out, waiting for me to take it and shake it, I did just that. As we were shaking hands she told me that we would be friends for life. So, when I tell her she is my friend she knows I have not forgotten.

  “Until the day I die. Friends to the end.” Callie tells me but she doesn’t leave it at that. “What other friends do you have?” I think about it. I do have some friends from my time in the military. I don’t see them but I know even if we never see each other again that we will be friends until one of us doesn’t walk this earth again. I have some people I am friendly with at the VA but I wouldn’t consider them friends.

  “What’s your point?” I ask.

  “Our point is that you are the perfect person to keep an eye on her and get her comfortable with the club so she will be willing to work for us. If you attend the parties at the clubhouse you don’t drink and get out of hand. You don’t let the club girls paw all over you. Can you imagine if I gave the job to Hacksaw or Bowie? They are the two biggest man whores in the club. They will fuck her and piss her off and then where would we be? I still think we might be able to use the relationship between her sister and this Liam to our advantage.” Devil tells me.

  The part about Hacksaw and Bowie trying to fuck her does not sit right with me. I fist my hand but I try to relax. The thought just pisses me off. Tara is too good for the likes of any of my brothers, or even me, for that fact. She’s working hard to get ahead. Devil is waiting for my reaction.

  “I’ll keep an eye on Tara. I don’t know how it will go over. I’m not good at small talk. I’ll pitch the idea to her about the apartment complex. I hope I don’t fuck it up. I’m not good at talking to women.” I tell them both.

  “Just be yourself and it’ll go fine. Bring her to the next cookout at the clubhouse. I want to meet her.” Callie tells me but Devil shakes his head.

  “Someone else to bring into your little flock. Is that not what I said, Rome? Damn, do I know my woman or what?” Devil is laughing. Callie goes around the desk and sits down on his lap. She barely fits between him and the desk with her pregnant belly. Callie slides the chair back to give her more room. That is my cue to leave. I smile at the two but they only have eyes for each other.

  “I’m out. Talk later.” I turn to leave.

  “Shut the door on your way out and lock the outside door.” Devil tells me. Yep, I doubt I will be outside before those two are fucking. Lucky bastard.

  Chapter 10

  Devil (That’s right. It’s me.)

  “What are you doing, Kylar?” I look at Callie and know that she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know we didn’t start out right but I would die for her or my sons. I give her that look she knows so well. “I don’t mean us. I mean with Rome and this woman, Tara. You are not one that usually throws people together but you know and I know that is exactly what you are doing. Has my big bad biker gone soft on me?” Callie laughs and I know that she knows what she is doing.

  “Babe, why don’t you come over here and crawl up in my lap and see how soft I have gone.” Callie smiles at me. I can never get enough of this woman and she is so damn sexy when she is ripe with my child. Hell, Callie is the sexiest damn woman I have ever laid eyes on but when she is growing our children she is so damn luscious. I stay hard when I am in the same room with her and we have a house full of cock blockers all the time. Callie moves around the desk and crawls up in my lap like she was born to be there and we both know she was. Callie starts to nuzzle on my neck and strew small kisses that go straight to my cock. I reposition Callie where her center is bearing down on my cock and grind into her. She pulls back and looks at me.

  “Now you have me where you want me, answer my question, instead of avoiding it. Why are you putting Rome with Tara? You know we can find someone to manage the apartment complex. Hanna, Sarah, or Felix would do it and you know we can trust them. Felix has started nursing school but you are always complaining they are always under our feet all the time. Don’t you trust them and why trust someone you don’t know?” Callie is always so curious. Nothing gets past her, she knows me too well.

  “This is club business, Miss Nosey but it’s not top secret and I don’t see how it could get you into trouble, still, keep it between us.” I kiss the side of Callie’s head and grind up into her. She moans and I want her naked. “Felix has started classes but he is going to be helping out here in the gym. He’s going to take over the self-defense classes you suggested. Hanna is going to be taking over the exercise classes because Felicia tested positive on her drug screening. That is not good for business so she is out and Hanna is in. Then there is Sarah and she is going to be working at the restaurant we are reopening next month. I didn’t offer her a management job because she’s not qualified, yet, but if she learns everything and she likes it then we can
talk about it. She seemed happy with a waitress position to get her out of the house and some money in her pocket.” I take Callie’s lips in a scorching kiss that leaves us both breathless.

  “You’re not playing fair, Kylar. I have questions.” Callie bites my lip playfully. I pull her hot core to me and grind slowly.

  “I’m not playing, babe. My cock is serious about getting inside of you.” I kiss Callie on the slope of her neck and then run my tongue slowly up to her earlobe and suck it in my mouth. Callie pulls back away from me and lifts her shirt up and takes it off and throws it on top of my desk. Now that’s what I am talking about. I start to undo her bra and she pushes my hand away. I try again and she pushes me away again. “Babe, I need you, now.” Callie gives me that look she has gotten so good at. The look that mom’s get with their kids. Then she says the one thing that always gets me.

  “Please.” This woman knows how to play me because she owns me.

  “I am not some woman trying to play match maker. I just noticed that Rome reacts to Tara. When she is mentioned, he pays attention. You should have seen the way he watched Tara when she came in for her interview. I have never seen him watch a woman like he watched her. I need someone to get to know her a little better. You know, to see if maybe we can hire her. Rome brought it to my attention that her skills were being wasted here.” I think about it for a minute. “Hacksaw, Oz, and Rome spoke to her at the diner up the road and everyone we have spoken to says she is honest. Both her employers, Bud and Sal, say she is a hard worker. I just figure if Rome spends a little extra time with Tara, if something happens between them, so be it and if not, no harm no foul.” Callie’s eyes go soft.

  “You’re trying to help your brother. That is so sweet.” Callie leans into me and kisses me softly on my lips and then pulls back to look at me. “I love you, Kylar. To the rest of the world you may be Devil but I know the real you and you have the biggest heart.” I laugh.

  “Babe, not a lot of people would agree with that and I just want Rome to have some happiness. I see how he looks at us. He wants a good woman like I have.” I hug her to me. “He doesn’t watch us like he is jealous. He just wants something more like we have. He doesn’t fuck any of the club girls or the hang arounds. I haven’t seen him with any women, and he always seems lonely. He’s a good brother and I do not doubt his loyalty to the club but he seems so solitary.”

  “His eyes have a sadness like I have never seen before. I can talk to Sarah or Hanna but you know my friends. They are unpredictable when it comes to men. Neither one is ready to settle down.” Callie says but she has the wrong idea.

  “I am not trying to push Tara and Rome together permanently. I just thought they might be friends or some shit. I don’t know. Hell, you and your friends are turning me into a damn busy body. Next, you’ll have me sipping tea. What the hell am I thinking?” I really don’t know what possessed me but Callie is right. Rome has a deep sadness in his eyes.

  “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to help your brother. I like it and your secret is safe with me. I just want to check this woman out to make sure she doesn’t have an agenda. Women are hard for men to read sometimes.” I laugh at my wife. Callie is just a mother hen. She wants to make sure all her chicks are cared for.

  “Oz is checking her out thoroughly. So far so good. She keeps to herself, works two jobs, and has her school work. She has no bank account or credit cards, lives with her mom and sister, has a younger brother in the army and not even a boyfriend that has come up. No police record at all, not even a parking ticket. She doesn’t own a car or cell phone. No one has one bad word to say about her. All that is strange, but the woman has no friends. Oz has not found a single one, just the people she works with. It’s just weird.” I pull Callie tighter to me.

  “Maybe she needs Rome as much as he needs her.” Callie backs away from me a little and unfastens her bra and slowly pulls it down. I take advantage of that fast. I have her nipple in my mouth before she can move back anymore. I suck the nipple until it is taut and then run my tongue over the bud. The moan that comes from my woman has me on edge. I want Callie, no I need her, more than my next breath. From the first time I sank my cock in Callie’s hot wet pussy she has owned me. That is exactly where I want to be now. I tease the tip of her nipple mercilessly. Callie is grinding down on my cock.

  “Play time is over, babe. Strip and hands on the desk.” Callie looks at me and I see the lust in her eyes so she doesn’t argue. I help her to her feet. I turn her around as she pushes her sweats down taking her panties along with them in one push. I kiss down her back slowly then drag my tongue down her spine to her delectable ass. I kiss one ass cheek and palm the other. I slide my hand between her legs and I feel how wet she is for me. My finger slides into her wet pussy and out. I glide it up to her clit. It’s slightly swollen and my finger glides over it easily with the wetness from her core. I rub my finger over it in small circles. Callie is thrusting her ass out to me and trying to get more friction from my finger but I am not ready for that yet. I am in charge here and Callie knows that. “You want me, babe? It feels like you need me. Tell me what you want Callie.” Callie tries pushing onto my finger but I stop the stimulation.

  “I need you, Kylar. I need it.” Callie says in a low, husky voice. I bend down and spread her legs wider so I can position myself with a full view of Callie’s beautiful pussy. I can smell how much she wants me. I pull Callie down towards my face. I run my tongue through her pussy slowly towards her swollen clit. Her bud is hard and I run my tongue over it slowly. Callie tries to push down on my face. I suck her clit in my mouth and flick my tongue until Callie is breathing hard gasping for air.

  “Like that, babe?” I ask Callie.

  “God yes, Kylar. I need more. I am so close.” I slide two fingers into Callie and start to finger fuck her while I suck on her clit.

  “Play with your nipples, babe. Roll it in your fingers like I do. Show me those beautiful nipples.” Callie does as I ask her. I can feel the pre-cum leaking from the end of my cock. I know I need to let Callie cum because when I get inside her I am not going to last.

  “Kylar, I need you to fuck me. I need your cock. Please, Kylar.” I suck then flatten my tongue and Callie grinds down on it. I feel her pussy quiver and I know it is not going to take much for her to fall over the edge. I start sucking and grinding my face into Callie’s clit. Bang. Bang. Oh shit. I hear the door handle on the office door rattle but Callie is too far gone. “Kylar, oh fuck. I am coming. Oh shit, babe. So, good, I love you, Kylar.” I still hear someone trying to get the door open. Are they fucking deaf? Callie could have woken the dead with her moaning and yelling of my name. Callie stills when she hears someone try the door again and then pounding.

  “Devil, we need to talk.” Hacksaw says in a loud voice but he is half laughing.

  “Oh crap!” Callie tries to pull away from me.

  “Babe, do not move. I swear, I will spank your ass if you try to move away from me.” I tell Callie. I wipe Callie’s juices from my face. “Hacksaw, is something wrong with my sons or anyone dead?” I yell.

  “No, Prez. Just have something to talk about.” Hacksaw is half laughing but I do not find it amusing.

  “Then get the fuck away from my door. If anyone else comes near that door in the next thirty minutes, I will shoot them. Do you understand me?” I am a man on a mission. I need inside Callie’s wet pussy and nothing and no one is standing in my way.

  “Be back in thirty.” I hear Hacksaw laughing as he walks away. I stand up behind Callie and unfasten my belt and my jeans. I let them fall. Not taking the time to get naked.

  “Callie, brace yourself, babe. This is going to be hard and fast. Can you handle that?” I swing around and look at Callie’s face. She is beet red but she still has a lust filled look in her eyes.

  “Take me, Kylar. I need to feel you inside me.” Callie says.

  “Spread your legs a little wider.” Callie does exactly as I said and she backs her a
ss up to me. This woman is tempting a starving man. I line my cock up to her wet slit. “It’s going to be hard, babe.”

  I slide my cock in Callie’s hot pussy. I pull back out fast and then slide all the way back in until my groin is sliding against Callie’s delectable ass. I start a steady pace letting Callie adjust to be being filled. I only want to hurt her in the best way. I am trying to think of anything but how good my cock feels being squeezed by Callie’s pussy. I grab Callie’s hips and I let myself find my own rhythm. Going deep and pulling out until just the tip is left inside. I’m moving in and out, faster. I feel the tingle start in my spine. I know I am going to cum but I slow my thrusts and reach around and start rubbing Callie’s clit. I need to cum. I pull my cock all the way out and start rubbing my cock from Callie’s hot slit to her hard clit. I quit rubbing her clit with my hand and run the tip of my cock back and forth until Callie is moving up and down my cock. Helping me slide my cock back and forwards. Both of us are grasping for air. I can’t take anymore.

  I slide my cock back and slam into her hot juices. Callie gasps. “Get there, babe. I can’t wait any longer.” Callie puts her hand between her legs and I feel the walls of her pussy milking the cum right out of my cock. I grab her hips and three short strokes and I am emptying my seed inside of my woman. I feel her orgasm. I keep up the pace until “FUCK!!” Damn. I am almost motionless from the pure pleasure I feel. Callie’s head hits the desk. I look up to make sure she isn’t hurt and I see the satisfaction in my woman’s face. I put that there and I will keep putting it there.

  Chapter 11


  I walk back in the diner and I see Tara is just sitting in a booth in the back. Mildred waves at me. I walk up to her. “Could you bring me a glass of iced tea to Tara’s booth?” Mildred nods her head at me. I go on back and sit down across from Tara. I see Tara is eating a grilled cheese sandwich with some apple slices sitting beside it. “That’s going to fill you up? You don’t eat much.” Tara looks up at me. She takes a bite of her sandwich and chews and swallows. She takes a drink of her water.


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