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As the Cog Turns

Page 8

by Eve Langlais

  For distraction during the long revolutions of the cog as they travelled, he stared at the tiny gear embedded in his thumb. It hadn’t gone any deeper and resisted all attempts to pry it out. More annoying, he couldn’t figure out what the gear did. He didn’t appear any different. His strength about the same when he put himself through a routine of exercise. His mental acuity no better than before. Perhaps Ursy was correct when she claimed the tiny cog acted merely as a transition piece between a more important pair.

  The one good thing to come out of their visit to the Obsidian Market? It turned out the clear window over the cockpit of Ursy’s space zeppelin had been repaired, which meant he got a panoramic view of the galaxy as they zipped through. Destination? Unknown.

  Ursy hadn’t said much to him since they’d left the market more than ten cog turns ago. She avoided him as much as he avoided her.

  Something had changed between them, and he couldn’t yet say with any certainty how or what. Just that there existed a tension between them, almost a shyness even, which she covered by not looking him in the eye.

  Could one kiss really be the cause? It might be past time he found out. Rising early from his allocated rest period, he joined her in the cockpit.

  “When are you going to tell me where we’re headed?” he asked, leaning against a console with steadily glowing lights. The true machinery lay below their feet.

  “I’ll tell you when you ask me.”

  “I just did.”

  “We’re going to Yamaika.”

  “The beach world?” Comprised of oceans with a warm, humid climate and sandy stretches with clumps of verdant jungle, the planet had long ago been parceled and purchased by extremely rich individuals and companies offering expensive resort experiences. “Why? Planning to work on your tan?”

  The look she cast him might have held a sneer, yet it still tightened his groin. When had she become so beautiful?

  “I need to speak to someone there.”


  “An old friend.”

  Like pulling out rivets from stubborn metal. “Do I know her?” he asked.

  “It’s a him. And no, you don’t.” She stood and stretched, arms pulled behind her back as she arched, thrusting out her chest.

  He noticed she didn’t wear a bra. And she caught him staring.

  She snapped her fingers. “Since you’re obviously bored again, you can pilot while I take a break.”

  One good thing had happened since their escape from the market. She’d been more willing to give him a turn as captain since, apparently, he now rated better than the autopilot.

  He decided to poke her and see what happened. “When are we going to discuss what happened at the market?”

  “You mean the fact you got me banned from yet another place?”

  “In my defense, you usually do that on your own.”

  Her lips twitched. “True.”

  “But that wasn’t what I meant. We should talk about the kiss.”

  Immediately, her posture turned rigid. “What about it?”

  The fact that she appeared hostile made him wonder if he’d misread her reaction to it. “You liked it.”

  “Did not.”

  “Funny because I recall you kissing me back.”

  Her lip curled. “No, I didn’t.” She blatantly lied.

  Game on. “You going to claim it was someone else’s mouth sucking on mine? Maybe an alien pretending to be your tongue?”

  No way he could miss the color that suddenly brightened her cheeks.

  “Is this about stroking your ego? Do you need me to tell the mighty Wulff that he is a good kisser?”

  “No, I—” What exactly was he trying to prove?

  “If this is your pathetic attempt to convince me to have sex with you because no one else is available, then the answer is no.”

  “That’s not what I was trying to do.”

  She arched a brow. “So you don’t want to have sex with me?”

  “No. I mean yes. This isn’t going how I expected.”

  “And what did you expect, exactly?” Ursy retorted. “You made it clear a long time ago that you would never be interested in me. Therefore, I can only assume your sudden change of heart has to do with boredom. Problem is I want nothing to do with you. After all, like you’ve been telling me for ages, we’re like family, brother.” Ursy left with a sway of hips that left him staring, the words he wanted to say stuck to his tongue.

  We’re not related. Not by blood at any rate. As for his thoughts and feelings? Far from brotherly.

  But how to change her mind?

  It certainly didn’t happen over the next few turns of the cog. Ursy paid him only the barest attention. Which only served to heighten his awareness of her.

  “We’re almost there,” she shouted from the cockpit as he worked off his frustration by doing pull-ups over and over until his arms burned.

  Dropping to the floor, he padded over to join her. Through the window he could see them approaching a mostly blue planet with island blobs bearing edges of white sand surrounding dark brown and green clumps.

  Ursy leaned back in her seat and gave him an upside-down glance. “Think you can handle landing the ship without killing us both? I already received permission to dock. so you just need to follow the beacon guide.” A drone that appeared as a red ball of light zoomed to a spot in front of them.

  “Why aren’t you taking us in?”

  “I need to get changed.”

  “Into what?”

  “You’ll see.” Her enigmatic answer was tossed over her shoulder as she brushed past him.

  Taking the seat, still warm from her body, he shouted, “You finally going to tell me about this friend we’re going to see?” He held the Unicorn Bandit steady as they penetrated the veil covering the planet and zoomed through the atmosphere.

  She hollered a reply. “Lowqi.”

  “And who is Lowqi?”

  “An old friend.”

  Friend? He’d never seen Ursy bother getting changed for a friend before.

  She emerged transformed from a tough, don’t-screw-with-me Siyborgh into a female whose appearance screamed, “I’m looking to screw.”

  Since when did she wear a top that plunged low in the front showing off her cleavage? What about those pants? The leather supple enough to mold to her every curve. Was that perfume he smelled? Gloss on her lips?

  He scowled. “I thought we were looking for the next piece of treasure.”

  “What makes you think we aren’t?”

  He eyed her up and down, his blood heating with jealousy since he knew she’d not dressed for him. “Since you look more ready to seduce than negotiate.”

  “Why, Woofy, did you just tell me I looked pretty?” She placed a hand on a cocked hip and pursed her lips.

  “You always look—” He almost said delicious. “Good. But this”—he indicated her body—“is meant to addle someone’s wits.”

  “I’m glad you think so, because we need Lowqi’s help.”

  He almost asked how far she was willing to go to get it. But that would smack of possessiveness and jealousy. Which, if he were to be honest, he felt in spades. However, admitting it? Ursy might finally decide to rid herself of him and tell her brother it was an accident.

  To his surprise, she didn’t demand back the ship controls but rather stood at his back, distracting him. He focused on the weaving ball of light as it guided him to an island ringed in white sand, the center of it a jungle morass, and jutting from that a spire of stone with a flat top with one ship parked already. He landed beside it.

  Before he could unbuckle, Ursy had left the cockpit and was already heading out of the hatch.

  He arrived in time to see her hugging a male enthusiastically. Kissing him on both cheeks. Touching him…

  He might have growled a little.

  Stomping harder than necessary down the gangplank, well aware he still wore his simple workout clothes and a layer of sweat, he dre
w the attention of Lowqi, who had the slick build of a fighter, the good looks of a courtesan, and the cold gaze of a predator.

  How could this fellow excite Ursy? Did she have feelings for him? Were they returned?

  He itched to draw a weapon, and yet, technically, no threat presented itself. Just a jealous monster dying to get out.

  “You brought someone?” Lowqi kept an arm around Ursy’s waist as he eyed Wulff.

  “That’s just Wulff. Zak’s best friend from when we were young.” That easily, she dismissed him and turned away, tugging Lowqi. “This place is gorgeous.”

  It truly was. The rooftop deck gave them an incredible view of the ocean and the sun dancing off it.

  “I forgot you’d not seen it. It’s been a while since we’ve been together.”

  Was it Wulff, or was that a deliberate jab meant for him?

  “Too long. You’ll have to show me everything.”

  The tour proved to be an exercise in torture as Lowqi showed off his splendid home and his immaculate beach. The way he had Ursy hanging off his every word—and arm—drove Wulff nuts.

  “I could use a real shower if you don’t mind,” Wulff finally snapped when he could handle it no more. Since he couldn’t bathe in the male’s blood, water would have to do.

  “Of course. How remiss of me. The guest quarters are down that hall.” Lowqi extended a hand. “Choose any one you like. They are all well equipped to handle any of your needs.”

  Doubtful, because Ursy wasn’t in any of them.

  Unable to watch this softer version of Ursy—a woman who flirted and smiled for another man—he stomped away.

  If she wanted this slick Lowqi fellow, then have at it. Next port of call he was jumping ship and shopping for a new cog. One to replace his broken heart.


  “Nothing more predictable than pitting two males against each other. Jealousy can be a powerful tool.” – Today’s Modern Female Siyborgh

  The moment Wulff left, Ursy moved away from Lowqi, putting space between them.

  He arched a brow. “All that was for his benefit?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” A lie because she had done it on purpose to bother Wulff, and Lowqi noticed.

  Lowqi arched a brow. “Since when do you dress up when you come to see me? Or smile for that matter? Even when we were lovers, you used to arrive and bark at me to get undressed.”

  She eyed Lowqi, remembering the fun times they had, but not tempted in the least. She now had a Wulff kiss to compare, and poor Lowqi just couldn’t compete.

  “You never had a problem with it before.”

  Lowqi rolled his shoulders and smiled. “Because having sex with you is like the ultimate thrill ride where you don’t always know if you’ll make it out alive.”

  Her turn to shrug. “I like things a little rough.”

  “Rough and unattached. I always knew better than to fall in love with you. You would have eviscerated me if I’d announced I had feelings.”

  “Keep complaining and I still might.”

  “Any particular reason why you want him jealous?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Can’t I be happy to see you?”

  “Happy, yes, but you acted as if you were planning to fornicate with me the moment we got out of sight.”

  She should. It would solve so many problems, and yet she wouldn’t. Rather than tell another lie, she remained silent. Simmering.

  Ever since the kiss, things between her and Wulff had changed. He’d even tried to address it, claiming she enjoyed it. Which she had. Any other male she’d have pinned and ridden already by now, but Wulff just had to ruin it by implying he’d like to take things to a new level.

  They both knew it wouldn’t work. She just couldn’t have exactly explained why.

  A part of her urged her to give in to temptation while knowing any fleeting affair wouldn’t last. The moment they rejoined the crew, he’d probably shove her aside, claiming he didn’t love her in the way a man should love a woman.

  Then she’d have to kill him. Zak would get mad. And she’d…probably be sad.

  Lowqi prodded her silence. “Why the elaborate charade? The Ursy I know usually has no problem putting a man in his place.”

  “Wulff is stubborn.”

  “So get rid of him.”

  The most logical solution. She could have left him at the market. Dropped him off at numerous places on her way here, and yet she chose to keep him close. And, at the same time, far away.

  “I need him for something.”

  “If you’re looking for sexual relief, I am more than happy to offer my services.”

  The suggestion curled her lip. “Just like a male to make that kind of assumption.”

  “Why else would you have him tagging along?”

  “For your information, Wulff and I are working together. Collecting gears.”

  “I thought you usually did that alone.”

  “You know I sometimes work with my brother’s crew.”

  “Crew as in several people. Not one. On your ship,” Lowqi pointed out.

  “His vessel exploded.”

  “And there you go justifying his presence rather than admitting the reason why he’s actually traveling with you. Say it. I, Ursy Mynorr, am lusting after a male.”

  “Am not.”

  “Look at you lying. You must really like him. Is he that good between your legs?”

  The crude remark brought a scowl, mostly because the thought of Wulff intimately touching… The ensuing image in her head made her bark, “We have not fornicated. Nor will we. He’s like a brother to me.” The words tasted sour on her tongue.

  “Brother?” Lowqi snorted with laughter. “If I ever lusted after my sister the way you do him, my father would turn me into a eunuch himself.”

  She fingered her knife. Apparently she’d allowed herself to get too friendly with Lowqi, to the point he thought he could give her unwanted advice. “I might amputate it myself if you keep talking. I didn’t come here to discuss Wulff.”

  “No, but you did come determined to make him jealous.”

  “Even if I had, it didn’t work. He left.”

  Lowqi stared at her. “Are you that blind? He left because it worked.”

  “No it didn’t, because you’re still alive.”

  “Not everyone kills the people that annoy them, Ursy.”

  “They should. It would make things less complicated.”

  “Yet he lives.”

  She scowled. “For now.”

  For some reason that caused Lowqi to chuckle. “I have to admit this is a fascinating side to you. The mighty Ursy in love.”

  “It’s not love.”

  “Lust then.”

  “I’m not going to screw him.”

  “But he doesn’t know that. I’ll bet your Wulff is right now pacing his room, wondering what we’re up to.”


  “Shall we check?” Lowqi offered. “I’ve got cameras in his room.”

  Good to know. She lifted her chin. “I really don’t care what Wulff does or feels.”

  “If you didn’t, then you’d have sex with me. Right now. The Ursy I know is at her most passionate when angry.”

  He had a point. When frustration overflowed, she’d always found escape in the pleasures of the flesh. Until now, when she could use it most.

  “You know what. We should have sex,” she suddenly decided. Why not? Lowqi never failed in the bedroom.

  “Are you sure?” Now he hesitated.

  “Yes. Males are interchangeable. One cock is the same as another.”

  “No, it’s not, and you know that.”

  She stepped closer to him. “Shut up and get undressed.”

  “I think I’ve changed my mind.”

  That brought a brow arching sharply. “Changed your mind? After haranguing me? I don’t think so. You think I need sex, and you’re going to provide it. Get naked. Or not. Doesn�
�t matter so long as you provide a cock. Or would you like me to smother you?”

  Lowqi sighed. “Wow, there is really no romance at all in that request.”

  “I thought we didn’t do romance.”

  “We don’t. Nor do I intend to get murdered by Wulff because you’re too stubborn to seduce the male you really want.”

  “You really think Wulff would care,” she stated in a musing tone.

  “Yes. Which is why I’m going to pass.”

  Probably a good thing because she had no interest in mounting Lowqi. It didn’t feel right somehow. Which could mean only one thing.

  Lowqi was right and she only wanted Wulff.


  Her vulva was broken. Might be past time to look into getting it upgraded.

  She grumbled. “Fine. But don’t come crying to me later. You know I don’t give second chances.”

  “But at least I’ll live another day.” Lowqi grinned.

  “Not if you keep being annoying. I didn’t come here for chitchat. I have work for you.”

  “Be still my heart, you do still have a use for me.” He grabbed at his chest.

  She glared.

  It only widened his smile. “You do realize, since we’re not having sex, I’ll have to charge you.”

  “I’ll expect a friends and family rate. Also, your complete silence on whatever you discover.”

  “You have me intrigued. Let’s see what you’ve brought for me to play with.”

  First, Ursy had to return to the ship to retrieve the broken drone. While Lowqi might give the appearance of debauched bachelor, he also held a brilliant mind inside his body. Electronics were his specialty. She’d once joked he could build a computer out of a metal needle. He said he could, but it would require a little bit of thread. She never did figure out if he jested or not.

  Upon her return with the crate holding the broken drone, he led her through the house to an attached atrium. All glass, yet climate controlled, meaning she felt as if she were outdoors. The view and the sunshine were breathtaking. However, the room itself contained all the makings of a workshop.


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