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Diamonds (Den of Thieves Book 1)

Page 11

by Cosgrove, A. M.

  Daria looked at Peter and then back at the woman.

  “You see child, had you not been born it would have been me who had that necklace. And then you were born and your father refused to give it to me. And well that was all I wanted from him.”

  “You used him!” Daria’s blood flared.

  “Everyone uses everyone. Just ask your boy there. He knows all about that.” The woman laughed.

  Daria’s stomach churned. She didn’t know what to believe.

  “But since you now know what I am up to, you can’t live.” The woman took a step forward.

  “Wait what?”

  Daria stumbled backwards away from the woman and ran into Peter’s chest. He wrapped and arm around her and pulled her behind him.

  “You aren’t getting near her Bonnie,” he growled.

  “What do you think is going to stop me? You? Please don’t make me laugh. You are nothing more than a pretty face.” She pulled a gun out from behind her back and aimed it at them.

  Daria screamed, “Peter! Look out!”

  Peter lunged towards the woman as he pushed Daria back towards the shelter of the car. The gun fired into the night sky as Peter and Bonnie fought for the gun.

  “I will not let you stop me!” She cursed as he pulled the gun out of her hand and she stumbled back.

  Daria watched it all unfold before her in horror. The two were both on the edge of the cliff now, both heaving. Neither taking their eyes off the other.

  Peter pulled his arm back to throw the gun off the edge at the same moment that the woman lunged at him again. Peter sidestepped as he released the gun into the air, to avoid being tackled.

  For a moment time stood still and then Bonnie disappeared over the edge, her screams echoing in the night before they stopped suddenly.

  Daria rushed to the edge of the cliff but Sebastian grabbed her and hauled her back. She didn’t need to see what lay at the bottom.

  Daria started to sob as she leaned into him. He held her as the sobs washed over her.

  “Why was she saying those things about you Peter?” She looked up at him once she had regained some composure. Her tears glistened in the light from the headlights.

  Sebastian didn’t answer. He didn’t want to speak the words he knew she would not want to hear.

  “Is it true Peter?” Her eyes wide, pleading with him to tell her that it wasn’t true.

  He didn’t want to tell her now, not like this. At the same time he was tired of the lies and the pretenses. He wanted her to know the truth.

  “Daria, I--” He started but the words wouldn’t come out.

  “It’s true!” She squirmed out of his arms and pushed him away.

  “Daria-- Please!” He reached out for her but she pulled back her face full of anger.

  Sebastian heart sank; he couldn’t blame her for being angry.

  “Why?” She screamed.

  “I had to! I didn’t have a choice!”

  “But I loved you Peter! If that even is your name.” She collapsed into sobs on the ground.

  Sebastian took a deep breath and started towards her.

  “Daria, please give me a chance to explain-”

  “Why? Why should I? You lied to me!” She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face

  “I know, and I am sorry. I--”

  “What is your name? Let’s start with that. It’s not Peter, so what is it?”


  “Sebastian.” She thought about it for a moment, “So do you know the truth about who that woman is?”

  Sebastian nodded.

  “Can you tell me please? Or is that against the rules?” Anger again.

  “She was speaking the truth to some degree, Daria. She is your mother from what we can gather.”

  “We? What? There is more than one of you people?” Daria looked around but nothing moved in the barren landscape.

  Sebastian nodded, not trusting his words as there was a lump rising in his throat. He’d never had to face the initial reaction to his deceptions. In the past he had wished he could have seen the look on his marks’ faces as the realization dawned on them. This was one he never wanted to see.

  “So who are you people?”

  “We are a company the government hires to find missing items for them when they can’t use legal channels. On occasion a member of the public may have the money to hire us to retrieve stolen items if they do not want to go through the police or if the police can’t do what needs to be done.” He sighed, his job sounded so wrong when he pared it down to the basics. “That was the case with your mother, she hired us to retrieve your necklace.”

  “So what were you going to do then? Once you got my necklace?”

  “That is the thing Daria. We don’t just do whatever it is that people pay us to do. We dig and make sure that we are on the right side of the law before we do anything. We had just found out the truth about your mother’s plans this evening, well my team did, and that was why I came to you tonight. To warn you about your mother.”

  “Warn me? You were the one who brought me to her in the first place!”

  “No Daria, I didn’t. If it had been anyone else, they would not have stopped trying to get at that necklace. You have to believe me. I came back to make sure you were protected.”

  “I don’t know what to believe anymore Peter-Sebastian. Whatever your name is. All I know is that my mother, who for years I thought was dead, just tried to kill me and the man I was falling in love with isn’t who I thought he was.”

  Sebastian said nothing but reached for her. He wanted so desperately to hold her again. To go back to the way things had been earlier in the evening.

  “So what? Are you going to try and put the moves on me again? And then what?”

  “Daria, I didn’t put any moves on you. I mean I did in the beginning, but then something changed and it wasn’t part of the job anymore. Everything I said to you tonight, I meant it. Every word of it.”

  “I don’t know what to believe anymore, Sebastian. I honestly don’t.”

  Sebastian was about to speak when a black SUV pulled up and Jake, Paul and Bo stepped out.

  “Peter you alright?” Jake asked, “We came as quickly as we could.”

  “It’s alright Jake, she knows.” Sebastian’s heart was heavy.

  “What the hell happened here?” Bo said walking around the two cars.

  “She came after us when I picked Daria up.”

  “Where is the lovely Mrs. Blakeman now?” Paul asked looking around.

  Sebastian motioned towards the cliff edge and Jake walked over to it.

  “I am going to give Stan a call and see if he can’t help with this situation.” Jake pulled out his phone and started dialing, just as a couple of highway patrol cars pulled up.

  Sebastian watched helplessly as Daria turned and walked up to the approaching cars without saying another word.

  Sebastian dropped into his chair and put his head down on the desk. It had been hours since they had gotten off the highway. He and the rest of the team had spent the time answering questions for the police and helping to tie up any loose ends they had. Stan and Jane had taken over the investigation and were going to keep them in the loop as to the outcome.

  He hadn’t had a chance to speak to Daria as he barely saw her once the police had arrived.

  All he could think about was the crushed look on her face when she realized the reality of the situation had hit her. He had lied to her.

  “Sebastian, you did the best that you could given the circumstances.” Cat came up beside him and put a hand on his shoulder.

  He didn’t know what to say to her so he just nodded.

  I know you didn’t want her to find out this way and I know she meant something to you.” Cat sat down on the edge of his desk. “And I know we all gave you trouble for it, but to be honest even Bo said he was happy you had found someone who made you so happy. Gracie said she hadn’t seen you that happy in such a long ti

  “I know.” He rubbed his face. He didn’t want to think about it anymore - thinking hurt just too much.

  “Seb, she will come back to you if she felt the same way you did.”

  “But I lied to her. I told her I was someone else. I was all ready to weasel out of her life--”

  “That was in the beginning Sebastian! You didn’t feel that way at the end! Believe me I could see it written all over your face, you would never have followed through. No way in hell.”

  “Yeah but she doesn’t know that. All she knows is that I’m not who she thought I was at all.” Sebastian looked down at his desk again.

  “She knows that in her heart Sebastian. Once the shock and horror at what has happened wear off she will realize that you were only doing the best that you could under the circumstances and that your feelings for her were genuine.”

  “No she won’t. You don’t understand Cat; she is never going to want to speak to me ever again. And not to mention what her father is going to do to me when he finds out that I broke his little girl’s heart.”

  “Are you seriously telling me that you are afraid of the father of a mark? When has that ever been an issue for you?” Bo asked walking out of the next room to join them.

  “Bo, he really doesn’t need to hear that right now,” Cat said springing to his defense and pushing Bo away.

  “Easy, girl. I was just trying to lighten the mood, make the poor man smile.” Bo threw his hands up in self-defense.

  “By kicking a man when he is clearly down and out? That’s low dude.” She glared at him

  “Guys! Stop. It’s alright. I screwed up. I never should have let my emotions get the better of me. I should have put the wall up and left it there and not allowed her to break through it.”

  Cat laughed.

  “What? Now you get to laugh at him but I don’t?” Bo crossed his arms.

  “No I am not laughing at him but rather the idea that he actually thinks that he is in control of what his heart wants.”

  “Obviously I am Cat, I have been doing this same thing over and over again for as long as I care to remember and this has never happened to me before. Clearly it is something to do with my conduct.”

  “Yeah okay Romeo, you keep thinking that as you lick your wounds and try to figure out where you went wrong.” Cat shook her head and left his desk. “Listen when you go do your thing an examine everything you have done in the last 48 hours and you realize that there was nothing you could have done to prevent yourself from falling for the girl you let me know and I’ll try and help you win her back, ok?”

  Sebastian watched her walk away. She didn’t understand. There was no going back, whatever had been done was done and he would not be able to win Daria back.

  “You should head home dude, grab a hot shower and get some shut eye. You look like hell.” Bo clapped him on the shoulder.

  “Thanks a lot,” Sebastian mumbled. He knew Bo as only trying to improve his mood but he really wasn’t in the mood for any of it. Cat was right. He had done all that he could have to remedy the situation, at least for the night.

  Tomorrow would be a new day. A better day, he hoped.

  He got up and grabbed his keys.

  “Hey man,” Paul said as they crossed paths at the door.

  Sebastian didn’t say a word but just pushed past and out into the cool night air.

  Chapter 11

  Daria opened her eyes. Every part of her hurt.

  The night before came flooding back to her. Her eyes filled with tears and she rolled over and buried her face in a pillow as she sobbed.

  How could this have happened to her? She had been so careful to avoid the ones who would only bring her pain and sorrow. The one man that she thought was nowhere near capable of all the bullshit that she had been trying to avoid for the last few years turned out to be the most dangerous one.

  The one who lied and broke her heart.

  Then there was her mother. Where had that come from? Why after all of these years had she decided to come back? So many questions she most certainly would never have all the answers to.

  Even if she could find the answers she wanted how could she find it in herself to believe any of it? Things she had believed all of her life turned out to be lies.

  It hurt. All she wanted to do was stay in bed and never get out of it again. She didn’t want to face the world outside. Not if it meant that she would be at the mercy of those that sought to hurt her.

  As she lay there her mind came back around to Sebastian. She couldn’t believe she had fallen for his lies.

  She drew the covers up to her chin and lay there staring at the ceiling, when a knock came at her door.

  “Daria?” Her father’s voice interrupted

  “Come in,” she mumbled and rolled over with her back to her father. She didn’t want to talk to him but she also knew that he would not go away until he said what he had to say about the situation.

  She felt him sit down on the edge of the bed.

  “Oh my Daria, I am so sorry this came together as it did. I never wanted to hurt you. Never wanted anything to ever hurt you.”

  Daria said nothing.

  “No man wants to hurt the woman that we love. Our job is to protect them. That’s all I was trying to do with you. You see your mother left us so many years ago. Just up and left me in the middle of the night. She didn’t want us and I wouldn’t give her the one thing she did want so desperately.”

  “The necklace?” it came out muffed by the blankets.

  “Yes the necklace. You see she had started out her life poor, and when I found her she had very little of anything, but she was beautiful Daria, just like you. She loved me, or I thought she did, so I did everything I could to make her happy. I bought her everything she ever wanted. When she became pregnant with you I was over the moon. My family would be complete.”

  Daria rolled over and looked at him. His eyes were misty and he had a smile on his face thinking about the past.

  “But then when you were born she started in on the necklace again. I couldn’t understand why she was always asking about it. When I told her it was yours and that it had always been passed down the bloodline, she flew into a fit of rage and walked out. At first I thought maybe she would calm down and see that she was not lacking for anything and didn’t really need the necklace because I already gave her everything she needed. “

  “It never happened.”

  “No I waited Daria, I waited as days turned into months and months into years. As you got older and started asking me what had happened to your mother I couldn’t bear the thought of your sweet heart breaking so I told you that she had died rather than telling you that she had left us. I never wanted you to have to feel like you were abandoned or not good enough.”

  “I never felt that way Father. You always made sure I knew I was loved and that you were behind me in anything that I chose to do.”

  “Just remember Daria, no matter what we do, we men do try with everything that we have to protect the women we love. Even if it means lying to them to protect them from the truth.

  “What are you trying to say Father?”

  “What I am trying to say is don’t be too hard on us men. We try hard and mean well.”

  “So you think I should forgive Sebastian because he was only trying to protect me?”

  “Well, what I am saying is that you have forgiven me even thought I lied to you.”

  “That is different--” She said upright.

  “Really? How is that?”

  “You are my father, he is just a man.”

  “Just a man? More like a man who has in the last week made you happier than I have seen in a really long time.

  Daria thought about it. He had a point. Before last night she had been very happy. She already had started seeing a light in the darkness.

  But it was very hard to walk away from the fact that he had been after the necklace. She said as much to her father.

p; “Yes but Daria, that is just how he started out, not how he ended up. He knew it was wrong and refused to do it. Not to mention he came back for you when he didn’t have to. He could have walked away from everything and you would never have known it was coming. Had it not been for him you would have had to face down your mother on your own.”


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