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Zodiac Academy: Fated Throne

Page 11

by Caroline Peckham

Darius turned to me with a serious look. “And it’s more than that. We need to find out what’s in his father’s diary. He’s never going to get the luck to do that if he remains under this curse.”

  I drew in a long breath, trying to hear him out through the cloud of rage and betrayal in my head. Slowly, I nodded, giving in. I couldn’t just let Orion suffer in there. And though I’d never admit it, knowing that he was being hurt just made me want to tear through the walls of that prison and take him as far away from it as Faely possible. I knew I couldn’t do that, but I could do this…

  “Okay,” I agreed tightly. “But I want to go in and out. Five minutes, that’s it.”

  “Deal,” he said, a grim look entering his eyes. “But you could talk to him.”

  “No,” I growled. “I gave him a chance to talk and he told me to stay away from him. I’m done, Darius.”

  He looked like he wanted to say more, but finally nodded and disbanded the silencing bubble. “We’ll go tonight.”

  Shit. Tonight??

  “Sure,” I forced out like it didn’t matter. But it did, hell it really did.

  We kept walking, hurrying to catch up with the others while I tried not to panic about the bomb that had just exploded in my face. It’ll be fine. In and out. Five minutes.

  There was a strange mood hanging over the campus as students headed to The Orb, some obviously overjoyed and others sombre. I was definitely in the second party. Lionel taking the throne was the worst thing that could have happened freaking ever. I had no idea how we were going to stop him now. I just knew we had to.

  We reached The Orb, heading inside and my heart thumped a little harder at the sight of Nova standing before the faculty at the far end of the room, a wide and disconcerting smile on her face.

  I walked toward the A.S.S. table, but Seth caught my hand and tugged me on toward the Heirs’ couch. I was extra surprised when Max held onto Geraldine too and she didn’t pull away, letting him guide her that way as well. Maybe we all just needed each other a little more today.

  I dropped down between Seth and Geraldine, while Max sat on her other side and Darius and Caleb perched on the couch arms. My gaze hooked on Tory who was sitting with Mildred near the front of the room and I hated that I couldn’t just go over there, slap that moustached bitch and take my sister back to where she belonged. I mean, I could, I just didn’t think it was worth the detention or the fight with my sister over it. Sigh.

  Seth’s hand stayed wrapped around mine even when I tried to pull it free but as I opened my mouth to rebuke him, Nova spoke, her voice carrying across the room.

  “A new king has risen to the throne, and now we have entered another era. One which will make right the wrongs of old and will see us grow into the Fae we were always meant to become.” A few of the staff clapped, plenty did not.

  I noticed Gabriel was sitting rigidly in his seat, his hands balled on the table in front of him as he stared coolly at Nova’s back. Washer was on his right, shaking his head and muttering under his breath to Gabriel and the way my brother nodded said they were in agreement on something for once.

  I shared a look with Seth as my stomach knotted.

  Nova went on, “King Acrux has decreed a new law this morning and sent a personal letter to me which outlined the law as it will apply to you all here at Zodiac Academy.”

  My heart thumped unevenly and I stopped fighting Seth’s grip on my hand, squeezing it back.

  A ripple of chatter ran through the air which Nova hushed instantly. “As of today, Orders shall no longer fraternise, socialise or cross-breed with one another unless given express permission from the King himself.”

  The air thickened and it became harder to breathe as shouts of anger broke out around me.

  “No way!” Max barked.

  “This is an outrage!” Geraldine gasped. “You cannot divide us like colours on an abacus!”

  “Sit down!” Nova commanded, raising her hands threateningly and a bunch of the H.O.R.E.S suddenly stood up to join her side. Tory was among them and shadows coiled out from her hands, making a bunch of people scatter from the front rows. “King Acrux has asked me to appoint loyal members of the student body to ensure the law is abided to. Those chosen will have leeway with the law and will be allowed to mix with other Orders so long as it is in the interest of the King. Teachers will also be allowed to spend short periods of time with students who need extra attention, so long as their discussions are focused solely on academic topics. They will be permitted to run classes and detentions as normal providing they abide by the new code of conduct emailed to them by me this morning.”

  No. Fuck no. We couldn’t let this happen.

  I got to my feet as Seth and the rest of the Heirs rose too. My hand fell free of Seth’s as we braced for a fight and I realised the A.S.S. were all rushing toward me and Geraldine to back us up.

  “We won’t stand for it,” Caleb snarled, his shoulder pressing to mine as a deep growl left Darius beyond him.

  “It is the law, Mr Altair,” Nova said cuttingly.

  A mini tornado twisted in my left hand and flames curled around my right as I bared my teeth at Nova, hatred pouring through me.

  “Lionel Acrux will never be my king,” I spat.

  “You will all sit down or there will be dire consequences,” Nova warned and Tory moved forward, raising her hands so smoke blasted out from them.

  I gasped, casting an air shield and it combined with Seth and Max’s as our magic slid smoothly together. I braced as the shadows impacted with the shield and everyone behind us was protected from the blast as it crashed over the dome like a spill of oil.

  The strength of her dark power made me grit my teeth and I forced more of my magic into the shield, losing sight of everything around us as shadows consumed the world beyond it. Screams rang out and adrenaline surged through my veins.

  The pressure suddenly eased and my heart stammered as the shadows cleared and I spotted all of the Heirs’ siblings on their knees in front of Tory, her eyes swirling with darkness.

  “Enough!” Nova yelled. “The King has agreed that any force necessary may be implemented to ensure his new law is upheld. You will all stand down or the punishment will fall on the Fae before us. This is your last warning.”

  My throat tightened and I looked to the others, seeing the defeat in their eyes.

  “Our hearts are made of sun steel and our wills cannot be broken!” Geraldine cried.

  “We’ve got no fucking choice,” Darius growled as he gripped her arm, his eyes turned to golden slits as his Dragon form begged to come out.

  He locked me in his gaze next and my heart cracked as I felt us being forced into line. He was right. Because what could we do? If we fought this, Lionel could have us arrested. We’d give him the excuse he needed to get rid of us. And we couldn’t risk the Heirs’ brothers and sisters getting hurt.

  I dropped my hands and the others all followed suit. A smile tugged up Nova’s lips and anger washed through my chest like a deluge.

  “My lady, we will fight if you wish it,” Geraldine spoke to me and I looked back at the A.S.S. who were standing behind me like they were ready to go into battle.

  I shook my head, refusing to let them all put themselves in the line of fire for this. Lionel was going to ensure this law was upheld, and today was not the day to throw away our lives for a fight we were going to lose.

  “Stand down,” I told them all firmly and they did so immediately, surprising me with how readily they listened to me.

  “Sit!” Nova commanded and we reluctantly dropped back into our seats. She pressed her shoulders back, looking to the few teachers who’d risen from their chairs too, including Gabriel.

  He slowly lowered back into his seat beside Washer then his eyes glazed with a vision. My heartbeat stuttered. Could he see a way out of this? I had to speak to him. If there was something we could do to stop this, I had to know. If anyone could see the way forward now it was him.

Tory Vega will be leading the King’s United Nebular Taskforce here in the academy, and anyone selected will be allowed to mix with other Orders whenever necessary to uphold the new law at Zodiac Academy, reporting directly to me if ever there is a breach.” Nova spoke casually as if the fact that she had the Heirs’ siblings on their knees before her wasn’t totally fucking insane.

  “Wait…oh my stars, they’re in the Kunt,” Tyler hissed from somewhere behind me, but even that couldn’t make me laugh right now.

  Nova hushed everyone once more. “Now please make your way to your classes, ensuring that you divide yourself into your Orders. The teachers of your first classes will all get you acquainted with the new ways of the academy and answer any questions you may have about it. Please pass through the door in single file on your way out. An enchantment is now in place which will mark you with a symbol of your Order. Enjoy this wonderful day.”

  Mark us?

  “Meet at the Hollow at midnight,” Darius said under his breath and we all nodded before splitting apart and heading for the door.

  “I’ll give that crab headed goon of a principal what for,” Geraldine hissed as she stalked off ahead of me. “The Almighty Sovereign Society will not stand for this.”

  I queued toward the exit and caught Sofia’s eye as I glanced over my shoulder. She was standing close to Tyler and a look of worry filled their eyes. Just behind them was Xavier and a few other Pegasuses I vaguely recognised. His jaw was pulsing and rage filled his eyes over this. A rage I felt on a soul deep level.

  I stepped through the door and the kiss of magic tingled over my skin, the sensation trickling over me and a flare of magic shining beside the Zodiac Academy crest on my blazer. I gazed down at it as the fiery symbol of a Phoenix glittered there. I ran my fingers over the mark with my upper lip peeling back. My sister was the only other Phoenix in existence, so Lionel’s little law held a double whammy for me. I was essentially cut off from everyone else in the school. But hell if I was going to abide by his rules anyway.

  I headed to Jupiter Hall and queued up outside, finding the floor marked with lines a meter apart which had symbols of each Order next to them. A growl built in my throat as Tyler and Sofia joined me on the Pegasus line and I didn’t budge an inch away from them.

  “This is bullshit,” Tyler spat as the rest of the class started spreading out over the lines and the other Pegasuses moved to stand behind us.

  Kylie appeared at the back of the queue, her arms folded and a pout on her lips as she stepped onto the Medusa line. Everyone around her ignored her as usual, but my heart leapt as Tory appeared with shadows in her eyes and strode straight up to her.

  “You’ve been chosen to join the King’s United Nebula Taskforce,” she said in a flat tone, holding out a rectangular gold pin for her with K.U.N.T. printed on it and I snorted.

  A huge smile split across Kylie’s face as she snatched it and put it on. “So I can tell everyone what to do?” she asked excitedly.

  “You can ensure the law is upheld,” Tory corrected then Kylie wheeled toward me, pointing excitedly and a cool anger swept through my blood.

  “Darcy Vega is standing with those Pegasuses!” she exclaimed and Tory looked to me, her hair stirring as the shadows writhed up around her. Plenty of the students shrank back against the wall at the sight of them and my heart stammered as she approached me.

  “Tory,” I breathed, not raising my hands. I would never fight her.

  I kept my defences down, gazing into her eyes and I hunted for a piece of my real sister to hold onto. My gut writhed and Sofia caught my hand as if to pull me away, but I stepped toward Tory, seeing if she really would hurt me one on one.

  “It’s me, Tor,” I begged, desperate to get through to her. “Your sister.”

  “Clara is my only sister now,” she said lightly and her words felt like an injection of poison into my blood. Her fucking sister?? Never. “Get in line,” she warned, but I shook my head as hurt stung my heart.

  She raised her hand and shadows exploded toward me. I refused to shield, praying she might stop if she realised what she was doing, but she didn’t. They wrapped around my throat and threw me to the floor onto the Phoenix line and I coughed out a breath. The weight of them pushed me down and I gritted my teeth as they tried to force their way under my skin. But my Phoenix flames burned hotter and blocked her out as they flared through me like a wall of fire. It didn’t stop her using her power to immobilise me, but the shadows couldn’t reach into me anymore. Through all the pain, nothing hurt worse than her being turned against me like this.

  She released me at last and I growled as I pushed myself up to my feet, watching as she moved down the queue, checking everyone’s marks to make sure no one was standing with anyone they shouldn’t be. My heart beat erratically, but I didn’t care about the war taking place in my body. We’d soon have the antidote to the Order Suppressant Lionel was giving her anyway, and once her Phoenix was awake, she’d be able to fight the shadows off too. I just knew it.

  A sharp clicking of heels told me Professor Highspell had arrived and she swept past me a second later, wearing a fitted red dress, her dark hair tumbling down her spine in soft waves. She nodded to Tory before walking into the classroom and ushering us inside, offering a sugary smile to a few of the boys as they passed her. When I walked by, her green eyes darkened to pitch and I mirrored the same scowl she gave me.

  “There is now a new seating plan you must all abide by,” Highspell announced before anyone could take their seats and I stood with my arms folded as I took in the newly arranged class. Over half the seats had been pushed to the back of the room in grouped sections and the other half at the front had been exchanged for cushioned chairs with glasses of water on the table and freaking mini muffins beside them.

  “The following Orders will take a seat at the back of the class,” Highspell called as she moved to her desk – Orion’s fucking desk – and took out her Atlas.

  My throat tightened as I exchanged a concerned glance with Sofia.

  “Heptian Toads, Tiberian Rats, Pegasuses, Minotaurs, Sphinxes, Experian Deer Shifters-” She continued on, each Order heading off to take seats in groups at the back of the class, all muttering under their breath.

  When she was finished, she smiled darkly and I wanted to punch that look off of her disgustingly beautiful face. She stroked the glimmering aquamarine necklace at her throat as her eyes scraped across the remaining students waiting to be seated. “The rest of you may take a seat at the front.” She gestured to the selection of mostly powerful, predatory Orders at the front of the class and my heart pounded out of rhythm as Harpies, Nemean Lions, Manticores, Vampires, Werewolves, Sirens and the others moved to sit down.

  “What is this?” I demanded, my feet rooted to the spot as the rest my classmates swept away toward the comfy seats, some of them seeming far too pleased with themselves as they dropped into them.

  Highspell arched a brow at me, seeming shocked that I’d questioned her. “It is the new way,” she said lightly. “Classes must now be split by lesser and higher Orders.”

  “Lesser?” I spat. “Who are you to judge that?”

  “I am a humble servant of our King,” she said icily, her eyes flashing. “And you will not question the ways of our new ruler, Miss Vega.”

  My pulse hammered in my ears and I refused to take one of those seats at the front of the class.

  “This is wrong,” I growled and a bunch of people murmured their agreement.

  “If you don’t like it, Miss Vega, then you may take a seat at the back of the room with the rest of the lessers,” Highspell said with a smirk that said she expected me to back down for the sake of a comfier seat. “But as your grades were abysmal last term, I would suggest you take any advantages offered to you in the new world.”

  “Screw your new world,” I spat, turning my back on her and walking to the rear of the class.

  “Mr Corbin, be a good boy and please move a seat for Miss Vega
so she is placed with the rest of her kind back there,” Highspell mocked me, knowing I had no one else but Tory who had emotionlessly taken her seat at the front already.

  Tyler casually flipped Highspell the finger, drawing a laugh from a bunch of students around him. I smirked, dropping down beside him with the Pegasuses and gazed calmly back at Highspell, a challenge in my gaze.

  Her eyes turned to snake-like slits, showing her Medusa Order peering out of them.

  “This will not be tolerated,” Highspell hissed.

  Tory got to her feet and, like a good little minion, Kylie popped up too.

  “Stand up, Miss Vega!” Highspell snapped at me, raising her palms and I quickly cast an air shield around myself.

  “No,” I said, my breathing coming rapidly.

  Mutters broke out behind me as Tory closed in on us and I heard a few mentioning my ‘addled mind’, making my jaw clench. I’d had enough of this. Enough of the lies, of everyone believing Tory had really changed sides and that I was some lunatic who spoke to ravens in my spare time. And now that Lionel had exposed his use of the shadows, there was no need to protect Darius and the others from people knowing they had the Fifth Element too. Lionel wasn’t going to let them be punished for it now that he was in charge and claiming it was some gift from the stars.

  I pushed out of my seat and raised my chin. “Lionel Acrux is controlling my sister with the shadows. He forced us to take part in a ritual that-”

  “Enough!” Highspell shrieked.

  “- brought a meteor down from the sky. Lionel turned it to stardust with his Dragon fire and-”

  Highspell waved a hand and a storm of ice slammed against my air shield.

  Tory raised her palms, taking Highspell’s place against me and I decided to just keep talking until she was able to shut me up, because screw it, what was there to lose now? “It created a portal to the shadow realm!” I cried and I realised a bunch of people were recording me on their Atlases. “He forced me, Tory, Darius and Lance Orion to kneel at the heart of the meteor crater and-”

  Shadows blasted toward me and a bunch of students scattered around me with screams, but I was shielding anyone close enough to me. The darkness slammed into my shield and I swore as I had to focus for a moment, straining with the effort of holding them off, but I managed to keep talking for anyone who cared to hear the truth. “We were cast into the Shadow Realm and when we returned, the Fifth Element was gifted to us all, including Lionel Acrux and his followers. It was the same ritual he did years ago to Clara Orion and that’s where she came back from. She’s been in the Shadow Realm all these years and now-” Power blinded me as the full brunt of Tory’s shadows crashed over me and my air shield finally buckled.


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