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Zodiac Academy: Fated Throne

Page 72

by Caroline Peckham

  But instead of finding Mildred there, I found fucking Gabriel, grinning at me like some crazy asshole as he removed the illusion spells he'd put in place to make himself look like Mildred.

  "Hey, husband," he teased, gripping the front of the wedding dress and ripping it right down the front so that he could climb out of it. "Were you really about to fuck me without even telling me you loved me?"

  " just married you!"

  "Not quite," he disagreed. "I'm already married more than enough, though it's sweet you thought it was a possibility." He waved his wedding ring at me and I just stared in confusion as my brain tried to catch up to my eyes.

  "I don't understand," I growled, trying to figure this out, was I not married? Holy fucking shit, was that possible?

  Gabriel rolled his eyes and got to his feet, kicking off the stilettos and crossing the room in his boxers with his tattoos all on display. My gaze caught on a Dragon which curved over his shoulder blade and looked suspiciously like me.

  "I saw what was going to happen today and this is the only chance we had to stop it. And seeing as you vowed to marry Mildred in ‘clarity and honesty’ but I was really just a disguised dude in a dress, those vows don't mean shit. Didn't you notice the lack of magic binding you after you made them?" he asked, pulling open a drawer and tugging a pair of jeans and a black sweater on.

  "I guess I was more focused on being forced to marry that beast while the girl I really love had to watch," I growled, but even though I felt seriously pissed, his words were slowly sinking in. "Wait, so...I'm not really married?"

  "Nope. And as fantastic as I'm sure you are in bed, I've got some pretty strict rules about not getting fucked by a Dragon, so I had to stop you," he joked.

  "How the fuck did you pull this off?" I demanded, a grin spreading over my features as I realised he'd just saved me from a fate I couldn't escape. Though I still had no idea how the hell I was supposed to get away with it long term.

  "Well, if you'd let me show you the surprise instead of groping my dick then you'd know." Gabriel strode across the room, swiping the brown lipstick from his mouth with the back of his hand and I made a mental note to kick his ass for committing to the role so damn much at some point. But right now I could forget that disgusting kiss in the face of my gratitude and curiosity.

  He moved to the closet door and tugged it open, stepping aside with a huge grin on his face as he revealed Mildred hog tied in the bottom of it with magic restricting cuffs glowing blue around her wrists. She was grunting and cursing around a ball gag in her mouth and I burst out laughing as she glared at me with her little round eyes.

  "I arrived here in the early hours and with the help of a friend of mine, we managed to convince her to remove the protections in place to stop anyone from impersonating her. Luckily he happened to have these ropes and the cuffs and the gag…and I promised to buy him replacements because clearly he won’t want those back now. Anyway, I'm just going to give her a memory potion so she forgets all this shit and then we need to go," Gabriel said, dropping down to unclasp the ball gag before forcing a little bottle of potion into Mildred's mouth.

  She fought and squealed like a pig as she thrashed against her restraints and I sniggered as Gabriel used his water magic to force the potion down her throat. Her eyes went glassy as it took effect, and he snapped the ball gag back into place before closing the door on her and turning to face me again.

  “You wanna tell me why you decided to kiss me and grab my fucking dick while I believed you were her?” I asked, unable to shake the feeling of Mildred’s moustache grazing across my lips from my memory even though I now knew it had been him in disguise.

  Gabriel smirked, stepping forward to look me right in the eyes and I was surprised to find he matched my height because there weren’t many men who did.

  “You remember when my little sister came back from the mortal realm and you made her life a living hell?” he asked me in a low growl, darkness shifting in his gaze. “Remember how you burned all of her clothes off and made the whole kingdom think she was a sex addict and almost drowned her in that fucking swimming pool?”

  “You were punishing me?” I asked, my brows rising at the smug look on his face.

  “It was the least you deserved, don’t you agree?” Gabriel slapped my cheek a couple of times and I jerked back with a growl but he just held his ground, seeming to be so certain that I would agree with him that he wasn’t afraid of me lashing out. And maybe he was fucking right about that.

  “Alight. I get it. I fucked up and you’re not gonna let me forget it,” I muttered and he nodded.

  "We have more important things to discuss than that though.”

  “What?” I asked, sensing the shift in his tone and he frowned.

  “When I finally got back to my family’s winter cabin last night, I went to my amplifying chamber and managed to see a whole hell of a lot of things that my time in the Royal Seer's Chair opened up to me. And there was one prophesy which I can't see any way around but this."

  "But what?" I asked in concern, frowning at him as he stepped closer to me with his brow furrowing.

  "One of my sisters is going to die today. And the only possible chance we have to save them is by me bringing you to the caves of the forgotten."

  "The what of where?" I demanded, my heart racing at the idea of Roxy or Darcy not making it through the day as I tried to figure out what the fuck was going to happen that could mean they might not.

  "It's an ancient set of caverns in the far south of Solaria, hidden within a jungle and long since forgotten by our kind. My visions led me there once before and I found a ring which saved my life. The stars won't show me what will happen when we get there or anything at all other than to whisper that it is the only chance there is for both Vega Princesses to survive the day. So are you with me?" he asked urgently and I could see how serious he was about this as I nodded.

  "You're sure the best thing I can do for Roxy is to go with you now?" I demanded. "And how is Darcy involved in this?"

  "Your father captured her and Lance last night. I was so lost in the visions the stars had flooded me with that I didn't see him coming for them until after it had already come to pass. I'm more sorry for that than words can express. I called the other Heirs and told them what’s happening. But if you and I don't head to the caves now then I know that one of my sisters will die."

  “Why?” I balked, stepping forward and grabbing his shirt as I tugged him closer to me. “How? Where? Let’s just go and get them now and-”

  “No,” Gabriel snapped, shoving me off of him and making my panic turn to anger. “I told you, we need to go to the caves if we want to save them. It’s the only chance we have. If you let your hot head get the better of you and try charging off to rescue them then you’ll bring their deaths about. I want you to come with me willingly, but if I have to beat the shit out of you and drag you there hog tied like Mildred then I will. Because I’m not gonna let anything happen to them. So are you with me or not?”

  I glared at him for a long moment as those words sank in and I forced out a hard breath as I accepted them. I might have wanted to run to Roxy, but if I could have ripped her out of my father’s arms then I would have done it already. Gabriel was by far the best Seer I’d ever met and though he kinda irritated me a lot of the time, I did trust him, especially when it came to the Vegas.

  "Alright," I agreed firmly, knowing enough about his visions to trust that he really did know what he was talking about with this. "Let's go."

  Gabriel nodded firmly before moving to a bookcase set against the wall and using the ring Roxy had made for him to open the King’s Passages there.

  I stepped into the dark behind him, putting all of my faith into him as I left Roxy behind and followed him out of the palace. But if this was what it took to save her or Darcy then I'd do it. Whatever it took.

  T he two assholes who’d dragged me out of my cell had taken me through dark tunnels then shove
d me into a stone room with a door ahead of me and behind, the only light the blue glow from the cuffs that restricted my magic. Before they left, one of them had jabbed a needle into my neck and my Order had awakened not long after. I’d tried to break my way out of this place, but magic made it strong and without my own powers to unravel it, I was fucked.

  All was silent, too fucking silent for my heightened senses and I guessed I was held within a damn silencing bubble. I expected Lionel to show up at any minute with some plan, some explanation of what was about to happen. But he didn’t.

  The fear of parting from Darcy was suffocating. Not knowing if I’d ever see her again made me lose my mind with misery, fear, panic. I had to get out. I had to save her from whatever was about to happen.

  I threw my weight at the stone door ahead of me again and again, trying to force it to give and suddenly the whole thing swung open and I went stumbling out. My feet hit sand and as I passed through a magical barrier, a tumult of noise crashed down on me. I was blinded by the sun after so long in the dark and I raised a hand to shield my eyes as the wild cheers of a crowd surrounded me.

  “Lance Orion!” Lionel’s voice boomed out as my vision sharpened and I found myself standing in the pit of an enormous amphitheatre.

  There were cages made of night iron ringing the circular space, each of them holding a Nymph in its shifted form, their gleaming red eyes watching me hungrily.

  Dread tangled with the very root of my being as I spotted Lionel up on a large throne in the stands with Tory on one side of him and Clara on the other. Xavier stood beyond Tory and Vard was next to him with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips. With a cold clarity, I realised where I was. This was the amphitheatre used for trials and death games during the reign of the Savage King. A place which had been closed by the Councillors, outlawed, forgotten. But of course this monster would bring it back into use. Probably more than half the Fae who’d died here during Hail Vega’s reign were because of him.

  My pulse thundered in my head as I took in the crowd of people in fine robes and gowns and I could practically taste their desire for my suffering.

  Tory jerked forward where she stood beside Lionel but one glance from my sister forced her back. From the look of Xavier’s rigid posture, I guessed he was held in place by the shadows too. But where was Darius?

  “You are on trial for escaping my custody, thwarting your prison sentence and colluding with an enemy of the Acruxes,” Lionel announced and boos sounded out around the stadium. “Do you have anything to say for yourself in your defence?”

  “Fuck you,” I snarled, spitting on the sand at my feet and heckles rang out from the crowd.

  Lionel regarded me with a grimace. “Very well. As punishment, you will fight for your life. Your Order has been returned to you and you may use any of the weapons available to you in the ring.” He gestured to the middle of the pit where a rusty sword, a knife and a wooden bat lay on the ground.

  Excited laughter sounded from the bastards watching and my skin prickled all over. Anger and hate twisted up inside my chest, possessing every inch of me.

  I shot toward the weapons, picked up the rusty piece of shit sword and launched it with the full strength of my Order at Lionel Acrux’s smug fucking face. It smashed into a magical shield protecting the crowd and gasps rang out before everyone started clapping and laughing.

  Lionel’s face shifted into a dark and furious scowl that spoke of my defiance. He hated that he could never truly get me under his heel. But he didn’t know that we had the Imperial Star, or that I’d been feeding him bullshit lies for months. If he really planned on killing me now, then had he given up hope of finding it?

  “You will suffer for your crimes against me,” Lionel snarled and a hushed silence fell over the crowd as they listened.

  “So kill me!” I roared. “Have your lump of flesh, you piece of shit.”

  He considered me with a knowing look that sent a shudder clawing down my spine. “It is not your flesh I crave.”

  A grinding of stone sounded behind me and I twisted around, finding Darcy stepping out of the door in her sweatpants and crop top.

  The crowd gasped and clapped, pointing between us as they discussed whatever lies they believed about us. But they knew nothing.

  “Gwendalina Vega made an attempt on my life last night,” Lionel called to the crowd who bayed and shouted angrily.

  My heart crushed in my chest as Darcy lifted her chin defiantly, glaring at the worthless man who dared to call himself king. I shot to her side and our hands clasped together automatically, making the crowd angrier as they booed and swore at us.

  “Today, this traitor of the crown dies!” Lionel boomed and Tory jerked forward once more, her eyes full of terror, but Clara forced her back again. “Do you dare to speak in your defence, Gwendalina Vega?”

  Her fingers tightened on mine and her upper lip peeled back, her expression that of a fearless warrior. I nearly burst with pride to be standing beside her. If she died today, so would I. I wouldn’t stay a single second longer in this world without her. But even considering that fate for her was unbearable. And I would do everything in my power to stop it.

  “You are unFae and unworthy to sit on my father’s throne,” Darcy called, her voice ringing around the amphitheatre. “I know what you did, I know how you Dark Coerced Hail Vega, how you poisoned his mind and turned him against his own people.”

  The crowd started muttering, exchanging curious glances and Lionel sat up straighter in his seat.

  “Your father was a heartless, mindless fool, and no true Fae would ever bow to his filthy bloodline ever again,” Lionel growled.

  “All hail the Dragon King!” Vard cried and an answering call fell from the lips of everyone in the stands.

  “All hail the Vega Queens!” I bellowed in response and dropped to my knees, bowing for my queens in an act of rebellion which would likely be my last.

  “Release the Nymphs!” Lionel roared and the cages clanged as they opened all around us. Darcy yanked on my sleeve to get me up and I stood, pulling her closer as my heart thundered against my ribcage.

  “Any chance they awakened your Order, beautiful?” I murmured and she shook her head. Fuck. “You’d better get on my back then.”

  She lunged toward me, tiptoeing up and kissing me fiercely for two short, sweet seconds before running around and climbing onto my back. And something told me that might be my last good moment in this world.

  “I love you, Lance,” she whispered in my ear and her words filled me all with the strength I needed to face down the five Nymphs coming our way.

  I shot to the centre of the arena, hefting the bat into my grip and tucking the knife into my waistband. I knew the odds of this game were vastly weighed against us. But I would fight until my very last breath to keep my girl safe. Death would have to try and rip her from my arms itself if it wanted her, and even then, I would not let go.

  T he stars spat us out in the middle of a sweltering jungle and I sucked in a breath of the humid air as Gabriel started off through the trees at a fast pace.

  "There are still ancient wards around this place," he said without looking back at me. "But they allowed me to pass them by and I've seen you entering them too. I just thought I should warn you, because you'll know all about it when you pass through them."

  "Okay," I agreed, striding after him as he used his earth Element to force the foliage to part for us, creating a path through the dense jungle.

  I stripped out of my heavy suit jacket as I walked, tossing it aside without a care before ripping the fucking cravat off too. It was sweltering here and I didn't want to wear the fucking thing anyway, it was only a reminder of the twisted fate I’d just managed to escape.

  "You're sure this is where we need to be?" I asked anxiously, hating that I was so far from the people I loved most in this world when they obviously needed my help.

  "This is one of the clearest visions I've ever had. The only chance we have of both
of my sisters surviving the day is by being here. There are so many paths to death for the two of them today that I'm getting constant flashes of one or the other dying repeatedly. This is how we save them,” Gabriel said firmly and I could see how much the fear of those visions coming to pass was weighing on him.

  "Let's hurry then," I growled, focusing on the task at hand and refusing to let myself get caught up in worries. If this was what I had to do then I would.

  Gabriel upped his pace and suddenly the air all around us seemed to come to life with energy. I gasped as tiny pinpricks of light sparked and zapped everywhere and my skin buzzed from the contact as the ancient magic pressed in on my skin, stealing my breath.

  "Acrux," a voice spoke in my head which was soft and feminine and yet fierce and full of power too. "Descendent of the oath breaker. Harbinger of doom. The blood in your veins runs thick with lies and betrayal."

  The power surrounding me grew denser and more potent, immobilising me as I gasped for breath and the zaps of energy began to burn against my skin.

  "I see two paths before you, blood of the deceiver. Choose wisely."

  The power released me so suddenly that I fell to my knees, sucking in a shaky breath and my limbs trembled as I fought to regain my composure.

  "Told you you'd feel it," Gabriel said as he stood over me and I forced myself to my feet with a grunt of pain.

  "What the fuck was that?" I snarled.

  "Something far older than us," he supplied before turning and leading me on through the trees again.

  I hurried after him, tugging open the buttons at my throat as sweat lined my skin and I used my water magic to cool down.

  Gabriel suddenly stepped through the trees ahead and I glanced down at my feet, noticing the bronze pathway peeking out between the foliage before I pushed through behind him and found myself standing at the entrance to an enormous cave.

  "Are you ready, Darius?" he asked me seriously and I shrugged.

  "I guess we're about to find out."

  We strode into the darkness of the cave, but before I could cast a Faelight to see by, huge, silvery runes illuminated on the wall. Gabriel nodded at me to go ahead as I looked to him in question.


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