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Yes, Mr. Mitchell: (Mr. Mitchell Book One)

Page 10

by Luxx Monroe

  “You were pretty forward, and I liked that.”

  Chad’s hand intertwined with mine, and I knew I couldn’t turn back now. Maybe it would be good for me to sleep with someone else, to prove that Garren wasn’t the only guy who could give me a mind-blowing orgasm. Chad had his work cut out for him, but I was ready to give him a chance.

  When we walked up to his apartment, a strange feeling passed through me. I couldn’t help the thought that if I stepped through the entrance to his complex, that I would be putting the final stamp on my chapter with Garren.

  “What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?”

  I lifted my eyes to his and saw the want in them. I wanted be with someone who would be able to give me more. That’s what I wanted, what I needed. “That I don’t know what took me so long to finally be in this moment with you.”

  Chad smiled at me and wrapped his hand around my neck, lifting me towards his mouth. Just as I was ready to part my lips and kiss another man, Chad leaned forward and grabbed a handful of my hair, burying his face in it. “You smell so perfect, Nikki.”

  “Umm, thanks,” was all I could say, and soon Chad pulled back and swiped a card, granting us access to his building. I wasn’t sure what the hair sniffing was all about, but I figured it had something to do with the amount of alcohol we’d both had.

  The grip he had on my hand was almost too tight, but I couldn’t imagine being attracted to someone for months, being around them countless hours in a library and coffee shop, and then finally being able to do things to them that I’d been fantasizing about. Garren came to mind, and I knew I’d be just as anxious.

  “Here we are,” Chad said while pushing the door open to his apartment.

  “Wow, Chad. This is really nice.” I walked through the entrance and took in the masculine decor. “How did you manage this?”

  Chad laughed and motioned for me to hand over my coat. “My parents hooked me up. Nice, huh?”

  “Nice? This is amazing.”

  “I knew you’d love it, Nikki.”

  I smiled over at him and had that strange feeling pass through me again. However, I shook it off once again. “Well, good. Thanks for thinking of me.”

  Chad walked over and brushed his finger down my cheek, raking his eyes over my body. “Nikki, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this moment.”

  I smiled at his kind words and couldn’t help the shy moment I was having. “You’re sweet, Chad.”

  “I want to kiss you right now, but I know if I kiss you, tonight will go much too fast. I want us to take our time, okay?”

  Soaking in his words didn’t help me decide what it was I really wanted. For some reason, a good ol’ fast fuck sounded just about right, but a night full of pleasure didn’t sound too horrible. “Sounds perfect.”

  “God, you kill me.” Chad pulled me forward and placed a hard kiss on my forehead, and then did something that might have been weirder than smelling my hair. Just when I thought he was going to pull back, he licked me. “One little taste. Hmmm. Yes.” When he pulled away from me, he almost looked like he was in pain. “You’re just what I imagined.”

  I smiled again and wiped my forehead, because that’s all I could think to do.

  “I’m going to go and get a few things ready. I’m not going to lie and say that I haven’t been hoping for this to happen. For you to finally be in my home, but I need to be ready for you. Hang out here, and I’ll be back in a second. Here, let me get you something to drink.”

  I nodded and walked over to his sofa, settling in. I wondered what in the world he needed to get ready, but I was thankful for the Jack and Coke he’d handed me before walking down a hallway and closing a door to his bedroom, so I assumed.

  A few seconds turned into minutes, and soon I found myself roaming around his living room, looking at pictures that were placed here and there. Most of them were pictures of Chad and what looked like friends. Just as I was about to head back over to the couch, a black-and-white picture caught my eye.

  “What the hell?” I whispered and grabbed a frame that was pushed back against the wall, camouflaged by larger frames in front. I felt the color drain from my face when I realized what I was holding in my hand. A picture of me. Not only a picture of me, but a picture of Chad and me in the mountains. “Chad?” I questioned and couldn’t help but take the picture out of the frame, hoping there would be something written on the back.

  Bingo. Summer camp with my girl.

  I closed my eyes and thought about when I’d attended summer camp. My eyes snapped open when I knew exactly where and when this picture was taken. We were twelve years old at a week-long science summer institute in the hills of North Carolina. Except, I remember the boy in the picture, and his name wasn’t Chad.

  “Nikki?” Chad questioned, and something felt different now. He’d known who I was, but why didn’t he say anything?

  “What’s this?” I asked and held up the picture of us so he could see it.

  Chad’s expression didn’t falter for one second. “Why, that’s us. That’s the moment I knew I’d found the girl of my dreams.” He smiled at me and looked almost relieved that I’d found the photo.

  Warning bells started clanging through my brain, and I didn’t know what to do or say next. “You’ve known who I was this whole time? Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “You don’t remember me, do you?” Chad’s happy demeanor turned to sadness in an instant, and I finally realized that this guy may be off his rocker. The little signs I’d seen since I first met him started to jumble together like a mess of words in my mind. The familiarity I felt the first time we met. How many classes we’d had in common. He was always there, always checking on me. Shit, what the hell was going on?

  I decided that if he was crazy, I needed to do everything in my power not to set him off. “I remember taking this picture and I remember you. But your name was Michael.”

  Chad’s smile returned and he started to walk toward me. “I knew you’d remembered me. I was Michael until I changed my name when I moved to a new school my sophomore year of high school. Chad’s my real name and Michael’s my middle. I needed to start over, and so I decided a new name was in order. I should have told you, Nikki. I should have told you who I was. Maybe it would have stopped you from thinking you needed another man. I was the one who should have had you first. Me. And because I didn’t say anything, I let you go right to him.”

  A chill ran through my body when he said the word him. Like Garren was the worst human being on the planet. I had a hunch he knew about Garren and me, but he obviously knew more than I thought. So I played dumb. “What are you talking about?”

  There was nothing funny about the way Chad laughed at my question, and he must have noticed me looking over at his front door. “You have no idea, do you?”

  Panic was now replaced by full-on fear. I needed to get away from this guy. Chad was not the boy I thought he was. He was freaking insane. “Chad, look. I’m sorry if I hurt you but—”

  Chad put his finger to my mouth, making me stop speaking. “I hurt myself, Nikki. I should have told you sooner. That I’ve loved you for almost seven years. That I couldn’t help myself when I found out where you lived. Or when I would sneak to your house at night and watch you. That the orgasm you gave me when I saw you naked for the first time let me know how right I was about you. I should have approached you differently, but I knew I needed to be patient. That when the time was right, we would make it work. My parents told me that I wasn’t in a good state of mind during my high school years. I didn’t want to turn you away, so I waited. I convinced everyone that I was a different guy, that college was what I needed. When I forged a paper saying you were attending a different college, they let me enroll here. They knew about you. They knew how much I loved you, but they said it wasn’t healthy.” Chad stopped and held up his finger. “But I’m ready to share everything with you. No more se
crets. I knew when we were finally a couple, I’d tell you everything. Because you chose me, and that’s what I wanted. It needed it to be this way, that you came after me. Then I wouldn’t be crazy.” He smiled at me and it made my stomach turn. I couldn’t process everything he was telling me. “Sit down, I have something I need to show you. And, Nikki, if you try to leave, I won’t be very happy.”

  I could feel the tears in my eyes threatening to make their way out. Crying wouldn’t help me, and I needed to stay strong. Maybe if I acted normal, I could convince him that tonight wasn’t the best night to start our relationship. I would lie and then run like hell. “I won’t leave, Chad.”

  Chad walked over and pulled me into his arms, squeezing me with too much force. “I knew you would stay, my sweet Nikki.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. The second Chad left the living room, I ran to my purse and pulled out my cell phone. There were fourteen missed calls from Garren, and I hadn’t heard a single one because I’d switched it to silent. I peeked over my shoulder and didn’t see Chad. I knew I had a few more seconds. I pulled open a text and was just about to send a message when my phone was ripped out of my hands. “Who do you think you’re texting?”

  I turned around quickly and watched Chad throw my phone down to the floor with so much force that my phone shattered instantly. “It’s over between you two. It’s just me and you now. I thought that’s what you wanted.”

  I was afraid that if I told him he was fucking insane, it would only make things worse. So I lied. “I was just turning my phone off. He won’t quit calling me.”

  Chad must have bought it, because his hardened expression instantly turned soft. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry, love. I shouldn’t have done that. It’s just…you always make me feel so out of control. I have you now, and I don’t want to lose you. Come here.” Chad grabbed my hand and pulled me back over to the sofa. “I want to show you everything, but please don’t be alarmed. Everything I’ve done was exactly for this moment. I’m not upset with your life choices. I just knew that we wouldn’t work until I was away from my parents’ home. College was it, and here we are. I’ve waited so long for you, Nikki.”

  I didn’t say a word as Chad pulled out a stack of pictures from a square black box. Words wouldn’t have even been possible because what I was looking at was what scary movies were made of. Every single picture was of me. Sitting in my parents’ house, in my room, on my bed. Me in my bra. Me with a towel wrapped around my naked body. Sitting naked on my bed. Me at my high school with my friends. “Chad, you watched me all through high school? Why didn’t you just talk to me? Maybe if you—”

  Chad cut me off once again and started to shake his head. “No. It wouldn’t have worked. I knew you were waiting to find that special someone in college. I heard you talk with your friends. I would have just been a high school boyfriend. I needed more than that. So I waited. I was too late, though, and wasn’t the first one to touch you. It infuriated me at first, but then I realized it had to be part of our plan. That I needed you to choose me. And you did.”

  A gasp left my mouth. I wasn’t expecting to see the next set of pictures Chad pulled out. “You watched me with Garren?”

  Chad put a hand over his face and ran it slowly down to his chin, looking like he was in actual physical pain. “You have no idea how much I wanted to storm in there and pull you out of his arms. You were mine, and I was letting some other man touch you. But it’s what you wanted. I could tell.”

  I could feel a sob trying to make its way up my throat, but I needed to stay strong. Chad was fucking crazier than I thought. I looked down at a picture of Garren and me on the couch. I was naked and his head was between my legs. It was the weekend I’d stayed at his house, when I’d let him try anal. I gasped again when I saw another picture, where Garren was pushed deep inside me from behind, and a look of pure ecstasy was plastered across my face. It made me want to scream out to him, to tell him to come and save me, that I was stupid for sending him those texts, that we didn’t need to be together, but I needed him at that moment.

  “I can’t believe you took pictures of this, Chad. I don’t know what to say.” I had to turn my head so I wouldn’t see the images of Garren and me together.

  “Me neither, but I also wasn’t expecting how much it turned me on. Watching you come was probably the most intense thing I’ve ever experienced. When he came all over your back, I came outside of his window. I closed my eyes and imagined it was me inside of you, and I fucking loved it. But now you’re here with me. You’re mine, Nikki. Not his.”

  I’m pretty sure everyone in his building heard the scream that came out of my mouth, but Chad was on me in an instant. “Dammit! Don’t fucking scream.”

  I tried to fight him as he lifted me off the couch and started to drag me to his room. “Chad, stop! You’re scaring me. Let me go, please!” I was trying to yell at the top of my lungs, hoping someone would hear me, but my voice was muffled by the tears and sobs that had finally broken free.

  Chad reached down and pulled me up by my arms and shoved me into his room, slamming his door behind me. “You still love him, don’t you? Seeing those pictures made you wish you were with him instead of me. Didn’t they?” His shouting told me that he’d snapped. I knew I wouldn’t be able to calm him down, and if I tried to fight him, there was a chance that he could seriously hurt me. Stalking was a crime for a reason, and when someone was obsessed with another person, all rationality was thrown out the window.

  I tried to calm my voice, but I knew it was pointless. “Chad, look. I’m sorry, but this is all too much. This isn’t how it should be.”

  “You’re right. You should have been mine the minute we met at the coffee shop. I knew when we met that day that you were already involved with someone, that I was late, but I also knew that I’d pick up the pieces when they fell. I’m here, Nikki. Not that fucking asshole. Me.”

  I was totally blindsided when a shot of pain ran through my head, knowing Chad had struck me across my face with the back of his hand. My cry didn’t stop him, and soon I was being shoved onto the bed as clothing was being discarded to the floor. “I’m going to show you, Nikki. I’m going to show you that it’s me who’s meant for you. Once I’m buried inside you, you’ll see.” I cringed when I smelt the alcohol on his breath when his mouth was just inches from my face.

  Tears were running down my cheeks, and I tried everything to bring back my friend Chad who had been so good to me for the past few months. “Please, this isn’t how it should me. You’re hurting me.”

  Chad was now just standing before me in his boxers. “Isn’t this how you like it? Rough? I saw how that asshole treated you, and you seemed to love it. I can be rough, too.” Chad pulled out his thick, long member and started to stroke it in front of me.

  I could feel the bile in my throat start to make its way up, and I knew that if I didn’t get out of there, things were going to happen that I’d never be able to forget. “Please, don’t.”

  “Look at me, look how much you turn me on. But I need to see you in the flesh.” I cried out as Chad pushed my skirt up around my waist and pulled my underwear off. I cried even more knowing what was about to come.

  “Look at you,” Chad whispered while continuing to rub himself in front of me. “I’ve been dreaming about this moment forever.”

  I couldn’t let this happen, I had to fight back. “Stop!” I cried out at the top of my lungs and kicked my legs furiously, trying to get him to back away from me.

  Finally, I made contact and was thankful I still had my boots on. I sent Chad falling to the ground. He was of medium build, but I knew he was much stronger than I was. If I could just get out of the building, maybe someone would be outside and able to help me.

  I used the moment of Chad’s hesitance to push myself off the bed, making my way to his door. Of course I didn’t make it, and an extreme jolt of pain caused me to scream out he grabbed my arm and threw me back to his large bed. “Nikki, you’re really pissing me off!
I thought you wanted this!”

  I couldn’t believe how this night was turning out. I never could have imagined Chad being capable of this, and I wanted nothing more than to be anywhere else but in his room at that moment. “You’re really hurting me, Chad! This isn’t how it should be.”

  Chad looked down at me when I landed on his bed, and I knew he was lost. “I guess being nice, sweet Chad didn’t work. I’ll just have to show you a different way. I know you’ll see, that you’ll feel it. We were meant to be together.”

  The cries that left my mouth didn’t deter Chad. They only seemed to fuel his fire. I used all my force to try to push him off as he lifted my shirt, pulling my bra off to expose my chest. I cried when he placed harsh kisses on my nipples, and I tried to think of being in another place when he sucked them into his mouth. He was just too strong for me, and I wasn’t able to push him away.

  “It’s time, Nikki. Quit fighting me and you’ll enjoy every second.”

  His kisses were harsh, and it felt like a burning fire took the place of his lips when they left my body. I never thought in a million years I’d be in a situation like this, but it made me feel for any woman who had. Having your body violated was something no one should ever have to experience, it was a nightmare. “Chad, please stop.”

  Chad’s hand connecting with my face did exactly what he wanted, it shut me up. The taste of copper filled my mouth, and I knew he had split my lip open.

  “Shut up! Nikki, you know this is right. Just shut up.” He lowered his voice and started to spread my legs apart. “Take me in, don’t fight it.”

  Just as Chad was about to push inside of me, a sudden burst of energy had reaching up to his arm and sinking my teeth so deep into his flesh, I could feel his skin rip. He pulled back off me and I used that moment to kick him in between his legs as hard as I could. I’d almost made it out to the living room when his large hand grabbed a handful of my hair, smashing my head into the corner of his wall.


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