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Mine (Winterburg Book 1)

Page 13

by Linz VonC

  The door opened and the driver held his hand out for me to get out. As I stepped out I felt the wind greet me, taking my breath away. I gasped as I realised we were at the marina....


  I turned to him, my eyes wide as I searched his. “What are we doing at the marina?!”

  He laughed, and turned me around to face the direction behind me.

  “We are spending the evening on that...” he nodded to a beautiful yacht in the near distance. It was lit up against the dark, and I squealed in excitement. He beamed at my reaction, grabbing my hand after tipping the limo driver. My heart thudded in my chest as I stared at the yacht.

  The ramp on board had rails which had roses around them, small lanterns lining the path to it. I went to walk on it and Cal stopped me, removing my heels, then removing his own shoes. I looked at him, puzzled, as he winked at me.

  “You need to take your shoes off before you go aboard a yacht my lady, it may damage the decks.”

  I was relieved, I was worried how I was going to manage the walk in heels. I wanted to take so many selfies it was unreal! I walked up the ramp and on board. I was immediately greeted by a lady in a crisp white shirt and pressed black trousers. Her hair was swept up into an elegant French roll as she handed me (another) ice cold glass of bubbles. I thanked her as I turned to take in my surroundings. I felt Cal's arms slip around my waist as he kissed my neck.

  “Do you like it?”

  He sounded nervous. I rubbed his hand as I whispered how much I loved it. He led me by the hand to a table surrounded by small lanterns, candles and more roses. The chairs were so soft and comfy, with at least room for three people on each side. I slipped into one and Cal slid in opposite me, his eyes dancing with happiness. The waitress came over and we ordered our food- chicken for me and steak for Cal... and more champagne.

  “You look absolutely amazing Gretchen,” he said softly, his eyes drinking me in. I blushed and he noticed, smiling further as he leant back into his chair. The waitress poured more champagne and fluttered her eyelashes at Cal as he thanked her.

  “No problem Sir,” She swung her hips gently as she walked away, casting a sly glance behind her to see if he was watching. Unfortunately all she saw was my furious glare.

  “Does she want to offer to take you below?” I muttered, annoyed that she was having the audacity to try it on with my boyfriend on a date- this was the problem with being with someone stupidly hot. He raised his eyebrows and flashed me a wicked grin.

  “Now that is an idea. We should totally go below at some point Raven,” He licked his lips suggestively and I felt my face burning. It must be the champagne, because I was genuinely considering it...

  After dinner Cal and I went to the other end of the yacht and stared at the sky together, complete with a thick blanket to shield us from the cold. I couldn't believe how many stars there were, it was such a clear night.

  “It's so beautiful,” I murmured.

  Cal pulled me towards him, our lips meeting urgently as his mouth explored mine. Immediately I found myself pulling his hair and felt him pull me onto his lap. We were kissing hungrily and I found myself moaning as he pulled me down onto him, the blanket covering us. I could hear the waves lapping the boat, the movement of the boat on the water slight, creating the most wonderful moment. I pulled away from him and he groaned.

  “I think it's time for a dance.”

  I frowned at him in amusement. “What?! Here? But…”

  He lifted me up and stood me on my feet. He turned and held out his hand which I took, laughing softly. At that moment the lights on the yacht went out and I gasped and went closer to Cal, who smiled.

  “It's ok.”

  I looked up at him and realised I was smiling stupidly. I was standing in the dark under the stars, on a yacht, in a dress and bare feet, whilst Cal held me in his arms. He swayed me to invisible music and I felt tears prick my eyes. I sniffled involuntarily and he tipped my head back to look at him.

  “I love you, you know that? Nothing will ever tear us apart again.”

  His voice was strong yet soft as his lips brushed against mine.

  “I love you too, so much.”

  Our lips met properly then, as we danced under the stars.

  Chapter 16

  I woke the next morning completely naked in Cal's arms. I looked up at him and watched as his lips moved as he breathed, his chest rising and falling slowly. He was as content as me, I was sure of it. I peeled myself away from the warmth of the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror and realised that my make up from last night was still on, probably most of it was on the pillow too! I ran the water in the shower and waited until the temperature was hot enough to step into. I walked into the steam, letting it cover my body. I ran my hands over my face and in my hair, humming to myself. I washed my hair, taking time to massage the conditioner in before rinsing it out. My hair is an absolute nightmare if it isn't conditioned. I couldn't believe what Cal had done for me last night, I felt like I was going to burst with happiness. I didn't hear the footsteps come into the bathroom, and nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a deep voice say,

  “Well, you must be the reason he isn't answering any of my calls.”

  I gasped, grabbing my towel from the top of the shower, turning it off as quickly as I could. Through the steam I saw a tall muscular man standing in the doorway watching me with a lazy grin on his face. I gulped, wrapping the towel around me in horror. Who the hell was he? Why was he staring at me in that sinister way?

  “What the fuck are you doing in my house?” I heard Cal growl.

  The man didn't even turn away from me as he ran his eyes down my body.

  “See. I was just telling this young lady here that I now understand why you haven't returned my calls. You’ve been distracted.”

  His voice was thick with a New York accent and I felt panic take over, my whole body shaking.

  Cal pushed in front of him, standing in front of me angrily.

  “What the fuck is this Andre?”

  I hid behind Cal, my heart pounding. I knew nothing would happen to me whilst Cal was there, but I was still totally out of my depth and I was terrified.

  The man’s eyes reluctantly left me as Cal walked towards him, standing squarely in front of him. Andre spoke again.

  “Let's go downstairs. Let the lady...get dressed. Or not.”

  The man licked his lips and I shuddered. Cal didn't move and the man stepped backwards out of the bathroom slowly as he made his way out of the room.

  Cal moved then towards me quickly.

  “Get dressed Gretchen, do not worry. You are safe with me.”

  He kissed my head and fixed his eyes on mine, before turning in the same direction the creepy Andre had gone. I quickly picked up a stray t shirt and some jeans that were going to be way too big for me. I wanted to cry, why didn’t I have any clothes with me?! I should have left some here. I found a hoody and pulled that on, grateful for the large size. My hair was dripping wet, curls starting to form. I grabbed a towel and scrunched some of the moisture out, realising my hands were shaking. I tiptoed to the stairs and listened to the voices as best as I could. I heard them but I couldn't make out what they were saying, and all I could think of was what I was going to do if something happened to Cal. I screamed inwardly as I tried to calm myself down. How could we have been dancing on a yacht last night and now I was hiding upstairs from a lecherous prick who had let himself into Cal's house?! I gripped the handrail as the voices got louder and less muffled.

  ''If you had answered my calls I wouldn't have had to make this trip especially Leo.”

  Leo?! Who the fuck was Leo? My heart beat hard in my chest.

  “I told you. This is over now. What the fuck are you doing here?” Cal’s voice said angrily.

  “You can't ignore what happened. Does your pretty little girlfriend know?” Andre sneered.

  “Don't even mention her. Forget you ever sa
w her.” Cal demanded furiously.

  “It's hard though, she is such a pretty little thing. Remember the last pretty little thing you had? I liked her a lot too.”

  He started to laugh and I heard deathly silence.

  “Are you still getting the threats Leo?”

  I heard Cal bang his fist on the counter.

  “You come to MY house, let yourself in and fucking stare at my girlfriend in the shower? Then ask me that? You are one sick fuck.”

  Andre laughed.

  “But we are quite alike are we not Leo?” His voice was softer then.

  “No we are not, we are NOTHING alike,” Cal spat this out in anger. I wanted to go and hold him back, but I knew I needed to stay upstairs. “You deserve to die.”

  My hand flew to my mouth. He clearly meant that, his voice was menacing. I had never heard him like that before, ever.

  “I may go and see your little girlfriend. I hope she hasn't got dressed. I much preferred her naked.”

  I gasped then, running to the bathroom and locking the door. My heart pounded and I felt like I was going to be sick from pure fear. Tears started streaming down my face as I heard footsteps running up the stairs. I heard scuffling and shouting, and I felt the terror running through my veins.

  “You are a weak little boy. Maybe she needs a man? When I have finished with you I will make sure she knows what a man feels like.”

  His vile words made me retch and I racked my brain thinking of what I could possibly do. My phone wasn't in the bathroom, and if I went out there then I will be at risk. I couldn't leave him there though. That man was bigger than Cal and clearly fought dirty. I glanced around the bathroom, desperately searching for anything I could use as a weapon. FUCK! All I could see was bottles of shampoo and shower gel. I could hear banging outside the door and then a thud. I started to panic. Fuck this. I opened the door slowly, peeking through the crack in the door. I couldn't see anything. I opened the door more, slowly peeking around the door. I could see legs sprawled next to the bedroom door and I started to weep as I walked towards them. They weren't moving. I walked forward, my hand over my mouth as I saw what remained of what was once the face of Andre. Blood covered his face and Cal was leaning against the wall, his eyes wide and his face swollen.

  “Baby,”I whispered. He didn't look at me, he didn't even blink.

  “Baby I need to call an ambulance ok?” I looked around for my phone, desperately. I saw it on the stand next to my bed and I ran over.


  I heard Cal’s voice order harshly. I stared at him, stunned.

  “But –“

  “No. He needs to die ok? I will explain. But he needs to.”

  He sounded almost calm. He nodded towards his phone which was on the floor near the bed.

  “Can you pass me that please? I am not sure I can move just yet.”

  He made an attempt at laughing and winced. My mind raced as I handed him his phone. What was going on? I knew the man was bad, but did he deserve to die? I slumped onto the floor against the bed as I closed my eyes. Suddenly Andre started to gurgle and cough, and Cal’s eyes widened as he jumped up, crying out in pain as he did, to put his hand over Andres mouth and nose. I gasped, covering my eyes as I saw Andre trying to fight Cal pointlessly. Andre’s eyes were wide as he tried to speak, Cal stared at him as he leant close to his ear.

  “This is for Lucia you sick fucker,” he spat in his face as the light died from Andres eyes. Cal didn't remove his hands, pushing down repeatedly until he was sure he was dead.

  I started to sob then, and Cal glanced at me, as though he had just remembered I was there. He leant back and reached for his phone, indicating for me to come to his side. I shook my head. No. Cal made a call, his hands on his head.

  “Can I speak to Verno? It's Leo.”

  I stared at him, a million questions going around in my head. LEO CAPE? Was this his name? His real name? I closed my eyes and tried to breathe. I was sitting in a room with a corpse, who moments before was most certainly going to try to kill my boyfriend then do awful things to me. Cal didn't have much choice. Well, Leo didn't. I had zero grip on reality right now.

  I listened as Cal explained to whoever Verno was that Andre was dead, and that he needed someone to remove him. REMOVE HIM? I felt like I was going to be sick and the room started to spin, was I now an accessory to MURDER? Cal hung up the phone and crawled over to me, holding my hands in his blood stained ones.

  “I will tell you everything. Right now. Just please listen to me.”

  My hands shook but I nodded, desperate for some light on what the hell had just happened.

  “Ok,” Cal took a deep breath. “First, we need to get out of here. Let me clean myself up.”

  He managed to stand, grimacing as he did. I stood and helped him into the shower. He washed away the blood and I saw he had deep black bruises covering his ribs and chest. He winced as he washed but he soon was out drying himself. He dressed with my help, and we stepped over the body of Andre, Cal pulling me close to him as we did. We made our way downstairs and outside to his car.

  “You are leaving him there?!” I stared at him aghast. He nodded, reversing down the drive and onto the road before speeding away.

  “Text your parents. We have to talk.” He commanded and I quickly shot off a text to my mom. Luckily I had texted her last night to gush about my evening before falling to sleep. I realised my hands were shaking as we pulled into a diner not far from the house. We walked in and I was relieved to see it was mostly empty, so we chose a booth towards the back as a waiter came over and took our orders.

  I stared at Cal waiting. He met my gaze and nodded.

  “What the fuck just happened?” I whispered.

  “So, New York. The house we broke into? It was my girlfriend’s.”

  He had the grace to stare down then, as he continued.

  “Lucia. No one knew we were seeing each other. She wasn't meant to be in.”

  He closed his eyes, clearly remembering that night.

  “We were almost done. She came in, saw us all.”

  I didn't know what to say, so I just remained quiet.

  The waiter came over, placing our milkshakes in front of us, which we both left untouched.

  “You could do with the sugar, for shock.”

  He nodded at mine. I folded my arms and stared at him.

  “Carry on.”

  He looked at me through those dark eye lashes.

  “I told her to run. She didn't. They dragged her upstairs. I ran towards her and tried to stop them. They were men, Gretchen. She was a young girl. I lied to you before. I didn't run...But they weren't about to let me stop them. They punched me hard enough to knock me out. When I came to there was police everywhere.”

  I realised I had tears running down my face. He was struggling now, his face creased with emotion.

  “She never told them we were seeing each other. The police guessed I had a part in it.”

  I swallowed, barely able to breathe imagining a young Cal going through this.

  “I had a good lawyer. Lucia survived, but only just. She can never have children and she doesn't leave her house. She has no life, not really.”

  His voice was full of sadness.

  “I admitted to taking part in the robbery but not that. Not that, ever,” his voice was full of disgust. “So yeah, Verno was Lucia's pops. He wanted me dead. In his eyes even if I didn't touch her, I didn't help her either.”

  I reached out and held his hand and he looked at me in surprise.

  “Go on.” My voice was broken but I wanted him to tell me everything,

  “I got a fine and a caution. I was the youngest. Four of the men went to prison for what they did. They got 5 years. It was a mockery of the justice system. So Verno created his own justice system. They died in there.” He said this with no emotion.

  “So Andre?” I asked, “What did he do?”

  Cal’s face changed to that of pure anger.

/>   “He was vile Raven, really fucking bad. Like, to the core. He went on the run. I never heard from him or saw him until today. He was the worst of them all- what he did to her-“

  He shook his head violently as if trying to erase the memory.

  “It was just me and him left. Verno wanted us both dead.”

  I stared at him, trying to process everything he had just told me. I reached forward and drank my milkshake in a few gulps. I wished it were wine. Cal watched me carefully.


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