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Blown Away (Next Generation 8)

Page 2

by Cheryl Douglas

  Her eyes fell to his erection, and she flicked her tongue over her lower lip before closing her eyes and letting her hand drift lower, over her stomach, to the apex of her thighs. “On no, you don’t,” he said, climbing on top of her. He pinned her arms beside her head. He snared her in his gaze. “I’m calling the shots tonight. If that’s not what you want, you’re free to leave.” Though he feared letting her go may kill him. Her eyes mapped his body, unabashedly taking in every dip and plane, especially the defined abdominal muscles flexing with every subtle movement. “I’m waiting. If you’re not up for this, I’ll take you home right now. No harm done.” Notwithstanding the effect of spending the rest of the night standing under a cold shower.

  “I do want this.” She slipped her thigh between his legs, rubbing his arousal. “I want you.”

  Brent knew he had to restrain her or he would embarrass himself. He’d been having sex for almost fifteen years, but he couldn’t remember ever being so turned on. He needed to be respectful of the fact that this was her first time. He intended to worship every inch of her delectable body until she was pleading for mercy. He reached for the chains hooked onto his belt loops. Most people assumed they were a fashion accessory, but they served a different purpose.

  Her eyes widened when he slipped the chains over her wrists. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  Her eyes darted up, following his actions. “Um… I’m not sure about this.”

  “I’d die before I’d hurt you, Ava.” When Brent was satisfied she couldn’t use her hands to drive him crazy, he imparted his sweet torture. He feasted on her from the dip in her collarbone to the shell of her ear. She was already panting, and he was just getting warmed up. He hoped he survived this.

  “Brent… oh…God.”

  The way she said his name, as though she was desperate for him, was almost more than he could stand. She’d stoked his hunger months ago, when he first spotted her talking to his brother outside of their English class. An animalistic impulse he couldn’t explain swept through him the first time their eyes collided, and he knew he had to have her. Exactly like this. Pinned under him, at his mercy, ready to give herself over to his every demand.

  “Remember what I said,” he whispered hoarsely, dipping his tongue into her ear. “I say when.”

  She rolled her hips and squeezed her eyes shut. “But I’m so close…”

  He knew the longer he made her wait, the more intense her orgasm would be, and he intended to draw the first one out until she was ready to claw his eyes out in frustration. He inched down and cupped her breasts. When he looked up, her eyes were closed and she was whimpering and writhing beneath him. Exactly the way he wanted her. He didn’t just lick her soft mounds; he devoured them. He was starving for her and he intended to take everything she had to give and make her beg for more. He would ruin her for other men. She wouldn’t be able to think about taking another lover once he was finished.

  Ava’s hands squeezed into tight fists and her entire body was rigid. “I had no idea… ahhh…”

  He planned to introduce her to her body in a way she’d never known it, show her pleasure beyond her wildest fantasies. It made him crazy to think he could send her over the edge just like this. Her breasts were spectacular, probably the best he’d ever seen, and he could gladly pay homage to them all night, but her initiation had just started.

  “Brent, I need…”

  He looked into eyes so full of need he was nearly rendered speechless. “Are you sure about this? If you’re not, we don’t take this any further.”

  “Don’t do this.” Her blue eyes widened in panic. “Don’t tease me.”

  “I’m not teasing you, sweetheart.” He caresses her until she relaxed. “I just don’t want you to have any regrets.” Sex with Ava was the start of a relationship, and the last thing he needed was for her to run scared when they woke up together tomorrow.

  “Don’t leave me like this. Please.”

  Was she serious? “Baby, I’m not going anywhere and neither are you. I just want your first time to be everything you want it to be.”

  She flicked a glance overhead. “Why did you restrain me?”

  “Because this isn’t about my pleasure. It’s about yours. I don’t want you to even think about touching me.”

  “It doesn’t have anything to do with control?” She gasped when he slid a finger inside of her.

  “It does. The control you have over me.” He watched with satisfaction as her mouth fell open and she grinded into his hand. “I’m afraid if I let you touch me, I might lose my mind.”

  “Oh… I… uh…” She tossed her head from side to side when he eased another finger inside of her.

  “God, you don’t know what you’re doing to me. My sweet Ava.” He leaned in and kissed her, matching his tongue to his fingers. “You’re making me crazy.” He deepened the kiss as he circled the delicate bundle of nerves with his thumb. He’d been half-crazy for the woman for months. She’d finally given herself to him, and he wanted to keep her all to himself. When she continued moaning, failing to acknowledge him, he nipped her bottom lip to get her attention. “Tell me how you’re feeling right now.”

  “What?” Her eyes looked cloudy as though she was drunk on lust. “Oh… yes…” Her eyes slid closed again. “Incredible.” Satisfied with her response, he kissed her neck as his fingers continued to work their magic. “Oh… I’m going to…”

  “No, you’re not,” he said, withdrawing his hand. Brent smiled when she scowled. She was feisty. He was so going to enjoy that.

  “What the hell kind of game are you playing, Armstrong?”

  He dropped gentle kisses on her shoulder, encouraging her to relax again. “I want you to let me set the pace, baby. Just for tonight. I want to ease you into this.”

  Ava looked down her naked body. “This isn’t fair.”

  “I’m going to give you everything you want and so much more…” He laid down beside her, brushing her hair off her face. “Soon.”

  “I’m tired of waiting,” she groaned. “I want you inside of me. Now.”

  Brent was harder than he’d ever been, and her plea only intensified his state. He’d never wanted anything as much as he wanted her, but he had to rein himself in. He prided himself on being in control… always. He controlled his body and his impulses, not the other way around.

  She looked him in the eye. “Do you have a girlfriend? Is that why you don’t want to go through with this?”

  He laughed. “I do now.”

  Ava frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Tonight is just the beginning for us, Ava.”


  Ava could barely breathe. Was Brent for real? He was asking her for some kind of commitment? They’d never even been on a date. Her mama would be so ashamed. She chewed her lip. “Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe we should just forget this ever happened.”

  “Impossible,” he said, flicking his tongue over the skin she’d pierced with her teeth. “Stop doing that. You’re marking this luscious mouth.”

  She always bit her lip when she was nervous and she’d be damned if she stopped just because he told her to. As though he sensed her withdrawal, he crawled down her body and positioned his wide shoulders between her knees.

  If she couldn’t breathe before, she was about ready to pass out then. “Brent…” Her objections were lost on a long, low moan. Oh, Lord, she really was a slave to her body. Every thought she had about controlling men and premature commitments fled. The only thing that mattered was the way he made her feel: sinful. It felt too good to stop… ever.

  “Incredible,” he whispered.

  Wasn’t that supposed to be her line? She didn’t tell Brent she was close that time. She allowed her body to speak for her. Her hands clenched in tight fists above her head, her legs trembled, her eyes pinched shut, her heart hammered, and she couldn’t draw a breath. Surely he knew what he was doing to her. She only prayed
he kept doing it.

  “That’s it, sweetness,” he whispered, kissing her thigh. “Let me have it. Now.” Was he finally giving her permission? Whether he was or not, her body responded almost immediately. Her cries filled the room as he continued to stroke her to completion.

  “Satisfied?” he asked, looking amused.

  He really was a smug bastard, and so gorgeous it should be illegal. No wonder every woman on campus wanted him.

  “Getting there.” His ego was already big enough. She wouldn’t contribute to his arrogance by heaping on the praise he expected. He already knew he was an incredible lover. Women had probably been telling him that for the past decade.

  Brent reached into his pocket and withdrew protection. Of course he was prepared. He’d probably come to the party expecting to take some woman home. She’d made it easy for him. He didn’t even have to leave the party.

  Ava cringed when she thought about what he would think of her tomorrow. Good thing she wouldn’t have to worry about facing him. He was in the last year of his M.B.A. program, and tomorrow marked the first day of their summer vacation. Ava and Tara had big plans for the summer: trekking across Europe. But she so wanted to take the memory of one night with her fantasy guy with her.

  He frowned when he looked at her wrists. “Do you need me to take those off?” He released the hook. “Shit, they left a mark. I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” His eyes held hers as he pressed a kiss to the subtle abrasions.

  “It’s okay. I’m fine.” She was better than fine. She was practically vibrating with anticipation.

  He kissed her tenderly and she wrapped her arms around his neck, grateful she could finally touch him. Pulling back to look into her eyes, he whispered, “You are so beautiful. God, I feel like I’ve been waiting for this forever.”

  Ava knew the feeling. She’d expected his skill and intensity, but she hadn’t expected his passion or possessiveness. He was unlike any man she’d ever known, and she was suddenly grateful she would be thousands of miles away from him for the next four months. If she stayed in Nashville, Brent Armstrong could easily become her vice.

  He guided his shaft to her entrance before kissing her again, presumably to relax her. “I need you to trust me. I’ll take good care of you. I promise, sweetness.” She buried her face in his neck. When she felt him inch inside of her, her body tensed. “Baby, I want to make you feel so good, but you need to let me in. Do you think you can do that?” He pressed his lips to her cheek.

  “I want to.” She dug her nails into his back. “But I’m scared.”

  “It’s okay to be scared,” he whispered. “You’ve waited a long time for this.” He held her face. “So have I. Believe me.”

  Ava couldn’t take time to analyze his meaning. She’d already decided she didn’t want to save herself any longer, and she wanted him to be her first. It was time. “Make love to me, Brent.” She bit her lip when she realized how he might perceive her words.

  “I told you not to do that,” he said, a smile teasing his lips. “Just relax, sweetheart. We’ll take our time.”

  True to his word, he continued kissing her, distracting her from the pain, until he filled her completely. She could tell by his strained expression that remaining still, giving her a chance to adjust, cost him, and she felt a sense of overwhelming relief. He meant what he said. He wouldn’t hurt her.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. “I’m okay.” She slid her mouth to his shoulder, hoping she wouldn’t be compelled to sink her teeth into his flesh when he picked up the pace.

  But he didn’t pick up his pace. He was slow and gentle, his eyes never leaving hers as he gauged her reaction. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Tears sprang to her eyes not because he was hurting her, but because she’d never expected him to try so hard to avoid hurting her. “Fine.”

  He stilled suddenly. “Why are you crying?’

  “I’m sorry,” she sniffled, embarrassed. “I just didn’t expect to feel this way. It’s intense, but in a good way.”

  He smiled before dropping a kiss on her lips. “I’m glad. It’s going to get even better, you’ll see. God, Ava, I can’t wait to make love to you the way I want to… no holds barred.”

  She got thrill bumps just thinking about that. Too bad she wouldn’t be around long enough to enjoy an encore performance. She locked her ankles at his waist, drawing him deeper as she encouraged him to pick up the pace. She was more comfortable and less fearful, and she didn’t want him to hold back anymore. She wanted the full experience, the same one he treated those others girls to. No, she wanted more. She wanted the best of him. At least for tonight.

  When she got her wish, Ava slipped into a trance as he kissed her neck. Her body responded to his naturally, as though she’d been made for him. “Yes…” She was close again. She’d heard it was difficult for some women to orgasm during intercourse. Undoubtedly Brent’s skill was taking her there. A wave of sadness washed over her as she wondered if she would ever enjoy that experience again.

  “Ahhhh…” He threw his head back, his jaw clenched tightly. “Baby, you feel so incredible.” He fixed her with those dark eyes. “You’re so perfect for me.”

  Those were the last words Ava heard before she surrendered.

  Chapter One

  Brent scowled when he opened his email and read his brother’s subject line: The Girl Who Got Away. He didn’t have time for Keith’s games. He had a company to run and a hostile takeover to finalize.

  He’d told his board of directors the takeover wasn’t a personal decision. It was strictly business, but those who knew Brent well knew he didn’t do anything without a good reason. The company in question belonged to the man their mother had left them for almost thirty years ago. He’d been plotting the takeover for years, chipping away at the company, undercutting them at every turn, buying up as much stock as he could… He was already salivating over his impending victory. The old man’s son had taken over the company a few years ago, but that didn’t dull Brent’s sense of revenge. That son was Brent’s half-brother. The son his mother had chosen to raise.

  Brent rifled through his business emails before curiosity got the better of him and he opened Keith’s message. There was a link to a dating website. Must be a joke. His brother had a twisted sense of humor. Brent almost deleted it, but then his eyes scanned the name. Ava. He read the subject line again. The Girl Who Got Away. Could it be her?

  If his brother was messing with him, Brent would have to kill him later. Or at least rough him up. Keith, of all people, knew the lengths Brent had gone to to find Ava. She was supposed to be in Europe for the summer, but apparently she’d enjoyed it so much she decided to stay. She finished her undergraduate degree in Germany. He hadn’t seen or heard from her again. He rarely thought about her anymore. Business commanded all of his focus and attention.

  When he clicked on the link and saw her face, his heart stuttered. She was even more stunning than he remembered. Her long blond hair fell in soft waves, blanketing her low-cut red sweater. Those big blue eyes, the same eyes that still haunted him from time to time, beckoned to him, as were the glossy full lips he could almost feel.

  She was supposed to be his. He’d made his intentions clear that night. When he took her to bed, it was with the understanding he wasn’t letting her go. His gut told him she was the one, but apparently her instincts told her otherwise. She had deemed him the one thing he’d never wanted to be: a regret.

  Thinking about how he’d felt waking up to an empty bed only an hour after she’d fallen asleep in his arms still made him mad. The party had been in full swing, but Ava was nowhere to be found. He cornered her best friend and demanded answers. Tara hadn’t been very helpful. She said her friend wasn’t feeling well and asked a sober girlfriend to drive her home.

  Brent had felt powerless. He had no phone number, no address, and her best friend refused to give up the information he demanded. Keith finally talked him down when he starte
d causing a scene by telling him he could track down Ava in the morning. Except the next morning, Ava boarded a plane to Europe, starting a whole new life without him.

  Brent printed the page and threw open his door, striding past his assistant. “Hold all my calls. I have to kill my brother.”

  Amy rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to her computer monitor. “Again? What did he do this time?”

  “He’s messing with my personal life.”

  “Such as it is,” she muttered and tried to hide her smile when he glared at her. “Maybe he’s just trying to help you get a life.”

  “I have a life. I’m out every night of the goddamn week, whether I want to be or not.”

  “Yeah, and you’re always the life of the party, Armstrong.”

  He didn’t attend those parties to socialize. He didn’t have time for fun. He had one goal: to go to sleep richer than he was when he woke up. If the people he rubbed shoulders could help make that happen, he spared them precious time.

  His hand was already on the doorknob to the outer office when Amy said, “Leslie called. She wanted to confirm your date for the children’s charity benefit tonight.”

  Brent groaned. He didn’t mind attending the event, but after three dates, Leslie was already getting on his last nerve. She wrapped herself around him like a barnacle at every event, and he despised her public displays of affection. He wanted to be the one deciding when and where he touched a woman. And his desire to touch Leslie lessened every time he saw her. She’d propositioned him on their first date, a serious turn-off. That made him question how many men had come before him. He went for innocent women… ever since a sexy little co-ed got under his skin. Which reminded him of his mission to kill his brother.

  “I’ll be back in a minute,” he said over his shoulder. Keith’s office was right across the hall, so he didn’t have far to go. He waved off his brother’s assistant and stormed his inner office.


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