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What Happened After Vegas? (Unexpected Love #2)

Page 5

by Cummin, Sharon

  "Make sure you pack a bikini. We're definitely going to relax by the pool. You have no idea how happy I am about our weekend. I've got most of my work caught up, so I shouldn't have to much to do beside the meeting on Friday."

  Rachel stood up and grabbed her purse. She took money out without him noticing.

  "I'll show you around on our way back downstairs," he said.

  "You're going to show me around the building?" she asked.

  He shook his head as he reached out and took her hand. She quickly put the money right next to his keyboard as he walked toward the door. They walked back into the reception area where Carol sat. She had a huge smile on her face that Rachel couldn't miss. Cliff took her to the different floors his firm occupied and walked her through the whole company. Rachel was self-conscious the entire time. People stopped to say hello and shook her hand. She met more lawyers than she had wanted to. There was no way she was going to be able to remember all of their names. She saw a group picture as they walked down one of the hallways and stopped when she noticed Jake in it. Cliff leaned in, as he kissed her cheek and squeezed her hand. She quickly began to walk with him. He was definitely a wonderful man.

  He walked her out and opened the car door for her. She leaned back and looked him over again with a smile. He nodded and winked at her before kissing her softly on the lips. Their kiss deepened, and she pulled back catching her breath.

  "Save those kisses for tomorrow," she said. "Another one of those, and you won't be able to get me to go home."

  Rachel got in the car. She looked back to see him watch the car until it was out of sight.

  Chapter 8

  As soon as she got home, she went right to packing. She wanted to make sure to take everything she could possibly need. Her gigantic suitcase was packed, and she was ready to go. She got on her computer and did some more research on things to do around Detroit. They were going to be about forty minutes outside of the city. She found museums, restaurants, and parks. Cliff told her the name of the hotel they were staying at before she left his office. She looked to see what the pool area looked like. It was rather impressive. She even went to bed early so time would pass and she could see him again.

  His driver showed up at her house right on time. When they pulled up in front of his office, he came out with only his laptop bag. As soon as he got in the car, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

  "Don't you need a suitcase?" she asked.

  "It's already in the trunk. I brought it with me this morning."

  Rachel leaned in next to Cliff. She couldn't stop herself from touching him.

  They got through security and waited for their flight in the airlines VIP club. When they boarded the plane, she got comfortable quickly.

  "You know you're spoiling me," she said. "What am I going to do when I have to fly alone? Thank you for everything, Cliff. You have been too good to me."

  "Oh yeah," he said. "I forgot to mention some money I found on my desk yesterday when I went back to my office. Do you know anything about that?"

  "I was supposed to pay for lunch. It was part of the deal. I wasn't thinking when we left the restaurant so quickly. I thought about it once we calmed down and were looking up things on the computer. You agreed to let me pay."

  "You are definitely one of a kind. Do you know that?"

  "I'll take that as a compliment," she said.

  "You should," he said.

  The flight wasn't bad at all. She felt much safer with him there. He worked on his laptop while she read on her digital reader.

  When they landed, they collected their luggage and rented a car. He wanted to be able to drive around with Rachel wherever they wanted. If he used a service, he would have to call them constantly. He wanted it to be just the two of them. She was so excited to see a beautiful, red Corvette waiting for them and looked over with a huge smile on her face. Cliff laughed as he handed her the keys. The ride to the hotel was about thirty minutes, but it only felt like five to Rachel. Cliff checked in and the bellboy grabbed their luggage. Rachel walked into the room and her mouth fell open.

  "It's beautiful," she said.

  She had never been in a hotel suite that big. His room in Vegas was gorgeous, but it was tiny in comparison. It looked like they were in the living room of a home. There was a large table off to the side. She walked through the door into the next room. It was a nice size kitchen. She walked back through the original room. There was a small hall that led to a large bedroom with a jacuzzi tub in it. The bed was huge in the center of it all. The bathroom that led off of the bedroom had an even larger tub with a television and a standup shower. There were two sinks and a very large mirror. The place was spotless. When she walked back out, Cliff had just finished with the bellboy.

  "I've never stayed in a room this nice," she said.

  "I usually stay in rooms like the one I had in Vegas. When I go to conferences or meetings, I normally get there, attend whatever it is I'm there for, and leave the next morning. Since we're staying a few days, I wanted to have a bigger room in case we decide to stay in and relax. The pool area here is very nice. I think you'll like it."

  Rachel walked to the door and grabbed her bag.

  "I can take that," he said.

  "I know," she answered, as she walked by with a smile.

  It was pretty late by the time they arrived and got their luggage put away.

  "We can go out, eat downstairs, order room service, or we can fix something here. I asked them to have the kitchen stocked, but I have no idea what's in there."

  "I would rather eat here if you don't mind," she said, as she walked to him. "I've kind of missed you and don't really feel like being around a bunch of people. Plus, you have a meeting in the morning. I can make us something. Do you have to work tonight?"

  "No," he said. "I did everything before I left and on the plane. I'll be more than happy to stay in. I've missed you too. Seeing you yesterday did nothing except make me miss you more."

  Cliff wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. Rachel couldn't be happier. He had already shed his suit jacket and tie. The top button on his shirt was open and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He was so damn sexy. She loved the feel of his hard body against hers. Cliff lifted her chin and kissed her softly on the lips. His lips were so warm and comforting. Rachel didn't want to admit she had been nervous since Jake sent her that text. She felt so safe when she was with Cliff. He nipped her lip and she moaned as they parted. His tongue entered her mouth as he deepened their kiss. She ran her fingers through his soft hair and held on. The kiss was sensual and passionate, and she knew she wanted a snack before dinner. She wasn't a bold person, but being with him did things to her. The thought of pleasuring him made her happy and had her so turned on.

  Her hands traveled down his back until she hit the waist of his jeans. When she brought them around, she undid his belt, unbuttoned, and unzipped his pants. She pulled back from his kiss with a smile on her lips and went to her knees. His eyes widened.

  "Rachel," he warned.

  She looked up at him from below and slid his pants down with his boxers. His already hard cock sprang free. She slowly moved her hands back up his legs as she kept eye contact with him. When she wrapped her hand around him, his eyes softened. She stroked his length before leaning in and licking the glistening drop from the tip of his cock. Her tongue swirled around him, as a moan shook through his body. She wasn't a fan of blowjobs, but with Cliff, she wanted to taste all of him. Rachel covered him with her mouth and slowly took him in deeper until she felt him touch her throat. His hand went to her head, as he wrapped her hair around it and began to guide her. She felt like she was going to explode from having him in her mouth. With their eyes still connected and his hand in her hair, she sucked him hard as she took him deeper. His eyes closed and his head relaxed.

  "That feels so damn good. You have no idea how hot you look on your knees with my cock deep in your throat. If you don't want me to fill
your sexy mouth, you better get up here."

  Rachel smiled and sucked hard as she took him out and back into her throat. She could see the tension of the day leave his body. It made her feel so good knowing she was doing that for him. Her hands went to the back of his legs as she moved to take him even deeper. He let out a growl when she took him deep. She continued to suck him, as he held her head and pushed himself deep into her throat.

  "Fuck, baby," he moaned.

  She felt his legs stiffen and knew she wanted him to feel so much pleasure. Pulling him out of her mouth, she licked him from the base to the tip of his cock and teased the tip. Then she sucked hard and plunged him back in deep. He let out a sound from deep in his chest, as he filled her throat with his release. She continued to suck and lick him until she had taken every drop. Cliff reached down, pulled her to her feet, and wrapped his arms around her. He reached for her shirt, but she pulled back from him.

  "I want to make you dinner first," she said. "You've worked hard all day. I want you to relax."

  He leaned his forehead against hers and looked into her eyes.

  "What are you doing to me, Rachel?" he asked.

  "I could ask you the same thing," she answered, as she pulled out of his arms and walked toward the kitchen.

  Rachel looked around the kitchen and found ingredients for spaghetti. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, as he moved her hair off her shoulder and kissed her neck.

  "I don't want you to cook. You should be relaxing too. If you're going to cook, then I'm going to help you."

  They moved around the kitchen together with ease. It was as if they had done it a million times. Their conversation flowed as they laughed and cooked. He poured them each some wine while she put their filled plates on the table. They finished planning their weekend as they ate. When they were done, he grabbed the plates from the table and took them to the sink.

  "They will do the dishes," he said. "Come with me."

  "I'm not leaving our dishes for someone else to do. You go relax. It won't take but a few minutes."

  Cliff laughed as she began filling the sink with soap and water.

  "My housekeeper is going to love having you around at home," he joked.

  "Why?" she asked. "Are you messy?"

  He grabbed the towel that was folded on the counter and smacked at her ass.

  "No," he said. "Well, maybe a little. I leave my dishes for her to clean. She's the one that cooks."

  "You are a spoiled man," Rachel said. "Is that what you're telling me? Is she there every day?"

  "Yes," he said. "She lives there."

  "Does she have family?" Rachel asked.

  "She has her parents, a brother, and a sister. Her sister lives in another state. She's worked for me for five years. I wouldn't trust someone else to live in my home like that. I pay her well, and she's happy with that. I don't work her to hard. I'm not a bad guy to work for."

  Rachel washed the dishes and he dried them.

  "So this is unusual for you then. You cooked and cleaned today. I bet it doesn't feel like such a vacation after all," she said with a smile.

  Cliff walked up from behind her, grabbed a bit of water, and flung it in her direction.

  "Oh, you did not just do that," she yelped, as she cupped both of her hands.

  His eyes widened, as she filled her hands and launched the water at him. His mouth opened wide. She held her lips between her teeth so she wouldn't laugh. He got a mischievous look on his face, and she knew she was done. Rachel took off running for the bedroom. He was right behind her. She couldn't get the door shut fast enough and was laughing so hard when he grabbed her and pulled her to him. His hair was wet with soapy water, and drips were running down his cheek. He grabbed the back of her head and crashed his lips to hers.

  "You're lucky I don't spank your ass for that," he said.

  When her breathing finally slowed, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  "I haven't had that much fun doing dishes since I was in high school," she said with a giggle. "I know."

  He looked at her waiting for her to finish.

  "You haven't done dishes since high school," she said, as she burst into another round of laughter.

  "Hey," he joked. "I did them in college too."

  Cliff walked over and started the water in the jacuzzi tub. He poured in something that smelled amazing.

  "I want you naked by the time I come back with wine," he commanded.

  Rachel couldn't remember the last time she felt as good as she did with Cliff. She quickly removed her clothes and got into the bath he had drawn for them. The hot water felt so good on her skin, and it smelled fruity and fresh. If he didn't return soon, she knew she was going to fall asleep. When he walked in, she was leaning back with her head against the tub. He set their filled wine glasses next to the tub and took off his dress shirt, t-shirt, socks, pants, and finally boxers. She watched closely as he walked toward the tub. His chest and stomach were so muscular. His body was perfect.

  "Lean forward," he said.

  She moved up, and he got into the tub behind her. He leaned back against the tub and pulled her back against his chest. His hand reached up and moved the hair off of her neck before wrapping his arms around her. She felt the cool air brush across her exposed nipples and felt them harden. Cliff leaned in and planted soft kisses across her neck. He had his legs on the outside of hers. He moved his hands to her already pebbled nipples, as he continued kissing her neck.

  "So damn sexy," he said.

  He cupped her one breast in one hand and rolled her other nipple around with the fingers of his other hand. Her back arched as her breasts pushed against his hands. He pinched her nipple and pulled it with his fingers. She moaned as her head went back against his shoulder. His other hand moved down caressing her stomach. His fingers continued moving downward until they came to her soft, warm folds. He locked his legs around hers and pulled her legs apart so she was open to him. His tongue licked and sucked her earlobe.

  "Are you wet for me?" he asked.

  "Mmmm," was her response.

  His finger softly moved down and back up and rested on her clit. She moved against him.

  "You thought you were so funny out there," he said.

  A small smile spread across her lips.

  "Maybe I should pay you back for all your funny comments," he said.

  Her brows arched above her closed eyes.

  "Maybe I should tease you all night long, baby," he whispered into her ear.

  Rachel felt a chill run through her body as his sexy voice brushed against her ear.

  "Maybe I should bring you right to the edge over and over again," he whispered, as his fingers circled her clit and then stopped. "I would have you panting and ready but never let you come. You'd be begging for your release. Damn, you would look so good begging me to allow you to come."

  She moaned as she moved her hips and pressed against his hand.

  "Would you beg, baby?" he asked, but she didn't respond. "I can feel how wet and ready you are. Do you know what I've been waiting to do to you?"

  Rachel remained silent with her head back against his shoulder. He gave her breast a squeeze and pulled her nipple, as he took his fingers down and back up to her clit. Her breast pressed forward into his touch and her hips moved against his fingers. She let out another moan she was sure he felt vibrate through her body. He leaned in and traced her neck with his tongue.

  "I want to taste every inch of your body. I want to touch you. I want to feel your perfect skin. I want to fuck you with my tongue while you ride my face. I want to make you come in so many ways. You're going to come with my fingers inside that sweet pussy. You're going to come on my tongue. You're definitely going to come all over my cock over and over. Are you ready for all that?"

  "Mmmmm," was her response.

  "Use your words, Rachel," he whispered against her ear.

  "Yes. Ready. Yes," was all she could get to leave her lips.
r />   He continued kissing her neck, kneading her breasts, and rubbing her clit. She could feel his cock harden against her back. He moved his finger down. She felt him rest at her entrance and thrust her hips forward. He smiled against her neck but didn't enter her.

  "You're so wet, baby," he whispered. "You want to come don't you?"

  She nodded slowly.

  "Words, baby," he said.

  "Please, Cliff," she whimpered.

  "Are you going to tease me again?" he asked.

  She remained still.

  "Rachel, baby," he whispered. "Are you going to tease me again?"

  She nodded yes, but quickly stopped herself. He let out a laugh.

  "At least your honest," he said with a smile. "I really enjoy spending time with you. Do you enjoy spending time with me?"

  Cliff entered her with his finger and pulled it back out.

  "Ah," she moaned.

  She nodded and moved her hips against him.

  "Please," she begged. "I. Need. You."

  Her words left her mouth slowly. She was going to explode if he didn't let her come. When she moved her own hand toward her clit, he grabbed it with his.

  "I don't think so," he said in a stern voice. "Every single one of those orgasms is mine this weekend. Do you understand me?"

  She nodded but let out a loud breath.

  "I need you," she said.

  "Are you done teasing me?" he asked. "Should I make you come with my fingers, baby?"

  "Yes," she cried out.

  Cliff played with her nipple and thrust his finger into her, keeping his palm against her clit. Her hips bucked forward against his hand. He added another finger and slammed into her pussy fast and deep. When he hooked his fingers inside of her, she cried out his name and came hard around them.

  "Fuck, Cliff," she yelled out. "Oh, fuck."

  He continued moving in and out of her, as he kissed her neck. It seemed like the longest orgasm she had ever had as she rode it out. Her body went limp against his and her breathing slowly returned to normal.

  "Turn around," he commanded.

  While she turned around, he grabbed a condom from the side of the tub. She hadn't even seen him put them there. He rolled it over his length, reached out, and pulled her onto his lap. When he leaned forward and took her nipple into his mouth, she cried out again. He reached forward and played with her clit, as he took her nipple between his lips and grazed it with his teeth. She grabbed the back of his head and held him to her. He pulled her hips forward until he was at her entrance and eased her down over him. She moaned and let herself move lower until he was filling her completely. Her hands went back on his thighs and her back arched. She moved slowly at first taking him in and out of her. His head went back against the wall as she rode him a little quicker. She felt his hips move as he met her thrust for thrust. He felt so damn good inside of her. She could feel him harden even more as she took him deep inside. He sat up and pulled her up to meet him. His arms wrapped around her, and he slammed up into her over and over. She was moaning and calling his name. His hands went to her hips. He held her firm and thrust into her so deep she couldn't hold back.


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