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Paranormal Dating Agency_Claimed by Her Tigers

Page 4

by Ever Coming

  “Beautiful, you look like you are going to vomit.” Shane patted the bed beside him.

  “I’m not.” I walked to him, greeted by his I-believe-you-not-at-all stare. “I promise.”

  “Then what is it?” Noah came around, kneeling in front of me so our eyes were at the same level.

  “I—I just need a minute.” Or an hour, or maybe some of that shifter wine she had in the cellar.

  “You have an entire bedroom. You can take all night.” Noah tilted his head in the direction of an open door I’d failed to notice. Which showed a lot about my current state given that I knew from our earlier conversation there had was an adjoining bedroom.

  “I missed that, but no. I don’t want to take all night.” I was kicking myself for taking as much time as I was. What was wrong with me? I wanted this—wanted them—and yet, there I was freezing up like I was about to have a boy go to first base for the first time.

  “You missed the second bedroom?” Shane asked in near disbelief.

  “She is overwhelmed.” Noah flicked Shane’s shoulder. Men.

  “Now who is channeling their inner Shane?” Shane taunted, his humor much appreciated. By me, at least.

  “I’m ignoring him.” Noah met my eyes. He was so close, yet purposefully not touching me much to my appreciation and my hyena’s dismay. Weren’t we just a walking contradiction. “Listen to me, gorgeous. Whatever you are thinking, if you want to stay in here—with us—you need to let it out.”

  He wanted me to share all the confusion in my head because—yeah, that was sexy as hell.

  “Bossy much?” I stuck out my tongue, trying to turn this playful. Playful I could handle. Sharing my insecurities, not so much.

  “There are many, many things I want to do with you—both of you—but I will not chance an ounce of morning regret.” Noah was choosing his words carefully, his voice low and slow. “It’s too important for that. You are too important for that.” He tilted my chin so that my eyes were no longer focused on his forehead. “So, tell me. Tell us.” He reached over and took Shane’s hand in his.

  “I’m nervous,” I blurted out. It felt oddly freeing to just lay it out there. Sure, details would have been nice, but having it no longer festering inside me was a start. I was feeling a bit more at ease already.

  “About us?” Shane asked, my ease the complete opposite of what was rolling off of him.

  “Not really.” Not at all.

  “About what we might do,” Noah clarified, not asking, but knowing. It was calming that he still didn’t push or even take for granted that our being there all naked and in the same room with pheromones ajumping would somehow equate with sex. It would, but by my choice. All of this was mine to decide. They were so not like any men I’d ever met, shifter or human. That was probably how I ended up in the room in the first place. Agreeing to the date, even. Sure, I tried to convince myself at the time that it was because it was easier than fighting, but truth be told, I wanted them from that very first flustered moment.

  “Pretty much that, yeah. And I know that sounds dumb. I mean, come on, we all are on fire for each other, so getting off is going to happen.” I was pretty surprised it hadn’t already, just from sheer proximity. Our chemistry was so freaking palatable it was almost surreal.

  “But?” Shane tentatively took my hand.

  “But, what if I don’t pull my weight. I mean, you guys know each other inside and out, and I haven’t even kissed you yet. Either of you.” Talk about jumping into the fire.

  It was true, too, every word of it. They’d been lovers for three years. They each knew every button to push to make the other come undone. They How to read each other, how to rev things up or, if needed, decelerate to keep the slow burn. Heck, they probably could get off just from their memories alone. I, on the other hand, didn’t even know if they liked a little bite with their kisses.

  “I offer myself up as kissing tribute.” Shane pulled his hand from Noah’s and raised it proudly. Silly man. Sexy man. Oh yeah, I was so going to take him up on that, but, as I leaned in, Noah shook his head slightly thwarting my plans. From the disappointment on Shane’s face, his plans as well.

  “Fine.” Noah’s voice was all alpha. “But, after we talk.” And boom. Squished like a bug.

  “Spoilsport.” I knocked his knee with mine so he could see that while I was indeed truly frustrated, I was going for funny with my comment.

  “He really is,” Shane agreed before looking his man in the eye sternly. “Often.”

  “Not helping,” Noah growled out almost playfully.

  “Not trying to,” Shane pointed out. “I was trying to kiss her, possibly nibble on her lips before exploring her neck with my tongue and scenting where my tiger wants to claim her.”

  Oh yeah, these men would have me coming before we even got started. There was something so incredibly sexy about a man stating so clearly and with such detail exactly what he wanted.

  “Now, it’s you who isn’t helping.” Noah fell back on his ass, his cock pointing the way to the ceiling, its tip glistening with pre-cum. He wrapped his arms around his knees, not even bothering to get up. “I don’t even remember where I was. I was too busy picturing you doing all those things at the same time as I was making her come with my mouth”

  Yes, please!

  “And you both are now officially helping.” So very much so. Seeing them like this, all needy and honest, had my nerves fleeing as if they’d never been there to begin with. I was ready to go. “I just had a case of the freak-out from the overwhelming lust permeating the rooms. I have a feeling I could just lie here and watch, and it would be good enough.” Who knew I had a kink for watching? Was that something one could just develop when two hotties popped into their life because I was officially 4,000 percent sure I wanted to watch them do all things.

  “You’re probably accurate in your assessment, although active participation is strongly encouraged.” Noah laughed at his attempt at a joke as he got up and took a seat beside Shane.

  “But, like if I wanted to watch for a bit—that would be all right, right?” Because, in for a penny… If they wanted to know what was in my head, they were going to find out. In detail.

  “You want to watch us what—kiss?” Shane’s eyes gleamed with wonder. He was completely down with that. As was Noah from the way his cock jumped a little at my suggestion. Not that I was watching. I was totally watching.

  “And touch and maybe do things with your mouth a bit lower.” Like lick him like a lollipop, savoring the offering that was his pre-cum. Wow, one evening with these guys, and my brain turned all naughty. I liked it. A bit too much.

  “And what would you be doing, besides watching?” Shane asked, practically daring me to delve deeper into my own depravity. Heck yeah, I was down with that.

  “I don’t know,” I lied. I already knew, but watching these two hot men beginning to squirm with need was an aphrodisiac of its own. “Maybe play with my nipples a bit, not wanting to be too distracted from the scene before me.” Or pinching them hard to stave off the need of my already needy, begging for attention clit. I squeezed my knees, hoping for a little relief. None. Came.

  “Maybe?” Shane was now staring at said nipples, and they stood right at attention for his approval.

  “Yeah, maybe.” I shrugged as if I wasn’t as needy as I was, as if they couldn’t smell my arousal, as if all of this were just polite conversation over tea. “I mean, it might be too hard to stay focused on them anyway given how wet I am. I might need to take care of that as I watched instead.”

  Both of them purred. How did I not know that was a thing. It was probably a fluke because their animals were so close to the surface.

  “Let me get this straight, you want to watch him suck me off as you make yourself come.” Shane. Always Shane.

  “I wasn’t too particular on who was doing the sucking, honestly, but yeah that works.” It more than worked. I was already envisioning his mouth as it opened to take him all in,
with just the tiniest drop of drool on the corner, his anticipation taking over completely.

  “And she was worried she wouldn’t know what to do.” Shane winked at Noah. “I knew she was freaking perfect for us.”

  “But you said you didn’t see her face.”

  Yippee-skippy. Another conversation about me, in front of me. At least, this time they were giving me something to watch as Noah’s hand slowly wrapped around Shane’s cock.

  “I didn’t remember yours ,either, but see how that worked out.” His voice dropped an octave as Noah’s hand descended again.

  “So she’s ours?” Noah clarified, his opinion on the matter made obvious by the excitement in his voice.

  “Oh, she will be.” Shane groaned as Noah tightened his grip at his pronouncement.

  “She’s sitting here waiting for you two to do something with your mouths other than talk about her like she’s not here.” Although, I was quite enjoying hearing their banter and their going all caveman saying I would be theirs.

  “Open communication is important,” Noah began to explain before Shane flicked him in the chest.


  “Less talking and more kissing. You heard the woman.” Shane closed his eyes shaking his head slowly in mirth. “And to think I let you control the bedroom.”

  As if accepting his words as a challenge, Noah’s hand came up behind Shane’s head, his fingers weaving into his hair as he pulled him close, devouring him with his lips. There was nothing tentative or sweet about the kiss. It was all raw lust—teeth, tongues, power. Hotter than my head had even beginner to conjure up, and the kiss I envisioned them in was pretty freaking hot.

  As the kiss broke, Shane sat there, catching his breath, his eyes glazed over with lust.

  “Don’t think I forgot that sass before our kiss.” Noah tapped him on the nose. Sass? Was there sass? If there was, I’d totally forgotten it thanks to their very steamy break in my concentration. If he had a problem with sass, we were going to be in trouble. “If we hadn’t promised kissing first, I’d already have your mouth around my cock.”

  Or maybe my sassy tendencies were going to be the best thing ever if that was my consequence. My hand fell to my nipples. No longer even aware of what I was doing, I had my attention 100 percent on the sexy shifters beside me.

  “Is that an order?” Shane asked, his desire for it to be so very evident.

  “No, this is an order,” And, just like that, Noah’s tone changed completely, and his alpha strength and scent filled the room. As he scooched up the bed until his back hit the headboard, my body automatically rotated to be able to see the spectacular view, of Shane crawling across the bed toward him. Hot freaking damn. “Suck me, Alpha, and don’t come up for air until I am shooting down your throat.” He grabbed Shane’s head, bringing it to where it belonged with ease, a drop of Shane’s own pre-cum dropping to the bed. What a waste.

  I propped my head up with a pillow, laid on my side, and took in the entire view, watched Shane’s head bob up and down, his hands playing with Noah’s balls each time his tongue reached the tip and swirled around it, his hooded eyes locked to mine the entire time.

  My hand immediately found itself at my core, surrounded by the wetness their show had created.

  “Is that working for you?” Noah asked. His head fell back against the headboard as Shane did something new with his tongue I couldn’t quite see. I was so going to have to ask him about that trick.

  “Y-yeah, that’ll do,” I stuttered out as I allowed my finger to brush my clit for the first time, knowing that once I paid it any homage, I was going to cross over and come far too intensely for me to continue taking in the view beside me.

  “Because if you need a hand or a mouth…” Shane popped off Noah’s cock just long enough to squeak out his offer before getting right back to his task at hand, one he was most assuredly enjoying.

  “If you add anything to this mix, I’m going to come before I get to watch you swallow his cum,” I answered, knowing full well he was no longer able to comprehend anything other than the task at hand.

  “You like the sound of that,” Noah piped in just as I shifted to get a better “handle” on things down below. I needed more or less. Either would do, but staying on the precipice was going to be the death of me. But what a way to go.

  “I really do.” It came out as a moan as I entered myself, allowing my thumb to brush my nub as I did so.

  “Do you wish it was you?”

  “Yes,” I called out. “No. I don’t even know.” I would so very much like to have my mouth around or both of them, but that didn’t detract from the sexiness watching the scene before me brought to the evening. “This is so freaking hot, but I’d love a taste.” Or two.

  “If you come before me, I’ll let you have Shane’s cum first as I lick you until you come again.”

  I could do that. Even as I watched Noah’s balls tightening up beneath his man’s ministrations, I knew I could cross over first. I was staving off my need by barely a hair.

  “And if I don’t? I mean, that’s a lot of pressure on a girl.” Or none. None at all, given the pheromones, the sexy show, and Shane’s impromptu promise of a future—a future I was bound and determined to have.

  “If you don’t, you have to watch me suck him as I fuck you from behind.” He pointed to the mirror as if to prove the option viable.

  Or maybe I wanted to lose. They were officially trying to kill me with lust.

  “So win win,” I squeaked out trying to figure out which was the best way to go. My hyena, being competitive, was all about option A, but my human side was selfish, wanting them both in me at the same time.

  “Now she gets it.” Shane smirked, still pumping Noah’s cock but watching me the entire time.

  “Did I say you could be done?” Noah growled in a way that was far more sexy than scary, and Shane winked at me before looking up at Noah.

  “No, Alpha,” he said with far more guilt in his tone than he even came close to meaning.

  “Just for that, you get three spanks.”

  “See, Juniper—it is always win win with Noah in charge.” Shane winked at me before going back to work of making him come.

  And now, all I could do was envision his reddened ass as I came and came and came, unsure if I was first or second or the only, and not caring one bit. Hottest. Night. Ever.

  Chapter Six

  “I think we wore her out.” Noah’s hand ran through my hair as I came back to earth from my climax.

  “I think I did.” Shane tapped the tip of my nose playfully. “I was the one putting on the show.”

  And what a show it had been. Just thinking about it had my body waking up again.

  “The show I directed.”

  “Fair enough, we both are awesome.” Shane lay on his side next to me, leaving me effectively flanked by my two tigers. Because they were mine. I was so onboard with my hyena’s decision as far at the two men went.

  “You know I’m here, right?” I sassed with a wink at what was quickly becoming our thing.

  “Absolutely,” Noah sassed back, his already fully recovered cock snagging far too much of my attention. “Now, pipe down so we can decide what comes next.”

  Letting Shane come was first on my list. Poor guy had to be in pain by that point. No one should go that long without coming.

  “If memory serves, I think that has been determined,” I tried to add helpfully, even if I had been so overwhelmed by my orgasm, I had no idea who came first, which was what we were planning to use as the decisionmaker for future activities. Except both options were going to be off-the-charts amazing, so I couldn’t care less which it was.

  “Oh really?” Shane nipped at my lip before settling back onto his arm. “And which option won?”

  He called my bluff.

  “Yeah. We thought so.” Shane held out his free hand for a high five from Noah. Men.

  “Smug much?”

  “He earned it.” Noah leaned
forward, giving Shane a far-too-brief for my liking kiss over my very naked body.

  “You both did,” I agreed wholeheartedly. Well-earned smugness, to be sure.

  “The same could be said for you, beautiful.” Shane’s eyes were glued to my bottom lip, which I had pulled in with my tooth.

  “Since we are going in circles, and her lip is turning that color, the one begging me to release it from her teeth’s grapple—”

  “You did promise her a kiss,” Noah agreed with a shrug.

  “It would only be fair I fulfilled my promise.”

  Before I could begin to utter my strong desire for him to make that happen, his lips found mine. I opened to him immediately, needing this kiss more than my next breath. There was no tentative playfulness to our connection. We were expressing our desire loud and proud, me giving as much as he, our lips, teeth, and tongues doing our talking for us—mine, they shouted in unison.

  As he broke our kiss, Shane was true his word, traveling down my neck, slowly exploring it, finding little spots that had a connection to my clit from the way my body was reacting. As he reached the crux of my neck and began to nibble away, Noah turned my head in his direction with a slight tap of his finger and took my lips with his. Unlike Shane’s kiss that was all need and power, Noah was taking his time, starting with a mere brush of our lips before deepening the kiss at a pace determined to drive me insane with need.

  As Shane reached my breast, sucking my nipple into his mouth before giving it a nibble, Noah swiped his tongue across my lips, seeking entrance I was more than willing to give. The intensity of the kiss had my hips lurching upward, seeking more contact. Noah was owning my mouth as Shane worshiped my breasts. If I died then, I was going to die happy.

  Our lips separated with a gasp as a hand, I didn’t even know whose, settled between my legs. From the gleam in Noah’s eyes, I guessed it was his. Not that it mattered. As long as they were both touching me, things were perfect.


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