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Lucky Strike

Page 8

by M Andrews

  Hank hangs his head covering his bright red face with his hand.

  “So how hot is she?” Edwards chimes in.

  “Brooke met her two days ago and even she said she would do Nora.” Brian’s laugh echoes across the backyard.

  “So how bad are your blue balls now you dumb bastard?” I can’t help but bust his balls. What single dad hires a hot ass nanny to work for him? Dumbass is just asking for trouble.

  “You know, Ross, I know we just met but I’d be happy to fuck her for you. I’ll take this one for the team.”

  “I fucking hate all of you right now.” Hank gets up from the table and walks back into the house while the three of us are practically rolling on the ground laughing.

  “What am I looking at right now?” Brooke joins me by the slider door in the kitchen and we both look out at the backyard, where a pile of passed out men are lying cuddled together on the grass under a tablecloth, surrounded by empty blue solo cups.

  “They look like a pile of sleeping kittens.” Brooke giggles.

  “It kind of looks like a failed orgy.” We both laugh before taking a sip of our coffee.

  “Can you believe those drunken idiots have to be up in an hour to go protect the streets of Seattle?”

  “People of Seattle, sleep peaceful tonight, Seattle’s finest are keeping the streets safe.” Opening the sliding door, I let out the dogs to go wake up the boys. I secretly of hope one of the dogs pees on them, assuming they haven’t already peed on themselves.

  When Brooke and I got back from Lucy’s, we found the boys drunk off their asses and engaged in an intense game of beer pong. No amount of me tempting Ryder with sex could get his ass to come upstairs with me. So after Brooke put Ella to bed, I joined her and the dogs in her room, where the two of us ended up falling asleep in her bed while watching a marathon of Grey’s Anatomy. It was not the night I was expecting, but it was good none the less.

  Lucy and I are on a path to mending our friendship. I know I’ll have to work my ass off more than ever with Lucy to convince her I won’t run again. Not an easy thing for me since running is all I know how to do, but this time around I have to make it work. I can’t lose everyone I love. I won’t survive the pain again.

  “This also means Ryder will be completely worthless with helping me move my crap from storage into his apartment.” I wish we could just live with Brooke and Brian forever, but they need their space now more than ever with baby number two on the way, and Ryder and I need to start our lives together. As scary as that is going to be.

  “I’m happy to see you two are going to give this a shot.”

  “I’m glad one of us is. I, on the other hand, am completely scared shitless right now. Ryder knows parts of me but now he’s going to get to see the stuff I’ve kept hidden even from him.” A heavy sigh escapes my lips. Sure Ryder’s seen my vulnerable side, seen me at my worst, but he hasn’t seen the Lucky, who erratically paints until three in the morning. The Lucky that occasionally sits in her bra and yoga pants, with an avocado mask on and eats red velvet cupcakes while watching cheesy

  Lifetime movies. The Lucky that’s a complete slob that can’t cook a meal to save her life. That was all stuff I was able to hide from Jackson because he was gone most of the time and he wasn’t the most perceptive of guys. Now Ryder is going to get it all head on.

  Brooke slides her arm around my shoulder, giving me a side hug. “Ryder loves you and nothing will ever change that. No matter what weird shit you do behind closed doors.” She softly giggles. “If you need some help moving my brother, Hunter will be flying in later today. I’m sure he’d be happy to help.”

  “That’s sweet of you to offer, but I don’t want to take Hunter away from his time with you and Ella. I’m sure he’s anxious to spend time with his niece. I’ll just get what I can on my own, then Ryder can help with the big stuff after he gets off his shift.”

  “If you change your mind you know where to find me.”

  “Thank you, Brooke. We better go pour some coffee down these boys.”

  Lugging the last of my heavy boxes up the six flights of stairs to Ryder’s apartment, I pause at the top of the landing on the fifth floor breathless wishing I did more cardio. This makes for my fourth trip up these stupid stairs and I’m feeling like a fucking dumbass for not taking Brooke up on her offer to let Hunter help me. I take a few deep breaths then continue up the last flight of stairs. I stumble through the apartment door dropping the boxes on the dark wood floors, kicking the door closed behind me. Stepping over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and catch my breath before I start unpacking.

  Taking a few sips of the cool liquid I look around my new home. I’ve spent a lot of time inside these walls, but for some reason this time, it feels foreign to me. I have so many memories here. I can remember the day Ryder bought the place, he was so excited to finally have a home of his own. It was cute to see him jumping around the big empty space. I even helped him convert the upstairs loft apartment he bought two years later into his main living area so he could transform the downstairs into a gym, with a full sized boxing ring. I’ve spent countless nights here sleeping in his bed, eating his food and talking his ear off all night when I was trying to figure out where to go with my fucked up life. But now it all feels new and strange again.

  Downing the last of my water I then head upstairs to start unpacking. Walking into Ryder’s bedroom, I stop at the foot of his massive king sized bed. This was once a place I would crash when I was too tired to drive home from late nights at the club, and where I would fall asleep while watching movies with Ryder. I never once imagined I would ever be in this bed with him as his girlfriend. Gazing upon the perfectly made bed, I try not to think about the women Ryder has brought in here. To me, this bed will still be our sanctuary where we’ll watch movies and fuck until the sun comes up.

  Stepping inside Ryder’s closet, I find his clothes neatly hanging on the racks. His T-shirts lining the shelves in order by color. Ryder’s been a neat freak for as long as I can remember. Even when we were kids, his pencils and crayons were all neatly laid out on his desk. I always found it strange, but I guess I should count myself lucky that I have a boyfriend who likes to keep a clean home and knows how to do the cleaning.

  Just as I start to unzip my suitcase, Spike comes trotting through the closet door. He takes a seat in front of me and begins to eye my legs.

  “Don’t you even think about it,” I scold. “The only man allowed to hump any part of this body is your daddy.”

  Spike groans and lays down on the floor, resting his paws over his eyes. He’s such a big sweet goofball of a dog, kinda like Ryder, which is why I’m kind of falling in love with him. I reach over and scratch him behind the ears. “Don’t worry, buddy, I’ll still pet you and let you lay on my lap anytime you want. Just don’t hump my legs or keep me from getting laid. If you can manage that, I’ll sneak you over to see your girlfriend, Lola.”

  Spike’s head pops back up and he proceeds to lick my face in appreciation. “Why don’t we go downstairs and get you a treat.”

  A warm pair lips trailing down my back stirs me awake from my nap. A smile sliding across my lips when I realize Ryder is home from work.

  I managed to get my clothes somewhat organized in Ryder’s closet and set up my drawing table and art supplies in the corner of the bedroom that faces the bay of windows that overlook Elliot Bay. After all of that, I was completely exhausted, I forgot how tiring unpacking can be. After taking a shower, I passed out on Ryder’s insanely comfortable bed—it seriously feels like sleeping on a cloud.

  Ryder’s fingers slip under my blue cotton panties and he slowly slides them down off my hips. I see someone is ready for a pre-dinner fuck session.

  “Well, hello there,” I moan as he kisses along the curve of my ass. It’s nice to know that now I will be the one who enjoys the pleasures of Ryder being an ass man.

  He whispers a hello between kisses. Damn, it feels good to be touched like
this. I’ve spent most of my time during sex dictating every move that would get me off the fastest, I never actually took the time to enjoy the lead-up. To feel the rush of anticipation, the buildup before falling over the edge into pure pleasure. It’s going to take time for me to fully release control over to Ryder in this department, but if he keeps up with this kind of stuff it might be easier than I thought.

  Ryder rolls me over onto my back and I finally meet his dark gaze. His blue eyes looking like the ocean after a storm as they devour me. He eyes me up and down like he’s trying to decide what he wants to do to me first. I hope whatever he decides it’s nice and dirty. Just then I catch him pulling something blue from behind his back. As it comes into view, I see that it’s one of my scarves.

  “Hands above your head,” he demands in a dark gruff tone.

  I nervously reach my hands above my head. My heart beginning to race as he ties the soft silk around my wrists then to the bedpost. Now this is the ultimate test for me. I’ve never let anyone tie me up before because that would mean giving up complete control. I wouldn’t be able to push them or pull them to where I want them. Not being able to do that scares the shit out of me. As much as I am doing this for Ryder, I’m doing it for me too. If I can let go in the bedroom then maybe I can finally let go of control in other aspects of my life that have been holding me back from being completely happy.

  Ryder moves off the bed and I notice he’s completely naked. He has the most incredible body I’ve ever seen. Every inch of him is perfectly sculpted muscle. From his broad muscular shoulders down to his perfect ass. That ass of his could make an angel weep.

  He walks over to my easel and picks up one of my new paint brushes. What the hell does he have planned for that? I wonder as he walks back to the bed with a mischievous grin on his lips. I knew he had these crazy fantasies of what he wanted to do to me, but I didn’t think they would include my brushes. Sure sex toys I’m all for those, but what the hell was he going to do with my brush?

  “What are you doing with my paint brush?” My voice cracking with every syllable.

  He doesn’t say a word, just brings the brush up to my chest and slowly trails the soft bristles down the delicate skin between my breasts. A giggle escapes my lips as he runs the brush under my left breast. Damn me for being so ticklish. My hands strain against my scarf as I try to keep from laughing. My giggles turn to moans when I feel the brush flick over my nipple.

  Okay, now that feels good.

  With each flick of the bristles across my nipple, I can feel my body coming alive. A delicious warmth spreads throughout me. A familiar ache growing between my legs. I have to fight back my urge to demand that he just fuck me right now. To give me the release I need, but I stop myself. Just be in the moment Lucky, I tell myself.

  The brush glides down along my body. Ryder’s eyes intensely watching every rise and fall of my chest, studying every reaction like he’s making a mental map of what I like. I can feel the little hairs on the back of my neck rising as the brush dips into my belly button. The anticipation of what’s to come is almost more than I can take, but it’s only turning me on even more as he continues to paint his naughty map along my body.

  The bristles dance across my hips, sending a wave of pleasure straight to my pussy. Ryder’s fingers spreading me open. My body almost jolting off the bed when he blows a cool stream of air across my clit. My body doesn’t have time to calm down before he flicks the brush across my aching bud. Oh God, who knew my damn paintbrush could bring such pleasure.

  Ryder flicks the brush again. My hands straining harder against my restraints. Each flick of the brush along my clit is a delicious torture driving my body wild with need. “Fuck, Ryder make me fucking come!” I scream, my body arching off the bed. Each rise and fall of my breath growing more desperate for release.

  He teases the pad of his finger along my entrance, forcing my hips to buck and writhe against his touch. He takes my cues and pushes two of his fingers inside me. Curling them up he works them up and down, hitting me in a spot I didn’t even know existed. The pleasure hitting me like a freight train. Ryder tosses the paintbrush over his shoulder, replacing it with his thumb, rubbing my clit in fast rough circles.

  This is only the third time we’ve had sex and he already knows my body better than I do. My screams and moans echo through the small space. The bed post creaking under the force of me pulling against my scarf as the intense fire burning inside me takes over. My body shaking, heart racing as I come, soaking Ryder’s hand and the sheets beneath me. I’ve never come that hard before. Shit, I didn’t even know I could come that hard.

  It feels like an eternity before I finally come down from my high. My body feels limp and sated. If this it, what it will always be like with Ryder, then maybe letting go of control won’t be as bad as I think.

  Ryder crawls over me and unties my hands. Rubbing my wrists and arms before rolling over and pulling me on top of him. I can feel his erection pressing between my legs. My body already craving for him to be buried inside me.

  “What made you think of that move with my paintbrush?” I ask, cocking an eyebrow at him.

  “I saw them sitting on your easel and thought what the hell let’s give this a go.” He softly chuckles, running his hands up and down my sweat laced back.

  “Feel free to use my brushes like that anytime. That was fucking amazing, Ryder. I’ve never come like that before.” I can’t even fight back the smile creeping across my lips. I always knew sex with Ryder would be great. I mean the girls don’t call him hurricane for nothing, but I didn’t think it would be even close to what he just did.

  I feel Ryder rubbing his cock between my wet folds. Someone is definitely ready for his happy ending. I start to sit up, my body still feeling a little wobbly.

  “Turn around,” Ryder growls. “I want to watch this ass while you ride my cock.” His hand cracks across my ass, forcing me to yelp. I like this demanding side of Ryder more and more.

  I do as I am told and turn my back to him. Giving my ass a wiggle just for him before I slowly lower myself down his impressive length. Fuck, his dick could make porn stars jealous, I think as he stretches and fills me. His grabs two handfuls of my ass, rolling my hips along him. He feels so God damn good inside me. I could stay in this bed with him forever.

  As I find my rhythm, I feel like a fucking goddess. The more control I release to Ryder the freer I’m beginning to feel.

  “Son of a bitch!” Edwards yells, slamming another ten dollar bill on top of the stack I’ve already taken from him. That makes for sixty bucks now. He should have learned three shots ago not to bet against the best. “How the hell did you manage to get six shots clean between the eyes in a fucking row? I’ve never seen anyone in my seven years on SWAT pull that off.”

  “Dumb luck, I guess.” I shrug my shoulders, playing it off cool, even though I know I’m the best. Clicking the safety on my rifle, I gaze prideful at my handy work—six GSWs right between the eyes of every target on the range. It feels damn good to finally fire a gun again. After three weeks in the cage, I’ve been going stir crazy. I never thought I would ever admit this, but I actually miss being stuck in a patrol car on the highway watching for speeding commuters. At least, I was out doing something, not stuck behind a chain link fence repairing guns.

  It’s the first warm spring day of the season. The afternoon sun is hanging high in the sky and the air is thick with the scent of pine and the remains of last night’s rain storm. It’s the perfect day to be out on the range blowing off some much-needed steam and taking all of Edwards’ money.

  “Have you ever thought about joining SWAT? We could really use your skills on the sniper team,” Edwards says while lining up his next shot.

  “No way, I’d ever work for the ‘SWAT Nazi.’” I step back and watch Edwards take his shot, letting out a hardy laugh when he misses the target completely.

  “God damn it!” In a frustrated rage, he throws his rifle onto the table and
punches the air.

  “Wow, Edwards you couldn’t hit a ping pong ball through a hula hoop. They seriously have you on sniper duty, maybe I should join SWAT?” I laugh shaking my head.

  “Fuck you, man.” He picks up his rifle and loads a round into the chamber. Lining up the shot, he squeezes the trigger, the bullet sails across the field hitting the target square between the eyes.

  Bastard finally did it.

  “One out of seven. I would say that was good, but my momma taught me not to lie,” I tease.

  I don’t have to see his eyes behind his sunglasses to know he’s giving me an evil glare.

  “Not all of us can be blessed with talent like yours, asshole. You really should consider joining SWAT. Peterson is out, they fired his ass because of that stunt he pulled, throwing his own guy out a window during a training session. They’re bringing in some big shot from Los Angeles, to turn around the SWAT division. LA SWAT is one of the best in the country, thanks to Sergeant Bryant, and I think with you on the team, Seattle SWAT could be a powerhouse. Do you really want to be stuck writing tickets for the rest of your career? Just think about it.”

  On the drive home, I can still hear Edwards in my head. Growing up, all I ever wanted to be was a cop. I live and breathe the law. It wasn’t until Brian left for the ranks of detective, that I started questioning whether being a cop was really what I wanted to do. Maybe SWAT is the answer? Some of my most thrilling memories are the times Brian and I saw real action. The adrenaline pumping, the thrill of the chase kind of action. With my current record, SWAT might not even be a possibility, though.

  I make my way up the stairs from the garage to my apartment. The moment I step onto my floor I can smell something burning. The closer I get to my door the stronger the smell gets. Upon opening the door a cloud of black smoke billows out. Oh shit, Lucky’s trying to cook.


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