Book Read Free


Page 36

by M R Field

  “Well, you have boobs that I’d kill for.” She laughs.

  Jules and Roni appear behind Maxi looking equally as amazing.

  “Hey ladies, looking hot as always,” Roni says as she admires our costumes.

  “Thanks, pretty lady. Looking hot yourself.”

  We turn and walk towards the stage, the anticipation building. Tonight our performance is split into two acts, with a costume change.

  Aidan stands by the stairs waiting for us, moving quickly to greet us but only so he can get to Jules.

  “You’re on in five minutes.” He reaches out and puts his arm around her waist, drawing her in for a kiss.

  “Don’t mess my makeup,” she says against his lips, but her tone tells us she couldn’t care less if he did.

  “No fair!” Maxi moans. “Where’s my imaginary boyfriend to sweep me off my feet?”

  “Or girlfriend,” Roni adds, looking miffed.

  “I can find someone if you want,” Trice interrupts, subtly staring at Maxi, her attempt not so subtle at all. “I don’t know any single chicks, though.”

  Maxi’s expression changes, as she fires back at Trice, “No manwhores, thanks. They are overused.”

  “He might change your mind,”

  “Before or after he gives me a disease? Um …” she taps her chin, “no thanks. Plus, we are just friends. I don’t see him like that.”

  I beg to differ, my dear Maxi.

  We assemble behind the stairs until the overhead lights dim. Silently, we climb the stairs and take our positions on the stage. The low murmur of voices continues in anticipation for our act.

  Trice and I stand with our backs to the audience, turning slightly and jutting our right hips out, with our right arm bents at our hipbones. Our left hands are raised in the air ready to go.

  So only the girls can hear, I whisper, “One, two, three.”

  Jules begins to tap the drums, and the lights illuminate the stage with Roni and Maxi kicking in the riffs while Trice and I click our fingers to the quick beat. After a few short strums, we turn into the microphones as Jessica Mauboy’s “Can I Get A Moment” lyrics belt out from my lips. We sway from side to side, our excitement building as the playful rhythm fills the air. I smirk as my shoulders move in time with the chords, each word building as I add more soul into the lyrics. We clutch the microphones and disconnect them from their stands to march along the stage with strong strides, while sashaying our hips. As Trice predicted, many eyes are fixated on our hips.

  As the song continues, we work as much sass into our routine as we can, creating a momentum that, alongside our moves, keeps the audience riveted in their seats. Our long legs stride with so much sexual charge that I’m sure will lead to a few good tips. We work the stage as the floor takes in every step.

  I look out across the club and automatically find Robbie behind the bar, cleaning a glass and watching me with a huge grin across his face. I wink and continue to play with the lyrics, using my sultry tone to boom throughout the room.

  As the song concludes, we resume our initial positions but turn our heads to the crowd, puckering in a kiss. The lights fade and an applause instantly sounds, with a few catcalls thrown in. Mission complete.

  The night continues with our sassy routines, and I can’t help the giddy feeling that tickles my insides. As our routine takes shape, we blend new ideas into our songs and props, keeping our act fresh and dynamic with a touch of allure. Other acts have performed here on this stage in recent weeks, yet once it’s our night to play again we make a conscious effort to remind the audience who the bosses of the stage are. We can feel it in the air, and we can feel it in the vibe emanating from the crowd. Every gasp and cheer heard is ours for the taking, and we cherish every last one of them.

  The intermission lights come on and we leave the stage for a quick change-over. We climb down the stairs quickly, and Trice and I dive into the change rooms while Aidan stands guard. I unzip the costume bag at the back of the door and begin taking out our next costumes, bringing them over the chairs behind the vanity. My phone on the vanity blinks up at me, and I check my message.

  “They’re here and ready to go,” I tell Trice. I put my phone down to get ready. As expected, a firm knock is heard outside while I hear a disgruntled Alex yell, “What the fuck? Why is this locked?”

  Trice takes pity on him, unlocking the door to open it slightly and tell him to return to the club and wait for our act.

  “You too, Robbie.” I whisper to myself, “Tonight is a special performance.” I untie my hair and reposition it into a top bun at the top of my head and fasten it with some bobby pins. I wrap a black ribbon around it and then begin to peel down my leotard. Once it’s off, I pick up my black corset that has thick ribboned straps and quickly fasten it at the side. I then grab my short shorts that are covered in ruffles and slide them up my legs, being mindful of the ruffled tail that hangs to the side of it. I make sure my heels don’t catch. I look into the mirror and smile. Game on.

  We make our way to the stairs by the side of the stage. While the lights have dimmed again, our prop has been set up. Once it’s ready, we make our way silently to the front of it and wait. With a flick of a switch, our prop turns on, and an enormous yellow star positioned in the middle of the curtain lights up. Down lights shine down around to make us more visible on the stage. Trice and I stand with our sides facing the stage, microphones in each of our hands. To the side of us, the band is assembled, but now has a few brass players that Robbie will recognise from his proposal. A whistle of appreciation is heard from the audience and I click my fingers to count in the band.

  The long and drawn-out sound of trumpets begin to call out as the opening riffs of Christina Aquilera’s “Ain’t No Other Man” begin, calling to the other instruments to join them—and they do.

  Trice and I both begin to sing and belt out the lyrics while the star flashes intermittently behind us. We walk to the front of the stage with another sway of our hips, and I delight in watching Robbie, who now has Alex by his side at the bar, watch us in hungry appreciation. We continue to feast on their gazes, channelling our moves to beckon them and seduce. Every single lyric in this song is delivered with precision and meaning.

  We smile widely at the audience at the conclusion of the song and only spare a moment to reposition before the remainder of our set continues, the entire band enjoying the show as much as we are enjoying performing it. We reach the moment that I have planned and anticipation flutters like ferocious butterflies within my chest. Once the down lights fade, I shuffle to stand in front of the star and grasp the microphone stand while staring down at my side.

  The light of the star returns but this time, no other light appears on the stage. This moment welcomes me like a warm blanket. Trice is seated at the piano and begins to strum softly the chords to Sarah Blasko’s “Perfect Now”. I curl my fingers around the microphone and move my lips closer, savouring each word that flows from my lips. I turn and carry the microphone with me as I take slow steps to the centre of the stage.

  I smile as I stare into the audience, relishing in this moment. Here, I have another home. As I continue to sing, I notice movement to the back of the club where Feli and Paolo have arrived, Feli holding Gian on her hip. My smile widens as he spots me and calls out to me, and my eyes cross to Robbie, who has since sat forward on his stool and is looking over to them in confusion.

  I close my eyes for the moment, raising my free hand into the air as the lyrics of this perfect moment lingers in the air. I know right here, right now, is where I am meant to be. After a brown-eyed guy stole my heart when I was fourteen, and now I never want it back. The love that grows in my chest extends to my free hand that effortlessly travels down towards my front. I open my eyes and find Robbie close to the stage-front with Gian in his arms. My hand lowers to brush across my stomach in a loving gesture.

  Robbie’s eyes widen as he mouths, You’re pregnant? and I nod, the last of the lyrics cementing this inst
ant into an unforgettable memory.

  The song ends and applause erupts. A standing ovation fills the room, claps and catcalls drowning out the shuffling of feet.

  Robbie places Gian on the stage, and he rushes to embrace my legs as the lights beam down on him. Robbie plants his hand across the ledge and hoists himself up, quickly jumping to stand. He wraps his arm around my waist and before I can speak, his other hand grabs the side of my face to smash his lips into mine. I kiss him with all the love and passion that he gives me.

  This man, this life, this family has healed the lonely girl I used to be. My home with Robbie has healed me for evermore.


  Theo and Trinity’s story


  Once again, I was able to live the dream and publish. I am so grateful that along this journey, I have had the best support and friendship that I could ever ask for. I owe a lot to these wonderful people and I apologise if I have forgotten anyone.

  Firstly, my husband for supporting me, despite the tinge of red that stained his cheeks when I asked for male perspectives for ‘certain scenes.’ For distracting the kids so I could finish a chapter or buy me an endless supply of chocolate. My heart from the moment I first saw you, I will always belong to you.

  To our gorgeous munchkins, you inspire me every day to be worthy of you. I hope this little piece of immortality shows you that you can achieve whatever you heart desires. Be yourself and if people don’t like it, write a novel and prove them wrong.

  To my parents and siblings for your support and encouragement while listening to me harp on about my writing, the author world and things you had no clue what I was on about.

  To my gorgeous editor Lauren McKellar, who continues to believe in my ability while making me the best writer that I can possibly be. You rock gorgeous girl! Your feedback and cute comments made the edits fly by painlessly.

  To Hang Le for producing yet another stunning cover and encapsulating the beauty that Splinters inspires.

  To Max Henry for your awesome formatting that completed my novel’s journey.

  To Gaelle Pain for being a tremendous proofer. You did a stellar job and I look forward to future projects. There aren’t enough Ferrero Rocher’s in this world to say how thankful I am.

  To Angela Palamara. I will be eternally grateful for the day you asked if I wanted another beta reader. Thank you for your daily chats, for motivating me to write when I felt unworthy of the writing world and making me recognise my worth. You are also a great friend.

  To Junis Cariello for your friendship, grace, poise and thorough guidance in key features of my scenes, while being an amazing beta. Your insight deserves to be in print one day. Thank you for being part of my creative circle.

  To Karen Mandeville-Steer for saying ‘yes’ when I asked her to become part of my beta and proofing team. Your professionalism, dedication and love for what you do, made me feel privileged to work with you. So glad we became friends. Your worth needs to be noted and broadcasted. You were phenomenal.

  To Alicia Bell for your insight and feedback. You’re a beautiful soul.

  Penny Rudge, you’re still the superstar that got me here and helped me get over my second novel jitters. From endless phonecalls, chats, highly inappropriate memes and funny pics, you always delivered a reality check when I needed it. You’re an awesome friend and I love your face. Bring on Fictionally Yours Melbourne!

  Natasha Tomic, you’re a wonderful friend and I wished we lived closer. Thank you for your support and friendship and reassuring me when I’ve needed it.

  Lila Rose, you have continued being a great inspiration and role model to me. Your positivity and encouragement meant the world and I can’t wait to give you a big squishy hug when I see you next.

  Amy Preston Rogers, keep being yourself. I am so lucky to have met you. You’re a superstar.

  Julie Hartnett, now and forever more, you will always be my whore. I love your face.

  Jade and JD for your insight into the drama world. What a great place to be. I hope your dreams become a reality.

  Krissy Reid , Larissa Johnston, Alexandra MacDonald, Peter Eames, Trent King, Kate Holmesby, Justin, Cristina Serafy and the boys in blue for helping me with the features I needed in key scenes from costuming to fire accelerants. It was really appreciated.

  To my DINO GIRLS! For endless laughs, Alex Minsky inspirations and hilarious camaraderie, you have all been a tonne of fun. Thanks for keeping me sane. Looking forward to our next group read. So glad we met in NBJ!

  To my friends, family and colleagues for your support for my writing journey. Your positivity has been heart-warming.

  Thank you to Kylie and Give me Books for an EPIC release week as well as blitz for Fragments. I have been blown away by all the new fans and levels of interest because of you. Thank you so much.

  Special mention to a few bloggers, Natasha is a Book Junkie, Give Me Books, One Book Boyfriend At A Time, Karen’s Book Haven, Novels in Heels, The Library Whisp, Owl Book Corner, and Abbey’s 1-Click Book Blog for your support as well as the countless bloggers, authors, family, friends and fans who shared my blitz and wrote reviews. Thank you!


  M R Field is an author from Rural Victoria and has completed a Bachelor’s degree with Honours from Latrobe University, Melbourne.

  After growing up with the river at her front door, she returned back to her hometown after many years of living in the city. She now lives a tranquil lifestyle with her husband and two young children.

  M R Field has always held a love for writing, filling journals as a child which progressed to more eloquent pieces as an adult.

  After ten years of creative instruction, she decided to turn these ideas into manuscripts. She adores creating new story lines and is a big fan of a happily ever after, but believes strongly in making her characters work for it.

  She loves to hear from readers, you can find her online at:






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