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Arthur: Knights of Normandy Book 2

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by Maryse Dawson

  "Only an animal wouldst capture a woman," she spat. "Let me go!"

  "Nay, wench. Tell me thy name and why thou art in disguise."

  "'Tis none of thy concern. Let me continue on my travels. I am no use to thee."

  "I will make that decision. Thee will tell me thy name, else I warn thee, I will get it by other means!"

  "What wouldst thee do? Thou art a lowly Norman scoundrel, intruding where thou art not welcome. Take thy demands elsewhere; I do not want them!" Her eyes sparked fire at him, and he realised that her stubborn nature would not be tamed easily. Yet, he had a good way of taming women, one that both his brothers used when needed, a good firm hand.

  Quickly, he lifted himself off her and, before she could escape, he pulled her errant form over to the forest. Settling himself on an old tree stump, he removed his gauntlets and pulled her over his lap.

  "What dost thou do?" she cried. "I willst not submit to such a – oh!"

  Raising her robe and skirts, he began to smack her bare bottom, ignoring her pleas to be set free.

  * * *

  Elvina shrieked as the man's iron hand fell onto her soft backside. Norman swine! Who did he think he was? Before long, her backside began to heat up, the pain becoming almost unbearable.

  "Aow, desist! Thee cannot treat me this way!" she complained, trying to wriggle off his broad lap. His arm held her tight, and she soon realised there was no escape.

  "'Tis thine own fault, wench," the Norman growled, smacking her again. "All I ask is thy name!"

  She refused to answer him and shrieked her outrage when his large hand continued to make contact with her bottom. She closed her eyes as the pain intensified. It was awful. She was eighteen, and, in all her years, had never been spanked. She hated him with a passion, the Norman beast.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  Her cries grew hoarse as he continued the assault on her posterior but, still, her stubborn nature refused to submit. She would never tell him her name. She was stronger than that.

  "Aow!" she wailed as his hand bit into her sit spot. It stung fiercely, and she kicked her legs out in protest. He quickly smacked the tops of her thighs. She sucked in a breath before shrieking out loudly, "Ouch...oh!"

  She soon realised that the Norman wasn't going to stop until she gave him what he wanted. She would never give him her true name; it was too dangerous. The only thing she could do was lie. Gritting her teeth, she ground out, "Prithee, cease. I will tell thee!"

  He stopped and laid his hand on her backside. "Speak no falsehood, lady."

  She panted, trying to get her breath back before replying, "My name is Hegwin."

  * * *

  Instinct told him she was lying. "Why didst thee conceal thyself beneath the robe?"

  She hesitated, and he landed a hard smack against both buttocks. She shrieked and quickly responded, "'Tis unsafe for a woman to cross the marshes alone. As a monk, I would hath been safe...or should hath been!" she corrected herself. "I am but a simple maid, my lord. I beg thee to release me."

  He was just about to reply when he heard the sound of hoof beats. He looked up to find Belasius approaching. The leader reined in his horse and stared down at Arthur and his captive, a look of surprise on his face. "I wondered where thee had gone to, Arthur. I see now why thou art delayed. Wherefore doth thou spank a monk?"

  Arthur smirked. "'Tis not a monk. 'Tis a simple wench from Ely. And this..." He pointed to his bruised lip. "Is where she bit me!" He pulled her up and, keeping a firm hold of her, showed her face to Belasius.

  "A simple wench, thee say." Belasius dismounted and walked towards Elvina, capturing her chin in one of his calloused hands. "This is no simple wench, Arthur... This is Hereward the Wake's daughter. Is that not so, Elvina?"

  Arthur watched as she wrenched her face away from Belasius angrily. "How doth thou know me?" she demanded.

  "I saw thee, when I went to bribe Abbot Thurstan, this morn. He hath betrayed thy father, Elvina. Ely will be ours this night."

  Elvina gasped. "Abbot Thurstan would never betray my father! Thou speaks false!"

  Belasius shook his head. "Nay, and now, thanks be to Arthur, I hath a wondrous bargaining tool, should he fail to surrender." He turned to Arthur and clapped him on the back. "King William will reward thee well for this, Arthur. Come, bring the wench back to camp. We attack within the hour!"

  * * *

  Two hours later, Ely fell. Belasius, triumphant at his victory, was nevertheless disappointed that, somehow, Hereward the Wake had avoided capture. Word had it that he had escaped with some of his followers into the surrounding fens. The land was wild, and Belasius decided against pursuing him any further. His men were tired and needed rest. Taking them into the fens would be madness.

  No, he would report back to the king and await word of Hereward's whereabouts. A man of his determination would attack again; of that, there was no doubt. At least, he had Earl Morcar captured and even better, Elvina, Hereward's daughter.

  Back at Winchester Castle, King William was elated at the news. "'Tis a wondrous victory, Belasius! Thy reward will be great."

  "Sire, I thank thee."

  "Where is Sir Arthur de Clairvoy?" The king looked toward the group of people assembled in his great hall.

  Arthur stepped forward. "Sire?"

  "Come hither, Arthur."

  Arthur did as he was bid and the king praised him for his actions during the battle. "Thy capture of Hereward's daughter is highly commendable and will also be rewarded. I note thee hath no lands of thy own?"

  It was more of a question than a statement. "Nay, Sire, I do not."

  "Then I shall award thee lands near to thy brothers, for they also hath been of great service to me over the years. I will discuss it with my advisors. Come to me on the morrow, and I will hand thee the deeds."

  Arthur bowed and thanked him before moving back.

  "Now, where is this Saxon girl?"

  * * *

  Elvina was being held captive in one of the castle towers, attended by one maid and two guards, who were stationed outside her room.

  She angrily paced the carpet. "Wherefore must I be held captive?" she demanded.

  The little maid stared back at her with big eyes. "'I know not, my lady. 'Tis not my place to question such decisions."

  Elvina rolled her eyes and continued pacing. Suddenly, the door opened, and Arthur de Clairvoy appeared. Without his helmet, he looked totally different. He had dark, shoulder-length, wavy hair, a neatly clipped beard, and despite their differences, she couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. Annoyed with herself, she looked at him with loathing. "What doth thou want?"

  "A better greeting could be given, my lady." He bowed graciously. "I come to take thee to the king. He wishes to see thee."

  "I do not wish to see him!" She crossed her arms and presented her back to Arthur.

  "Thou doth not get a choice." She heard him walk across the room towards her and then he was by her side, his large hand on her upper arm, his tall form making her feel a little intimidated. "Come, my lady. We must not keep the king waiting." She could tell by his tone that he was beginning to get impatient.

  Elvina tried to pull her arm away from him but he wouldn't release her, so she kicked him. Arthur immediately lifted her skirts and smacked her bottom.

  She gasped at the sudden pain and tried to shy away from him.

  "Behave, wench. Thou art to be presented to the king!"

  "I care not! He is not my king. He is a Norman interloper, same as thee."

  She tried to extricate herself from Arthur's grip by shoving him. This earned her another sharp smack. "Desist! Carry on in this manner and I shall wallop thy backside properly!"

  "Oh, fie on thee! Show thyself for the devil thou art." She attempted to stamp on his boot but it made no impact, except to make him angrier than he already was.

  "Last warning!" he growled, pulling her towards the door.

  Her strong-willed nature challenged his au
thority over her and, almost of its own accord, her elbow went crashing into his side. His sharp intake of breath meant that she'd made an impact. Her triumphant smile, however, didn't last long.

  Arthur stopped walking and quickly upended her over one knee. She felt a rush of air as her skirts were thrown over her head and then a sharp sting, when his hand descended in rapid succession on her unprotected backside.

  She hardly had time to draw a breath as he smacked her buttocks relentlessly. The noise reverberated around the small chamber and it was soon joined by her sharp cries. When she was hopping from one foot to the other, Arthur finally let her up. Her face was crinkled up with pain, and she was on the verge of tears.

  "Thou art a troublesome wench, Elvina. Thy future now remains in the hands of a Norman king and I suggest, for thine own safety, thee submit to him." This time, when Arthur pulled her, she didn't struggle.

  * * *

  "So, thou art Elvina?" The king noted, looking her up and down. "Thou art young. What is thine age?"

  When she didn't answer, Arthur prodded her. She scowled but it seemed to work, as she replied, "Eighteen, Sire."

  "Thou art married?"

  "Nay, Sire."

  "Thou hath a suitor?"

  "Nay, Sire."

  The king rubbed his chin in thought. "What think thee of thy father's uprising against me?"

  "Dost thou want the truth or a falsehood?"

  King William raised an eyebrow. "Thou art outspoken – mayhap a trait inherited from thy father."

  "My father is a good man!" said Elvina heatedly.

  "I beg to disagree." When she went to say more, he waved his hand at her, silencing her. "I will hear no more about thy father. I wouldst hear where thy loyalty lies – Norman or Saxon?"

  "Then I will answer thee plain, Sire. I am of true Anglo-Saxon birth and, for most of my life, hath grown up under Saxon rule. 'Tis therefore hard for me to accept Norman rule."

  "It may be hard to accept, Elvina, but 'tis something thee will hath to adhere to. I rule these lands now and the way of life thee knew before hath disappeared."

  He looked over to a guard. "Take her back to her quarters, and I would ask everyone to leave now."

  The guard took hold of Elvina and escorted her from the room. As others began to file out after him, the king beckoned to Arthur. "Arthur, a word."

  When the room was empty, King William studied his subject. "I wouldst ask something of thee, Arthur. 'Tis not an easy thing to ask but 'twould be beneficial to all of us."

  Arthur felt a sinking feeling in his stomach and he felt certain it had something to do with Elvina.

  "What wouldst thee hath me do, Sire?"

  "Marry the Saxon wench, Elvina."

  "Marry, Sire?" Arthur exclaimed, wondering why he had been chosen above others to take Elvina to wife.

  "Aye, I know it is much that I ask but, with a Norman husband, she will hath to obey our rules, added to which, Hereward may think twice afore mounting any further uprisings."

  Arthur was in a state of shock. Marry Elvina? Aye, she was a desirable wench but she was also fiery and troublesome. He had thought to take a wife more demure than that wild vixen.

  But hadn't his brother taken a wife with the same temperament? He had tamed her well and now they loved each other as a man and wife should. Mayhap, Elvina would turn out the same – and bedding her would certainly not be a chore.

  The king sensed that Arthur was beginning to capitulate. "I shall give thee lands along the coast near to thy brother, Renaud. Marry the wench on the morrow and take her with thee to Dunster Castle, thy brother's abode. Build a stone fortress on thy land as soon as possible. It will mark out yet more Norman territory and show these Saxons we are here to stay."

  Arthur nodded. "Aye, Sire. I had no plans to marry, but Elvina will make a handsome wife. I fear she will be hard to tame but I am willing to give it a try."

  "Thou possess a true warrior's heart, Arthur. I will arrange for the wedding to take place on the morrow at matins."

  Realising their conversation was over, Arthur bowed and went in search of Renaud. If he was ever in more need of his elder brother's advice, it was now!

  Chapter Two

  Innocence Lost

  Ilchester Castle, Somerset, England 1071

  Elvina placed a hand against her back and stretched. Lord, she was tired. They had been travelling for two days, and they still had another two to go. Newly married to Sir Arthur de Clairvoy, she was on her way to his brother's holdings in Dunster. Arthur had only just been given land by King William and had yet to build his own fortress. Until then, it was deemed they would abide with Sir Renaud de Clairvoy and his wife, Cynwise.

  She travelled in the company of the three de Clairvoy brothers, their men-at-arms and several knights. After the recent battle at Ely with Hereward the Wake, her father, they were returning home to their holdings.

  Against her will, she had been married off to the arrogant Norman lord the morning they had left for Dunster, and now, reluctantly, found herself on the path to a new life.

  She detested Normans. Even more so, now that they had driven her father into the fenlands. She sighed wistfully, wondering if she would ever see him again. She was glad, at least, that he had evaded capture.

  Her husband, standing by the campfire his men had made, interrupted her thoughts. "Come hither and sit by the fire, my lady," he commanded.

  They had stopped for the night and made camp in the forest, which would mean yet another uncomfortable night under the stars. She thrust her bottom lip out petulantly and looked back at him. He fully expected her to do as she was told. Was this how married life would be? He, giving out orders and, she, simply obeying? She narrowed her eyes and decided to ignore him. Turning away, she looked to where Floren, Arthur's squire, had spread out a blanket for her and quickly went and lay down.

  Arthur looked over to his wife. She had done her utmost to ignore him on this journey. She had made it abundantly clear that she hadn't wanted to marry him but she could at least be civil to him! If he had been given the choice, he would never have married her, either. But when the king asked such a favour, one had usually best obey.

  In the flickering firelight, he saw a mutinous look appear on her face before she turned her back on him. There was no doubt she was a winsome wench but she was also in possession of a fiery temper. Not a good trait to have in one's wife. He felt his own temper begin to rise at her blatant defiance.

  Renaud had told him to give her time to adjust, for adjust she would, one way or another – even if he had to spank her into it!

  He hadn't demanded his conjugal rights yet, having decided to wait until they were alone. They had endured no privacy since their marriage, and he wanted her first time to be special, not out in the open, with his men nearby.

  He stood up and wandered over to her. Leaning down on his haunches, he spoke quietly. "I suggest, wife, that thee obey me and sit by the fire. Floren hath cooked a rabbit, and I want thee to eat some. Thee will need sustenance for the ride ahead on the morrow. 'Twill do thee no good to fast."

  "I am not hungry." Elvina said sullenly.

  "Do not speak such nonsense! Thee hardly ate at matins – thou must be famished. Come and eat, I insist."

  "Nay, leave me." Her voice rose slightly, the irritation in it clearly showing.

  Arthur steeled himself. "Mayhap, I do not make myself clear, wife. If thou willst not eat then I shall take thee into yonder woods and spank thee until thee doth!"

  Elvina's head snapped around, her mouth open. "Thou wouldst..."

  "Aye, now come!" He placed a hand on her elbow and made her stand up. This time, she didn't argue. He led her over to the fire and made her sit down next to him. Floren immediately handed her a trencher of freshly cooked rabbit. Arthur watched her nostrils twitch as the delicate aroma wafted up to her, tantalising her taste buds. Tentatively, she took a bite and chewed slowly, her set expression quickly changing to one of pleasure.

/>   Renaud, Arthur's brother, had been watching the interchange between them. He caught Elvina's eye and smiled. "'Tis fine meat, my lady, is it not?"

  Elvina nodded and carried on eating, delicately biting into the savoury food.

  Renaud turned to his other brother, Gerard. "We should reach Ilchester tomorrow. I wonder how our wives fare?"

  Gerard stared into the flames, his face wistful. "Aye, it seems ages since last I saw Elfreda, and yet it hath only been three weeks. At least, they had each other for company whilst we were gone." He suddenly laughed. "Think thee that Cynwise hath behaved whilst thou hath been away?"

  Renaud chuckled in return. "I doubt it, brother, although she knows the punishment for bad behaviour, so mayhap it made her think twice!"

  Elvina's ears pricked up. Punishment? She cleared her throat. "Thou wouldst punish thy wife, my lord?"

  Renaud turned to her. "Aye, my lady, as every good husband should. 'Tis our responsibility to make certain our wives are safe and secure. Should they forget that, then 'tis our duty to remind them."

  She licked her lips, which were suddenly dry. "Is that not cruel?"

  "Cruel? Nay, my lady, on the contrary. A good spanking applied to a lady wife's backside is good for her soul and makes for a happy marriage."

  "I agree, Renaud. If a man cannot control his wife, then how can he command an army of men when all respect is lost?" Gerard responded.

  Elvina's jaw dropped open. Now she knew why Arthur had spanked her – he had grown up in a house full of heathens!

  She suddenly stood up, her appetite disappearing altogether. Throwing the gnawed rabbit bone into the fire, she fixed Arthur with her haughtiest look. "Thy brothers' wives may abide by their archaic rules," she said, shooting them a look of contempt. "But know this, Arthur de Clairvoy, I will not!" She spun around and stalked over to her blanket.


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