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Arthur: Knights of Normandy Book 2

Page 9

by Maryse Dawson

  Caterwauling filled the air, accompanied by the most offensive sounding music that had ever been heard. Elvina skipped along beside Cynwise up and down the corridor as they played out their devilish plan.

  It didn't take long to work. The bedchamber door was flung open, and Lady Helena appeared, her face like thunder, her hair unkempt from the sudden awakening. "What is afoot?"

  Elvina stopped playing, and Elvina stopped singing mid-sentence. They both stared back at her, their eyes wide with professed innocence.

  "We art practising our entertainment for when our husbands return, my lady," Elvina explained softly. "We do so like to play for them."

  Lady Helena stared at her askance. "Arthur likes listening to that?"

  "Indeed, as much as Renaud loves to hear me sing," agreed Cynwise, smiling sweetly.

  She narrowed her eyes and stared at them assessingly for a good few seconds before saying, "I suggest that both of thee need much more practice. It is most…unwelcome. Wouldst thee please do so outside the castle walls? Some of us are trying to sleep."

  "I beg thy pardon, my lady, but our husbands dislike us leaving the castle walls when they are not here," Cynwise said, fluttering her lashes innocently.

  Lady Helena frowned. "Wherefore? Thee hast guards to watch over thee."

  "Aye, but our husbands are worry warts, my lady. They insist we practice within the castle, so as much as it offends thine ear, thee will hath to put up with us for now," Elvina said, smiling angelically. "However, we shall do our best to practice as far away from thee as we can."

  "Indeed we shall, my lady," Cynwise agreed.

  Lady Helena pursed her lips and turned her back on them, muttering, "Very well, but I like it not."

  Elvina pulled a face at her back, and Cynwise had to clap a hand over her mouth to stifle her mirth. The door closed with a resounding bang, leaving the two girls grinning wickedly at each other.

  * * *

  The next morning, after they had broken their fast, Cynwise and Elvina walked together in the bailey.

  "Didst thou hear Claudette earlier? She declared, quite boldly, that she could not wait to meet Arthur and Renaud again. 'Twas almost as though our husbands were still unwed," said Elvina huffily.

  "Aye, she is a bold wench. I told her so as well, although it seems to fall on deaf ears."

  "I wish we could borrow Milo's lute again to irritate her and her mother, but he hath left for the next village." Elvina kicked a pebble with her slippered foot angrily. "Lord Albus is lovely – how can he be married to such a shrew and possess a daughter with the very same disposition?"

  "I agree. He is an amiable fellow, they, however, are certainly not. But fear not, Elvina." She linked her arm through hers. "I hath some instruments in the store room that will work just as well, if not better, than the lute."

  Elvina stopped walking and turned to stare at Cynwise. "What instruments?"

  Cynwise smiled wryly. "Renaud thought to bring me back a tambourine and flute from court, thinking that I wouldst be able to entertain him but, alas, he had no idea that I simply do not possess such a talent. I sounded abominable."

  Elvina spluttered with laughter. "I can just imagine Renaud's face. Oh dear, the poor man."

  "Indeed. But now, mayhap my lack of talent will be of much use. This time, thee can sing whilst I play my worst."

  They returned briskly to the keep, and Cynwise opened the door into the storeroom. Opening a big cupboard against the wall, she pulled out the tambourine and flute, to Elvina's excited gaze.

  "These are simply perfect…they just need a little clean," Elvina declared, taking them off her. She blew hard and a cloud of dust filled the air.

  Cynwise pulled a face and coughed, flapping her hand in the air to clear the dust away. "Eugh! Thee can see what little use they hath had."

  Elvina grimaced. "Mayhap the sound will be even worse than normal." She raised the flute to her lips and blew gently into it, whilst covering her fingers over some of the holes alternately.

  Cynwise bit her bottom lip as she listened to the unearthly sounds filling the storeroom, her eyes crinkling up with mirth. She nodded repeatedly. "Aye, that will hath them running from the castle walls."

  Elvina looked at her with a wicked expression. "Aye, and it cannot come soon enough!"

  * * *

  Arthur and Renaud rode back to Dunster, accompanied by several men-at-arms. The skirmish had been dealt with as quickly as it had begun – the Saxon rebels apprehended and imprisoned until they learned to obey their Norman lords.

  Arthur held his horse's reins in one hand and ran a hand over his beard wearily. "It will be good to return home, brother. To sleep in a soft bed with my wife by my side. Ah, 'tis heaven indeed."

  "I agree," said Renaud, riding next to him. "I hath sorely missed Cynwise and little Hubert. Thee will be a father thyself, very shortly."

  "Aye." Arthur nodded. "I hope Elvina hath taken it easy whilst I was gone. Sometimes, she can be too impulsive for her own good."

  Renaud raised an eyebrow. "A trait I know well in my wife." He slapped his thigh. "Mayhap they hath both kept out of mischief, brother, for they know the consequences if they misbehave. Besides, Guillaume is there to watch over them."

  Arthur chuckled. "Poor Guillaume's patience hath been tried on many an occasion but, aye, he dost know how to handle them."

  They rode the rest of the way home, both deep in thought about their respective wives and wondering how they had fared in their absence.

  * * *

  Elvina rushed up to Cynwise just as she was laying down little Hubert in his cradle. She whispered, so as to not wake him. "Cynwise, Lady Helena is dozing by the fire in the great hall. 'Tis the perfect moment."

  Cynwise grinned and, putting a finger to her lips, they both crept from her chamber. Her maid, Sunnhild, was just returning from the kitchens, and Cynwise ushered her inside to look after Hubert whilst the two women made their way to the storeroom.

  Taking the flute and tambourine, they lightly ran down the staircase and entered the great hall. Elvina darted a glance at Cynwise and pointed to where they should stand. Positioning themselves in front of the fire, they began their musical extravaganza.

  Lady Helena awoke instantly, her whole body jerking with the sudden shock to her system. "Good Lord!" She placed her hands over her chest, her mouth hanging open in shock. "What is that terrible noise?"

  Her eyes quickly focused on the culprits, and her face went puce with anger. "What is the meaning of this?"

  Elvina lowered her tambourine, and Cynwise paused mid-note. "Oh, didst we disturb thee? I do apologise," Elvina said sweetly. "We were practicing. We thought no one was here."

  Lady Helena's mouth became a thin line, and she retorted, "Thou doth speak false! How couldst thou not see me?" She stood up and pointed her finger at them both. "Thy actions were deliberate. I know not wherefore but 'tis obvious thee are up to mischief."

  "'Twas not deliberate!" snapped Cynwise.

  "Aye, thee accuse us falsely, my lady. We didst not intend to wake thee," Elvina defended her sister-in-law.

  Lady Helena raised her chin imperiously and shook her head. "I knowest what thee did, and thee can rest assured that I will be informing thy husbands of thy insufferable rudeness upon their return."

  Cynwise narrowed her eyes. "It was not intentional."

  "And I say it was!" Lady Helena glared at her.

  Claudette chose that moment to walk in on them. "Mother, I heard raised voices. Is aught amiss?"

  "Aye, I hath been awoken abruptly by our hosts, who hath total disregard for their guests. 'Tis an abomination."

  Claudette rounded on Cynwise and Elvina. "For shame! Hath thee no respect for thy guests?"

  Elvina quickly responded, her lip curled back angrily, her temper coming to the fore. "Thee hath no respect for thy hosts so wherefore should we respect thee?"

  Claudette gasped. "I hath the utmost respect for Renaud and Arthur."

"Listen to thyself, Claudette. What about respect for us? 'Tis not just our husbands that hath to put up with thee."

  "I wonder at their faculties – wherefore wouldst they marry untamed vixens?"

  Before either Cynwise or Elvina could respond, Lady Helena raised her hands and stopped them. "Enough! All of thee! I knowest not what hath happened betwixt thee to speak to one another with such disrespect but know this…Claudette, thee will return to thy chamber. Thy father will hear of thy rudeness."

  "But mother, 'twas these two that provoked me!"

  "Be gone!"

  Claudette pouted sullenly and, after shooting daggers at Elvina and Cynwise, spun on her heel and left the hall.

  Lady Helena returned her gaze to the two girls. "As for thee," she said, as she pointed her finger at both Cynwise and Elvina. "I suggest thee think very carefully about thy behaviour, for I will be informing both of thy husbands what hath occurred here in the last couple of days and do not, for one minute, think that I will not."

  Elvina glared at her, her temper coming to the fore. "Oh, go to hell, thee old hellhag!"

  Lady Helena's mouth opened and closed several times in shock before she sputtered, "How dare thee speak thus, thee wicked child!"

  "I will dare all I like. Thee will bring a plague upon this castle with thy vitriolic tongue."

  "Elvina!" A deep voice boomed behind her. She jumped in shock and spun around to find Arthur glaring at her, his broad form filling the doorway.

  "Arthur!" she gasped.

  "Thee will apologise, immediately!" He strode over, his heavy tread echoing around the great hall.

  Elvina gulped in alarm. "But I…"

  "This minute!" He reached her and gave her such a dark look that she knew she was in serious trouble.

  Swallowing hard, she turned to find Lady Helena staring at her, her thin lips pursed with anger. She felt her cheeks suffuse with colour at being caught out. Cynwise muttered something under her breath and began to back away.

  "Remain where thou art, Cynwise!" Arthur ordered her, piercing her with a look that promised what would happen if she dared take another step. She chewed her bottom lip but did as he commanded.

  "Elvina, what did I say?" Arthur ordered.

  Taking a deep breath, Elvina, against her better judgment, offered an apology, keeping her eyes downcast. "I beg thy forgiveness, my lady; I knowest not what came over me to prompt such an outburst."

  There was silence for a few moments before Lady Helena spoke low to Arthur, "I do hope thee will punish thy wife, my lord. Both she and Cynwise hath been making the most awful din in the last couple of days, and I warrant 'twas done on purpose. 'Tis not right to treat their guests so."

  Arthur stepped forward and placed his large hand on Elvina's elbow. "Rest assured, my Lady Helena, my wife will be chastised accordingly, as will the Lady Cynwise. Prithee, also accept my pardon for their abominable behaviour."

  Elvina's stomach dropped, and she glanced at Cynwise, who was looking down at the floor, her bottom lip thrust out petulantly. Arthur nodded politely to Lady Helena. "My lady, I take my leave."

  He placed his other hand on Cynwise's elbow and began to steer the two miscreants towards the door. As they walked out into the corridor, Renaud was walking towards them. "Ah, there thou art, wife."

  He stopped short when he took in their expressions. "What is afoot?" He looked at Arthur and then back to Cynwise. "Hast thee misbehaved again, Cynwise?"

  Her eyes flashed to his, and he immediately shook his head. "I go away for a few days and return to this. Go to our chamber and await me. I will hath words with Arthur."

  Cynwise scampered off, without a backward glance. Arthur looked down at Elvina, his eyes full of recrimination. "Thee as well, Elvina." With a heavy heart, she left him to tell Renaud what he had overheard, knowing that both she and Cynwise would be sporting sore bottoms, very shortly.

  * * *

  Elvina waited anxiously for her husband to appear. She sat on the bed and couldn't settle, so she wandered over to the narrow window and peered out, before returning to pace the bedchamber.

  If only Arthur hadn't overheard her ranting, she could have said Lady Helena's accusations were false. But nay, he had to walk in, at that very moment, and hear everything. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. There was nothing she could say to absolve herself either. She knew she had behaved badly. She had simply let her temper run away with her. She chewed her bottom lip, remembering the awful things she had said to Lady Helena and knew, without a doubt, that she was doomed.

  A good half an hour later, Arthur strode into their bedchamber. She knew the reason for his dalliance as well – his hair was wet from a recent bath. It hung long and thick, framing his face in wavy strands. She drank in the sight of him. He was so handsome. His beard was neatly clipped and his clothes fresh from the laundry room. He smelled as good as he looked.

  Her gaze shifted to his eyes as he assessed her coolly. "So, before I punish thee, because, believe me, thee will be punished, I wouldst hath an explanation for thy disrespectful behaviour."

  Elvina shifted uneasily. "I should not hath spoken to her like that, husband, but she drove me to it!"

  Arthur folded his arms across his broad chest. His thickly muscled arms. She eyed them with longing, almost forgetting that she was in trouble. "So it was her fault, was it?" he asked, his voice low.

  Her eyes flashed to his. "Aye, in a way. She was rude to both me and Cynwise, when all we did was play some instruments and make a little noise."

  Arthur strode over and placed his hand on her jaw, raising her face to his. "Since when hath thee ever played an instrument?"

  "We thought to practice and entertain thee upon thy return." The lie slipped easily from her tongue. "There is naught wrong in that."

  Arthur shook his head. "Thou art becoming almost as good a liar as Cynwise. I hath spoken at length with Renaud, and we hath come to the conclusion that both of thee were up to no good. Thee thought to oust the Riffaud family from Dunster by making their stay unbearable. What I wouldst like to know is wherefore?"

  Elvina set her face, stubbornly refusing to answer him, keeping her lashes lowered.

  "I see thee are going to make this difficult."

  He placed his large hand under Elvina's forearm and pulled her towards the bed. She tried to tug free but he held her fast.

  "Arthur, prithee, I beg thee!"

  She soon found herself thrown over his lap, her skirts over her back and her bottom exposed to the air. She struggled anew but his grip was firm, and she quickly realized nothing was getting her out of a sound spanking.

  She screwed up her face when the first smack landed. His hands were large, and she knew from experience she was definitely in for a roasting.

  His hand impacted again and again, jolting her body forward in their severity.

  "Oh! Ouch!" Elvina protested, but Arthur ignored her, peppering her bottom with quick angry smacks.

  She kicked her legs, and he promptly spanked the top of her thighs. "Desist!"

  She quickly complied, knowing by the tone of his voice that he was going to brook no disobedience. To do so would only make her punishment lengthier. She grimaced when his hard hand hit both her buttocks at once, creating a stinging pain that made her cry out.

  But still, he continued. The loud smacks echoed around their chamber, combined with her yelps and shrieks.

  "Prithee, husband. I am truly sorry!" she managed to gasp, in-between the heavy swats.

  "Not sorry enough, my lady. When thy bottom is as red as yonder curtains, only then will I stop."

  Elvina's eyes widened before she shut them tightly again, as another smack impacted on her peachy bottom.

  Smack! Smack!


  Just when she thought she could take no more, Arthur finally stopped and, resting his hand on her bottom, he asked her, "I ask again – wherefore didst thee and Cynwise show the Riffaud family such disrespect? And think very carefully
before answering."

  She swallowed hard, her eyes darting from left to right as she sought to give him an answer. He smacked her hard again and she yelped. "Now, Elvina!"

  "Because I do not like them!" she bit out. "Lady Helena was rude to us in the village and Claudette is a jezebel!"

  Arthur quickly pulled her up and stood her in front of him, his arm still capturing her wrist. "How can thee speak such words against a family that hath long been allies of ours?"

  She looked at him sullenly. "Because 'tis true!"

  He stared hard at her, and she flushed under the scrutiny. "Thee and Cynwise are old enough to understand that, sometimes, for the sake of good relations, thee must learn to tolerate certain behavior and hold thy tongue when required."

  "But, Arthur, Claudette is insufferable, and her mother gives her opinion when 'tis not wanted."

  "I care not. Thee hath been most disrespectful to the Riffaud family, and it will not be tolerated."

  He pulled her straight down over his knee again and, this time, realising she had no option, she made no protest. Their plan had failed, and not only were the Riffaud family still under their roof, but both she and Cynwise would be sporting sore bottoms because of them. She grimaced and lamented her bad luck.

  She felt a draft again when Arthur drew up her skirts and then his hand was on her ankle, the other hand taking off her slipper. She gasped and tried to get up but he held her fast.

  "Prithee, Arthur! I hath learned my lesson!"

  "Nay, not yet thee hath, but thee will."

  He brought the slipper slapping down onto her bottom, and she shrieked loudly. Setting up a steady rhythm, Arthur soon had her regretting everything she and Cynwise had done.

  Her bottom was fairly sizzling by the time he let her up. She hopped from one foot to the other in front of him, clutching her buttocks and moaning softly with her eyes closed.

  "Thee will take supper tonight in the great hall, and thee will be polite and well behaved as befits a lady of this castle. Dost thou understand?"

  She opened her eyes and stared at him, nodding submissively before throwing her arms around his neck and burying her face in his hair. "Forgive me, my lord."


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