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HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2)

Page 21

by Sheila Kell

  She glanced at him as if gauging his reaction. “Anyway, it wasn’t until recently that I realized I had to start one layer at a time, beginning with the street dealers while Victoria tackled the prostitution side. We’ve yet to find an overlap.”

  The thought of her in that neighborhood, especially at night, without protection, shot a ball of anger surging forward. “Do you know how dangerous that was? Walking around was one thing, but they wouldn’t have hesitated to kill you had they caught you taking pictures.”

  Megan huffed. “I can take a photo without someone knowing it. No one bothered me.”

  “That’s because they were told to avoid you. They wanted to stay out of the newspaper. It’s the same with the other reporter except she’s not running around snapping pictures and printing articles. She’s just being nosy.”

  “Humph. Well, I know they layer things. I received a tip from a source and found Keyshawn dealing in the open. By the way, he’s not very happy with me.”

  AJ chuckled. “Of course, he’s not. You put him out of business for a while. If he’s not selling, he’s not getting paid. He had to hide out from the police too. Even corrupt police officers will arrest street dealers from time to time, to make it look like they’re doing something. Street dealers are expendable.”

  She rolled her eyes. “He called me with a death threat.”

  AJ’s back snapped straight. “What do you mean death threat? Why didn’t you tell me about it?” He knew Keyshawn had been pissed, but AJ hadn’t expected him to take it that far. Dealers weren’t supposed to touch reporters. That was a job only for enforcers.

  “I did tell you when you came to my house that I had a death threat. I just never said who it was from. And it could have been the councilman’s office. It doesn’t matter now since we’re on the run for our lives anyway.”

  Valid point. What the hell kind of profession did she have? Did all reporters live with death threats?

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t pay attention. My mind had been diverted to other things.” He flashed a half-smile and a wink.

  Pink crept up her neck to her cheeks. So damn adorable.

  Shifting in the chair, she took a minute before responding. “Well, good riddance to him. I know his boss is Jimmy, but I haven’t been able to locate him. I thought following the dealer might lead me to him, but then you got to Keyshawn and, well, you know.”

  He’d stood there while Hank delivered Magic Shop punishment. Things began sliding downhill for her from there. His visit, her observing a murder, his kidnapping her, her being shot at. She couldn’t say she hadn’t had a few interesting days.

  She frowned. “My sources couldn’t help me find him.”

  “Unless they’re a dealer, they probably wouldn’t know where to find him. He’s good at keeping a low profile.” He cleared his throat. “Jimmy is an escaped convict. His real name is Hugh Brown. He paid to be broken out of a New Mexico prison a few years ago.”

  Her hand covered her mouth on a gasp. “What? An escaped convict. Why hasn’t anyone arrested him?”

  It always sounded so easy. Just arrest him. Little did she know.

  “After the initial prison break, the convict’s photo is plastered on the news, but the story eventually fades and people forget. Plus, Jimmy is far away from home and under the Magician’s protection so even if anyone suspected he was Hugh Brown, they wouldn’t open their mouths about it.”

  “How do you know all of this?”

  “I make it my business to know everything about those I’m working with.”

  “This would bring him off the street and get him arrested. We should call the FBI or the U.S. marshals and let them know that he’s here.”

  “That’s the plan. We need him for our plan so that means you can’t print this story, yet. Otherwise, we’ll never find him when we need him. We’re not ready for him to get picked up.”

  “What is our plan?”

  “Later.” He hated to flatten the hope floating in her eyes but it had to be done.

  “Dang it, AJ! You said you’d share with me.”

  Angry yet not cursing made her the most precious woman in his eyes. “I am. Just not our plan yet. We’ll go through that soon enough.”

  Wheels turned but he couldn’t figure out where her thoughts were headed. Too many expressions flashed across her face.

  Surprising him, she nodded. “May I at least expose him as part of the drug ring? I won’t use his photo.”

  He sighed. He knew she’d have a tough time handling this. “Not yet. He could go underground. I want him arrested when the right time comes. Now, what else do you know?”

  She narrowed her eyes and him before she turned back to the table. “At first I thought the Magician might be a policeman, but now I’m not sure.”

  AJ raised an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”

  “Well, why stay in a dangerous job if you’re wealthy and powerful?”

  “The rush? The power? Remember firemen who become arsonists? There are many reasons he might stay.”

  “Yeah. Well, I think he’s a businessman.”

  “Interesting. What else do you know?”

  “That’s about it. I told you I hadn’t been working it long.”

  He held his hands up. “That’s okay.”

  “I have these photos.” She gestured to the ones scattered on the table.

  “You have many dealers here.” He picked up a photo and whistled. “You did well, Megan. This is a top man. Carl Smith runs the entire drug ring. He’s an escaped convict also. His real name is George Savage, escaped from Nevada. The crime boss has a soft spot for escaped convicts.”

  “Is that a photo of him?” She attempted to snatch the photo from him.

  “He’s right here with Jimmy.” AJ set the photo on the table and turned it to face her. It was the same photo he’d seen earlier with three bosses. He pointed out Carl.

  She bit her bottom lip.

  That made him want to take it in his mouth and…He cleared his throat to halt his wayward thoughts.

  “Do you know who the third man is?”

  He shrugged. “I have a hunch.” Of course he knew but refused to tell her at this point. Paul White is the boss of the prison break team. If AJ told her, she’d connect the dots.

  “How will we find out who he is?” She picked up the photo. “This is one of the photos my contacts haven’t seen. They might be able to help. Oh, do you think he’s the one that runs prostitution? I showed it to Victoria but she hadn’t seen any of them. She took copies to her sources though. Just in case.”

  Shit. This Victoria had best watch her back if she shows that photo around. “First, you need to tell your friend to keep that photo secret. If she shows it around she’ll be in the same situation as you are.”

  Megan’s eyes widened and she nodded.

  “I think my informants should see the photos first.” Only a handful of people knew Paul and his standing in the organization. They weren’t people on the street but one of her damned sources already knew too much. Who’s to say he might by chance know about this boss? No. He couldn’t know about the prison escapes, or he’d have already informed Megan. Paul had best not frequent the brothels.

  “But we have to see them in order to show these to them.”

  “Remember I said at some point we would hit the street. That time is almost here.”

  Her eyes glittered with apprehension. It speared his busted heart.

  “Do you think we can do it and stay alive?”

  He sure hoped so. “I’ll keep you safe.”

  Safe or not, he had to get on the streets if he wanted to end this and busting up the next prison break was an important part of his plan. He needed the Magician angry with all of his advisors at once and AJ only had one shot at getting to Paul.

  Based on what AJ had learned, the organization’s boss handled problems with his advisors face-to-face. Damian thought he’d been impressing AJ by telling him that he knew the boss and var
ious little things that had been stored away. If they could fuck things up enough, the Magician would call several meetings or one large one with his advisors. According to the ex-chief enforcer, that was the only time they saw their boss. Didn’t matter. AJ would be there whether it was one or many meetings.

  “So, basically I have no story. We have to keep our information quiet in order to bring them to justice later. This sucks.” She crossed her arms across her chest.

  He smiled. Was that a pout? No, but it got his blood running faster.

  “You do have something. You have two enforcers with a dealer in action. Get the enforcers’ names and photos out and we cripple them. It’ll take away some of the heat off our backs” He grinned. “They are a little understaffed right now.”

  She straightened. “Oh. Are they the ones after us? What about others?”

  “Yeah, they’re the ones after us. There are rules for Magic Shop and one is that Damian and his group take care of problems. Anyone taking it upon themselves is dealt with harshly.”

  AJ picked up another photo and handed it to her.

  Looking at the photo, she smiled proudly. “I have them in several photos. They just hung out a lot so I disregarded them.”

  “I have an informant who observed them to be the last people seen with Carlos Martinez, the dealer who disappeared two weeks ago. They were also the last people seen with Treyvon Stewart, who disappeared last week.” AJ shrugged. “Disappearances happen all of the time for one reason or another. One may have nothing to do with the other, but you can have people start to question things while doing us a favor.”

  She beamed at him. Good. He’d provided her with enough to hold her over until it became time to tear those assholes apart.

  “You have other dealers in there you can expose. The more you break these little things the next couple of days, the better.” He shifted through the photos and pointed at several people providing her with their names.

  “What about for Victoria? Would any of these help her?”

  He shook his head. “No, and I only have a little information on that front to help her start poking the bear also. We’ll need her for everything to work, but I don’t want you sharing anything with her except what she needs for her story.”

  “But we’ll need to bring our stories together.”

  AJ stood, pulled the phone from his pocket and handed it to her. “And you will. When the times comes. You can use the burner phone to confirm anything with your sources. You’ll have to trust me on what my sources know. Let them have the new number and return it to me when you’re done.”

  She absentmindedly nodded. She’d already started dialing. He’d lose her for most of the day now.

  * * * * *

  “Are you sure you want to bring her down there?”

  “I don’t have much choice. If I’m going to do this, I have to get out there. I can’t leave her alone either.” AJ had been reviewing his plan with Jesse, soliciting his feedback. AJ hid in the bathroom so Megan wouldn’t overhear him.

  “I think it’s risky, very risky. I’m not sure I’d do it, even with Kate. Listen, baby brother, things don’t look good. I’ve used every FBI contact I can and the answer is still the same. You must make a choice. Turn her over to the FBI or become wanted for kidnapping a material witness in a major murder investigation. If you can get here, I can buy time until we solve this. I’d hate to see you as a fugitive.”

  He pushed the shower curtain aside and sat on the side of the bathtub. “I don’t have a choice, Jess. You know as well as I do there are dirty agents in the FBI. Besides, she won’t go. And don’t think for a moment she’d sit still if you had her. I’d wager I’d see her on the street within a day.”

  Jesse chuckled. “Oh ye of little faith. Seriously, must you do this right now? Can’t you wait until the team is here? We’ll help you.”

  “Would you wait if the fucker tried to have you or Kate killed?”

  Silence reached him from the other end of the line.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “Okay. Since you’ve made your choice, make sure to keep her safe. She’s innocent in all this.”

  AJ didn’t need to be reminded of that. It stood in the forefront of his mind. “I will.”

  “It’s your game, AJ, but don’t forget I’m here when you need me. Todd let me know he’s available to help protect you until the boys come home. I know you trust them. Do you want him to help?”

  AJ wiped his hand over his face. “Now that I’ll be a wanted man, I’d rather my friends not get involved. No one needs to go to jail helping me.”

  Jesse cleared his throat. “AJ, I don’t like this, but I understand why you think you must do it. I still encourage you to wait. Let us help you more than we are able to now. We love you.”

  A large lump formed in his throat. He hadn’t heard his brother say that in years. Sure he knew Jesse loved him, but to hear him actually say it made things too final. No, AJ would do this. When his brothers returned, he’d work with them. But he would not wait and let that fucker squirm out of this. “Thanks for understanding.” He couldn’t bring himself to say he loved them. What a pussy!

  “You’ll have whatever you need when you need it. Dev’s found an account. It’s only one but you know Dev, it won’t take long to find the rest and tie them back.”

  AJ smiled. “I’d best go. She’ll be finished writing soon.”

  “Don’t let her interfere and distract you. It could mean both of your deaths. Oh, and no cherries and whipped cream.”

  AJ laughed. “I can’t promise that.”

  His brother wouldn’t let him forget the night Jesse had walked in on him and Stephanie. He’d just opened the jar of cherries to top his whipped cream coated dessert sitting on his table when his brother walked into the house. AJ had lost track of time. For Christmas his brothers supplied him with cherries, whipped cream and a watch with an alarm.

  At least Jesse didn’t lecture him about getting involved with Megan while protecting her. Jesse could no longer push that rule since he’d broken it with his new wife Kate.

  AJ sighed. Again, things were different with Megan.

  She glided toward him as he exited the bathroom. “I’m finished. Did you want to read it before I send it?”

  Her excitement tugged at his heart strings. His little dove.

  “I’d love to read it.” He grinned back at her and smacked her on the ass as he strode to the desk.

  “Hey.” Megan’s rubbed a hand over her butt cheek but a smile grew on her face.

  She immediately drew the reader into her story and the desire to continue didn’t stop with that great opening paragraph. Pride streamed around his heart at her talent.

  With Alex and Trey exposed, they’d be out of the picture for a little while. Hopefully long enough to not meet them on the streets. And she hadn’t mentioned Jimmy. That had to be killing her.

  “It’s another good article.” AJ stood.

  “It’s not a front page story, but I’m happy with it.”

  “It should get good placement. Which photo are you sending?”

  She picked up the photo he’d suggested. “This one.”

  “Good. That’ll also take another dealer off the streets. A few more and Jimmy will have to step up. He won’t be hard to find then.”

  “This is going to work out. Let me send this so we can do laundry.”

  * * * * *

  Megan stepped out of the bathroom wearing flannel pajamas.

  “What the hell are you wearing?”

  She glanced down at her clothing, and then back to his lust-filled eyes. “PJs.”

  “Well get those things off and get over here.” He flipped opened the covers on the bed exposing his naked body.

  She tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. The fun AJ had stayed around. Time to play. “But I thought after what we did in the shower earlier you’d be done for the night,”she cooed.

  Him taking her from behind in
the shower while she leaned against the wall, water spraying over her, may have been quick, but it had been explosive. How could he be ready for another round already?

  A growl reached her ears. “My little dove, don’t make me come get you.”

  “Just give me a moment, I’ll be there.” Displaying what she hoped was a sultry, seductive look, she reached for the bottom button of her shirt and ever-so-slowly unbuttoned it. She made a show out of slowly licking her lips. She reached for the next button on her top.

  Before she could unbutton it, he stood before her.

  She giggled. Actually giggled. “What’s the problem?”

  That turn-her-to-putty grin spread across his face. “Enough.” He ripped her shirt open, buttons dropped on the carpeted floor. “I hope it wasn’t a favorite.”

  Her lips parted in surprise, her sharp intake of breath bounced around the bedroom walls, setting her pulse rate into overdrive. AJ kept things interesting and fun, in and out of bed.

  She threw her arms around his neck and pulled herself close. “And what if it was? Will you buy me another?”

  His lips hovered over hers, his words whispered on her lips, “The hotel room has a sewing kit.”

  Before she could laugh, his lips crashed down on hers, frantic and hungry. She opened to him and their tongues fought for control. Their battle sent pleasure skipping across the nerves throughout her body, centering between her thighs, throbbing and wet.

  “You still have too many clothes on.”

  Within moments he’d stripped her.

  Dropping to his knees, his hands slid over the curve of her bottom, his lips kissing her stomach, leaving a trail of warm goose bumps in their wake.

  Threading her fingers through his hair, she opened her legs for him, her head falling back against the wall.

  The torturous strokes of his hot, wet, velvety tongue between her thighs pulled a soft cry of his name from her lips when she came. The room disappeared around her, leaving weightlessness and bliss in its wake. Her legs weakened, and she’d have fallen if AJ hadn’t picked her up and carried her to the bed.


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