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The Z-Day Trilogy (Book 0): Creation of the Living Dead

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by Mark Cusco Ailes

  Shelton helped him back to his feet and stared at his blood soaked clothes. “If anything was learned today, it’s that we need heavy security on the island. Between our zombies and Julio Rojas, we’re going to have our hands full.”

  “I guess we don’t have any zombies now,” said Kurt. “We killed all of them.”

  “Not all of them,” said Ted, noticing the guard from the front of the building shambling around the corner of the building. “We still have one left. This one we’re keeping alive. He’s going to be our Patient Zero.”

  The End

  Continue the horrific journey of the Z-Day Trilogy with Zombie Park by Mark Cusco Ailes. Read on if you dare!

  Zombie Park Prologue

  General Wilbur Poe listened to the whup-whup-whup of helicopter blades as it lowered the cage holding the zombie hyena they were going to use for a field test. Once the cage had set down on the ground, two men, one named Manuel, and the other Madison, helped unhook it from the helicopter. As they did, the zombiefied hyena growled and padded forward, teeth bared. The men jumped back. Fear was writ large on their unshaven faces.

  General Poe looked at his two scientists. Nicolas Hollman looked at his wife, Kathy, and nodded his head. They both were confident the first field test was going to be a success.

  Carlton Ross, the lab’s zombie handler stood near his two men, waiting for the general’s cue to open the cage.

  The hyena salivated in anticipation at the thought of his feast standing inches from the cage. It circled back and forth, never taking its hungry eyes off of them.

  “You two are both going to be famous after this test. The military has been waiting for a weapon like this for a long time. Your names are going to go in the books as the ones responsible for creating the first smart zombies,” said General Poe. “Are you ready?”

  Kathy crossed her fingers and held her breath. She had been working on the project for a year with her husband. They had bickered back and forth, but they found a way to work together to develop a serum to turn dead flesh into living smart zombies. If all went well, the government had a new weapon they could use on the battlefield instead of using soldiers. Kathy thought of all the American lives that could be saved because of their technology.

  Nicholas Hollman was frustrated his wife was getting most of the credit for their research. When anybody of importance came to the lab, they went straight for her to inquire about the progress of the project. He had a growing resentment toward her.

  “I’m ready if my wife is ready,” he said, staring at the cage with the restless animal.

  General Poe waited for Kathy’s nod before giving the signal to open the door to the cage. The men released the animal and immediately moved back several feet as the hyena sprung from the cage and stood there holding its ground. Milky-white eyes peered from its skull as it growled at the men.

  General Poe looked alarmed as he watched his experiment stalking the two men. He ran over to it and stood to the side of it, giving it the command to back down and sit. It turned its head toward him and growled once again.

  The two men’s eyes were wild with fear. Carlton made a move to help them, but General Poe held him back.

  Once again, he tried a command on the creature, and once again, it ignored him. He stole a glance back toward the professors. He had a sickening feeling their field test was going to be a failure.

  The two men stood there, frozen in place, as it crept closer. The general moved closer to it, shouting commands, but it leaped toward the men. It knocked both men hard to the ground. It ate Manuel’s face like he was the main course at a four-star restaurant while holding the other man down with its paw. Carlton kicked it in the side, hoping it would release Madison.

  It shrugged off the attack and shoved Madison’s arm into its mouth and bit down–hard. Madison’s blood was a scarlet river flowing on waves of pain.

  The horror was too much for Kathy and she shut her eyes. Carlton approached it with his gun drawn. One flick of the trigger finished it. It toppled over in the pool of the dead men’s blood.

  The general faced his scientists. “We won’t ever speak of this again. I’m disappointed in the both of you. You promised me results. Their blood is on your hands. You have one week to fix the problem with your serum.” He looked at Carlton. “They were your men, so you clean up the mess. I have a report to fake.”

  Download Zombie Park on Kindle now if you dare!

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  Mark Cusco Ailes


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  I would like to dedicate this book to all my fans that have enjoyed my books. I appreciate all the kind words about my stories and for believing in them. I would like to thank my brother, Derek, for spreading the word about my books and helping me market and promote them. I would like to thank my mother for her work on editing and giving advice where it was needed. I would like to thank all the businesses that host my autograph signings.

  About The Author

  Mark Cusco Ailes is the author of several novels, including The Day The Earth Cried, Zombie Park, The Creator’s Game and Z-Day: Day Of The Zombies. He currently resides in Valparaiso, Indiana, where many of his novels take place. His hobbies include meeting celebrities at conventions, reading, writing, and acting. He was the drummer for the 80’s heavy metal band Latem, was an extra in the movie Moon 44, and has been in several stage plays. In the eighties, he designed haunted houses in Stuttgart, West Germany, three years in a row and won two awards for best design. He also has done several radio and television commercials.

  Mark Cusco Ailes is currently hard at work writing Zombie World around his current book tour.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination, or used factiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright© 2016 Mark Cusco Ailes

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  For information and permission request contact:

  Published by Weekland Press


  Facebook @Mark Ailes

  Twitter @Mark Ailes

  Other books by Mark Cusco Ailes

  Bunga, Book One: A Ray Cycle Adventure

  Tashla, Book Two: A Ray Cycle Adventure

  Rhysnor, Book Three: A Ray Cycle Adventure

  Heir To The Throne: The Final Ray Cycle Adventure

  The Day The Earth Cried

  Catfurnado, Zombies and One Killer Doll

  One Magic Christmas

  The Creator’s Game

  The Storm Inside My Head

  Journey Into The Unknown

  A Handful Of Raindrops

  Rich Man’s War, Poor Man’s Blood

  Zombie Park

  Z-DAY: Day Of The Zombies

  Plague Of The Living Dead

  Catfurnado 2: Oh Meow No


  Facebook @Mark Ailes

  Twitter @ Mark Ailes

  Table of Contents
br />   Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven




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