The Franklin Conspiracy
Page 31
3. N. Wright, Quest For Franklin, p. 210.
4. P. Berton, The Arctic Grail, p. 250.
5. P.C. Newman, Company of Adventurers, p. 413.
6. L.H. Neatby, The Search For Franklin, p. 157.
7. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 345.
Mock Suns and Other Northern Lights
1. Ibid., 227.
2. John Robert Colombo, Mysterious Canada: Strange Sights, Extraordinary Events, and Peculiar Places, p. 396.
3. Barry Lopez, Arctic Dreams, p. 213.
4. P.C. Newman, Company of Adventurers, p. 132.
5. P. Berton, The Arctic Grail, 175.
6. Charles Francis Hall, Life with the Equimaux: A Narrative of Arctic Experience in Search of Survivors of Sir John Franklin’s Expedition, p. 68.
7. Ibid., 66.
8. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 134.
9. George Francis Lyon, A Brief Narrative of an Unsuccessful Attempt to Reach Repulse Bay Through Sir Thomas Rowe’s “Welcome”, in His Majesty’s Ship Griper, in the Year MDCCCXXIV, p. 119.
10. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 225.
11. Sir F.L. McClintock, Voyage of the ‘Fox’, p. 66.
12. Paul Nanton, Arctic Breakthrough: Franklin’s Expeditions 1819-1847, p. 66.
13. Sir F.L. McClintock, Voyage of the ‘Fox’, p. 68.
14. C.F. Hall, Life with the Equimaux, p. 200.
15. Ibid., 209.
16. Ibid., 212.
Inuit Tales and the Angikuni Connection
1. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 407.
2. Ibid., 417.
3. P. Berton, The Arctic Grail, p. 371.
4. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 412.
5. W. Gibson, “Franklin’s Last Voyage”, p. 60.
6. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 6.
7. Ibid., 125.
8. P. Berton, The Arctic Grail, p. 378.
9. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 130.
10. Ibid., 126.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid., 128.
14. Ibid., 127.
15. Ibid., 134.
16. Ibid., 131.
17. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 412.
18. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 131.
19. Ibid., 306.
20. Ibid., 309.
21. Ibid., 316.
22. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 412.
23. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 310.
24. Ibid., 317.
25. Ibid., 318.
26. J.R. Colombo, Mysterious Canada, p. 389.
27. Ibid.
The Tunnit
1. Robert McGee, Ancient Canada, pp. 62, 63.
2. Farley Mowat, Westviking: The Ancient Norse in Greenland & North America, p. 454.
3. Ibid., 457.
4. Ibid.
5. J.R. Colombo, Mysterious Canada, p. 393.
6. Peter Freuchen, Book of the Eskimos, p. 231.
7. P.F. Cooper, Island of the Lost, pp. 12, 13.
8. Ibid., p. 13.
9. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 417.
10. Ibid., 418.
11. Ibid., 421.
12. Jeff MacInnis (with Wade Rowland), Polar Passage: The Historic First Sail Through the Northwest Passage, p. 91.
13. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 91.
14. Sir F.L. McClintock, Voyage of the ‘Fox’, p. 227.
15. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 419.
16. W.G. McKenzie, “A Further Clue in the Franklin Mystery,” The Beaver (Spring 1969), p. 28.
17. Ibid.
18. L.A. Learmouth, “A Divergent Opinion,” The Beaver (Spring 1969), p. 33.
19. N. Wright, Quest For Franklin, p. 239.
20. L.A. Learmouth, “A Divergent Opinion”, p. 33.
21. B. Lopez, Arctic Dreams, p. 164.
22. Ibid., 165.
23. R. McGee, Ancient Canada, p. 63.
24. O. Beattie, and J. Geiger, Frozen in Time, p. 139.
25. Ibid., 153.
The Last Resource
1. P.C. Newman, Company of Adventurers, p. 394.
2. P. Berton, The Arctic Grail, p. 268.
3. P.C. Newman, Company of Adventurers, p. 394.
4. O. Beattie, and J. Geiger, Frozen in Time, p. 61.
5. P.C. Newman, Company of Adventurers, p. 421.
6. O. Beattie, and J. Geiger, Frozen in Time, p. 59.
7. Barry Ranford, “Bones of Contention,” Equinox (Spring 1994), p. 86.
8. O. Beattie, and J. Geiger, Frozen in Time, p. 61.
9. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 419.
10. Ibid.
11. B. Ranford, “Bones of Contention”, 86.
12. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 418.
13. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 113.
14. R. Owen, The Fate of Franklin, p. 438.
Of a Sickness
1. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 338.
2. B. Ranford, “Bones of Contention”, p. 87.
3. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 338.
4. O. Beattie, and J. Geiger, Frozen in Time, p. 161.
5. B. Ranford, “Bones of Contention”, p. 85.
6. O. Beattie, and J. Geiger, Frozen in Time, p. 161.
7. Ibid., 35.
The Shaman Light
1. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 56.
2. P. Berton, The Arctic Grail, p. 268.
3. P.C. Newman, Company of Adventurers, p. 419.
4. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 58.
5. Ibid.
6. N. Wright, Quest For Franklin, p. 154.
7. Ibid., 155.
8. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 64.
9. B. Lopez, Arctic Dreams, p. 217.
10. Ibid., 266.
Rehearsal for Murder
1. P. Berton, The Arctic Grail, p. 137.
2. P.C. Newman, Company of Adventurers, p. 401.
3. P. Berton, The Arctic Grail, p. 133.
4. Ibid., 131.
5. Vilhjalmur Stephansson, Unsolved Mysteries of the Arctic, p. 162.
6. Ibid., 179.
7. Ibid., 186.
8. Ibid., 166.
9. P. Berton, The Arctic Grail, p. 136.
10. V. Stephansson, Unsolved Mysteries, p. 179.
11. P. Berton, The Arctic Grail, p. 137.
12. V. Stephansson, Unsolved Mysteries, p. 183.
13. Ibid., 184.
14. Ibid., 183.
15. Ibid., 188.
16. Ibid., 162.
Epilogue: Proof
1. D.C. Woodman, Unravelling, p. 292.
2. P. Nanton, Arctic Breakthrough, p. 228.
Beattie, Owen, and Geiger, John. Frozen in Time: Unlocking the Secrets of the Lost Franklin Expedition. Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 1992.
Berton, Pierre. The Arctic Grail: The Quest for the Northwest Passage and the North Pole, 1818-1909. Markham, Ontario: Penguin Books Canada, 1989.
Colombo, John Robert. Mysterious Canada: Strange Sights, Extraordinary Events, and Peculiar Places. Toronto: Doubleday Canada, 1989.
Cooper, Paul Fenimore. Island of the Lost. New York: Putnam, 1961.
Freuchen, Peter. Book of the Eskimos. Cleveland: World Pub. Co., 1961.
Gibson, William. “Sir John Franklin’s Last Voyage.” The Beaver, Outfit 268, No. 1, June 1937.
Hall, Charles Francis. Life with the Esquimaux: A Narrative of Arctic Experience in Search of Survivors of Sir John Franklin’s Expedition. Reprinted, Rutland, Vt: C.E. Tuttle Co., 1970.
Leacock, Stephen. Adventurers of the Far North. Chronicles of Canada Series, Vol. 20. Toronto: Glasgow, Brook & Company, 1914.
Learmouth, L. A. “A Divergent Opinion.” The Beaver, Outfit 299, Spring 1969.
Lopez, Barry. Arctic Dreams. Toronto: Bantam, 1987.
Lyon, George Francis. A Brief Narrative of an Unsuccessful Attempt to Reach Repulse Bay, Through Sir Thomas Rowe’s “Welcome”, in His Majesty’s Ship Griper, in the Year MDCCCXXIV. Repri
nted, Toronto: Coles Pub. Co., 1971.
MacInnis, Jeff, (with Rowland, Wade). Polar Passage: The Historic First Sail Through the Northwest Passage. Toronto: Random House of Canada Ltd., 1989.
MacInnis, Joe. The Breadalbane Adventure. Montreal: Optimum Publishing International, 1982.
McClintock, Francis Leopold, Sir. The Voyage of the ‘Fox’ in the Arctic Seas: A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and His Companions. Reprinted, Edmonton: Hurtig, 1972.
McGhee, Robert. Ancient Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1989.
McKenzie, W. G. “A Further Clue in the Franklin Mystery.” The Beaver, Outfit 299, Spring 1969.
McMillan, Alan D. Native Peoples and Cultures of Canada. Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 1988.
Mowat, Farley. Westviking: The Ancient Norse in Greenland & North America. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1973.
Nanton, Paul. Arctic Breakthrough: Franklin’s Expeditions 1819-1847. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin, 1970.
Neatby, Leslie H. The Search For Franklin. New York: Walker, 1970.
Newman, Peter C. Company of Adventurers. Markham, Ontario: Penguin Books, 1986.
Owen, Roderic. The Fate of Franklin. London: Hutchinson, 1978.
Ranford, Barry. “Bones of Contention.” Equinox, No. 74, Spring 1994.
Schell, Jonathon. The Fate of the Earth. New York: Avon Books, 1985.
Schmucker, Samuel M. Arctic Explorations and Discoveries During the Nineteenth Century. New York: Auburn, Miller, Orton & Co., 1857.
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. Unsolved Mysteries of the Arctic. New York: Macmillan, 1939.
Woodman, David C. Unravelling the Franklin Mystery: Inuit Testimony. Montreal: McGill- Queen’s University Press, 1991.
Wright, Noel. Quest For Franklin. London: Heinemann, 1959.