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Unbroken: A Second Chance Romance

Page 63

by Aria Ford

  While we played that day, I couldn’t help my thoughts straying to Alexander. I wondered what he was doing, where he was. If he was okay. I surprised myself by how I cared for him even now.

  The days passed, slowly. I got into an easy routine with the kids and before I knew it, it was Friday. Only a week until he came back, then. My heart fluttered when I thought of it.

  Later, I sat in the dining-room with coffee and my phone, waiting for the kids to finish their lessons. I heard running feet, and Jack exploded into the room.


  I stared at him. It was so unlike calm, composed Jack to make a fuss about anything. What was happening?

  He was followed by Cammi and the evening post. I frowned, wondering where they had got it.

  “Emma!” Jack was saying, excitedly. “You should have told us!”

  I frowned at him where he stood, looking elated and reproachful at once. “I don’t think I had anything to tell you…” I began cautiously. Then they put the newspaper on the table and my heart stopped.

  On the back page, close to the gossip column, was me. At least, it was clear it was me if you knew me. The photo showed a woman sitting with Alexander in the park, laughing, their hands touching.

  The caption said: “Billionaire’s new love.”

  I shook my head, not understanding. The kids were both grinning at me and Cammi was trying to sit on my knee.

  “So you are going to marry our daddy? Why you said you weren’t?”

  I looked down into those beautiful blue eyes and felt my heart clench. How could anyone refuse the wish of such a sweet girl? But, at the same time, how could I do anything else?

  Jack looked at me, his eyes asking questions.

  “What does it mean?” he asked me levelly. I could only pat his shoulder.

  “I don’t know.”

  The picture was clearly from our time in the park. I had no idea we were watched, and I was fairly certain that Alexander didn’t either. He wasn’t the kind of person to let the press get hold of anything until he had made up his mind about it first. My first instinct told me he would be really mad at me for it. I had the urge to try and make it disappear, pray that he hadn’t ever seen it and it would all go away. But I knew I couldn’t.

  Jack looked at me and he must have seen how worried I was, because he reached a hand out and covered mine with it. His small hand barely covered mine, but the gesture moved me to crying.

  I blinked rapidly, trying to think of something that would reassure them. I could only think of one thing.

  “We should find out what Daddy thinks about this. I’m sure it’s a mistake.”

  Cammi stared at me, her big pale eyes shiny with sudden tears. I suddenly felt like a murderer. I had stood up, but I sat back down again. I lifted her to sit on my knee. I stroked her hair. Hell, I sometimes felt like I was her mother. It was ridiculous.

  “Cammi, sweetheart,” I said gently. “I think newspapers don’t always say real things. I haven’t talked to your daddy about anything…like that.” Well, that part was true. “I need to talk to him first.”

  I bit my lip, feeling a grim nervousness grip me. The thought of what Alexander would say if he knew the press had gotten a picture of us together was scaring me.

  “But…” Cammi was frowning at me.

  At that moment, Jack put a gentle hand on her. She looked up at him trustingly. “Yes?”

  “Cammi, I think we should let Emma call Daddy. She needs to chat to him first.”

  I threw him a grateful look and put my hand on his shoulder. Hell, if I had a son it would be wonderful to have a son like him. I shook my head vigorously. That isn’t possible. Alexander was not going to marry me…why would he?

  Jack smiled at me and I patted his soft hair. “Thanks.”

  “It’s nothing,” he said shyly.

  “But, if Daddy is in the paper with Emma, and it says “Billionaire’s love”, then doesn’t that mean they’re going to get married?” Cammi was asking Jack as he led her away. I didn’t hear the answer, but I trusted Jack to say something sensible. It was amazing how I already did trust him.

  When they had gone, I collapsed on the desk. My head on my arms, I lay there, wishing I could disappear.

  What is he going to say?

  It came to me that it wasn’t all my fault. That we had both done that together. It wasn’t just me in the article after all! But I wasn’t sure if Alexander would see it that way. There was no reason for him not to blame me and my memories of my ex and his injustice was with me.

  I might as well get it over with, I decided.

  I stood, feeling surprisingly shaky, and walked to the door. I headed upstairs to my room. Sitting on the bed, feeling as like a condemned prisoner, I punched his number into my phone.


  “I know,” he said quietly. “Emma, are you okay?”

  I almost dropped the phone in shock. “Am I okay?” I laughed a little hysterically—relief did that to a person. “Why would I not be okay?”

  I heard him breathe a sigh. He sounded as relieved as I was, which was ridiculous. “Good,” he sighed. “Well then.”

  “Well?” I frowned deeply.

  “Well then,” he said, and he laughed lightly. “What can we do about it?”

  “I was thinking maybe we could call the press, and…” I started bravely. I had it all planned out. He could make a statement and make insinuations about legal action, and they would do something to change things.

  He was laughing, and he cut across me. “I didn’t mean that,” he said quietly. “It’s novel to be in tabloids again…let them talk.”

  I actually dropped the phone. Luckily, it landed on my pillow and didn’t drop the connection. “What?” I said, picking it up again.

  “Leave it,” he repeated, laughing again. “What about us?”

  “Us?” I felt a delightful feeling spread through me, a slow tingle from my womb to my chest that felt as if it glowed.

  “Well,” he said carefully, “since the whole state knows now, we can at least stop pretending it’s fake news.”

  I laughed. He sounded so happy and I was happy too. “Okay,” I said.

  “Well, I still don’t know about being too public,” he said, sounding suddenly cautious. “As it is, they can’t really see your face on that picture, and…”

  I felt a stab of disappointment. Which was silly, since a minute or two before I had thought he’d be furious for anyone to know about us, and now I was sad because he wasn’t offering to take me to the Oscars with him. I laughed a little sadly.

  “I know,” I said, trying to conceal how his words had upset me. Of course he didn’t really want people to see me. I was the nanny! He was embarrassed of me.

  “I’m sorry.”

  That surprised me. He was so thoughtful, considering my feelings. “No!” I said, laughing, though I admit it was a trifle tense. “You mustn’t apologize to me. It’s fine.”

  “I don’t like hiding things,” he said quietly.

  I felt the wonderful, sunny glow returning. “I know,” I said again, my voice low.

  “I don’t think you do,” he said sadly. “But thank you.”

  “Thank you?”

  “For understanding. For accepting me.”

  I really was sure that if I had any more shocks I would suffer permanent damage. But the man kept on being unexpected. “I, accept you?”

  “Yes,” he said, and I could hear laughter in his voice.


  He chuckled. “You know what I mean. I’m full of my nonsense sometimes.”

  I laughed. “Maybe. But I like it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you,” I repeated. I was about to hang up, when I remembered something.

  “The kids…” I said, trailing off.

  “What about them?” Alexander asked, voice suddenly strained. I instantly regretted worrying him. I knew how he feared something happening to the

  “They’re fine,” I said quietly. “It’s the fact that they saw…well, that.”

  He was silent for a moment. “Oh. They did?”


  He sounded tense. “How did they react?”

  “Well, quite positively,” I said tentatively. I wasn’t sure how much to tell him. I didn’t want him any more stressed.

  “Oh,” he said, sounding surprised for a change. “Well. Then. That’s not too bad.”

  “Well,” I hesitated. “Maybe not.”

  He laughed. “If they weren’t shocked, or mad at me, then that’s fine.”


  “Well, they might not be pleased with me showing affection to you. Jealous of my attention or, more likely, jealous of yours for me.”

  I laughed. “I don’t think that’s true.”

  “Good,” he said firmly. “Well,” he said, clearing his throat. “I should be at a meeting.”

  “Oh,” I said, feeling bad for keeping him occupied. “I should head off.”

  “I don’t want you to,” he said gently. I felt the words move through my body, making my heart beat faster.

  “That’s good.”

  He chuckled. “Good day.”

  “You too.”

  When he left, I sat there feeling dazed. I knew I should move, go and find the kids, ask Paula what was for dinner. Do normal things. But I felt as if all my strength had been sucked away, and left me with a sweet, floating wonder in its place.

  Chapter 11


  The newspaper article seemed not to bring any negative results. At least, at the mansion, there were no consequences that I could see. We woke early, the kids and I, spent the day, a Saturday, in peaceful activities and then went to bed. If there were press people hiding in the flowers or photos snapped from behind bushes, I didn’t see it.

  As I lay in bed that night, I couldn’t help feeling amazed at how weird it was that I was worrying about paparazzi. I mean, I wasn’t famous! I was no one. How could I be ducking from press photographers. Or living in a mansion, for that matter. I grinned.

  I was thinking of Alexander, and my hand strayed between my thighs. Just the thought of him made me wet, and I smiled. I couldn’t wait until he got back.

  It was late. I had stayed up after the kids went to bed, working on my laptop. I had some tax to fill out, and had thought the mind-numbing work would be just the thing I needed at this time. I could feel myself getting more tired, and then I heard the phone ring. It was Alexander. I sat up quickly and accepted the call. His voice crackled over the line.


  “Alex! Hi!”

  I realized after I had said it that I never called him that. Oh, well.

  “Emma,” he said again, and he sounded faintly pleased. “I just wanted to say I’m coming home tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” That surprised me. He had told me he was away for a fortnight. He had only been away for a week and a few days. What had happened?

  “Yes. I needed to get back. I’m worried.”

  I bit my lip. “It’s fine,” I said, feeling stung. “I won’t let anything happen to the kids. You know I care about them.”

  He sighed audibly. “It’s not the kids, Emma. It’s…everything. I can’t explain.”

  “It’s okay,” I said. “You don’t need to.” I paused. “It’ll be good to see you here again.”

  He smiled. I could hear the way his voice changed when he did it. “It will be good to be back. It’s not just because I’m worried that I’m coming back early.”


  “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.”

  When we had said goodbye, I was flushed and excited. He would be here tomorrow? I hugged myself, thinking about it, and slid into bed. Wrapped in the glow of it, I fell asleep.

  The next day I dressed carefully. I had no idea when he would be back and I wanted to look my best for whenever it happened. I felt like a little girl.

  The kids were prepared for the arrival. Alex had clearly already called them, and they were even more excited—at least more visibly—than I was.

  At four o’clock, I was sitting quietly outside, keeping an eye on the kids while they played tag in the garden. I heard a footfall on the path behind me. Then his voice.



  I leaped up and his arms wrapped round me. I wrapped my arms around him and drew him close. We embraced tightly.

  My body ached. I wanted him so badly that I thought I would actually explode. I pressed against him tightly, feeling my pulse quicken. He kissed me. I let my lips slide over his, letting in his wet tongue.

  We stood there for a while and he broke the kiss, gasping. “Emma, we shouldn’t,” he said quietly. He looked around. I blinked. Alexander was not like that, suspicious or overconcerned. Looking at him, I noticed that he looked stressed.

  “Alex,” I asked, reaching to stroke his hair. I breathed in his ear, kissing his cheek. “You’re stressed.”

  He gave a chuckle. “No. I’m not. I mean, yes. But.”

  “But what?”

  “But I’m also so, so glad to be here.”

  He kissed me in a way that made my bones go fluid and left me needing him. He looked into my eyes. “Upstairs, soon?”

  I giggled. “Now, if you like,” I whispered back. He nodded.

  “Can’t wait.”

  We shared a sexy smile, and then he went striding across the grass toward where Jack was chasing his sister hastily across the lawn.

  “Jack! Camille!” he called, arms out. “It’s me!”



  The two of them bolted across the lawn and embraced him, Emma clinging to his knees and Jack round his waist. From a discreet distance, I watched the sweet reunion as he scooped Cammi up to his chest and patted Jack’s head.

  “Kids! It’s so good to see you!”

  Jack flushed, reaching up to his hand. Cammi beamed. “Daddy! You’re back. We wished you would be back earlier, and then you are! And now we can ask you…”

  “Let Dad freshen up first,” Jack advised Cammi, stalling her. I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn’t want to push Alex’s volatile temper. They walked past me toward the house, and I sent a big grin in Jack’s direction. He nodded back.

  A moment or two later, I followed them inside.

  I didn’t wait long, actually. About three minutes later I heard Alex walk along the hallway and I followed him up to his bedroom.

  We kissed and fell through the door, hands already tearing at the suddenly-unwanted clothing. His body was against mine and I could feel how much he wanted me. I wanted him, probably even more.

  When we were done, I lay in his arms, perspiring and peaceful. I kissed him and he kissed me back, slow and tenderly. He stroked my head.

  “I had to come back,” he said simply.

  I smiled. “I’m very glad about it.”

  We giggled together. “You are a wonderful woman,” he said, looking into my eyes with an expression so sweet it made my heart hurt.

  “You are a wonderful man,” I whispered softly. He giggled.

  “I don’t think so really, but thank you.”

  “You saying I tell fibs?” I said crossly.

  “I would never do that!” he made an exaggerated expression of shock. I grinned. We kissed again and I felt immense satisfaction. I ran a hand over his muscled body.

  He made a satisfied grunt and drew me closer. We kissed again. He ran his fingers down my spine.

  “We should go somewhere,” he said. “I don’t like the fact that people know…”

  “Let them know,” I said recklessly, echoing him confidently.

  He chuckled. “I wish I could,” he said. “Emma,” he added, clearly noticing I looked upset. “It’s not because I’m hiding you.”

  “Yes, it is,” I said. “But that’s understandable.” I blinked, feeling angry tears. I
wouldn’t cry in front of him. Dammit! I looked at the ceiling, holding them back.

  “It isn’t.” He insisted. “One day I can tell you what. But not now. It’s unsafe.”

  “Okay,” I said quietly. I didn’t want him to be upset.

  “Good,” he said. “I’m happy you understand.”

  “Of course I can,” I said, even to my own ears sounding desperately unconvincing.

  “Well then,” he whispered. “Bear with me. And join me in Miami.”

  I swallowed. “Really?”

  “Really, I can go next week. Please, I want you to. The kids will come. They’ll have their own rooms, though,” he added, winking. “I rent a house there, and…”

  I chuckled. “Alexander! You’re awesome.”

  He blushed. “No, I’m not. But does that mean you’ll come? I can’t be there every day, but I would try to spend at least three days and seven nights.”

  I laughed. “Oh!”

  He blushed. “Sorry about the priorities. But that’s your fault.”

  I giggled. “I’m glad to hear I am priority.”

  “Prime priority, my dearest. The first and foremost. Truly.”

  I shivered, holding him close. “Thank you,” I said.

  “Don’t mention it,” he said, chuckling as he exaggerated his drawling accent for that part. “Now, then. What can we do this evening?”

  “Well…” I said, breathing sexily into the curve of his neck. “I wonder…”

  He laughed throatily. “I didn’t mean that,” he said, stroking my side. “I meant, besides that!”

  I smiled. I felt a huge happiness filling me, it was like nothing I had ever felt before.

  “Well then,” I grinned, kissing his nose. “That depends on you.”


  “Yes. On how tired you are.”

  “Okay,” he agreed. “In which case, I’m never tired. In fact, I am the least tired thing in the whole world,” he laughed. I kissed him on the tip of the nose.

  We lay together for a while, then he slid his arm out. “Okay, supper!” he said, glancing at the clock. I was surprised that it was already six pm.

  “I was asleep,” I smiled.

  “Well, I was thinking,” he said. “How about we have something special?”


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