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Irish: A Reed Security Romance (Reed Security Series Book 5)

Page 16

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “Hey, my fantasy world is pretty spectacular.”

  “I’m sure it is, but if you’d rather be there than here, maybe I should leave the two of you alone.”

  “No, no. It’s fine. Really. I’m just having trouble waking up fully this morning.”

  He climbed over me and started kissing my neck and digging his erection into me. I wanted to be into it. I needed him so badly, but my mind was still replaying my dream and I couldn’t focus. When he sighed and pulled back from me, I knew that he knew. It wasn’t going to happen this morning.

  “I’m sorry, Derek. I just can’t focus.”

  “The whole point is that you’re not supposed to focus.”

  “I know that, but my mind is somewhere else and it’s just not going to happen.”

  He rolled off the bed and pretended to be hurt, but I saw him grinning at me. “It’s fine, Claire. Go play with your imaginary characters.”

  “Stop. Don’t be a jerk. I can’t make my mind shut off like that. Haven’t you ever gotten lost in a really good book?”

  “It sounds to me like you’re lost in more than one good book.”

  I shrugged. “Side effect of being a librarian. Besides, I don’t really have time to hang around this morning. I have so much work to get done on the farm and no time to do it.”

  “What do you have to do?”

  “Aside from the normal chores? There’s a fence that’s broken. The shed door is falling off its hinges. The chicken coop needs to be cleaned. I have vegetables that need to be picked for the market. Lucy has an early class this morning, so I have to do her egg run. The list is much longer, but that’s the stuff that really needs to be done this morning.”

  “I won’t keep you then, but I expect you to make it up to me in a very big way.”

  “I promise.”

  “Hey, how did things go with your dad last weekend?”

  I got up and started getting dressed, not really wanting to talk about my dad, but knowing that I would have to tell Derek at some point. “Uh, he found a retirement home that he really likes. It’s similar to a nursing home, but has a little more freedom for residents. They’ll provide all his meals and everything, but he’ll have his own little apartment. It’s not much, but he said he would rather be there than…” I took a deep breath as I choked back my tears. Strong arms wrapped around me from behind and ran up and down my arms. I focused on anything from his skin tone to the thick, dark hair that covered his arms. He rested his head on top of mine as I calmed myself. He made it feel like it was okay to break down, like he would always be there to put me back together.

  “Is there anything you need?” he asked.

  “The one thing I need is for this to not be happening.”

  “I’m sorry, Claire. I wish I could change this for you.”

  “I know.”

  “It’s just too much right now. I feel like everything’s breaking down. I don’t know what to do with the farm when dad leaves.”

  “Did he tell you what he wanted?”

  “He said it was up to Lucy and me. He wanted us to do whatever we felt was right. He already had lawyers draw up the paperwork to make us his legal guardians. We’re now in charge of everything regarding the farm and his care.”

  “He’s making the right call, Claire. He needs to know that you have access to everything you need and that you have control of the situation.”

  “I know, but Lucy wants to sell off the farm. She doesn’t want to deal with it anymore. She’s going to be teaching next year and she doesn’t want to have two jobs anymore. That would leave it all up to me.”

  Derek turned me around to face him and looked into my eyes. “What do you want?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to let go of the farm. It feels like I’m letting go of my dad, but I’m not sure I can keep it all up. It’s exhausting.”

  “Take some time to think it over. Whatever you decide, you have to make the decision for you and no one else. Your dad will understand if you want to let the farm go. I’ve actually been thinking, now that your dad is moving out, what would you think about moving in with me?”

  My mouth dropped open and I couldn’t speak. I hadn’t been expecting that. All this time, I just assumed that this was something great, but that it would eventually end. Moving in together was so life altering. It wasn’t a decision I could easily come to.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just say whatever you’re thinking.”

  “Um, I guess that I wasn’t really thinking that we were headed in that direction. Don’t get me wrong, I love you,” Oh shit! Don’t say that. Don’t ruin this by telling him you love him. What the heck are you thinking? Quick. Fix it. Say something, anything to make that not sound how it really did. “Well, not love, but really, really like. Like, like-like. A lot. Not to say that you’re not lovable. I just don’t want to freak you out with some love declaration when that’s not what we are. I mean, I’m not the person that…I’m not the girl that gets the super sexy guy. I’m the girl that you have fun with and everything, but…” I swallowed hard and puffed out my cheeks to stop from rambling anymore. Derek just smirked at me and pulled me in close for a hug.

  “Are you finished?” I nodded against his chest. “I love you, too, Claire. And I wouldn’t have asked you to move in unless I thought you were the girl that got the super sexy guy. When are you going to realize that you are fucking gorgeous and you’re the only woman I want in or out of my bed?”

  “You love me?”

  He pulled back and kissed me on the lips. “Silly woman, of course I love you. So, what do you think? Are you going to move in with me?”

  “Can I think about it? It’s not that I don’t want to, but I need some time with everything that’s going on.”

  “You can think about it all you want, but in the end, you will end up in my bed. You know how I know that?” I shook my head. “Because I fucking love you and there’s no way this ends any differently.”

  He kissed me hard and I could feel his erection poking me in the stomach, but I didn’t have time for more than a kiss if I was going to get all my stuff done this morning. Not to mention that I really did need to think about everything he said and I couldn’t think straight with him inside me. I stumbled back out of his grasp and gave a shaky smile.

  “I’d better get going. I have a lot to do this morning.”

  I left his house feeling a lot lighter about everything. No matter what I decided with my dad, I had options and for the first time in my life, I didn’t feel so alone.


  When I pulled up to the house, it was still early. I got changed quickly and said a quick hello to Daddy. He was just sitting down to his first cup of coffee.

  “Is Lucy still sleeping?”

  “She’s in the shower,” he said as he opened the morning paper. He still insisted on having it delivered, even though most news could easily be found online.

  “Okay, well I’m going to get started on some chores. Tell her I’ve got her deliveries today.”

  “No problem, Claire bear.”

  I headed out to the chicken coop and got to the task of collecting all the eggs from the coop. Then I started cleaning it out and laying down the new shavings. Once that was all done, I fed and watered the chickens. It was still early morning, but I was already sweating like crazy. I had several more things to do before I delivered the eggs, but I really needed a drink of water. Turning to the house, my heart stopped when I saw smoke coming from the direction of the house.

  I ran as fast as my short legs would carry me and practically fell to my knees when I saw flames licking through the windows of the house. I looked around frantically, but couldn’t see my dad or Lucy anywhere. My phone was still inside on the charger, so I had no way to call for help. Without a second thought, I ran inside to find my father and Lucy.



  AS SOON AS Claire left, I called Cap. There
was no way I was going to let Claire work herself up over all the things she had to do around the farm today. I was going to take a personal day and if he didn’t like it, he could shove it.

  “We don’t have anything going on anyway. In fact, how about a few of us come out and help?”


  “Yeah,” Cap laughed into the phone. “We’ll head out there now. The guys’ll be happy to have something different to do today.”

  “That’d be great. Thanks, Cap. I really appreciate it and so will Claire.”

  “No problem. We’ll see you in a few.”

  Since I was going to be working on a farm today, I just threw on some clothes, not bothering to shower first. It was going to be a hot one, so there was no point in showering first. Heading to my truck, I threw a spare pair of clothes inside and headed for her house, stopping for coffee and donuts for everyone on the way. I was just outside of town when I saw traces of smoke filling the sky. Dread curled in my gut and I stepped on the gas, pulling up Cap’s number on my phone as I sped toward Claire’s house.

  “Yo, we’re on our way now.”

  “Cap, where the fuck are you? Do you see the smoke heading out of town?”

  “Shit. Is that where she lives?”

  “I’m still too far away. I don’t know if it’s her house, but it’s pretty damn close.”

  “I’m calling the fire department now.”

  He hung up and I pushed it as hard as I could, desperate to get to her, needing to know for certain that she way okay. My tires spun in the gravel as I pulled down her driveway. Her house was engulfed in flames and I prayed that no one was inside. Jumping out of the truck and running to the house, I saw her father kneeling on the ground, bent over and coughing.

  “Harry, where are Claire and Lucy?”

  A coughing fit overtook him and he pointed inside. Running in the back door, I pulled my shirt up over my face and squinted through the smoke, trying to see if there was anyone in the room. I dropped to the floor and crawled as quickly as I could through the house. When I didn’t immediately see anyone on the first floor, I made my way up the stairs to the second floor. I heard banging and quickly ran down the hall, to where Claire was gagging and hitting a door.

  Pulling on her arm, I tried to get her to come with me, but she wouldn’t leave. She shook her head rapidly, but after a strangled cough, she collapsed right in my arms. I knew that Lucy had to be behind the door and I prayed that the smoke wasn’t as bad in her room. Claire would never forgive me if I let her sister die in a fire. I set Claire down on the floor and whipped off my shirt, wrapping it around her face to keep the smoke out of her airways as much as possible.

  “Derek!” I spun around to see Pappy running toward me. “You have to find another way out. The downstairs is blocked now.”

  “Lucy’s stuck in that room,” I choked out as I pointed to the door Claire had been banging on. Pappy ran over to the door and gave a swift boot to the door, but it didn’t budge. I picked up Claire, knowing that I had to get her out of there. She stirred in my arms and lifted her head, looking toward the door. I glanced in the same direction and saw Pappy lift his boot one more time and break the door in, disappearing inside. I pushed a door open on the opposite side of the hall and ran for the window. The window had swelled shut and I couldn’t get it open. Setting down Claire, I picked up a small table and broke the glass out on the window. I picked up a comforter from the bed and cleared the glass away, laying the comforter over the ledge of the window.

  I stuck my head out the window, breathing in the fresh air. If I passed out, I wouldn’t do Claire any good. Cap and Sinner saw me and ran over to the ledge of the porch, waving for me to crawl out the window. Hauling Claire through the window, I crawled out on the porch roof to the edge where Cap and Sinner were waiting below. A coughing fit overtook me and I held tight to Claire, sure that I would drop her if I didn’t get control of myself.

  “Derek, drop her down,” Cap yelled. I looked down one last time and held Claire out over the edge of the roof and let her go. Cap caught her easily and ran over to the ambulance that I saw waiting in the driveway. I turned back to the window that had smoke pouring out of it and covered my mouth with the crook of my arm. Running back to the bedroom door, I saw Pappy carrying Lucy out of the other bedroom and waved him over. I ran back for the window and crawled out, holding out my arms to get Lucy. When I had her securely in my arms, I moved over to the ledge like I had with Claire and dropped her down into Sinner’s arms. By now, there was a second ambulance waiting in the driveway and Sinner ran with Lucy over to it just as the first ambulance was pulling away.

  Hunter and I slid on our bellies over the edge of the porch, hanging on to the edge and then dropping to our feet. We just barely made it away from the house as flames took over the porch roof. If we had been just a minute later, Claire and Lucy wouldn’t have made it out.

  “You okay, man?” I asked as Hunter and I walked over to where everyone was gathered around the ambulance. The firemen were already working on putting out the flames, but the house would be a complete loss.

  “Yeah,” he nodded, coughing as he started jogging over to the ambulance. Burg and Lola ran up to us, keys in hand.

  “Let’s go,” Burg said. “We need to get you guys checked out.”

  Lola drove me in my truck and Burg drove Pappy in one of the others. I was coughing the whole ride and felt like I was struggling to breathe, but what I really needed was to know that Claire was okay. My heart was racing out of control and it had nothing to do with the fact that I had just come out of a burning house. When we pulled up to the emergency room, I immediately ran to the desk to ask for Claire.

  “Claire,” I coughed more harshly this time, my lungs working overtime to get me some air. “Claire Grant. Fire,” I choked out.

  The nurse looked at me worriedly and ran around the counter, pulling on my arm. “Come on. Let’s get you in a bed. You need a doctor to look you over.”

  “I need-”

  “What you need is a mask on your face before you pass out. You were in that fire?” I nodded, still coughing and unable to speak. “Right. Well, I’ll check on Ms. Grant for you.” She shoved me down onto a bed and placed a mask over my face. “Now, if you promise to keep this on your face, I’ll find out how she’s doing, okay?” I nodded again and she gave me a little wink. “Good. I need someone to come over and check you out, so hang tight.”

  I let my eyes slide closed and let the oxygen do it’s work, but it was short lived when I heard Pappy’s voice coming from the ER desk.

  “No! I don’t need to be checked out,” I heard Pappy yelling as he coughed harshly. “You need to tell me what the fuck is going on with Lucy Grant. I pulled her out of…” He started coughing again and I got up from the bed that I was currently sitting on with an oxygen mask on my face. I pulled the mask off and yanked the curtain open.

  “Pappy, calm the fuck down. They have to get her stable. Sit your ass down and get some fucking air.” I started coughing again and a nurse smiled gratefully at me as she ushered me back to my bed and replaced the mask. I was just as desperate to find out about Claire, but I also knew that they were doing everything they could for Claire and Lucy and we would only be in the way.

  Hours passes as I slipped in and out of sleep. My body was exhausted and was begging for me to just pass out. The doctor came by and examined both Pappy and I and cleared us. We needed to stay for a few more hours, but the doctor said they would release us that night. The nurse came in and let us know that Claire and Lucy were doing okay and that they needed to stay overnight until they were cleared. If I could stay the fuck awake, I would have been bugging the nurse every five minutes for an update. Pappy wasn’t quite as bad as me since he hadn’t been inside as long, so he came to hang out beside me, promising the nurses that he would stay where he was.

  “How can you just lay in that fucking bed when we don’t know what the fuck is going on with them?” Pappy asked
as he ran a hand over his bald head.

  “We’re in a fucking hospital. They’re doing everything they can for them, so you just have to be patient.”

  “I thought you loved Claire. Why aren’t you more worried?”

  “I am fucking worried, but I’m also fucking tired as hell, seeing as how we were in a fucking fire.”

  Pappy stood up and started pacing in the small space around my bed, pushing the curtain out with his large frame. Every once in a while, he let out a small cough and then ran a hand over his face. Tension ran through his body and I couldn’t figure out why he was so worried. I knew that he slept with Lucy occasionally, but as far as I knew, that’s all it was. Maybe I was wrong.

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?” I asked as he continued to pace.

  “Like what?”

  “Like why you’re so worked up over a girl you’re just fucking. Are you not just fucking?”

  He stopped and stared at me. “Why the fuck would you ask that? You know I don’t do relationships.”

  “Yeah, I know, but you’re acting like the love of your life is dying in the next room. We know they’re going to be okay, so why are you freaking out so much?”

  He plopped down in the chair and hung his head as if he was fighting some internal battle. “You remember what it was like when we thought Knight was dead. I don’t ever want to feel that way again. And Lucy, I don’t know what the hell we are. Fuck, this is so messed up,” he murmured to himself.

  I got that he was messed up because of what had happened with Knight, but I also didn’t miss how he had just admitted that he and Lucy might be something more.

  “You have a thing for Lucy,” I said with a grin.

  He looked up at me and scowled. “It’s not like.”

  “Oh, that’s right. You and Lola have a thing.” He shook his head and stood up, resuming his pacing. “How does that work exactly? Do you ask Lola before you fuck Lucy?”

  “You’ve got it all fucking wrong, man.”


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