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Irish: A Reed Security Romance (Reed Security Series Book 5)

Page 18

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  We said our goodbyes and Derek and I walked down to his truck. I fell asleep on the way to his house and woke when he lifted me from the truck. I raised my head from his shoulder to protest him carrying me, but he shushed me.

  “Just relax. I’ve got you.”

  I laid my head back against his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck. He carried me inside and back to his room, laying me down on the bed and covering me with a blanket. I had never felt so cherished until this moment. He laid down behind me and pulled me back into him, running his hand across my belly.

  “I was so fucking scared when I pulled up to your house yesterday,” He murmured against my ear. “I never thought that I would ever love someone the way I love you. I can’t lose you.”

  I was so shocked by his statement that it took me a moment to respond. I rolled over and kissed him hard. “I love you, too. I’m sorry that I scared you. I just couldn’t leave them in the house. I didn’t have my phone on me to call for help, so I knew I couldn’t wait.”

  I thought about what happened yesterday when he pulled me out of the fire. He had floated down from the roof with me. I remember looking up at him and then we were floating through the air. I couldn’t deny it anymore. There were too many incidents in which the men of Reed Security seemed to have superpowers. I had to find out what was really going on if we were going to take this any further.

  The problem was, I didn’t know how to ask him. Anyone else would think I was crazy and Derek would just deny it. After all, it’s not like he could really tell me without putting me in danger. At least, that’s why I assumed he wasn’t telling me.

  “Derek, I need to talk to you about something and I need you to know that you can be honest with me.”

  “You know I will be. I would never lie to you.”

  “I know that, but this is different. This is something I know you don’t want me to know, but there’s really no point in denying it anymore.”

  He looked at me strangely, but nodded. I took a deep breath and decided to just go for it. “I know your secret.” His brows furrowed, so I continued. “I know that you and other members of Reed Security have special..qualities.”

  “Well, yeah.” I breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn’t denying it. “In the military, I was a team leader. That’s my strong suit. Sinner, Burg, and Cazzo were all special forces. They’re pretty much trained in everything. Chance was a sniper. Hunter worked with explosives.”

  “Look, I told you that you don’t have to lie to me. I already know.”

  “I’m not lying to you. I just told you…I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

  “You do too!”

  “No, Claire. You’re going to have to be more specific. If that’s not what you’re talking about then you’re going to have to spell it out for me.”

  “You, pushing me out of the way at the grocery store when no one was around. Knight, taking a bullet when he didn’t have a bulletproof vest on. You, going into a burning truck and coming out without a scratch on you.” I was getting really worked up and my voice got louder and louder. “You floated off the roof with me when my house was on fire. I know. You’re all super heroes!” I said in exasperation.

  Derek stared at me for a minute and then burst out laughing. Anger flooded me. If there was one thing I didn’t want, it was to be laughed at, especially by the man I loved. When I threw the covers off and stormed into the bathroom, he laughed even harder. I should have known this would be his reaction. I should have known that he would just make fun of me and pretend none of that stuff actually happened. Why would I assume he would open up to me just because he said he loved me?

  “Claire, come out, please,” he said, still laughing.

  “No. If I wanted to be laughed at, I would have told someone else. You were supposed to tell me the truth.”

  “Claire, I promise. No more laughing. Why don’t you come out and we’ll talk about this seriously?”

  I wanted to believe him so badly, but I also knew how ridiculous this whole thing sounded. Part of me still thought I was going insane, but now that I had put it out there, it was time to find out once and for all. I opened the door and hesitantly looked up at Derek. He wasn’t laughing anymore as he held out his hand to me. I took it and followed him over to the bed.

  “Okay, Claire. You have my full attention. Do you want to tell me what made you think we all have superpowers?”

  “Well, at the grocery store, when you pushed me out of the way, I looked around before you tackled me. There was no one there. You got to me so quickly.” I shook my head and looked away from him. “Look, I know that alone doesn’t sound like much, but that was the first time I suspected that there was someone out there that was more than what they seemed. I even went looking online for people with extraordinary abilities. There are plenty of known cases, so don’t laugh at me like I’m being ridiculous.”

  “At the grocery store, I was following you out. I don’t know why, but I did. I was behind you. That’s why you didn’t see me.”

  “What about Knight? I saw him get shot and the bullet just bounced off him.”

  “He was wearing a skinny vest. It’s a new technology that we’ve been trying out. It’s as strong as a bullet proof vest but thin like a shirt. It’s still in the testing phases and no one knows about the technology.”

  Okay, well that sounded plausible, but why did it feel like he had all the answers? “But I overheard you two talking. He told you that you had to make sure that I stayed quiet or he would make sure I did. Then he threatened to make me disappear. You don’t do that unless you have something to hide.”

  “Claire, that’s something that I can’t tell you. I can tell you that he’s not who he appears to be, but if people ever found out his true identity, he would be in a lot of trouble and so would everyone at Reed Security that helped him. That’s what we were referring to. There’s nothing special about him other than he’s highly skilled.”

  “But…” It still didn’t make sense. “The fire in the truck…We flew off the roof of my house…”

  “Claire, I climbed in through the back window of the truck to pull the man out. The fire hadn’t reached that part of the truck yet. And I’m sorry to tell you this, but we didn’t fly off the roof. I dropped you down into Cap’s arms. You were pretty out of it, so it would make sense that it would feel like you were floating.”

  I sat there stunned. All along, I kept telling myself that there was a plausible explanation, but then something would happen and it would strengthen the idea that it was possible. I felt so stupid as I sat there with Derek. How could he possible see me as anything but an idiot after what I just told him?

  “Oh my God,” I whispered as I stood and paced the room. I was such an idiot. I had to get out of there before I made a bigger idiot out of myself. I’d stay in a hotel or a ditch if I had to. There was no way I was staying with Derek to have him snicker at me behind my back.

  “Claire, calm down. It’s fine. Now that you explained it to me, I could see how you would think that.”

  “Don’t patronize me, Derek. I know what a fool I’ve made of myself.”

  “Look at me.” I didn’t and he took my chin and turned my face toward his. “You are not a fool. You may have a slightly overactive imagination, but that’s one of the things I love about you. Who cares if you actually believed that? Do you know how fucking high it made me to hear you call me Superman? Who gives a fuck if you thought I was an alien? It doesn’t fucking matter to me and no one else has to know if you don’t want them to. I would never do anything to make you feel like an idiot. Well, I mean, after I laughed at you, but I seriously thought you were shitting me. Maybe you just need to spend less time at the library.”

  “Yes, I think it’s quite possible I’ve immersed myself in too many books,” I said, looking up at him and realized in that moment that he really didn’t care. I was a bit of a whack-a-doodle and he really didn’t care. He loved me, crazy and all.
I shook my head in disbelief. This man was just too good to be true.

  “Are you real?”

  “Uh, I think we just covered this, Claire,” he said in confusion.

  “No, I mean, is it possible that you are really that great of a guy? That you wouldn’t judge me for being…a little creative? Any other man would have run for the hills.”

  “Let me tell you something, after I saw you at the garden center and went back to your house with you, I couldn’t get you out of my head. I was training with the guys and making a total ass out of myself because I couldn’t concentrate. It hit me that after that first time I kissed you, I was totally fucked because I knew right then and there that you were it for me. I just felt it inside me. And when I told the guys that I was that fucked up over a kiss, they knew too. Sinner, Cazzo, and Burg all told me that I just had to accept my fate, that there was nothing I could do about it but hang on for the ride. I didn’t want to accept it yet because I had never planned on having all that, but the more time that went on, the more I knew they were right. My point is that it would take a hell of a lot to make me walk away from you right now. I want you to move in with me and I want to have the whole package with you.”

  I couldn’t believe this man. How did I get so lucky to be such a bumbling idiot and still keep this man’s attention? “I want that too.”

  “Good, because I’m not ever fucking letting you go.”


  After a week of Derek refusing to sleep with me because he was sure I wasn’t recovered enough, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I had a special surprise for him and I was pretty sure that he would go along with it since he had laughed at me when I first told him about my theory about the men at Reed Security.

  I had stopped at a costume shop on the way home and picked up my order, then made my way home. Derek was already there, which was perfect for my plan. I walked in the door and scowled when he walked over to me and took everything from me and then ushered me to the couch.

  “You need to put your feet up. I don’t want you overdoing it.”

  “Enough! Derek, I love you, but this has got to stop. I was cleared by the doctor. I rested and took some time off work, but I’ve been back to work for several days now and I feel fine. I don’t need you to baby me anymore.”

  He ran a hand over his face and sighed. “Claire, I just want to be sure you’re alright.”

  “I know, but enough’s enough. Besides, I have other plans for tonight and it’s not going to work if you won’t let me have any fun.”

  “What are you planning for the night?” he asked in concern. “I don’t think you should be going anywhere. It’s too soon for you to be going out.”

  “Derek, what I have planned is for the two of us and we are most definitely staying in.”

  He grinned and scooped me up in his arms. “I suppose I can get behind that.”

  “You have no idea how in character you already are.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  I made him put me down and then walked over to the bag I had brought in with me, handing it over to him with a grin. He hesitantly took the bag and opened it, shaking his head as soon as he saw it.

  “No. I’d do almost anything for you, but this is going too far.”

  “Please, Derek. It would make me feel so much better. Besides, if you’re Superman, I can be Lois Lane and Superman always gets the girl,” I said, batting my eyelashes at him. He sighed and trudged back to the bedroom. I did a little victory dance and then set the living room exactly how I wanted it for the scene. Then, I went back to the bedroom to get out my tight, black dress that Derek had gotten for me.

  Derek was struggling to put on the costume and watching him get in tights was hilarious. “No self-respecting man wears tights. I hope you realize how much I love you.”

  “I do,” I said with a grin.

  He pulled the leotard up as far as he could, but the padding was getting stuck. “This fucking thing is too tight. It’s made for pussies that don’t have a muscular body.” He started ripping out the padding and then pulled the leotard up the rest of the way. His dick was straining through the fabric and I had to say, he looked way better than any of the actors that played Superman. Last were the boots and cape. I sighed and watched him dreamily as he finished pulling on the outfit. “I look fucking ridiculous.”

  “You look so fucking sexy. I think you’re going to get very lucky tonight.”

  I walked over to my closet and pulled out the dress, but he stopped me.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m getting dressed for my part.”

  “Uh-uh. If I have to wear this ridiculous thing, then I get to choose what you wear.”

  “Which will be?”

  He walked over to the closet and pulled out a gift box. “I’ve been saving this for you and I think tonight is the perfect night.”

  I opened the box and saw a sexy, lacy bra and panty set with garter belts and silk stockings. “This is what you want me to wear under the dress?”

  “No. This is what I want you to wear. And that’s all.” I blushed as he pulled me against him and kissed me hard. “Get dressed before I change my mind and fuck you right now.”

  I quickly pulled off my clothes and stepped into the lingerie he picked out for me. I had never gotten any lingerie for myself and I had to admit, it made me feel sexy. Not comfortable enough to wear every day, but I would wear it for him if he wanted me to.

  “So, what did you have in mind for me when you picked out this costume?” he asked. I led him into the living room where I had a dining room chair set up in the corner with rope and a gag. “In the chair,” he growled.

  I did as he said and sat down in the chair, spreading my legs for him. A rumble ripped through his chest as he stared at the apex of my thighs. He bent down and ran his fingertips up my calves, brushing behind my knees and then up my thighs. His knuckles brushed my sex, but he didn’t linger. I quivered when he picked up the rope and tied one ankle to the leg of the chair and then the other. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on my stomach and then kissed up to my breasts, biting my nipples through the fabric of the bra. I panted as my pussy clenched with need. Then his hands were pulling my arms back and tying them behind the chair, making my breasts thrust forward.

  “You look so fucking gorgeous like this. I may have to do this to you every night just so I can see your breasts on display for me.”

  My chest heaved as he lightly touched me all over, never giving me exactly what I needed to push me over the edge. I needed more. I needed him inside me, but I was powerless to make him give me what I wanted. What I needed. “Get me out of these ropes.”


  “No, dammit. This was supposed to be my fantasy.”

  He chuckled and picked up the gag off the floor. “It became my fantasy the moment you made me put on this ridiculous outfit.” He pushed the gag slightly inside my mouth and tied it behind my head even as I protested. “I think before Superman saves the girl, he needs to have a taste of her first.”

  He knelt down in front of me and traced his finger over the edge of my panties. I tried to thrust my hips forward, but there wasn’t any wiggle room. He slowly dipped a finger inside and slid it along the wetness between my legs. I moaned, my hips bucking every time he slid closer to my clit. I was panting hard and grunting my frustration every time he teased me.

  “Just a taste,” he grinned wickedly. He ran his nose over my panties and all I could do was watch and hope that he finally put his mouth where I needed him. He bit the fabric, nipping me in the process, then moved it to the side. His tongue flicked over my clit and I gasped as his tongue ravaged me.

  “Mmhfph..ahhh” I panted. My heart was racing and my mouth was so dry. Stars burst behind my eyes as he sucked me into his mouth and made me come with a scream. He slipped a finger inside me and kissed up my stomach to my breasts and then my neck. He sucked the delicate skin into hi
s mouth, practically devouring my neck as he thrust his finger into my slick heat over and over. I was sure I was going to have a heart attack as my second orgasm rushed through my body, but he didn’t relent. He fucked me harder and harder, moving his mouth to my ear. I was clenched so tight around him, sure I was going to have another orgasm right then and there.

  The door swung open and my eyes flew open to see Sebastian, Hunter, Mark, Sam, and four other men that I had never met before. Derek’s head whipped around and he swore. I gasped as I realized that I was practically naked and tied to a chair and that eight men were staring at me. I was panicking, I knew that much. In fact, I was pretty sure that if I didn’t die of embarrassment in the next ten seconds, I would have a panic attack so big that it would do the job.

  “Uh, Derek? Why the fuck are you dressed like Superman?” Hunter asked.

  “Can’t you see? He’s reenacting the movie,” Sam said with a smile. “Well, the dirty version anyway. I think I would have remembered a scene like this.”

  “Those tights look like they’re strangling your cock. Bad choice, man. Is there some kind of hole for you to whip it out,” Mark asked as he leaned over like he was examining the material.

  Derek seemed to snap out of it and stood up, blocking me from their view. “Stop fucking looking at my dick,” he snapped.

  Mark backed up with his hands raised. “I’m not looking to join in. Just curious about the outfit. I don’t think Cara’s into the superhero stuff, but it’s not a bad idea. Keep it spicy in the bedroom.”

  “Just got married and you’re already looking for ways to spice it up?” one of the other guys said.

  “I don’t need to spice anything up. I’m just saying, look at her. It’s fucking hot.”

  I blushed furiously and Derek held up the cape to further block me. “You guys need to get the fuck out. Now.”

  “We’re not trying to poach your woman. We’re just saying, she’s fucking hot,” another one said. “I’m John, by the way.”

  I gave a slight wave with my hand still tied down at the wrist. “Nice to meet you,” I said meekly.


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