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Irish: A Reed Security Romance (Reed Security Series Book 5)

Page 23

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “Will do, bossman. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Cazzo, have you gotten ahold of Nathan Kent yet?”

  “Nothing. I sent him a message when he was out in the theater, but either he hasn’t gotten the message or he’s still playing Army Ranger.”

  “We need to know what the fuck they’re after. Everyone, pull any contact you have and get me in touch with Kent. We need to figure this out before someone ends up ten feet under.” He turned to Claire, whom we all just remembered was still in the room. “Not that you have to worry about that. We’re all professionals here.”

  She swallowed hard and gave a nervous chuckle. “Right, I knew that.”

  Cap sighed and jerked his head toward the door. “Irish, why don’t you take her and show her your office?”

  “Sure, Cap.”

  I led her out of the room and down the hall to my office, closing the door behind us. She spun around and shoved me up against the door. “That was so hot.”

  “What was so hot?”

  “The way you killed those men.” She backed away, shocked at what she had said. “That’s so wrong. It shouldn’t be a turn on, should it? I mean, I’m not turned on that you killed someone, well, thirteen someone’s, but the way you did it.” She started fanning herself like she was on fire. “I’ve never seen anyone move like that. I didn’t even get to see all of it because I was up a tree, but what I did see? Holy crap! The way your arms were flexing and I could see the muscles pulling tight when you did that crazy gun trick. I think I creamed my panties right there.”

  I slowly walked toward her, my eyes narrowing in on her luscious curves. If she wanted a predator, I could give her that. I would devour her like she was my last meal. “So, you like the way I move?”

  I saw her throat work to swallow and a faint jerk of her chin. She took a little step back and right into my desk. Her face jerked around when she saw she was cornered. She gave a nervous laugh and crossed and uncrossed her legs. She was so damn cute. She wanted to play the game, but wasn’t sure how.

  I could feel myself swelling painfully behind my jeans, but I had to take my time and make sure this was good for her. She liked to play games and I liked to make her come. I shoved my body up against hers, my erection pushing into her stomach as she leaned further back breathing heavily. I ran my nose down her cheek, sniffing her as if she was my dinner. I let a low grumble escape from my throat as I latched onto the smooth skin of her neck, sucking hard and tasting the salt of her skin. I pulled her hands tight behind her back as I licked and sucked down her neck.

  I stepped back quickly, whipping my shirt over my head and letting my muscles flex for her. She whimpered as her eyes roamed over my chest. My mouth was on her in seconds, my hands gripping her ass and hoisting her up onto my desk. Papers went flying, my computer crashed to the ground, and my mouth consumed her body. I ripped her pants from her legs and thrust her legs wide for my viewing. With a flick of my wrist, her panties were gone and her shimmering pussy was mine for the taking.

  Her head banged onto the desk as I took her into my mouth. Her screams echoed around the room, but I didn’t stop until every last drop was sucked dry from her. Her trembling body didn’t have time to recover before I was shoved inside her, pummeling her as my body rippled from the force. Still, I wasn’t deep enough. I climbed on top of the desk, lifting her hips to meet mine as I continued my assault. Her eyes rolled back in her head, but then she snapped her gaze to mine and shoved me backwards, flinging me off the desk and into my office chair. She climbed into my lap and straddled me, sliding down onto my cock with such force that I worried she had broken me. It was too good for me to care. The chair swiveled around us as she bounced on my dick. I pulled her shirt off and snapped off her bra, setting free her tits to bounce in my face.

  I latched onto her nipples, pulling and tweaking with a need so primal, I felt like a caveman. She leaned further and further into my mouth, needing what I was offering. I heard the creak a second before the chair broke in half and we went sprawling across the floor. I was done letting her take the lead. I hauled her off the floor and shoved her up against the wall, wrapping her legs around my body. My pictures bounced off the wall and a few fell to the floor as I fucked her hard and fast. Her hand reached out and grasped onto the filing cabinet drawer and ripped it open as her orgasm tore through her. I thrust in one last time and was so keyed up that I shoved my fist through the drywall next to her head. She didn’t even flinch, but latched onto my mouth, biting harshly into my lip. I spun around, sinking onto the ground next to the couch, breathing like I had just run a marathon.

  She leaned her forehead against mine and her body collapsed into me. I pulled her in tight, needing to feel the beat of her heart against mine. A pounding at the door had me pulling the blanket off the couch and covering her nudity. No one would be seeing her like this but me. The door flung open and Cap, Pappy, Ice, and Sinner all stood in the doorway.

  “Christ, Irish, there’s a fucking couch right next to you,” Cap snapped. I looked around the office and chuckled. The contents of my desk were scattered on the floor and my computer was broken on the ground. The chair was in two pieces and the filing cabinet was flung open. My pictures were hanging crookedly on the wall and lying in a broken mess on the ground. The couch next to us was in pristine condition.

  “This is fucking hot. Cap, can I get an office so I can bring Cara in here? I have a few fantasies of my own to play out,” Sinner smirked.

  Claire buried her head in the crook of my neck and laughed.

  “What did I tell you about women?” Ice pointed to me. “All these fucking women around here are turning the men into wild animals. Just the other day, I walked in on Cap in the training room, fucking Maggie on the rope, like it was a fucking sex swing.” Cap’s eyes snapped to Ice, obviously unaware that he had been caught. “Yeah, that’s right. I saw, and believe me, I wish I hadn’t. How the hell did you do that without getting rope burn on your junk?”

  For the first time ever, I saw Cap fucking blush.

  “Just keep your fucking mouth shut about what you saw.”

  “What’s wrong?” Hunter asked, smiling. “Don’t want everyone to know how kinky you and Maggie are?”

  “No, I don’t want Knight knowing that I used the training center.”

  Ice scoffed. “You should see what he and Kate do in there. Seriously? Does everyone use the training center for fucking?”

  “We haven’t yet,” Claire piped up, only to bury her face in my neck again.

  “Just one question,” Ice asked Cap, crossing his arms over his chest in all seriousness. “Do you have to be in a committed relationship to use the training center? Because I think it’s a little discriminatory to limit it to those that choose to have a chain around their neck. I like a good fuck as much as the next guy.”

  “Do you guys think you could leave us alone?” I asked.

  Pappy turned to me with a smirk. “You didn’t have any problem letting us hear you fuck her. By the way, based on the screaming, I’d give you a solid ten.”

  “I don’t know,” Sinner said. “Sounded more like a nine point five to me. Based on the destruction of the room, I mean.”

  “Based on the destruction of the room, I’d say you’re paying for the damages,” Cap said. “You have five minutes to get dressed and back to the conference room. Becky has something for us.” He ushered everyone else from the room and shut the door. Claire finally looked up at me and I felt like my fucking heart would explode. She was so goddamn beautiful, but her “just fucked” look had me hard again less than five minutes after we finished. I was totally and completely fucked when it came to her.


  “Everyone move into place,” Cap said through the mic. We were in Philadelphia meeting up with Brian Mathers to fence the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire. They were actually in Vienna, Austria at the Hofburg Palace, but Becky had let loose some intel on the Dark net that they had been
stolen and it was being kept quiet while they were being retrieved.

  Trying to choose one of us to go in as the seller was difficult since we all looked like ex-military. Since Lola was out for the time being, Florrie agreed to go in her place with Alec and Craig, her teammates, as her backup. The rest of us were there in case Mathers also had backup. Florrie was dressed in dress pants and a stylish suit jacket that she had rolled up slightly on her arms. We didn’t need to keep Mathers’ attention for long. The whole point was to corner him, make sure he was alone, and get him back to Reed Security where we could figure out what was going on.

  “Florrie, you’re up. Remember, we just need a distraction until we can capture him,” Cap said. I watched through my scope as Florrie gave a slight nod and entered the abandoned warehouse. Alec and Craig were on either side of her in suits, looking every bit the muscle.

  “Ms. Younge, I presume.” Mathers held out his hand to Florrie, who went to place hers in his, but he kissed her knuckles instead. I could tell from my position that he was attracted to her. His leer was enough to send shivers down my spine. If it weren’t for Alec and Craig standing right next to her, I would have demanded that we pull her out.

  “Mr. Mathers, it’s so nice to finally meet you. Shall we get down to business?”

  “Why don’t we go for a walk and discuss how you happened to come across such a priceless artifact?”

  “There’s no need to go for a walk. I wanted it and I took it.”

  He smirked and let his gaze wander over her body. “You really expect me to believe that you stole the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire?”

  “I don’t expect you to believe anything. When you see it, the only thing you’ll be wondering is how much I’ll be asking for it,” Florrie said smugly.

  “By all means, please lead the way.” He waved a hand in front of him for her to take him to the artifact. Craig and Alec walked on either side of them as Florrie led them outside the warehouse to the SUV.

  “We’re all clear, Florrie. This guy works alone. There are no signs of anyone with him,” Cap said into the mic.

  Mathers’ hand came to rest on the small of Florrie’s back and slid down to her ass. She spun and grabbed his hand, jerking it back as he collapsed to the ground in pain. “I would keep your hands to yourself if you plan on leaving here with them. Now, I need information and you’re going to provide it. Get in the vehicle.”

  “What about the artifacts?” Mathers blustered.

  She smiled evilly at him. “You mean the artifacts that I couldn’t have possibly stolen? I didn’t, but I am a trained killer, so unless you want to become the headline on the evening news, I’d get in the fucking truck.” She released his hand and stood by as he rubbed his wrist.

  Standing, he straightened his suit coat and tie. “There’s no decency among thieves anymore. This used to be a gentleman’s game.”

  “I’m not a thief, and a gentleman wouldn’t grab a lady’s ass,” she said as she shoved him in the SUV.


  I walked into the conference room at Reed Security to see Knight sitting at the table, glaring at Claire. She was obviously nervous to be sitting with him based on the stiffness in her shoulders. I wanted to kick Knight’s ass for being so intimidating toward my woman, but he didn’t know that she didn’t really know who he was. It was time to set the record straight.

  “Knight, can I talk to you for a minute?” He turned slowly and looked at me with narrowed eyes. “Now,” I barked.

  He stood slowly and followed me down the hall to my office that was still a disaster. He shook his head and leaned against the wall, arms and ankles crossed like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “You have to knock that shit off. Claire isn’t your fucking enemy.”

  “She’s not my woman. How the hell do I know I can trust her?”

  “How the hell did you know you could trust Kate? All she did was stitch you up, yet you couldn’t leave her the fuck alone. You went to her when you wouldn’t go to anyone else.”

  “That was different.”

  “Bullshit. You knew and I’m telling you that I know the same fucking thing. Claire would never do anything to hurt me and that includes doing something that would hurt one of my brothers.”

  He smirked and shook his head. “So, we’re brothers now?”

  I rolled my eyes at him and looked away. “Something like that. You work with us and I know you have my back no matter how bad you want to pretend you’re still a lone wolf.”

  “If you say we’re a fucking wolf pack, I’m gonna pull out my gun and shoot you.”

  “Look, I’m just saying that at some point you have to start fucking trusting people. Cap pulled you out of that fire and when he changed your identity, he put us all at risk. He wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t think he could trust you, and we wouldn’t be standing behind his decision if we didn’t trust him.”

  He still didn’t look quite convinced, so I made a decision right then. “I’m going to trust you with something and I swear to God, if you say a fucking word, I’ll turn you over to the military police myself.” He nodded, knowing that it had to be something big. “She doesn’t really know who you are. She thought…she thought you were a superhero.”

  “No,” he shook his head in disbelief. “Nice fucking try.”

  “I’m serious, man. She saw you get shot in the bank and you didn’t fucking die. Hell, you didn’t even have a bullet hole. You were wearing that new vest, one that nobody knows about. She seriously thought that you were some kind of superhero and we were protecting your identity. I cleared up that part, but I didn’t tell her your real identity. As much as I trust her, it’s not my place to tell her that shit.”

  “So, she really thought I was a superhero?” A grin split his face, the first real smile I had ever seen on his face. “That’s kind of fucking awesome.”

  “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  “Too late. I already proved I’m bulletproof.”

  “Like I said, if it gets around that she thought that, you and I are finished. I love that woman more than my fucking life and I won’t have her feeling like an idiot.”

  “No problem. As long as that’s all cleared up, we’re good.”

  We walked out of the office and down the hall to the conference room where everyone was seated. Cap shot us an irritated look.

  “Now that the ladies are done gabbing, let’s get to work. We have Mathers downstairs cooling his heels.”

  “I’ll go-” Knight spoke up.

  “No, Knight, we’re not going to kill him,” Cap cut him off. “Chris, I want you to go get everything you can from him.”

  “No problem.” Chris cracked his knuckles and shook out his shoulders as he stood.

  “What the fuck is going on with you guys? I said we’re not killing him. This guy is a thief and based on the way he showed up to the meet, he won’t last long in interrogation. Get what we need without leaving a mark on him.” Cap slammed his folder shut and walked out of the office grumbling, “Suddenly, everyone wants to kill someone.”

  Twenty minutes later, Chris was back upstairs, having gotten everything we needed, and we were packing for Washington D.C.



  “THIS IS SO exciting. I’ve only been here once before and it was on a tour, so I didn’t really have time to explore,” I said to Derek as we walked through the doors to The Library of Congress. I stared in awe at the sheer size of it all. So many books and not enough time to look at all of them. I had put in a call to a friend of mine that had worked here for years. She had given me access to the restricted section, which was where the book I had been looking for was currently sitting. Apparently, there were some things in there that the government didn’t want just anyone to read about.

  I had to spend all of last night researching the library so that I would know where to go. My friend, Lizzie, had sent over all the information I would n
eed on where to go and how to maneuver around the library without bringing too much attention to ourselves. Derek had also pulled up the schematics to the library with Becky’s help and had been studying those for hours. It was too big of a library to just go in and wander around. We had to be sure that we could get around quickly and get out.

  “Over here. She told me that I should meet her at the circulation desk.”

  I walked over and gave a huge smile when I saw my old friend from community college. “She had an uncle with connections and had always dreamed of working in the Library of Congress.”

  “Seriously?” Derek asked. “People dream about working in a library?”

  I smacked him on the chest and gave Lizzie a hug. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “You too. You certainly have done well for yourself.” I wasn’t naive enough to think that she was talking about my own job running a library. She was raking her eyes over Derek’s body. I stepped in front of him, essentially blocking her view. “We’d love to chat, but we’re kind of on a time crunch.”

  “Oh, of course,” she smiled at me. “I think it’s so cool that someone I know actually needs access to a book like that. Just keep it quiet. I’m not entirely sure I should be letting you in there.”

  “We’ll be quick. I promise.”

  “I can’t be gone from my position here. There’s always someone that needs my help,” she said as if her job was manning the Oval Office. “I wrote down the codes for you to get in, but you have to promise me you’ll destroy them.”

  “I swear. Thank you so much for this.”

  Derek and I slipped away in the direction of the restricted section. We walked as casually as we could, trying our best not to draw attention to ourselves. It took us a good five minutes to get there and I quickly entered the codes to get in. When we were finally inside, I couldn’t help the tear that slipped free from my eye.


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