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Fake It For Me

Page 10

by Kira Blakely

  As the week drew to a close, I realized that my transfer to LA was almost here. I wasn’t looking forward to it one bit, and I knew that I had to tell Hunter this weekend. Luckily, it was summer, so transferring him to a new school wouldn’t be too much of a problem.

  And then there was Alice. I knew that three weeks would be more than enough time for her to finish her article, and that once I was transferred we could come up with some reason for why the “engagement” ended, but there was more to it than that. I was starting to grow accustomed to her around the apartment. I was slowly realizing that I was going to miss her.

  But there was more than that to be concerned with.

  I’d let her know that her presence was required for a charity event set up by the hospital at the Prince George Ballroom in Midtown. I left her with my credit card and instructions to pick out something elegant to wear, something that would make her someone to show off even more than she already was. I could tell that she was a little apprehensive about spending my money, but I made it clear that the issue wasn’t up for debate.

  “There she is,” I said as she stepped into the living room, several shopping bags dangling off of her slim, toned arms. “How was shopping?”

  “Exhausting,” she said, setting the bags down. “Now I remember why I never do this.”

  She reached into her bag and took out my gold credit card, setting it down on the kitchen counter and stepping away as though it were radioactive.

  “I’m going to pay you back for all of this,” she said, gesturing to the bags. “It’s too much.”

  “Please,” I said. “It’s my treat. After all, I’m making you go to a stuffy charity event.”

  “Still,” she said.

  I waved my hand through the air.

  “Not another word. Just go ahead and start getting ready. Limo’s going to be here at six.”

  “Limo?” she asked.

  My response was another gesture, this one toward her bedroom. She got the hint, grabbing her bags and heading off. Eliza arrived a little after, and she and Hunter were soon off to dinner and the movies for the evening.

  Back in my bedroom, I slipped into my tux and otherwise finished getting ready. Then, out of the blue, the thought occurred to me to speak with Alice, to make sure that we were still on the same page with our story.

  Not to mention that I needed to tell her about LA sooner than later. After all, I’d agreed not to keep things like this from her.

  So, I headed to her bedroom and gave the door a quick rap.

  “Hey,” I said. “You decent?”

  But she’d forgotten to shut the door all the way, and it swung open with the force of my knock. Standing there, in nothing but a pair of red lace thong panties, was Alice. I watched as an expression of total shocked formed on her face as her hands shot up to her breasts, attempting in vain to cover them up before I saw anything.

  Too late for that, however.

  “What the hell?” she asked. “Don’t you knock?”

  “That’s what I did!” I said. “Don’t you lock?”

  Neither of us said a word. Alice stood there, her gorgeous green eyes wide with shock, her curls messily splayed around her face. My eyes locked onto her breasts, which poured out from behind her hands. I swallowed hard as my eyes tracked down along the flat plane of her stomach, over the curves of her hips, and down her shapely, smooth legs.

  “What?” she asked.

  I felt myself losing control by the second. The blood in my head rushed down to my cock, getting it good and hard as I felt myself shift into a wild, animal lust. Alice’s body was just too much to bear—I had to have her, and I had to have her right then and there.

  I strode across the bedroom, my eyes narrowed and fixed on her face.

  “Wait a minute,” she said. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  But I was beyond speaking at that point. I felt like a being of pure lust, my cock hard and throbbing under my slacks. Once I reached Alice, I put my hands onto the soft curves of her hips, savoring the feeling of her skin against mine.

  “Connor,” she said, her voice low and breathy. “What…we shouldn’t…”

  She protested with her lips, but the rest of her body said something else entirely. Alice gazed at me with wide, expressive eyes, as though she wanted some explanation for what was going on. Before she could say another word, I leaned in and pressed my lips hard against hers.

  “Tell me you don’t want it,” I said, my voice coming out in a growl that hardly even sounded like me.

  “I…I…I want it. I want it so fucking bad.”

  And that was all I needed to hear.

  I lifted Alice up, her light body rising off the floor effortlessly. I tossed her onto the bed, her legs spreading open as she fell back. My eyes moved right to her pussy, and I realized that as much as I wanted to shove my cock into her, full and deep, I wanted a little something else first.

  I dropped to my knees and grabbed onto Alice’s legs, pulling her toward me, the scent of her cunt driving me more and more wild the closer I brought her. With a quick motion, I grabbed her panties by the waistband and pulled them down along her smooth, gorgeous legs.

  “Careful,” she moaned. “Just bought those.”

  “I’d buy you new panties every day if it meant could rip them off,” I said with a smirk.

  “Such an old-fashioned charmer,” she said as she moved her hands down along her body.

  Now that the panties were gone, her pussy was right in front of me, wet and dripping, ready to be eaten. And that’s just what I intended to do. It’d been years since I’d tasted her, and my mouth watered in anticipation as I moved closer and closer.

  A long moan sounded from Alice as soon as my tongue touched her swollen, wet lips. Glancing up, I watched as she ran her hands over her stomach and squeezed her tits in delight as I began to lick her. I pulled her open with my fingertips, exposing what had to be the most gorgeous pussy in all of creation. Before going to work I had to take just a moment to appreciate it in all its glory.

  “You’re killing me with the suspense,” Alice moaned.

  “Just stopping to smell the roses,” I said. “So to speak.”

  I gave her another smirk then got right to it, flicking her clit with the tip of my tongue.

  “Oh, fuck!” she shot out.

  Something told me I’d already found just the right spot.

  I gave her clit a few more licks with my tongue tip, then moved closer, pressing my face into her pussy and dragging the flat surface of my tongue over her. I moved slowly, pressing my tongue hard and letting her enjoy each drag. And as I licked her, I slipped a finger into her pussy—she was so slick and wet that my finger seemed to glide in on silk. Another sensual moan sounded from Alice’s lips as I entered her.

  I went back to work, fingering her and licking her at the same time, crooking my finger just so to get right at her G-spot. The more I licked, the tighter she pressed her thighs against my head, holding me in place right where she wanted me. Alice reached down and slipped her hands into my hair, guiding me over her pussy just how she wanted it.

  Goddamn, she tasted so fucking good. My tongue eagerly lapped her up, and I savored every bit of her delicious wetness. I moved my free hand along the curves of her hips, leaving it on her flat belly for just a moment, feeling her skin rise and fall with each sharp breath.

  “Shiiit,” she moaned, thrashing her hips hard to the side and nearly tossing me away.

  I held fast, however, and kept at it. My hand eventually reached her breast and I kneaded the flesh gently, rubbing the now rock hard nipple with my fingertips. She placed her hand on mine, keeping it in place. Down below, I continued to slip my finger in and out of her. Alice’s pussy was so wet my by this point that my face was covered in her. And I loved it.

  The rise and fall of her chest became more rapid as I continued to eat her out. Then, she let out a squeal of sensual delight as her entire body tensed up in orgasm

  “Don’t-stop-don’t-stop-don’t-stop,” she repeated over and over again like some kind of ecstatic chant.

  With one final tensing she came hard, shivering and moaning with delight. I licked and fingered her all the way through her orgasm, pleased to be giving her such intense pleasure. Her breath soon slowed to a steadier pace and her hands went limp on my head.

  It was time for more.

  My prick was so hard by this point that I could’ve smashed a diamond with it. I stood up in front of Alice, her shapely body bare before me. With a slow wipe of my hand over my mouth, I cleared away her juices and let my eyes feast on the sight of her gorgeous body just waiting for my cock.

  “I need it now,” she said, her eyes narrowed into sensual slivers. “Please, don’t make me wait.”

  I couldn’t have made her wait if I the world depended on it. After a few seconds of quick work, I undid my belt and zipper and yanked my pants down enough for my cock to spring out. I glanced down at my massive, thick cock, hard and ready for her pussy. Alice ran her hands along her curves once again, the sight of her hips tilted slightly, showing off the ripe roundness of her ass, driving me wild.

  I pounce on her like a wild animal. My cock grazed against her swollen, soaking wet lips, the sensation of her clit against my head sending tingles of pleasure down the length of my cock. My cock in hand, I placed the tip right between her lips and, with a slow plunge of my hips, entered her.

  Alice let out another moan of pleasure as I moved into her inch by inch. She was wet and slick, the feeling of her pussy so sleek and soft that it felt as though my prick was surrounded by velvet. Once I was fully buried in her I held fast, looking down into her gorgeous green eyes.

  “Well?” she asked, her voice low and sensual. “What’re you waiting for? Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

  “So bossy,” I said, my voice coming out in a low growl.

  She smirked.

  “Get used to it.”

  Noted. But I was more interested in pounding the hell out of this little minx in front of me than having a tête-à-tête. So that’s just what I did. I slid my cock out of her slowly and then plunged my hips down again, entering her just as deeply as the first time. Alice let out another pleasured moan as I split her in half again, her eyes rolling into the back of her head in total bliss.

  I keep up this pace for a time, savoring just how tight, wet, and warm she was wrapped around my cock. After a series of several more deep thrusts, I was ready to ravage her. Propping myself up on my arms, my biceps flexing and tensing with the pressure, I picked up my pace and fucked her harder and faster. Alice let out a little scream as I fucked her. My eyes locked onto her full, gorgeous tits as they bounced back and forth with each impact.

  Alice opened her eyes just enough to stare hard at me as I bucked into her, the expression on her face making it clear she didn’t want me to stop. Her legs wrapped around my hips, holding me close. I leaned down and kissed her hard, our tongues lashing together as my cock moved in and out of her.

  “I’m gonna come again,” she moaned. “Don’t stop—fuck me harder, harder.”

  “Stopping” was the last thing I had in mind. I continued to enter her with full, deep plunges, the sounds of skin colliding with skin mixing with my grunts and her sighs. I was fucking her at a furious pace, Alice’s breasts bouncing, her hair shaking, and her face contorting into a wince of gorgeous agony as I drilled into her.

  Then, she came. With a long shriek of pleasure, Alice’s wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down, down until I was right on top of her. Her body shook and pulsed as her orgasm ripped through her body, and just as she was at the peak of her pleasure, I came too. My cock exploded inside of her, the feeling like a bomb going off down below. I drove into her hard as I shot my hot load deep into Alice’s pussy, the wetness of her cunt mixing with my cum.

  Soon, it was over. I held my position for a moment, catching my breath, my cock still buried inside of her. Alice did the same, her head tilted back and her eyes closed as she took in one lungful of air after another.

  Finally, I spoke.

  “Well, Miss Holiday—shall we begin our evening?”

  She pulled her hand back and brought it down hard on my ass.

  “I think we shall.”

  Chapter 18


  I wasn’t sure just how to feel. Seated in the back of the limo that was taking Connor and me to the gala, I let my eyes linger on the passing city lights as I tried to figure out just what the hell had happened.

  It was all like a wild blur. One moment I was in the bedroom getting dressed, the next Connor was on top of me, buried to the hilt and pumping away at me like no man had since, well, he last had. And I didn’t even protest—not even a little bit. Sure, I might’ve offered up a token word here or there when it was clear just what he had in mind, but the body and spirit were willing from the moment he locked eyes onto my half-dressed body.

  And now here he was in the limo, a glass of whiskey in his hand and a pleased little smile on his face. And goddamn, did he look good in that tux. I could imagine him on the cover of the magazine just how he looked now, the photo taken from the side, the evening city backlit behind his gorgeous face.

  I worried that I was losing control, that I was letting my feelings get the better of me. After all, how did I know that Connor wanted anything other than a temporary partner in crime to pull off his little lie? And as far as the sex, well, it’s not as though Connor wasn’t known for getting what he wanted from women whenever he wanted it. For all I knew he just had an itch to scratch, and I happened to be the girl there to do it.

  Moreover, did I even want anything more than that? I was so certain that I was going to be able to keep a level head through all of this, that I’d be the one playing him, the one who’d be using my history with Connor to write the article that would take my career to the next level. But was I the one who’d end up getting played? Again?

  “You ready for the evening?” he asked.

  Part of me wanted to tell the driver to pull off somewhere so I could hike up my dress and give Connor a little ride right there in the back of the limo. It was as though Connor had set something free inside of me, a wild, sexual part of my being that I’d been keeping dormant for far too long.

  “About as ready as I’m going to be, I think.”

  He took a slow sip of his whiskey.

  “It’ll be fun,” he said. “You’ll get some material for the article. You know, have some details about my milieu.”

  Truth be told, I was a little nervous. One of the nice things about my life as a freelance journalist is that I could be as social or not social as I wanted to be, and on my own time. So, needless to say, going to any sort of event like this wasn’t something I’d done in a long while. I took a small sip of my drink, trying to walk the fine line between being tipsy enough to be less nervous and so drunk that I was risking being a sloppy mess. I fiddled with the ring on my finger, keeping in mind that I had a role to play.

  “Ah, we’re here,” said Connor, tossing back the last of his drink.

  The exterior of the Prince George Ballroom was a façade of gray stones and tall windows that looked into a lobby bathed in warm, orange light. Limo after limo pulled up in front of the building, men and women in elegant evening wear stepping out and making their way up the small flight of stairs leading to the entrance. The driver pulled the limo to the back of the line of cars and soon it was our turn to get out.

  Connor stepped out of the limo and turned to take my hand. With a little help, I was on my heels and making my way toward the front entrance. People swirled around us, and I understood right away that I was surrounded by some of the city’s most elite men and women.

  After a quick trip through the lobby, Connor and I approached the large set of double doors leading to the ballroom.

  “Anything I should know?” I asked, feeling that same nervous tugging at my stomach.

he said. “Just be your usual charming self.”

  I smirked.

  “We’ll see,” I said as Connor led me through the arched double doors and into the ballroom.

  The space was gorgeous, to say the least. It was huge, with ornate ceilings that reached up dozens of feet high and were covered in intricate paintings. The floor was a beautiful parquet, and Romanesque columns sprouted here and there. A twelve-piece jazz band was situated on a stage up front, filling the space with lively standards. There had to have been hundreds of people there, and my first instinct was to stay close to Connor in hopes that he could literally and figuratively navigate me through this place.

  “Evening, Dr. Rex,” said a passing woman, a young blonde in a skintight champagne-colored dress, her green eyes moving up and down Connor’s body.

  “Evening,” said Connor in a professional tone.

  The young woman fired off a quick look of competition in my direction as she passed us. I couldn’t help but feel a little tinge of jealousy.

  “I think we need some drinks,” said Connor.

  “Good call,” I said.

  Connor flagged down a passing waiter and took two tall champagne flutes off his tray. He handed one to me and I, still feeling overwhelmed, quickly brought the glass to my lips and took a long sip.

  “Easy there, sport,” he said, noting my eagerness to get some booze into me. “At least wait until the latter part of the evening before you start dancing on the tables.”

  “Hey,” I said, “if I’m remembering high school correctly, you were the big drinker.”

  “Just because I did a few keg stands in my glory days doesn’t mean that I still put it away like that,” he said with a smile.

  I wanted to tease him a little more, but I caught myself as I realized I was still poking at him, trying to figure out if he was the same man that he was so many years ago.


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