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Dark Exorcist 2 (Dark Exorcist Series)

Page 6

by Tim Miller

“All right. I’ll make some calls.”

  “Cool. Meet me at the gas station in an hour.”

  “The usual place?”

  “Yes, sir.” Skip said.

  “Got it. Later man.”

  Skip hung up the phone and tossed it back to Anita.

  “Where you going?” She asked.

  “Nowhere,” he said as he pulled on his jeans and slid his boots on.

  “You’re gonna go rob some shit again aren’t you?”

  “Don’t worry about me. Stay here and eat some bon bons or some shit.”

  “Fuck you, I’m sick of your shit. You go out and rob some fucking shit, you don’t come back here. I’m tired of you getting locked up.”

  “I ain’t getting’ locked up. Just cool your perky little tits.” He stood and headed outside and climbed into his pickup and sped off. As he headed to the gas station, he tried not to think about what cash, jewelry and valuables may be lying around New Dublin for the taking. This could be his biggest and best score yet. If he got away clean, he’d blow this town and state for Florida and maybe get a little cabin out on the Keys.

  Enough fantasizing though. There was plenty of work to do before he reached that point. Hopefully Dale would get enough of the guys together they could all come out with plenty for each. Whatever happened, it was going to be fun. Fun times indeed.

  Chapter 16

  “Amanda?” Dietrich said. “What are you doing here? I barely recognized you.” The last time he’d seen her, she was a malnourished fifteen year old girl who could pass as a twelve year old. Now she had put some weight on, and was much taller.

  “I knew something was wrong. So I had to come help,” she said.

  “How would you know?”

  “How about we talk about this somewhere else. And I need to go find my mom,” Laura said. “Last I knew, she was at home sleeping, but that was hours ago.”

  “I’ll go check on her,” her father said.

  “Good idea,” Dietrich said. “There’s a house just outside town. I have some friends there waiting on me. It’s safe there. We can head there and regroup.”

  They got into their cars and headed out. Laura’s dad found a bicycle near the house and hopped on it, riding toward his home. Dietrich wasn’t sure what was going on with that family, but he had a feeling the father was riding to his own death. He climbed into the police car and they drove back to the house. Amanda followed behind them.

  Other than his directions, everyone was quiet during the short drive. Within a few minutes they arrived. The house appeared quiet. When he stepped inside, they found Bernard and Sharon both sitting in the living room. He was sitting on a chair, while Sharon was on the couch with her arms crossed. She jumped up as soon as she saw Dietrich.

  “Did you find him? Is he ok?” She asked.

  “I found him. But I’m not sure how he is.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “The demon has him, and it has a firm grip on him. So he talked to me, but it wasn’t him. If that makes sense,” Dietrich explained.

  “No it doesn’t. It doesn’t make any sense at all! Why didn’t you cast him out? You’re a fucking exorcist! Do an exorcism, dammit!” Sharon screamed.

  Bernard gently took Sharon’s arm and pulled her back toward the couch.

  “Sharon, please. He’s trying to help. He’s not the problem here,” Bernard said.

  Sharon took some breaths and walked away, turning her back to both of them.

  “Who are these folks?” Bernard asked.

  “This is Laura, Officer Derrick, and Amanda,” Dietrich said.

  “Amanda. Amanda Ross? The girl you told me about?”

  “That’s her.”


  “Yeah,” Dietrich said. “So Amanda, tell me about what brought you here.”

  Amanda grabbed a chair and straddled it in the middle of the room.

  “Ok. Ever since the whole possession thing, I haven’t been normal, or whatever. I mean, I tried for months afterward to just put it behind me. But I always had these dreams, crazy dreams. I had dreams of that demon coming back for me, or sending others. It was really scary.”

  “I can imagine,” Dietrich said.

  “Well, they were really lucid. I mean it’s like they weren’t dreams. Then one night during one of these, some other demon came after me. It was like he was this floating, drifting plume of smoke, with a hideous face that looked like a skull. And I kept running, it was like through some long creepy tunnel. I knew if that thing caught me then it would either kill me or possess me again. Then I noticed in this dream or whatever, I could run really fast. Like faster than normal, faster than any person could run.”

  “Interesting. So this was all in the dream?” Dietrich asked.

  “That’s just it. I realized I wasn’t dreaming. I could move around this tunnel and there were different doors. I went through different ones, one of them led back to my bedroom. I saw myself lying there sleeping. It was like some out of body experience I guess. So somehow, over the past year or so, I would practice this on my own. And basically, I can leave my body and visit the demons on their own turf in what I call Purgatory.”


  “Yes, but not like the Catholic Purgatory. It’s not heaven or hell, it’s like this place the spirits move in between realms, they have to cross through Purgatory. Or they can stage there for an attack. So once I figured this out, I stopped running. I would practice moving around in Purgatory. Since it is a spiritual place I taught myself to float, teleport and even to fight back at the demons. They can’t enter this realm without a body to inhabit. I can go back and forth. When I started to stand up to them, I never have had to fight back. I stop running and walk toward them and they run away.”

  “So why come after you to start with?”

  “They haven’t been lately. Not for a few months. I think as long as I was scared and running, they had the upper hand. Once I figured out I’m stronger than they are, they left me alone.”

  “So how’d you know to come here?”

  “Well, through my connection with Purgatory. Everything in this realm is connected to it. Ever since you left after saving me, I was able to go there and look in on you. I saw you were in trouble. I could feel it. But I couldn’t help you from there, so I drove here.”

  “Wow. That is really amazing Amanda.” Dietrich said. “No wonder those afflicted feared you.”

  “Yeah, it can be pretty intense,” she said.

  “So you think you can stop this one?”

  “I can try. I’ve never ran into one that was already manifested. So not sure how it will work.”

  “Well it can’t hurt to try I guess. Do you have to fall asleep to do it?”

  “Yeah, usually.”

  “Um, guys?” Derrick said walking over to them. He’d been standing by the front door. “I hate to interrupt, but you all might want to see this before doing some hypnobullshit.”

  “Look at what?” Dietrich said.

  “Get over here and look!”

  Dietrich stood and walked over to the front door. When he saw them, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Every door in the town was opening and all the afflicted were filing out into the streets. There were already hundreds in the street. Their eyes were all glowing white. Some were walking, others were running. All of them were headed in their direction.

  Chapter 17

  Dale drove up in a large flatbed. There were four other guys in the back, and some girl. He’d never seen any of them before. Skip hopped into the passenger seat.

  “Ready for some fun, boss man?” Dale asked.

  “Who are these assholes?” Skip said, ignoring Dale’s question.

  “Some pals of mine from the last time I was inside. They’re good. You can trust ‘em.”

  “I don’t trust nobody.” Skip said. “Who’s the bitch?”

  “That’s Cody’s sister, Asia.”

  “Who the fuck is C

  “He’s the skinhead in back.” Dale said.

  “Fucking great.”

  “What man? You said get some guys together.”

  “I meant our guys. The guys we work with. Not a bunch of white power assholes. You ever work with them before?”

  “Only Cody.” Dale said.

  “They are unhinged as fuck. So full of rage and shit. We don’t need that.”

  “Cody’s not like that, man. He’s good.”

  “If he’s not, I’ll put a bullet in him,” Skip said.

  “I got no doubt you will. There’s the town. Holy shit, look at that mess.”

  As they drove up there were several police cars parked in a road block, but there were mutilated bodies of several dead officers strewn about. One of the bodies had no head. Several were missing limbs.

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” Skip said. “What the hell happened here?”

  “This doesn’t look like rioting and looting.” Dale said as he slowed the truck.

  “Keep going, man. Just drive through these cars. Not gonna get out here. Fuck.”

  “You sure you want to do this? Looks like shit’s a lot heavier than we thought.”

  “Nah, fuck it. Let’s make some money. No one can stop us if everyone is dead.” Skip said as he laughed.

  They drove a few blocks without seeing anything, until a man on a bicycle appeared just ahead in the middle of the road.

  “Hey, Skip. Watch this.” Dale said as he stepped on the gas. The truck accelerated as they closed in on the bicyclist. As they got closer, Skip could see it was a middle aged guy and the bike was way too small for him. The man looked back at them and tried to swerve to his right, but not in time. The truck plowed into the back of the bicycle, knocking the man off. He disappeared under the front of the truck as it bounced over him like a human speed bump.

  Dale’s laugh bellowed through the cab as Skip glared at him.

  “What the hell is wrong with you man?” Skip asked.

  “Nothing. I mean, look around. This town is like a free for all. See?” He pointed to a strip mall which was dark and abandoned, but looked as if no one had bothered it. Dale pulled the truck in front of the electronics store and parked. They climbed out and Skip saw Cody and Asia walking toward him. Cody had on a wife beater that showed off his giant swastika tattoo on his chest and an iron cross on his upper arm. It was too dark for Skip to make out the rest.

  Asia had long blonde hair and was also wearing a wife beater. He wondered who was dressing who in that couple.

  “”Sup man. I’m Cody.”

  “Yeah, I know who you are,” Skip said as he turned toward the store.

  “Hey, you got a fuckin’ problem? Turnin’ your back on me?”

  Skip turned as he pulled his gun and shoved it in Cody’s face.

  “Yeah I got a problem. I don’t know you or your little skank here and I didn’t invite you to this party. So how about you do your job here and mind your fuckin’ business and we’ll all be good.”

  “Hey!” Dale said. “No need for that Skip, I told you he was cool man. Let’s just do our thing and hit the road. This place is weirdin’ my shit out.”

  “Good idea.” Skip said and lowered his gun.

  Dale walked over and tried the door which swung open.

  “Shit ain’t even locked,” he said.

  “Be careful. Who knows who might be in there?”

  “It’s all dark. Come on. Let’s go clean this place out.”

  Skip stood by while Cody, Asia and the other three goons who looked like Cody followed behind. Skip walked in last, letting the door swing shut behind him. The store was dark, but there were huge TV’s mounted on the walls and computers up on stands throughout the store. Dale was already toward the center at the counter busting open the registers.

  “Why you think they left the door unlocked?” Dale asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe they left in a hurry,” Skip said. He watched as Cody, Asia and their crew began hauling TV’s out to the truck. Dale pried a drawer open and started stuffing cash into a bag.

  “Dude, there’s a few thousand dollars here.”

  “Good, get all of it.”

  One of Cody’s guys came walking back inside. Skip didn’t know his name and didn’t care.

  “I’m gonna go look in back. Maybe there’s a safe or stuff back there.” He said. Skip just nodded as he grabbed several laptops. As he headed out to the truck, there was a scream from the back room.

  “What the fuck was that?” Skip asked. “One of Cody’s guys went back there.”

  Dale turned from the register as Skip sat down the laptops, drew his gun and headed to the back. When the door swung open, Dale fell to the ground and threw up. Skip stood trying to figure out what exactly he was seeing. There were several people who looked insane on top of Cody’s guy. He was lying on his stomach reaching out to Skip. His eyes were almost coming out of his head as he screamed.

  Several of the crazies had ripped off some of his clothes and were gnawing at his legs, and one was tugging on his arm as if it was trying to rip it off. There was an older man on top of him humping away at his ass. All of them were covered in blood and looked and acted like wild animals. One of them looked at Skip.

  “You! Hey you! Fuck you! Hahahahaha!”

  Chapter 18

  “What the fuck do we do?” Laura asked. “The whole damn town is possessed.”

  “I see that,” Dietrich said.

  “Is Simon doing this? Is he controlling them?” Sharon asked.

  “Yes and no. Whatever is controlling Simon is controlling all of these people,” Dietrich explained.

  The sound of a siren came from down the street. Dietrich looked out the window and saw a police car with its lights and siren on, flying down the street, plowing over each of the afflicted. Bodies flew in the air as some disappeared beneath the car. Derrick ran outside waving his arms. The car slowed down and pulled to a stop on the sidewalk. Two DPS officers stepped out.

  “You folks better get out of town. These afflicted are all over!” one of them shouted.

  “Weren’t you guys watching the perimeter?” Derrick asked.

  “There is no perimeter. They shredded the other officers and a bunch are headed into San Antonio.”

  “Where are you guys going?”

  “Dallas. I would too if I were you.” They got back into the car and sped off.

  “Well, to protect and serve I guess,” Laura said. “Looks like you’re it.” She nodded to Derrick.

  “I’m it what?”

  “You’re the whole police department.”


  “So what’s the plan, Chief?” Laura asked.

  “Fuck if I know. Fighting demons isn’t exactly in our job description.”

  “We all have to do it,” Amanda said. “You guys fight them from here. I’ll have to enter Purgatory to get to Simon and Yeshto’th.”

  “What will you do when you find him?” Dietrich asked.

  “I don’t know yet. I’ve never actually fought one in Purgatory.”

  “But to do that, your body will remain here. You’ll be vulnerable.”

  “We’re all vulnerable now anyway.”

  “Why would they be going into the city?” Laura asked.

  “Yeshto’th is all about mayhem. His whole purpose is to spread it. A small town like this isn’t enough for him. He’s looking to expand.”

  “Expand what?”

  “Hell on Earth.”

  “Isn’t that what K’rall was trying to do to me?” Amanda said.

  “Yes. It seems to be a common thread among all of them. They are like a force of nature. Locusts go through and annihilate everything in their path and move on. These afflicted don’t seem much different,” Dietrich explained.

  All of them jumped at pounding at the door. In the window there was a hideous, misshapen face looking at them.

  “Peekaboo! I see you! Hahahahaha!” It squeal
ed. “Come out and play!”

  “Jesus Christ!” Laura yelled as she jumped back. The thing began pounding on the door as they moved back into one of the other rooms.

  “Come out! Come out! Wherever you are! We don’t wanna hurt ya! We just wanna fuck you in the ass! Hahahaha!”

  Dietrich led them to the back of the house and out the back door. For the moment, none of the afflicted had come into the back yard. Dietrich and the group ran into the yard and each climbed the fence into another yard. Sharon had trouble climbing over, but Bernard helped her. They crossed through the yard into an alley which seemed quiet.

  “Where we going?” Derrick asked.

  “Away from here,” Dietrich said. They ran down the alley, which had almost no lighting at all. Dietrich stopped suddenly. There was a set of glowing eyes just ahead of them.

  “Holy shit,” Derrick said. “Is that one of them?”

  “I think so.” Dietrich said. “Don’t move.”

  The thing stepped out from the shadows. It was a man, but he was hissing and snarling. Unlike some of the others, his jaw was elongated, making his snarl look more animal than human.

  “We just want to see Simon,” Dietrich said. “He’s given us safe passage.”

  “Safe passage has been revoked. You’re all meat!” The thing squealed. Dietrich took a step forward, and the thing lunged. Dietrich got out of the way, but Bernard was standing behind him. The thing knocked Bernard to the ground and tore his head off as if it were paper Mache. Sharon screamed as the thing punted Bernard’s head like a football, and then began smearing Bernard’s blood all over itself. Laura took off running as the rest followed her.

  The thing took off after them. They turned left out of the alley and onto another street. The thing wasn’t even trying to catch them. It ran behind them, mocking them as it skipped along.

  “Run, run, run just as fast as you can! Can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man! Hahahaha! Bring those cunts back here! I’m gonna fuck those cunts in the face!” It screamed.

  As they ran, dozens of glowing eyes appeared up ahead. They stopped in their tracks as several more of the afflicted came toward them, yelling something their pursuer stopped as well.


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