The Walking Whales

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by J G M Hans Thewissen

  tonocetids) and used their eyes to look sideways, not just upwards like

  ambulocetids and pakicetids.

  Protocetid ears are similar to those of remingtonocetids (figure 43):

  they show aquatic adaptations such as the enlarged mandibular foramen

  and the partial release of the petrosal from the skull, but these structures

  are not as perfected as they are in modern whales. It is likely that pro-

  tocetids used their eyes and ears to hunt large prey and that most of that

  hunting took place below the water-line.

  Brain.   The deserts of Egypt have yielded a trove of casts of the inside of

  the braincase (endocasts) for basilosaurids,21 and CT scans have revealed

  the shape of that cavity in remingtonocetids (figure 35). In Kutch, we

  found endocasts for the protocetid  Indocetus. 22 Like all early whales, it

  has long olfactory tracts. There are also the beginnings of a rete mira-

  bile, the network of veins that surrounds the brain (discussed in chapter

  2). The retia (plural of rete) are largest on the left and right side of the

  brain, and there are none covering the top (dorsal) surface. In modern

  bowhead whales, the location of retia is similar.

  In these Eocene endocasts, the front part of the brain (cerebrum in

  figure  35)  is  distinct  from  the  back  part  (cerebellum).  The  relative

  dimensions  of  cerebrum  and  cerebellum  are  similar  to  those  of  land

  mammals and  Remingtonocetus: the cerebrum is larger and higher than

  the cerebellum. It is different in basilosaurids. There, the cerebellum is

  much larger and higher, towering over the cerebrum. The surface of the

  cerebellar casts suggest that this space in basilosaurids is mostly covered

  with retia, greatly enlarged over their condition in protocetids, but it is

  still likely that the cerebellum makes up a greater portion of the volume

  of the brain than in other Eocene whales. In modern mammals, the cer-

  ebellum is  involved in fine motor  coordination,  but we  do  not  know

  whether there was a significant change in motor coordination between

  protocetids and basilosaurids.

  The surface of the brain of all Eocene whales is relatively smooth, a

  condition called lissencephaly. In general, mammal brains that are larger

  (have higher EQs, see chapter 2) also have a brain surface with more

  Whales Conquer the World | 169

  and deeper grooves (sulci), and that relates in some broad way to how

  much brainpower they have. Eocene whale brains are different from

  modern odontocetes and mysticetes in that regard. That pattern—

  smooth brains in Eocene forms and convoluted brains in their modern

  relatives—is actually found in many mammal groups. In evolution,

  brain size and degree of convolution increased over the past fifty million

  years independently in different mammal groups.23

  Unfortunately, it is at present impossible to determine what these early

  whales did with those brains. Brain organization in modern whales is very

  different from that in other mammals, and it is possible that this is related

  to increased cognitive skills and behavioral complexity.24 However, we

  cannot know whether these organizational patterns occurred in Eocene

  whales. Their brains were certainly a lot smaller than in the modern forms.

  Walking and Swimming. Protocetids such as Maiacetus had a robust

  vertebral column and short limbs.25 Nearly all swimming mammals have

  short limbs. Sea lions, which propel themselves with their hands (figure

  20), have short forelimbs and large, wing-like hands that can be forced

  through the water with powerful shoulder muscles.26 Seals swim by

  means of pelvic oscillation. They have giant feet planted on very short

  thighs, and shins that allow powerful strokes in swimming. Maiacetus

  has short limbs, but its hands and feet are not large. Principal component

  analysis, a powerful mathematical method to study similarity in shape,

  has been used to study limb and trunk proportions of swimmers.27

  Maiacetus turned out to be most similar in skeletal proportions to the

  giant freshwater otter Pteronura, which is a caudal undulator (figure 20).

  Indeed, the tail of protocetids is very interesting. The proportions of

  the vertebrae near the root of the fluke change abruptly in mammals

  with flukes (whales, dugongs) but not in those without flukes (otters,

  manatees; figure 12). Indeed, in Maiacetus, most known tail vertebrae

  are wider than they are high, but the thirteenth tail vertebra is higher

  than it is wide. In Dorudon, the thirteenth caudal vertebra is the ball

  vertebra and is located where the fluke hinged, and the height-width

  proportions of the vertebrae change here.28 That suggests that Maiace-

  tus had a fluke, and might mean that swimming using the modern means

  of fluke-driven caudal oscillation originated in the family Protocetidae.

  Whereas the limb bones of Pakicetus and Ambulocetus are pachyos-

  totic, this is not the case in protocetids. In Pakicetus and Ambulocetus,

  the extra bone is probably used as ballast to keep the animal underwater,

  which makes sense for hunting from ambush. In protocetids and Basilo-

  170    |    Chapter 12

  saurus,  the ribs are somewhat pachyostotic,29 and these heavy ribs may

  have functioned as a stabilizer, as explained in chapter 2.

  The limbs of protocetids had fully mobile joints, with well-developed

  fingers and toes, tipped by short hooves. Protocetids were certainly able

  to get around on land, although they were not fast or strong. The verte-

  bral column of protocetids presents a puzzle. Nearly all mammals have

  seven neck vertebrae, and the number of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae

  adds up to the same number. Thus, the vast majority of mammals have

  twenty-six vertebrae in front of the sacrum (cervical + thoracic + lum-

  bar vertebrae, together called the presacral vertebrae),30 as pointed out

  in  chapter  4.  In  fact,  relatively  stable  numbers  of  presacral  vertebrae

  occur in birds and reptiles too. The number of presacral vertebrae is also

  twenty-six in Eocene artiodactyls31 and in most protocetids. However,

  in both  Ambulocetus and  Kutchicetus, the numbers are higher (thirty-

  one and thirty, respectively), and things get really out of hand in basilo-

  saurids ( Basilosaurus, forty-two;  Dorudon, forty-one). Excess presacral

  vertebrae indicate that whales made a f
undamental change in mamma-

  lian design, and the question is whether the number was increased twice

  in early whale evolution (in ambulocetids/remingtonocetids as well as in

  basilosaurids), or whether it was increased just once, with some pro-

  tocetids reversing to the ancestral numbers.

  Habitat and Life History.   Pakicetids  and  ambulocetids  were  closely

  tied to freshwater, and remingtonocetids are common in muddy back-

  bays. Protocetid fossils are often found in deposits indicative of clear,

  warm,  and  bright  waters  (figure  30).32  Such  seas  sustain  ecosystems

  with diverse life-forms, and protocetids were probably the top predator

  of these systems. Although most protocetid fossils have been found in

  such near-shore but open marine environments, it is likely that they also

  inhabited the surface waters of the deeper oceans. Those environments

  do not easily fossilize, and less is known about diversity there. It is pos-

  sible that the oceans teemed with cetacean life soon after protocetids

  appeared on the scene.

  Still, it is also clear that protocetids retained ties to the land. If seals

  and  sea  lions  are  a  modern  analogue  for  protocetids,  it  could  be  that

  functions related to reproduction required a stable substrate. Of course,

  those functions—mating, birthing, and nursing—do not fossilize easily.

  In general, fetuses and newborns have bones that are soft and fossilize

  poorly. A small whale inside a larger whale’s body was discovered for the

  Eocene whale  Maiacetus— a remarkably beautiful specimen. The head of

  Whales Conquer the World | 171

  the small one is facing toward the tail of the larger individual, and it has

  been interpreted as a fetus inside the mother’s body.33 However, the

  smaller individual is located where the mother’s heart and stomach used

  to be, not where her uterus was. Modern baleen whale fetuses are com-

  monly found in the chest cavity after the death of the mother, when rot-

  ting gases in the abdomen propel the dead fetus forward, through the

  diaphragm and into the chest. Furthermore, the skeleton of the little

  whale is incomplete; its entire back half is missing. Is it possible that the

  adult killed a small free-swimming specimen, biting it into two pieces

  and swallowing one part. The bones of the small specimen are so unde-

  fined that one cannot determine whether these two are even the same

  species. There are ways to study this further: bodies of fetuses are physi-

  ologically part of their mother’s body, so if the isotopic signature of the

  small specimen matches that of the adult one, the mother–fetus relation

  seems more plausible; but that work has not been carried out yet.

  protocetids and history

  The first protocetid was discovered in 1904 in the desert of Egypt.34 The

  site where it was found is now gone: the city of Cairo has expanded over

  it. That specimen was a skull. It was named Protocetus atavus, Latin for

  “before-whale grandfather.” It was immediately recognized as a possible

  link to land mammals, and for nearly a century it defined what people

  thought an ancestral whale would look like. But it was just a skull, and

  scientists did not realize how different protocetids really are from mod-

  ern whales. The skull survived more than forty million years of burial in

  Africa, but not four decades of being housed in a natural-history museum

  in Stuttgart, Germany: it was destroyed during bombing in World War II.

  Protocetids are fascinating whales—the first ones to disperse across

  the planet, adopt the fast-hunting strategies that many modern whales

  still use, and reach unprecedented levels of diversity, both in numbers of

  species and in morphology. Having said that, they cannot help me

  understand what the ancestors of whales, the critters before pakicetids,

  looked like, and they cannot solve the riddle of the relation to hippos.

  For that, I need to study artiodactyls—old ones, and preferably from

  India or Pakistan, since that is where cetaceans originated. Again, I am

  confronted with the fact that I have to focus away from marine rocks

  and start digging in rocks that have terrestrial animals.

  Chapter 13

  From Embryos to Evolution

  a dolphin with legs

  Tokyo, Japan, June 7, 2008. No living cetacean has legs that stick out

  of its body. Except for one, and I am in Japan to see it: a dolphin with

  hind limbs. I have seen pictures of the animal on the Internet, showing

  two triangular fins emerging from the body near the slit where the gen-

  itals lie hidden. The animal made headlines around the world, and my

  Japanese colleagues offered to take me to see it.

  The dolphin’s capture is controversial. Tadasu Yamada, who studies

  whales at Japan’s National Museum of Nature, tells me that the dolphin

  was caught by dolphin hunters from the village of Taiji, about 300 km

  west of Tokyo.1 These hunters are infamous for their practice of scaring

  groups of dolphins into narrow coves with loud sounds, and then killing

  them, apparently for food. This one dolphin looked different, and the

  hunters kept it alive, housing it in a nearby marine park. They call it

  Haruka, which means “coming from ancient times,” a reference to the

  evolutionary origin of hind limbs.

  I visit Tadasu in his office in Tokyo with Jim Mead, the curator of

  marine mammals at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

  Both of these senior anatomists delight in anatomical trivia, launching

  with gusto over lunch into a detailed discussion of the anal tonsils of

  cetaceans—where they are, what they’re for.

  After they exhaust that topic, Jim says to me: “Back in the sixties, I

  worked east of Tokyo, in Chiba Prefecture. There was a whaling station


  174    |    Chapter 13

  in Chiba, and we would stay there and study the beaked whales they

  pulled up,  Berardius. ”

  Berardius is the Latin name for a species of beaked whale that lives

  in very deep water. This whale is enormous and eerie, with big eyes—

  something like a monstrous Flipper crossed with a giant squid.

  We talk about our past experiences studying whales in Japan. Japan

  is a big whaling country, but whaling is regulated by a group called the

  International Whaling Commission (IWC). Japan exploits a loophole in

  the IWC regulations, allowing scientific whaling, and kills thousands of

  whales in the name of research. But few scientists—including Japanese

  scientists—are impressed with this research.

  Any nation can join the IWC and have a vote. The meetings are often

aggressive, with whaling nations such as Japan, Norway, and Iceland

  going  head  to  head  with  conservation-minded  nations  like  Australia

  and New Zealand. The four-legged dolphin is an example of scientific

  research on the coattails of hunting, but it’s a very unusual one. We talk

  about how to get access to it. Yamada had emailed me that the Japanese

  scientists at the Taiji whale museum wanted Jim and me to give short

  presentations, explaining what they could do scientifically with the ani-

  mal. I was excited, and had called Frank Fish about the possibility of

  experiments.  Frank  got  excited,  too. Two  days  later,  I  received  word

  from Tadasu that the whole thing had fallen through. The administra-

  tors running the aquarium wanted nothing to do with outsiders. There

  would be no talks, and we would only be allowed to see the animal in

  the tank, as if we were tourists, with no special access. I ask him why.

  “They want to keep the animal alive as long as possible, and breed it.

  They have put her in a tank and want nothing done with her.”

  I hadn’t planned any invasive or damaging experiments, mainly just

  filming the animal. But I can see that this is not simple.

  “Have they CT-scanned the animal?” I ask.

  “No, they really limit all handling. They have made clear that they

  only will allow access to the specimen to people who openly support the

  drive hunt.”

  That counts me out, because I do not. “How can we help other scien-

  tists get access? I presume that they only want Japanese to study the


  “No,  foreigners  are  fine,  as  long  as  they  support  the  drive  hunt.”

  Studying Haruka has become a political act.

  The  three  of  us  meet  three  more  Japanese,  and  together  we  fly  to


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