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The Walking Whales

Page 28

by J G M Hans Thewissen

  during Carnegie stage 17.

  Guldberg fought back, now with an exhaustive description.14 He had

  hoped that more embryos would become available, but since they did

  not, he was left restudying those that he had already. “As the short essay

  by Prof. Kükenthal may have cast a dark shadow over my work . . .

  detailed restudy confirmed my findings in all directions” (Guldberg’s

  italics). That is where the conversation ceased, until Marga Anderssen,

  also Norwegian, confirmed Guldberg’s interpretation some twenty

  years later.15 She studied a larger collection of embryos, covering a

  greater part of porpoise development. She confirmed beyond doubt that

  the outer welt, the hind limb bud, develops earlier and disappears even-

  tually, whereas the inner welt begins its development later, and eventu-

  ally becomes the mammary gland.

  The broader lesson is that these ancient embryologists were ham-

  pered by the lack of material. They had only a few embryos. What they

  needed was an ontogenetic series: embryos that cover all developmental

  stages of one species, from some that are just a few millimeters in length

  to those that already look like a miniature of the adult (in cetaceans,

  these are the size of a mouse). Critical embryos, those between 7 and 17

  mm, were missing in the collections of both Guldberg and Kükenthal.

  Knowing about the hind-limb loss in evolution, and reading about

  their embryology and the genes controlling it, has me psyched. There is

  some real potential here to understand evolution at a deeper level.

  Apparently, the genetic program that makes hind limbs in other mam-

  mals is still operational in cetaceans—starting up as usual in early devel-

  opment, but then grinding to a halt a few weeks later. Add to that the

  great variation among modern cetaceans. Dolphins have just one bone

  near the area of the hind limb, the pelvis, whereas others, like bowhead

  whales (figure 59), have pelvis, femur, and tibia, all embedded internally.

  That suggests that the developmental program is switched off at differ-

  ent times in different whales. With so much information on the genetics

  of limb development, and spectacular fossils documenting the transi-

  tion, it would be amazing if one could figure out which of the limb genes

  were altered in development, and when that evolutionary change hap-

  pened in cetacean history. But how do you get an ontogenetic series of

  cetacean embryos?

  It is Bill Perrin, a scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

  Administration in La Jolla, California, who points me in the right

  182    |    Chapter 13




  (for eye)

  left and




  pelvis and


  hind limb



  Pelvis and Hind Limb




  5 cm



  1 inch

  scale bar for


  metacarpal V

  metacarpal I

  top image only

  A Fetus of a Bowhead Whale

  five phalanges


  on longest finger

  figure 59. Bowhead whale fetus, treated so the soft tissues are transparent, bone

  is purple, and cartilage is green. This technique is called clear-and-stain. Compare

  the hand bones to the hand of an adult whale, in figure 13. This fetus also shows

  the pelvis and hind limb, which are embedded in the abdomen in life (see figures 14

  and 15). Baleen will form in the gap between upper and lower jaw.

  direction. Bill was the person who, back in the 1980s, started to sound

  the alarm bell over how many dolphins died in the tuna fishery. He initi-

  ated a movement that eventually made the world a safer place for dol-

  phins. In the process, scientists got access to many of the dolphins that

  drowned in tuna nets, and embryos of the pregnant ones were collected.

  The embryos ended up with whale scientist John Heyning at the Natu-

  ral History Museum of Los Angeles County. When I contact John, he is

  immediately  intrigued  by  my  question  about  the  genes  that  form  the

  dolphin hind limb, and off we go to the museum’s warehouse, where

  entire ontogenetic series of several dolphin species are housed in little

  vials of alcohol. It is just the resource we need.

  To study which proteins are active at what time in development, we

  cut embryos of all stages into very thin slices and search them for specific

  proteins involved in making limbs. A pea-sized embryo yields about a

  thousand slices, each 7 microns thick. Such slices are mounted on glass

  slides and are so thin that light shines through them, so they can be stud-

  From Embryos to Evolution | 183

  Two horizontal sections slide


  through the embryo




  Somites that will develop

  into vertebrae


  One forelimb bud

  damaged and missing







  Spinal cord

  Forelimb bud


  Spinal cord

  Hind limb bud


  Hind limb


  Tear in specimen

  Dolphin Embryo


  Stenella attenuata

  LACM 94617


  Length of embryo: 7.2 mm

  figure 60. Dolphin embryo at the stage when hind limb buds are largest. Lines mark

  areas where thin slices (shown on right) were taken from this specimen. These slices are

  affixed to microscope slides. Two of such slices are shown with enlarged areas showing

  the sectioned hind limb bud. As development proceeds, the hind limb buds will regress

  and disappear.

  ied with a microscope (figure 60). The organs can be easily recognized

  now, and the limb bud and its AER studied. Proteins made by the embryo,

  FGF8 for instance, are embedded in the organ in which they were ini-

  tially, now stuck to the glass slide. Then we douse the slice with another

  protein, an antibody, designed specifically to search out and bind to the

  FGF8 protein and only that protein. A special dye binds to the antibody

  and reveals, in brown, areas where this FGF8-antibody complex is

  located. Other dyes (histologists call them stains) are used to color the

  184    |    Chapter 13

  Two dolphin fetuses

  LACM 94671


>   ( Stenella attenuata)

  1 cm



  enlargement of flipper


  vertebrae of sacrum

  LACM 94310

  left and right pelvis

  figure 61. Clear-and-stained dolphin ( Stenella attenuata) fetuses. Note that the

  smaller individual has less bone (purple). The photo of the flipper shows that all

  bones of the hand are already present even though this fetus is tiny and long before

  birth. See figure 59 for explanation of the technique.

  tissues in purples and pinks, blues and reds, until the tiny embryo slice

  looks like an expressionist painting, gorgeous and full of information.

  Working  with  our  dolphin  embryos,  we  find  FGF8  in  the AER  of

  both  forelimb  and  hind-limb  bud. That  was  expected,  of  course. We

  next use an antibody for SHH, and it indicates the presence of a ZPA in

  the forelimb, but no SHH-producing ZPA in the hind limb. Thus, in the

  hind limb, SHH is a broken link in the chain of genes needed to make a

  limb. We conclude that the AER was present and functional initially in

  both forelimb and hind limb, but that it dies prematurely in the hind

  limb of dolphins as a result of the absence of an SHH-producing ZPA.16

  That observation in dolphin embryos helps to explain why different

  living cetaceans vary in their limb bones. In dolphins, the pelvis remains,

  but no hind limb bones are left (figure 61). That indicates that the AER

  dies early, the result of the total absence of SHH in the hind limb bud.

  Bowhead whales, however, always have a femur, a piece of cartilage or

  bone that represents a tibia, and occasionally even parts of a foot (figure

  15). That could be explained by the longer life of the AER, which may

  keep  going  in  the  presence  of  the  ZPA  for  a  longer  time.  Of  course,

  you’d need some bowhead whale embryos to prove the idea.

  If SHH is a protein that changes over the course of whale evolution,

  we might also use it to help us understand the hind limb shapes of fossil

  whales.  Basilosaurus from chapter 2 comes to mind, with its tiny hind

  limbs that still contained femur, tibia, and fibula, plus three toes with

  two phalanges each. So how can SHH contribute to that foot shape? As

  we saw, SHH helps direct mesenchyme to form into fingers and toes.

  From Embryos to Evolution | 185

  The three-toed feet of Basilosaurus remind me of certain lizards called

  skinks, which were studied by a developmental biologist named Mike

  Shapiro.17 In some species of skinks, the number of digits varies between

  individuals: there can be two, three, or four. Mike found out that more

  fingers and toes form as the hand and foot of the embryo are exposed

  longer or to higher concentrations of SHH. So we know that SHH plays

  a role in the unique hind limbs of dolphins, and we know that its absence

  causes loss of toes experimentally in mice, and in nature in skinks. Taken

  together, all this suggests that the reduction of toes in Basilosaurus more

  than forty million years ago was caused by a drop in SHH in the foot, a

  decrease that foreshadowed the loss of all of the hind limb elements in

  younger whales. The data from genes, embryos, and fossils complement

  each other beautifully here and are able to explain the evolutionary pat-

  tern and the modern shapes of the cetacean hind limbs.

  Interestingly, during the part of Eocene whale evolution before Basi-

  losaurus, there were great variations in the shape of different parts of

  limbs among whales. That variation was related to function in chapter

  4. However, in spite of that variation, Eocene whales always retain the

  femur, tibia/fibula, and foot, even as the function of hind limbs in loco-

  motion is lost. So the function of the hind limbs was reduced with no

  changes in SHH action early on. This indicates that the very fundamen-

  tal changes in the limb development process that eventually reduced the

  hind limbs to nothing in the modern species were actually not driving

  the significant functional changes related to different locomotor behav-

  iors (figure 62).

  Some developmental biologists believe that evolution is driven by

  minor genetic changes very early in the embryo. That is based on the

  understanding that such changes have the opportunity to modify the

  resulting individual in very fundamental ways. However, in the case of

  whale hind-limb evolution, the ontogenetically early developmental

  change did not occur in evolutionary time until their locomotor func-

  tion had long been lost.

  Given all this knowledge from experiments and nature about SHH,

  one wonders what happened to Haruka, the Taiji dolphin. She appears

  to have the bones that are normally present in land mammals: femur,

  tibia, fibula, and some ankle bones. There are two or three toes, one

  with multiple bones. The pattern is roughly similar to that of Basilosau-

  rus and skinks, suggesting that some mutation involving when and

  where SHH was expressed, when Haruka was an embryo, helped to

  create its hind limbs.18

  186    |    Chapter 13




  toothed whales


  baleen whales

  includes dolphins

  and porpoises









  40 million


  years ago



  remingtonocetids protocetids



  50 million


  Oscil ation

  years ago


  of fluke ?

  Aquatic wading

  Pelvic paddling Dorsoventral undulation

  emur and tibia

  Change in SHH

  Gradual reduction of length of f

  No loss of toes or other bones

  gene function

  leading to loss of

  toes and phalanges

  figure 62. Cladogram summarizing evolution of swimming modes in early whales,

  with changes in bone density, and inferred change of SHH gene function. Irregular ovals

  are cross-sections of bones; black indicates dense cortical bone; lattice is spongy bone;

  and white is the marrow cavity.

  Haruka also reminds us that the developmental process that makes

  hind limbs in other mammals is 
still locked into the cetacean genome; it

  is just switched off in normal individuals. Maybe Haruka’s AER kept

  going, long enough to make small rear flippers. It would be amazing if

  we could sequence the DNA of this animal and compare it to that of

  other dolphins. It is unlikely that the nucleotide sequence of SHH differs

  between normal dolphins and Haruka, since that protein is involved in

  so many processes. A mutation in it would probably cause lethal defor-

  mations  in  the  embryo.  It  is  more  likely  that  some  gene  involved  in

  switching the SHH gene on and off in the hind limb is different, causing

  a difference in  the  timing  of SHH  expression. Those  genes  are called

  regulatory genes.

  If we could sequence Haruka’s entire genome, there would be thou-

  sands of differences with other bottlenose dolphins, and most of those

  would  not  be  related  to  hind-limb  development.  However,  the  differ-

  ences that did cause its hind limb bud to keep on growing would be

  there too. And on those regulatory genes would be the fingerprints of

  cetacean evolution. The same regulatory genes may also have effects on

  From Embryos to Evolution | 187

  other parts of the dolphin’s anatomy, and possibly those same genes

  were involved in shaping the other parts of the anatomy of the Eocene

  cetaceans so that different features that were evolving in cetaceans were

  not inherited independently. These thoughts go through my head as I

  think about Haruka. As DNA-sequencing technology gets cheaper and

  faster, it should not be that hard to sequence bottlenose dolphins and

  figure out what their differences are. And as we learn more about devel-

  opment, it would make a really compelling story when combined with

  the fossil evidence. Of course, one would need access to DNA from

  Haruka. And that, I do not have.

  whaling in taiji

  Back in Taiji, our visit with Haruka ends. In the main building, the

  director of the museum goes to the gift shop and brings each of us a tie

  clip in the shape of Haruka. A poster for the aquarium features her as

  its main attraction. Outlines of a series of fossil whales— Pakicetus,


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