The Walking Whales

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by J G M Hans Thewissen

  dictate that at the end of every working day our engineers can still

  present a working vehicle. It would be an impossible job, and that indi-

  cates how remarkable a transition this really was. And now, remarkably,

  it is all documented by fossils.

  After such public lectures, the question I am asked most commonly is

  why cetaceans went into the water. There is much that we still do not


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  know, but if I step back from all the details and squint my eyes, a blurry

  movie reel becomes visible (figure 66). Little raccoon-sized artiodactyls

  were eating flowers and leaves, but hid in the water from danger. Their

  descendants stayed there, now hiding in the water as predators, spying

  for prey.  Their descendants learned how to swim fast, pursued new prey,

  and little by little, lost the ability to get around on land. After experi-

  menting with different ways of swimming, they eventually changed their

  bodies to be sleek and streamlined. Thus all ties to the land were broken.

  One group added a sound-emission system to its already highly devel-

  oped hearing system in order to locate prey: the echolocating odontocetes

  or toothed whales. The other group evolved baleen, used for grazing the

  krill fields: the mysticetes or baleen whales. There was no single drive to

  get from land to water. Cetaceans took small steps, not in a straight line,

  and most related somehow to feeding and diet. Each of those steps was

  opportunistic, and there were plenty of failed experiments.

  In spite of what we know already, there are lots of interesting ques-

  tions left, but one strikes me as the Big Question. Mammals, in general,

  are  highly  integrated and built on  a more constrained blueprint  than

  groups  such  as  reptiles  and  fish.  For  instance,  the  dental  formula  for

  placental mammals is and hardly ever goes up in num-

  bers (see figure 11 and chapter 2). Also, in mammals, there are at most

  three phalanges per finger and two for the thumb (figure 13), and there

  are around twenty-six vertebrae in front of the sacrum (chapter 12). In

  all of those design features, mammals are more constrained than fish,

  amphibians, and reptiles. But cetaceans are the exception. They make a

  mockery of the mammalian rules, varying wildly in numbers of teeth,

  numbers of phalanges, and numbers of presacral vertebrae. It is as if

  some  very  basic  mammalian  rules  governing  development  have  been

  broken. And paradoxically, in spite of that greater-than-normal varia-

  tion, all modern cetaceans look quite similar on the outside. They all

  have a streamlined body, are basically naked, lack a neck, have flippers

  for forelimbs, got rid of their hind limbs, and evolved a horizontal fluke

  for a tail. If they are built on a relaxed blueprint, why are they so similar

  externally? My Big Question is about the genetic switches that caused

  the blueprint to relax, and how they affect the paradox of the conserva-

  tive external morphology.

  The first part of that question is already so broad that it cannot be

  phrased as an explicit hypothesis that is testable in the way most sci-

  ences operate. Instead, we need to break it up into smaller, more specific

  and answerable questions. Some of those answers will come from fossils.

  The Way Forward | 209

  Only fossils can show us what actually happened in evolution. But many

  of the answers will come from studying the genes that channel the devel-

  opment of an embryo. Those can only be studied in modern whales.

  In our quest for answerable questions, we should start with just one

  organ system and make sense of what developmental data and paleon-

  tological data have to offer together. Given that feeding evolution is

  central to early whale evolution, it makes sense to start there.

  tooth development

  With it being as difficult as it is to get cetacean embryos, the most

  straightforward way to start this project is to go with the dolphin

  embryos that John Heyning and Bill Perrin gave me, years ago, when I

  was studying hind-limb loss. Those embryos are all from one species,

  the pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata. As an adult, this

  species has more than thirty-five teeth in each upper and lower jaw, way

  more than the eleven its Eocene ancestors had. The teeth are tiny, as

  shown for a related dolphin in figure 25. More than eleven teeth per half

  jaw is called polydonty. Polydonty only occurs in two groups of mam-

  mals besides cetaceans: manatees and the giant armadillo Priodontes. In

  addition to being polydont, Stenella is also homodont: all its teeth look

  the same. There is no distinction between incisors, canine, premolars,

  and molars. Homodonty occurs, to some degree, in all modern ceta-

  ceans that still have teeth, but is rare in other mammals. Interestingly,

  the Eocene cetaceans that I study are neither homodont nor polydont.

  Both features show up gradually but more or less simultaneously, start-

  ing around thirty-four million years ago. Early baleen whales still have

  teeth; there are fifteen to twenty teeth per jaw. Those teeth are more

  similar than those of Eocene whales, but there is a definite tendency

  toward homodonty. The same happens, independently, in early odon-

  tocetes. That makes me think that there is a relation between homo-

  donty and polydonty.

  We know a lot about tooth development from biomedical studies,

  mostly on mice. When the embryo is still tiny, and long before there are

  any teeth, a protein is made in the front of the jaw that goes by the acro-

  nym BMP4. Another protein, FGF8, is made in the back of the jaw.1

  Interestingly, in other vertebrates, BMP4 occurs throughout the jaw, and

  FGF8 is not involved in tooth development at this stage.2 And, of course,

  those other vertebrates are homodont, or nearly so. Experiments have

  been done with mouse embryos, and, sure enough, if the embryo is

  210    |    Chapter 15

  Al igator

















  back of the jaw

  of the



nbsp; Baleen Whales


  Loss of teeth




  Eocene Whales

  Beginnings of homodonty

  Some BMP4 involvement in

  the back of the jaw


  FGF8 involvement in tooth

  formation in back of jaw

  figure 67. Genes determining tooth shape make the proteins BMP4 (black bar)

  and FGF8 (white bar). These proteins both occur in the jaw of different vertebrates,

  and the pattern varies between reptiles (alligator) and mammals (all others). The

  pattern of these proteins in dolphins is different from that of the other mammals.

  Alligators and dolphins have similar teeth across the tooth row (homodonty), but

  their dental shape results from different gene expression patterns. The branching

  diagram at the bottom summarizes evolutionary events leading to the changes in

  protein distribution.  The Eocene whales of this book are on the segment to baleen

  whales and dolphin.

  tricked  into  making  BMP4  in  the  back  of  the  jaw  too,  the  mouse’s

  molars become simpler, and all the teeth look like incisors.3 It turns out

  that, in dolphin embryos, BMP4 is still present in the front and FGF8 in

  the back, but the back of the jaw also has BMP4.4 It appears, then, that

  the interaction between these two proteins within the jaw could be part

  of an important evolutionary switch: FGF8 taking a role in tooth devel-

  opment is a novelty for mammals, and the expansion of BMP4 over-

  prints that role in cetaceans (figure 67). Also relevant is that the pres-

  ence of these proteins in the embryo actually occurs long before there

  are morphological signs of teeth, while the morphological result (homo-

  donty  or  heterodonty)  can  only  be  seen  when  the  teeth  are  formed,

  much later in development. That may make it unlikely that those two

  patterns, polydonty and homodonty, are the result of one simple genetic

  event at a single time in development, although we can’t be sure about

  that at this point.

  The Way Forward | 211

  Our study on dolphin tooth development was a good first step

  toward understanding the shapes of teeth and the genes leading to those

  shapes.5 It said something about homodonty but did not find a direct

  mechanism that linked homodonty to polydonty, and only involved a

  single species of toothed whale. I need embryos for more species, spe-

  cifically ones not closely related to dolphins, like baleen whales. Those

  are even harder to get than dolphin embryos.

  baleen as teeth

  Baleen whales do not have teeth, but their embryos do.6 Just as with the

  hind limb buds, teeth are formed in the jaws of the tiny embryos, and

  later in development, these tooth precursors cease to grow, and languish.

  These little tooth buds even grow into tiny mineralized structures in

  some baleen whales,7 but in no baleen whale do they ever erupt from the

  gums. Near the time that the teeth disappear, baleen starts to develop

  from the same area of the upper jaw where the teeth used to be.8 The

  similarity in timing makes it tempting to speculate that baleen formation

  is somehow linked to the cessation of tooth formation. The fossil record

  gives some clues, too. Baleen does not fossilize, but it has been suggested

  that the presence of baleen in a fossil whale can be deduced from grooves

  on the palate.9 These grooves carry blood vessels, and a fast-growing

  tissue like baleen needs a lot of blood to supply it. Following this logic,

  it has been suggested that some Oligocene mysticetes had the beginnings

  of baleen formation even though they still had teeth. In fact, the denti-

  tion of those whales was polydont and, to a large extent, homodont.

  Similarly, there are many baleen plates, and they are all very similar.

  Baleen forms as a thickening of the epithelium of the upper jaw, and

  interestingly, teeth initially also form as a thickening. In the case of

  teeth, the thickening buries itself into the underlying tissue, the mesen-

  chyme. If the two processes are linked, I would expect that a subset of

  the genes involved in tooth formation is also involved in baleen forma-

  tion. Genes that often work together in building different organs are

  referred to as genetic toolkits. It is possible that early in baleen whale

  evolution the toolkit that built teeth was reprogrammed to build baleen

  instead. That shift of the toolkit caused the teeth to disappear. Such a

  novel function for an existing process has been called exaptation. If I

  can show that the same genetic toolkit is involved in both tooth loss and

  baleen formation, the next question will be whether that toolkit also

  operates in other processes—the lack of hair development, for instance,

  212    |    Chapter 15

  since hair development also has similarities with tooth development in

  the  embryo.  If  that  is  true,  it  is  possible  that  a  few  changes  in  a  key

  group of regulatory genes would affect a whole array of cetacean organs

  and drive the evolution of the group.

  I think about this as I fly to Barrow, on Alaska’s North Slope. There

  I  hope  to  study  embryos  of  the  bowhead  whale,  a  species  of  baleen

  whale, that have been harvested by Iñupiat eskimos. Circumarctic indig-

  enous people have subsisted on bowhead for many centuries, and the

  International Whaling Commission strictly regulates this, so that it does

  not affect the health of the bowhead populations, which are growing

  right now. I am years away from answering even the simplest questions

  related to bowhead development, but it makes me think back to that

  first trip to Pakistan, in 1991. I did not go to Pakistan to answer the

  questions that I ended up answering, and the outbreak of the war all but

  killed my first field season. Only by perseverance and luck was I able to

  follow  through,  and  that  field  season  paved  the  way  for  the  exciting

  discoveries that I was part of later. Another decade will be needed to

  show how much cetacean embryos can enhance the fossil story.

  For now, I am content that this book has summarized the remarkable

  progress that has been made in our understanding of whale origins. The

  subject used to be undocumented, hard to grasp conceptually, and the

  darling of creationists for its absence of fossils
. Now it is the darling of

  evolutionary  biology  textbooks:  it  is  well  understood,  with  plenty  of

  intermediate fossils, many clear-cut functional links, and the beginnings

  of an understanding of the molecular mechanisms that drive it all. Many

  questions remain, and without doubt, pieces of this story will have to be

  rewritten as we learn more. But that is part of the normal dynamics of

  science. New finds are used to test past conclusions, and with every step

  we get closer to true understanding. It is also part of the normal dynam-

  ics  of  human  life.  With  every  experience  that  a  human  has,  growth

  occurs and old ideas are resculpted. For whale origins, amazing things

  have been learned over the past two decades, and I hope a new genera-

  tion of budding scientists will push our understanding of whale evolu-

  tion beyond our present horizon. It is your turn—go for it.


  chapter 1. a wasted dig

  1. R. M. West, “Middle Eocene Large Mammal Assemblage with Tethyan Affin-

  ities, Ganda Kas Region, Pakistan,” Journal of Paleontology 54 (1980): 508–33.

  2. P. D. Gingerich and D. E. Russell, “Pakicetus inachus, a New Archaeocete

  (Mammalia, Cetacea),” Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology,

  University of Michigan 25 (1981): 235–46. P. D. Gingerich, N. A. Wells, D. E.

  Russell, and S. M. I. Shah, “Origin of Whales in Epicontinental Remnant Seas:

  New Evidence from the Early Eocene of Pakistan,” Science 220 (1983): 403–06.

  3. D. T. Gish, Evolution: The Challenge of the Fossil Record (El Cajon, CA:

  Creation-Life Publishers, 1985).

  4. A. Boyden and D. Gemeroy, “The Relative Position of the Cetacea among

  Orders of Mammalia as Indicated by Precipitin Tests,” Zoologica 35 (1950):

  145–51. M. Goodman, J. Czelusniak, and J. E. Beeber, “Phylogeny of Primates

  and Other Eutherian Orders: A Cladistics Analysis Using Amino Acid and

  Nucleotide Sequence Data,” Cladistics 1 (1985): 171–85.

  5. D. Gish, “When Is a Whale a Whale?” Acts & Facts 23 (1994, No. 4).


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