Beyond the God Particle
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elements, 37–42. See also atom; Periodic Table of the Elements
energy, 41–50, 88–93
conservation of, 88–90
electron volt, unit of energy. See electron volt
joule, unit of energy, 88
kinetic, 87–88
LHC beam pulse, 88
mass equivalence, E=mc2, 90–91, 93
of the vacuum, 143
Englert-Brout-Higgs-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble Mechanism, 31
European Council for Nuclear Research. See CERN
exogenous input (economics), 13, 14, 231
Faraday, Michael, 20, 169
Fermi, Enrico, 21, 43, 128–131, 206, 275, 277
Fermilab, 19, 20, 23–27, 32, 60, 149–150, 173–174, 227–228, 229–243
Fermilab Tevatron. See Tevatron
fermion, 140, 256–269
Fermi's theory of weak interactions, 206, 208, 275, 277
Feynman, Richard, 236
Feynman diagrams, 261–262, 273
applied, 83
electromagnetic. See electromagnetism
gravitational. See gravity
strong. See strong force
weak. See weak interactions
weight, 84–87
Franklin, Benjamin, 162
g-2 experiment, 232
Galileo, 20, 37, 100–101, 247
gamma rays, 198
Garwin, Richard, 75–77, 79
gauge bosons, 259, 269–277. See also gluon; photon; W-boson; Z-boson; graviton
gauge field, 270–275
gauge symmetry, 136–137, 260, 269–276
Gell-Mann, Murray, 255, 259
Geneva, Switzerland, 11, 149, 185
Germer, Letser, 159
GeV, “billion electron volts.” See electron volt
Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 37, 100
Ginzburg, Vitaly, 102
Gladstone, William, 169
Glashow, Sheldon, 129, 137, 275
gluon, 94, 260–263
God Particle, 31–34, 82. See Higgs boson
Goldstone, Jeffrey, 103
Gore, Al, 15
gram, 85–87
graviton, 94, 254
gravity, 84, 160–161
hadrons, 254
half-life, 61, 197
handedness, 67, 71, 117–126. See chirality
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, 132–133, 159, 197, 208–209
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von, 271
Higgs boson, 12, 18, 25, 30–34, 59, 62, 81–82, 93–95, 138–148, 186–191, 243–244, 248–251, 263
Higgs (boson) factories, 189–191
Higgs field, 141, 143–148
Higgs potential. See Higgs field
Higgs vacuum. See Higgs field
Holmes, Steve, 230
Homestake Mine (renamed SURF), 225, 227, 230
ILC (proposed e+e– linear collider), 173–174, 189–190
ILC Global Design Effort. See ILC
Internet, 15
Intersecting Storage Ring. See ISR
isotope, 53
ISR (CERN), 23
Janssen, Hans and Zacharias, 150, 247
Jona-Lasinio, Giovanni, 103
Joule, James Prescott, 88. See also energy, joule
K-mesons, 213–214, 233–234
Kepler, Johannes, 100
kilogram, 85–87
Koshiba, Masatoshi, 226
L, left-handed. See chirality
Landau, Lev, 102
Large Electron–Positron Collider. See LEP
Large Hadron Collider. See LHC
Lawrence, Ernest, 179
LBNE (proposed Fermilab experiment), 226–228, 230–231
Lederman, Leon, 32–33, 69–80, 126
Lee, Tsung Dao, 70–72, 79, 210
Leeuwenhoek, Anton Van, 150–153, 157
LEP (CERN e+e– collider), 25–26, 115, 181, 185–186
lepton, 254–263
LEP tunnel, 25–26, 185–186
lens, 150–155, 157–167, 175, 181–182
LHC (CERN, Large Hadron Collider), 12, 19, 20, 23–27, 34, 35, 81, 93, 114, 131–132, 147, 149–150, 180–182, 186–191, 203, 239–241, 250–251
detectors. See ATLAS; CMS; ALICE; LHCb
magnet explosion, 28–30
magnets, 27–29, 103, 187. See also magnet
tunnel. See LEP tunnel
LHCb (CERN, LHC experiment), 26
light. See photon
linac, 170–173
Lister, Joseph Jackson, 153, 157
Livingston, M. Stanley, 179
London, Fritz, 102
dipole, 27
ferromagnet, 141–143
magnetic lens. See lens
magnetism, 176–177
magnetization, 141–143
quench, 28
superconducting, 27–29, 103
magnetic field, 63, 141, 162, 174–179
magnification. See lens
Main Injector (Fermilab), 184
MAP (Muon Accelerator Project), 241. See Muon Collider
as chirality oscillation, 122–126, 145–148
definition of, 32–33, 35, 82–92
Dirac mass, 222–223
elementary particle mass, 94–126, 145–148
inertial, 83
Majorana mass of neutrinos, 222–224
masslessness, 95–105
measuring, 85–87
muon mass from Higgs field, 145–148
Maxwell, James Clerk, 20, 37, 100, 270
McMillan, Edwin, 180
Mendeleev, Dmitri, 40–42, 46
MeV, “million electron volts.” See electron volt
microscope, 22, 45–46, 149–167
Mills, Robert, 274
mirror image, mirror world. See parity
molecules, 40–42
momentum, 93
motion in space-time, 113–116, 118–126
muon, 55, 57, 59–63, 68–80, 114–116, 118–126, 130, 138, 145–147
Muon Collider (proposed m+m– collider), 16, 60, 115, 190–191, 239–242, 250–251
Mu2e experiment (Fermilab), 235
Nambu, Yoichiro, 103
Neddermeyer, Seth, 60
neutrino, 52, 55, 62, 64, 68–69, 130, 217–228
CP violation, 224–228, 233
flavors, 207, 220–224
mass, 220–224
neutrino factory, 231–233
oscillations, 221–224
neutron 52–54, 57–58, 94, 269
neutron beta decay, 204–207, 208
Nevis Lab. See Columbia University
Newton, Isaac, 20, 37, 83, 100–101, 160
Noether, Emmy; Noether's Theorem, 21, 71, 90
Norquist, Grover, 18
NOnA (Fermilab experiment), 226–228
nucleus, 48–49, 52–54, 62
Oliphant, Sir Marcus, 180
Onion, 82
P. See parity
Pauli, Wolfgang, 77, 259, 204–207, 266, 268
parity, 65–80, 128, 134, 210
particle accelerator, 22–23, 160–187, 189–191, 229–242, 250–251
Periodic Table of the Elements, 37, 40–42, 269
PET (positron emission tomography), 203
photon, 22, 41, 44–46, 62–63, 96–98, 102, 113, 138, 147, 157–158
Pic du Midi de Bigorre in the Pyrenees, 62
pi meson, pion, or π meson, 53–55, 57, 61–63, 77–80, 94, 253
Planck, Max, 20, 159
Plato, 37–38
plutonium, 238
Pontecorvo, Bruno, 225
positron (anti-electron), 198–204, 257
Project X (proposed Fermilab proton accelerator), 191, 229–242, 251
proton, 20–23, 52–54, 57–58, 64, 94, 231
proton decay experiments, 228
Proton Synchrotron (CERN accelerator), 22
QCD. See quantum chromodynamics
e quantum electrodynamics
quantum chromodynamics, 256–263, 248–249
quantum electrodynamics, 128, 236
quantum mechanics, quantum mechanical, quantum theory, 43–45, 50–54, 63–64, 100–104, 157–160, 208, 265–269
quark, 22, 64, 94, 209, 255–263
R, right-handed. See chirality
Rabi, Isidor, 21, 57, 59
radioactivity, natural, 196–198
rare kaon decay experiments, 233–234
rare muon process, 234–235
Reines, Frederick, 206
relativity, Einstein's theory of, 43–44, 61, 88, 90–91, 97–99, 198–204
right-hand rule, 117–118
RF cavity (radio frequency cavity), 170–175, 189–190
Romer, Paul, 13, 14
Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 194–196, 231
Rubbia, Carlo, 24
Rutherford, Ernest, 47–49, 197–198, 230
Salam, Abdus, 129, 275
Samuelson, Paul, 13
Schrieffer, Robert, 102
Schwartz, Melvin, 207
Schwinger, Julian, 236
SCRF (Superconducting RF cavity). See RF cavity
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 23, 173, 255
Smith, Adam, 13
Solow, Robert, 13, 14
space-time, 105–116, 118–126
spin, 63–65, 68, 115–126, 140, 176–177, 263–269
SPS (CERN accelerator), 24, 185
SSC (canceled US accelerator project), 12, 13, 16–20
Standard Model, 23, 31, 59, 99–100, 129–130, 137–138, 275–277
Steinberger, Jack, 207
strong force, strong interactions, 53–60, 253–263. See QCD
superconductor, 102–103, 138, 268
Superconducting Super Collider. See SSC
Super-Kamiokande, 225–226, 228
Super Proton Synchrotron. See SPS
supernova, 218–219
SURF, Sanford Underground Research Facility. See Homestake Mine
Symmetry, 99–100, 104. See also Noether's Theorem
synchrotron, 155, 175, 180–187
synchrotron, large circular e+e– collider, 190
synchrotron radiation, 181
T. See time reversal
Teresi, Dick, 32
Tevatron, 19, 23–25, 93, 103, 131–132, 149–150, 180–184, 203, 229–230
Thomson, J. J., 46–49, 197
‘t Hooft, Gerhard, 129, 138, 275
time dilation, 61
time reversal (T), 211–215
Tinlot, John, 72
TLEP. See synchrotron, large circular e+e– collider
Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro, 236
top quark, 132, 147, 182, 186, 203
Tyson, Neil deGrasse, 82
Twitter, 82
UA1 and UA2, 23
US Congress kills SSC, 16–18
vacuum, 103–104, 141–148
Van de Meer, Simon, 24
Veksler, Vladimir, 180
Veltman, Martinus, 129, 138, 275
VLHC (proposed Very Large Hadron Collider), 190, 241
W+, W–. See W boson
wave, wavelength, 44–45, 51, 157–160
Waxahachie, Texas, 12, 16, 18. See SSC
W boson, 23–26, 94, 129, 133–134, 138, 147, 197, 208–209, 275–277
Wealth of Nations. See Smith, Adam
weak charge, 135–140, 144–148
weak interactions, 23, 71, 126, 128–148, 197, 275–277
Weinberg Steven, 25, 31, 59, 129, 137–138, 275
Weinrich, Marcel, 72–77, 79
Wilson, Robert, 183
World Wide Web, 15, 16
Wu, Chien-Shiung, 71–72, 79, 210
X-rays, 194–197
Yang, Chen Ning, 70–72, 79, 210, 274
Yang-Mills theory, 274
Yukawa, Hidecki, 53–55, 57, 60
Z0. See Z boson
Z boson, 23–26, 94, 129, 138, 147, 181, 185–186, 275–277
zitterbewegung, 124
Zweig, George, 255