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Dangerous Desires

Page 19

by Siren, Tia

  I blinked a few times, trying to get my bearings. "I wasn't."

  "Asshole." He pulled me close and wrapped me in a tight hug. "I'm driving tonight. We're not losing you. None of us would survive that shit."

  "Goddamn it, Mase. What were you thinking?" Danny ran up and ran his hand over my back as Ben released me.

  "Guys. Back off." I lifted my hands. "I took the turn too fast, okay? You know it's my weakness." I reached up and brushed my hands down my face. "I wasn't concentrating the way I should have been. It's been a long fucking time. All right?"

  Ben gave me a warning look. "Get another car and let's try it again then. If you fuck up this time, I'm calling Erik and his boys. We're not losing you, when we could just promise them a job or two and be done with this shit."

  "No," I barked and narrowed my eyes. "If Evie is out there, we'll find her. We'll win tonight and get the information we need."

  "Why are you so against using Bertinelli?" Danny tilted his head to the side. "I know the job wouldn't be fun to do, but fuck, Mase. It's Evie."

  "And she wouldn't stay with me if I killed a man or kidnapped a child, Danny. Think for a second, shit." I reached out and grabbed my helmet from some random guy standing beside us. Several of the guys moved back as I walked back toward the stands. I'd get another fucking car and try again. I'd try until I woke the muscles up that remembered how to do what I needed to do.

  I was the best driver in the city just a few years ago. I could do it again. Evie would have to be the focus, not our past memories, but the ones we would make in the future.

  I couldn't give up. Not yet. Not ever.

  * * *

  "Mason." Ben walked up with a young guy I hadn't seen before. "This is Pauly. He's from the West Coast."

  I extended my hand. "Nice to meet you, man."

  "You too." The kid smiled and shook my hand. "Wow. I really thought you were gone for good."

  "Excuse me?" I lifted an eyebrow and ignored the pain running down my back from racing all fucking day.

  "You're a legend." He crossed his arms over his chest and smiled broadly. "I think it's great that you're back behind the wheel. I'd love to see you come out to Cali for a race we're having this summer."

  "Not happening." I glanced over at Ben wondering what the fucker was up to. "I'm racing for one reason, and then I'm back in retirement. This isn't me returning to anything."

  "No, Benjamin told me." He lifted his hands as I started to walk away. "I'm here for a few weeks checking out the scene and heard about your situation."

  "News travels fast." I slipped my hands into my pockets. "What do you want, kid? Make it fast. I need a drink. Like now."

  "He's been moving around the New York racing scene undetected, Mase." Ben turned from me to the kid. "Tell him what you told me about Rodney Jackson's crew."

  I gave him my attention. "Make it fast."

  "Yeah, sure." The kid looked a lot more relaxed than I would have around a guy like me. Especially at his age. He couldn't be much over eighteen. "He's in the pen for a drug run that went south, but he was set up."

  "Great. I don't care." I walked in between them back toward the stands. Ben jogged up on my left, and Pauly on my right.

  "Wait. Mason. Shit." Ben tried to stop me, but I pushed his hand away from me.

  "It's not just that." The kid stopped, but I didn't. "They have your wife, Mason."

  That stopped me in my tracks. I jerked around as rage raced through me. "What did you say?"

  "They have your wife." He stood stone-still, his face a mask of calm. "They'll be on the streets tonight. Race their driver for information. He'll be bound by our rules to tell you where she is."

  "How do you know this?" I took two steps and towered over him.

  Much to his credit, he didn't shrink back from me. "I've been listening and asking questions about everything. I just happened to be in the right bar last night."

  "How is Rodney's team still racing without him?" A nasty feeling swirled around in my stomach.

  "They've replaced him."

  "With who?" I barked. I'd race whoever I had to race to get Evie back or at least find out where the fuck she was. It was going to get much worse before it got better. Hell, taking Bertinelli up on his help might have been the better option. With him involved, he'd pull his mafia assholes in the center of things, find her and kill everyone in the room, but it wouldn't be me pulling the trigger, at least not in front of her.

  I'd be called in to do some dirty work later when Erik needed me, but Evie wouldn't be there to see it.

  The kid gave me a sad smile. "With the guy that got him busted and put away for a long time."


  "You all right?" Ben patted the top of my back as we walked toward the rowdy crowd of racers in front of us. It was late, and the moon was out in full effect. It was the kind of night I once lived for.

  Pain and loss swirled in a tight ball in the center of my chest. Breathing past it was a challenge, but no one would ever know.

  "Fuck yeah." I turned and ignored the looks I got. I wouldn't be on display too terribly long. I'd race, get the information we were after, and get the fuck out of there.

  "Ben," a female voice called out behind us.

  We stopped and turned to find Ben's sister Laina walking up. Her shoulder-length blond hair was pulled into a ponytail, and her jeans and tank top were tight as hell. I averted my eyes from her. I loved my wife and made sure I kept every other woman at an arms-length distance. Especially Laina Harris. There was a time before Evie that I thought Laina would be my girl, but life took us in a different direction. Not before one hot night of passion though.

  It was hard to look at her and not think about it.

  "They're lining up over here. You guys need to hurry the fuck up. You're late." She patted Ben and glanced over at me. "Hey, Mason."

  "Laina." I nodded and kept my eyes on the group of guys acting like idiots around a fire pretty close to us.

  She moved up in front of me as Ben walked off. "I'm sorry about Evie."

  I glanced down into her blue eyes, finding a piece of my past there. "Yeah. Thanks. I appreciate that."

  "Any news on her?" Her kindness hurt me more than it helped.

  "No, but we'll find her. I have no doubt."

  "Let me know how I can help. Seriously." She touched my chest, but I moved back.

  "Thanks." I turned and almost bumped into Nate Hayes. "Fuck. Warn someone that you're hovering over the back of their shoulder, hm?"

  He smiled and extended his hand. "I'm a little surprised to see you here."

  "You ain't the only one." I slipped my hands into my pockets. "I'm going to race for information tonight."

  His eyes widened. "Wait. You still haven't found Evie?"

  "No," I barked and gave him a stern glare. "I will though."

  "Dude. It's just a quick hit or something. Shit. If someone touched Jenna, I'd do just about anything for retribution."

  "Right, but Jenna isn't the kind of woman that's disgusted by violence and rough shit, right?"

  Realization raced across his face. "I see."

  "Yeah. So, I get Erik to help, and we find her only for me to lose her when you guys call the beast out of his cage. I can't be the kind of man who would repulse her. Period." I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm going to win this shit tonight and find out who the fuck thought it wise to take something that's mine."

  "Well, the offer still stands." He pulled out his phone and glanced down at it. "Speak of the devil, and he shall appear."

  I nodded. "I'll catch you later, Nate."

  "Good luck tonight." He turned and walked in the direction Ben went.

  "Thanks." I glanced over my shoulder to see if Laina was still there. She was a short distance away with three or four guys around her. She was laughing and having a good time. I felt bad for Ben having such a beautiful girl as a sister. I had one ugly-ass brother who wore his feelings on his sleeves. No worries about protecting him f
rom anyone but me.

  I snorted at the thought and made my way over to a group of racers I'd smoked over and over years back.

  "Well. Look who decided to get out of his coffin and come back for one last ride." One of the guys turned and offered his hand. "Mason Thomas. I feel like I'm seeing a fucking ghost."

  I smirked. "Let's just say that when this shit is over tonight, I'll be fading back into the ether, so a ghost might be a good analogy."

  "So many big words. I like it." A dark-haired girl with her tits pressed out of the top of her shirt bit at her lip seductively. "You seem married. Or have you seen the light?"

  "He's still married." Danny moved up beside me and clamped his hand on the back of my neck. "But I am not. I'll take his place if you're offering a different kind of ride tonight, Sherri."

  She rolled her eyes. "Not a chance, goody-goody."

  "Guys. Over here!" Ben waved us over.

  "Maybe next time?" Sheri asked me with a sexy smile on her pretty face.

  "Probably not, sweetheart." I nodded and turned to walk over to Ben. I couldn't believe the past I'd left behind was still alive and kicking. It was weird to think the world I'd once worshiped—and that worshiped me—was still thriving. Some part of me wanted to throw caution to the wind and dive back into racing full time, but Evie wouldn't allow it.

  What if she's gone? For good?

  The air whooshed from my lungs, and the world around me spun. I reached out and grabbed Danny as I stumbled.

  "Hey. You all right?" Danny grabbed my upper arms. "What's going on?"

  I sucked in a deep breath and shook my head. "Demons. I just have some old shit attacking me."

  "That's going to happen, brother. We are walking over gravestones from your past. You're going to have a few fucked-up memories. Just roll with it. You got this, Mase. You're the toughest motherfucker I know."

  "You hitting on me?" I smiled, ignoring the bile rising in my chest.

  Evie couldn't be gone. There was no way I could consider the possibility. Not just because of the pain, but I knew the devil inside me would be unleashed. There would be no stopping my wrath on the men who took her from me.

  "You wish, bitch." Danny released me. "Let's get this shit over with."

  "Did you make sure Rodney's guys are here?" Ben turned and nodded to Danny.

  "Yeah. They're here. The driver has a fucking mask on like a goon, but I guess they haven't revealed who the fucker is." He shrugged. "Either way. Mason will smoke them, and we'll get what we're after."

  "You think Rodney's crew would be stupid enough to take Evie?" I tilted my head as I tried to process the ignorance of my own statement. "Why would he want her?"

  Laina walked up and moved over to Ben, but her eyes were on me. "Why wouldn't they want your wife, Mase? She's the easiest way to get to what they're after."

  "Which is?" Danny asked.

  "Mason. Don't be dense." She rolled her eyes and pulled a flag from the back of her tight jeans. "Get ready. It's going to be a wild night. Everyone is here because you are."

  I pressed my fingers to my chest and turned to Ben. "What the fuck, man? I thought we were coming to an event that someone set up."

  "We are." He shrugged. "Rodney's crew set the event up for you and his replacement."

  I groaned and glanced around, noticing for the first time that most eyes were on me. "Let's just get this shit over with."

  "Remember to watch your—" Ben started.

  "Curves. I know. We should have done a straightaway." I moved past him and walked toward the two side-by-side cars with their engines running. I'd been so used to driving my own Mustang that I felt a bit of unease at the idea of driving someone else's. It could have been rigged or fucked with. "Whose car is this?"

  Ben moved up beside me. "It's yours. A gift from me and Danny."

  "I don't want this." I glanced over at him. "I'm not coming back, Ben. You know that."

  He nodded. "We respect that, man. We just wanted to provide you with a car that would feel and drive like your old beauty. That's all."

  "All right. Let's do this shit." I took my helmet from him and glanced over at the other car. The driver was already in it, helmet on and hands gripping the wheel. Funny enough, his head was turned my way, his eyes on me.

  "Good luck. Remember what you're racing for, brother." Danny patted my back. "You’ve got this."

  "Thanks," I mumbled and walked over to the other car. Leaning down to the open passenger side window and forcing an evil smile. "I'm not sure who you are, but I'm going to smoke your ass, and when it's over, you're going to tell me what you know about my wife."

  He lifted his thumb slowly and nodded.

  "And if you or any of your guys did anything to her, I'll fucking kill each and every one of you with my bare hands. If she's hurt in any way at all, you'd better be ready. I'll massacre all of you." I gripped the window seal tightly.

  The guy nodded again and turned to face the front window.

  "Fucking weirdo," I mumbled and walked over to my car. I got in and buckled up as adrenaline tore up my insides. This race wasn't about me impressing anyone or winning anything. It was about getting my wife back.

  Laina stood in between the cars with her hands in the air. The white flag that dangled from her fingers flapped around in the wind. Her eyes were on me, and the worry in her expression tried to touch me. I pushed away from the memory of our brief love affair and turned my eyes to the road.

  The streets were home most of my life, and I pledged myself to being their King as a young teenage boy. That time had come and passed. I didn't need honor or bragging rights anymore.

  All I needed was my wife back by my side.

  Win or lose, I wasn't leaving without her or the information on how to find her.

  No matter what it took, she was coming home with me.

  Or all hell would break lose.

  I'd make sure of it.


  Laina pulled the flag down, and we shot off. Me and the mystery man beside me, racing toward the first turn. I took a deep breath, held it for a second, and released it in a loud exhale.

  "You got this," I murmured and started the turn just a little early. The guy in the car beside me jerked a little; the stupid fuck scared I was going to run into him. He didn't know me at all. "Eat that, bitch."

  Memories of my past tried to break through my concentration, but I ignored them. We both made the turn easily and were on the next straightaway. Only five hundred more yards to go. I was going to have to hit the boosters and pull in front of the prick. I had to win. I reached down as a cell phone rang next to me. It wasn't mine.

  "What the fuck?" I pressed the booster, and the car took off. The phone rang again, and I grabbed it, feeling safe on the straightaway. "What?" I barked into the receiver.

  "Mason?" Evie.

  "Baby?" Horror raced through me as I let my foot off the gas a little. The driver next to me sped past me. He crossed the finish line before I could realize what was happening. "Eve. Where are you?"

  "I'm at a big red brick house somewhere outside of town." She sniffed. "I'm okay. No one has touched me or hurt me. I'm just locked in this fucking bedroom by myself. Where are you? Are you racing again? What's that sound?"

  "Where is the house, Eve?" I stopped the car and got out before passing the finish line. "How did you get the goddamn phone?" Hell, how did I get the damn phone in my hand? It wasn't mine.

  "I don't know, Mason." Her crying got louder. "Someone left it on the nightstand with a note to call this number at this time."

  "Baby. Look for a way to get out. See if you can find a window or something. Look outside and tell me what the fuck you see." I moved past the hordes of people racing toward me, Danny and Ben being amongst the crowd. "Look around, Evelyn. What do you see?"

  She screamed, and the line went dead.

  "Baby?" I yelled into the phone and turned, realizing that the driver in the other car had information I needed. "Move."
/>   I pushed through everyone looking for the guy. "Where is he? Where's Rodney's replacement?"

  Pauly, the kid I'd met at the track the day before, appeared in front of me. "He's headed to the parking lot, Mason. Blue shirt and red mask. Hurry."

  "Who are you?" I asked and raced toward the parking lot, not waiting for an answer.

  It was a nightmare to try to get through the crowds, but everyone moved for me, seeing that I was cursing and throwing punches at anyone who wouldn't. A terrified feeling I'd never experienced before consumed me. All I could think about was someone hurting my wife. Touching her. Killing her.

  And the baby.

  There. I spotted him as a black Mercedes pulled up. He opened the passenger door and got in, flipping me off and laying his seat back as I raced toward him. The red ski mask made it impossible to see who the fuck he was.

  "Wait. Goddamn it. Stop. You know where she is. I'll give you anything. Stop!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I barreled toward the car. It took off, but the driver tossed something out the window. I walked toward the red object on the ground as I huffed and puffed.

  The mask. Why? The fucker wanted me to know who he was.

  I knew exactly who could help me figure it out.


  * * *

  I couldn't wait until the next morning. Luckily, I had friends who were willing to get out at all hours of the night to help me.

  "It's DNA from a guy named Marcus DeVance." Roy walked out into the waiting room at the precinct. "You know that name?"

  "No." I stood and took the mask from him. "Do you know an address for him? Is he anywhere in the system?"

  Roy snorted. "Yeah, but he's listed as deceased, Mason. Something isn't right here."

  "How was he killed?" I wrapped my arms around my chest and tried to focus on the fact that I finally had something. It might not be all I needed to find my wife, but it was a start.

  "Lethal injection." Roy shook his head. "He was on death row for killing a bunch of people at the old folk’s home."


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