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Dangerous Desires

Page 34

by Siren, Tia

  I know that she’s gone before I even see the letter. I know it in my bones, in my heart, and I throw the backpack down onto the dirt like it betrayed me. I scoop the letter up to read it by the fading firelight. She confesses that she’s been lonely for a long time; our night together will never be forgotten. Shit. She apologizes and promises. I believe her. She says it was more personal than I realize; she was inspired because of how she felt, and she just wanted to write it down. She says she’s leaving for a motel in town. She’ll be gone by the time I read this. She thanks me and apologizes again.

  She thanks me for reminding her that the stuff in her books does still exist. My heart aches. God, I want her. I was such an idiot.

  I crumble the note into a ball in my fist and massage my forehead, shaking my head. Damn it. I fucked up. I let her go.

  I’m massaging my temples deeply, dreading going into that cold, lonely tent. I can’t just sleep in the same damn bag where we fucked each other senseless last night. I can’t smell her all around me like that. I’ll never sleep. Then I hear a rustling from inside the tent and I glare, dropping the letter at my feet. Did Morgan help herself to some more crackers and jerky before she left? God knows I’m starving right now. Maybe she left it open and it drew an animal to our tent.

  With my brow low in concentration, I open the tent and see a dark, low shadow rooting through my backpack. It’s too dark to be Morgan, and it isn’t shaped like a woman… I would see the whiteness of my Henley standing out against the shadow, at least. Someone or something is in here, going through my stuff. My emotions are on edge and I’m ready to pounce. It’s darker inside the tent, without the light of the fire and the moon, and I think that it might even be a black bear.

  I hold myself up to my fullest height, spread my arms in the air, and roar, “Get out!”

  The creature springs upright with a womanly shrill and I realize my mistake instantly. As the shape clarifies, I see it isn’t a low, four-legged mammal with dark fur. It was a woman, hunched over, on her knees, wearing… a mud-caked pair of jeans and tank top. Now she comes toward me with shining golden eyes.

  “I’m really sorry I’m still here. I told the driver to turn around again. I’m such an idiot. I thought maybe—I don’t know,” she explains in a garbled rush, sounding on the verge of tears. My poor baby. I must have scared the shit out of her. “I shouldn’t be here. I told you I was gone. I don’t know why I left the letter out there. I—”

  My heart throbs with gratitude and I cup her sweet face in my palms. “You’re the bear,” I tell her, even though I know she won’t understand. She was a test of my mettle. She was the thing worth fighting for this time. “I thought you left.”

  “I did,” she whispers up to me. Those aren’t tears in her eyes; they’re just very shiny right now. She swallows and beams up at me. “I did leave. But then I came back.” She laughs, a husky, half-hearted chuckle. “What the hell, right? Better just… make sure we really… don’t want this.” Her eyes flick to me, trailing over my face, up to my eyes, and then away again. She shakes her head. “Didn’t realize you were going to literally scream ‘get out.’”

  My lips fall down to hers, and I scoop her mouth up with mine, tilting her head back and weaving my fingers into her mane of dark hair. She must know how I feel now. Enough talk. I can show her my gratitude for her whimsy, for her passion. I can show her that I want this. Her mouth opens wide for me and our tongues battle like this is a fight, even though it’s technically a reunion. My fingers go to her hands and interlace with her fingers. I want to feel every inch of her. My erection against her stomach. Her mouth on mine.

  “I didn’t think it would be this easy,” Morgan whispers when we break for air.

  “I really like you,” I confess.

  “You don’t even know me yet,” she warns, and I pull on her hands, drawing her closer to me, harder against my body.

  “I know,” I tell her, pressing my forehead to hers. My lips seek hers and we pull together in another kiss, unstoppable. “That’s the crazy part.”

  As we press together, laughter suddenly bubbles from her lips. Her lips brush against mine. “You just can’t keep yourself dry, can you?”

  “Mm,” I murmur, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her throat deeply. “Look who’s talking.”

  “Mm,” Morgan echoes. “I have the naughtiest, sexiest idea I’ve ever had.”

  “Oh, really?”

  Morgan puts her lips against my earlobe and whispers, “Let’s Uber into town and get a real hotel room. Oh, Kai… Let’s take hot showers.”

  I think I might come. “Oh my god,” I moan against her neck as she twists in my embrace, already snatching up my phone and dialing. “Let’s get a room with tiny bottles of lotion and shampoo and stuff.”

  “Oh, fuck yeah,” Morgan moans just as someone answers the line. She pulls away from me and swats my hands away. She reserves the hotel room and orders the car, and we pack up the tent together, excitedly fantasizing about all the foam comforters and the running heater and what movies they might have on pay-per-view.

  When the Uber shows, I open the backseat door for her and say, “This is it.” I smile appreciatively as I gaze down at her. “In or out.”

  “In,” she answers, reaching out and grabbing my muddy shirt, pulling me down into the backseat with her. “Definitely in.”

  Double Penetration

  Chance Carter



  "Mark.… Mark! We're going to be late for work!"

  "Ugh…" I think as I roll over in bed, waking up to the harsh sunlight of six in the morning and my roommate about to knock my door down.

  Why does he always insist on going out on a Sunday night? He knows I can't take it anymore.

  "All right, I'm up! Be there in a minute!" I shout back, burying my head further into my pillows.

  Miles and I have been roommates since we were in college. When we finally graduated and got a job at the same company, we figured it was the best idea to get an apartment together in the city. Better than living alone, I guess?

  When we met in college, I was a lot shyer than I am now. I guess Miles kind of pulled me out of my shell a bit, and I'm grateful, really I am, but that still doesn't stop his extrovert personality grating on me from time to time.

  I remember this one time, quite early on in college, he'd always be bringing girls back to the room, and I'd end up having to get lost or wait it out till morning. But this one time, it was a night out, and I ended up hooking up with his hook-up’s roommate! So I guess it all worked out ok. Since then we became really good friends, always going to parties together and even throwing a couple.

  He showed me how to do some pretty epic keg stands, too. Ah, the good old days!

  "If you don't get up now, your bacon is going to get cold!" Miles shouts from the kitchen.

  My eyes snap open and I sit up quickly. The smell of cooked bacon drifts into my room, and already I'm feeling the hangover melt away. Miles always did know the best ways to get over a Monday-morning hangover and get straight in time for nine a.m. lectures.

  He's like a machine.

  I quickly get showered and dressed and spend about twice that time sorting out my hair, then trudge my way into the kitchen.

  "Morning, sunshine!" Miles grins, leaning on the countertop and sliding a plate of greasy bacon and buttered toast over to me. "Wasn't sure if you'd want brown or red, so I gave you both."

  I gaze up at my friend, who knows just how I like my bacon sandwiches. "Bro..." I bow my head to him, my hangover savior as usual.

  "So what are the plans for today?" Miles asks me, as if I'm supposed to know.

  I shrug, my mouth already too full of greasy goodness to respond.

  "Don't worry man, I got your back. Just a couple of pitches to the boss about the new schedules and we're done. Usual busywork for the rest of the day."

  My eyes widen in fear, new schedules? What new schedules?

; "Don't worry, you already finished them a few days after we got assigned them," Miles laughs.

  I sigh, relaxing into my chair. I sometimes forget that, while Miles has brought out the partygoer in me, I'll still do a project the night I'm assigned it. It used to be so I knew I had it done and could work on improvements throughout the week, but now it's so I know I've got time to hang out with my bro.

  "Right, then, hope you're ready! Because it's time to get going." Miles says, heading to the door.

  I sigh to myself. I feel like this is going to be a pretty long day, but maybe I'll be able to get a nap in at lunch break.

  * * *

  Miles and I head into our team's office just under five minutes late, hoping no one will really notice or care. But I think that our dark glasses are a bit of a giveaway.

  "Out late again, guys?" John calls to us from the corner desk.

  A few heads pop up from behind cubicle walls just to get a look, and quiet laughs can be heard from some of the other desks, but I'm too tired to care.

  "Yeah, it was a great one!" Miles calls back as we each take a seat at our desks.

  "How's your wife doing?" John asks again.

  "I'm fine!" I groan, clearly not being fine, "And you guys all know that Miles is the wife in our relationship."

  More laughter erupts, and Miles offers me an eye roll that says, I am so going to get you back for that.

  The day settles down a bit after that as everyone gets into their routines. Miles and I give our presentation, which goes pretty well actually! The boss likes our suggestions, or rather, my suggestions and the way Miles suggests them.

  We make a great team.

  I sit back at my desk and check the time, only twelve. Still an hour before lunch. I'm not hungry, but I think I'm in need of that nap right about now. I check my email and realize I have one from Miles.

  More office memes I assume, but it would be a nice break from the monotony.

  To: M. Abrams

  From: M. Hanson

  Re: Last night

  Bro, do you remember that girl from last night? The one with the red hair?

  Miles Hanson

  It always makes me laugh when I get an email from Miles, because his fancy email signature at the bottom of his funny joke emails or random questions seems so out of place. It also gets mistaken for hansom or even the word handsome sometimes, so occasionally his name is written down as M. Handsome or Mr. Handsome, much to his pleasure. It drives me mad.

  I think back to the bar last night. We we're pretty hammered, but I suppose I remember one girl. She was pretty, but I can't remember if I talked to her or not.

  Maybe that's a good thing.

  To: M. Hanson

  From: M. Abrams

  Re: Re: Last night

  Yeah, I think so. Why, did she text you or something?

  I can hear him typing from here. Why doesn't he just save it till lunch, we've only got another hour to wait.

  To: M. Abrams

  From: M. Hanson

  Re: Re: Re: Last night

  No, I didn't get her number, she had a boyfriend. But I mean, do you remember what we saw happen to her after I hit on her?

  Something happened to her? Sure, I would have remembered if something had happened last night.

  To: M. Hanson

  From: M. Abrams

  Re: Re: Re: Re: Last night

  No. Come on just tell me. What happened?

  I wait a short while for his reply, I can hear him furiously typing it all out and giggling to himself.

  To: M. Abrams

  From: M. Hanson

  Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Last night

  Well, some other guy tried to hit on her, while her massive jacked up boyfriend was standing right next to her, and when she said "Dude I have a boyfriend," this guy was just like, "Oh, well I'm sure he wouldn't mind joining us." !! LOL! I only just remembered it.

  Oh my god, I actually remember that! It was so funny, I nearly dropped my beer. The boyfriend almost clocked him right then and there in the bar. I can't imagine how embarrassed the girl must have been, guys hitting on her all night and her boyfriend almost getting in a fight... But it was still hilarious.

  To: M. Hanson

  From: M. Abrams

  Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Last night

  Holy shit yeah, that was so funny! Can you imagine someone asking you that?

  I hear Miles choke slightly on his coffee, I don't know why I asked him that, but I figured it would make him laugh at least.

  At that point our boss comes in and over to our team's little corner.

  "I'm sending you guys for an early lunch. I'm very impressed with all the hard work you've been doing this last week, so go ahead, take an hour-and-a-half break today and be ready for this afternoon, all right?"

  "All right, thanks, sir!" Miles says excitedly, just like he would have in college if the professor had let us go early.

  So we grab our lunch and head to a park nearby to sit in the sun and enjoy our extra half an hour.

  "It's nice to get to spend some time with the whole team." John says, "We should all go out for a drink some time!"

  "Oh, god no…" I say, "I can't drink anymore."

  The group laughs, and Miles nudges me in the side.

  "All right, I've got a question for you guys," Miles says to the group. John, Chris, and Shane look over to him attentively. "Right, so a girl comes up to you in a club or bar or whatever and asks you if you want to have a threesome with her and her boyfriend. What do you say?"

  The guys laugh, and I roll my eyes. He totally stole that question from me.

  "How hot is she?" Shane asks.

  "No, how hot is he?" Chris asks after him.

  "Dude!" Miles laughs.

  "Ugh, I mean, is he like hotter than me? If I felt like I was better than the boyfriend then maybe, but if he's some giant army guy, I don't think I would."

  "Oh my god you're right." Chris laughs.

  "All right, ok." Miles grins, "The guy is sort of average, about the same, give or take, to you."

  "Me specifically or whoever is being asked?" The guys mutter to each other.

  "You know, you guys are taking this way too seriously." I laugh, just watching the scene play out.

  "Yeah, and you know that's already happened at our office right?" says John, only now joining the discussion.

  "You're kidding!" Miles says as he and the others all turn to John, their eyes begging to hear the details.

  "Well, I don't know for sure. Heard it in the mail room a couple weeks back." He tries to remember. "But apparently there is a girl in the IT department, kind of cool looking, a few tattoos and short hair. Really hot."

  "I think I know her…" Shane grins, "The kind of girl you'd break your computer for just to get her to come and fix it."

  "Yeah, also the kind of girl who knows the kind of guy who'd do that," I reply, thinking back to all the times Shane's computer has broken and a huge lumbering gorilla of a man has shown up to fix it by hitting it a few times and grunting.

  "Wait, do you think that's why we always get the gorilla?" Shane's eyes widen as if the universe had been split in two right in front of his eyes.

  "You think?" I ask, supported by the laughter of the other guys.

  "Anyway," John continues, "She has this big army boyfriend—I don't know if he actually was in the army, but he's huge enough to be, I swear. So she asks this guy out for a drink, then he shows up and she asks him to join in with the two of them. The guy just stands there in fear of what her boyfriend would just do to him for looking at her! Let alone have sex with her in front of him!"

  "Damn, that's crazy." Chris says, "Who was the guy?"

  "Don't know. Just some guy on one of the lower offices."

  "I never thought of it like that. What if the guy did get jealous?" Miles laughs.

  "Well, he shouldn't... I mean, surely he'd be into it? Like, he'd want you to be there, so he could like…" Chris's sentence trails off and we re
alize it's about time we should be getting back to work.

  * * *

  The hours drone on for a bit, and I can feel my eye lids start to droop. I know our little chat about threesomes was entertaining, but I really wish I'd taken that time for a nap.

  The tiredness makes me mess up my work a little, and I don't even realize it until my computer is flashing some kind of error at me.

  "Oh crap…" I start hammering on the keyboard trying to fix it, but to no avail, "Crap, what have I done?"

  Miles wheels over to me in his desk chair and notices what I've done.

  "Ooh! Mark's messed up his computer! He's going to have to get the IT department down here!" he calls out to our team and is met by a chorus of cheers, like this is some kind of accomplishment.

  Miles starts writing up an email for me.

  To: IT Dept

  From: M. Hanson

  Cc: M. Abrams

  Re: Mark's Computer

  Afternoon! Mark Abrams' computer is frozen, can someone come and help us get it fixed, thanks!

  We wait for a moment, staring at the elevator doors as soon as the message was sent, wondering who we were going to get. Gorilla or hot chick.

  Miles' computer beeps, and an email alert pops up.

  "Guys it's them!" he says, becoming us to all gather round.

  To: M. Hanson

  From: A. Brennan

  Cc: M. Abrams

  Re: Mark's Computer

  Sure, I'll be right up.

  Alyssa Brennan

  "Dude! That's totally her!" John says, patting me on the shoulder.

  Again, we wait in anticipation, staring at the elevator till we see it moving up to our floor. Then sure enough, the doors open and out steps a vision of beauty that I have never before seen in this terrible office job.

  Miles and I stare for a moment, then look at each other.

  "I saw her first." we both say at the same time.


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