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Dangerous Desires

Page 64

by Siren, Tia

  I can't believe what's happening. I didn't even know who Kyle was when I auditioned for The Daddy Games, and now I find out he was Evan's best friend all along. I also can't believe that these two men are going so far to protect me. Especially considering that my own dad is the reason I'm here. Both Evan and Kyle really care about what happens to me.

  After an excruciatingly long moment, the man with the gun pulls a walkie-talkie off his belt and turns away from us.

  "Mario. Come in, Mario."

  "Yeah, boss," says a voice on the other end.

  "I'm bringing them in, but I'm gonna talk to Bellini. So sit tight and hold your fire."

  "Roger. Over and out."

  Brandon looks over at Evan and me and motions for us to walk ahead of him. I notice since the last thing Kyle said, Brandon doesn't make eye contact with him at all. "Let's go. We're walking back to your car."

  The three of us start walking, and Evan looks down at me again. "Are you okay? Do you want me to carry you?"

  I laugh. He still has his arm wrapped around me, and when I look up at him my lips are just inches away from his. "No, you don't need to carry me. I can walk fine." But just as I say that, I stumble and almost hit the ground.

  "That's it," he says, picking me up and hoisting me over his shoulder.

  "Evan," I scream. "What are you doing?"

  "Hey!" the man with the gun says. "Keep it down."

  "What are you expecting? A rival gang to jump out of the bushes or something?" Kyle asks.

  Brandon doesn't look at him; he just keeps walking with his head and his gun pointed at the ground.

  "This will be faster, Zoe. Trust me," Evan says as he heads back toward Max's house.

  I'm pretty embarrassed to have my ass up in the air over Evan's shoulder while I'm surrounded by these men, but I know there's nothing I can do. If there's anything I've learned about Evan in the last few months, it's that he's really stubborn, and that he really does care about what happens to me.

  I know now that I trust him more than anyone in my life, and I'm pretty sure, even though I couldn't see it before, that I always have.

  * * *

  When we get to the road where two cars are parked, Evan sets me down on the ground.

  "I'll call my boss and tell him what you want to do. You do realize we're still talking millions," the man says to Kyle. "This is no small debt."

  "Whatever, dude. Just call your freaking boss." Kyle turns to me. "You guys okay?"

  I nod my head but Evan starts talking before I can. "You don't have to do this, Kyle. This is way too much."

  "No, it isn't. There's no way I'm letting them touch either of you. Not when I might have the money to stop them. If I don't, I'll call Graham. I'm sure he would be more than happy to—"

  "No. Jesus, Kyle, don't ask Graham. Not after everything I did, everything I put you two through—"

  "Hey, stop. What you did … I don't blame you one bit. I didn't understand any of it when I held a gun on you and made you give me and Graham half of the money back. I had no idea what you were going through. And now that I do … well, what's mine is yours, man. There's no way I can stand by and watch this happen."

  Evan smiles and sticks his hand out. "Thanks, Kyle."

  "No problem." Kyle ignores Evan's hand and gives him a hug.

  "So how do you know this guy?" Evan asks. "What's this organization?"

  Kyle steps back and takes a deep breath, then launches into a story about how he met Brandon years ago online. He's the head of some BDSM organization that is apparently really well-known around the world.

  "His organization even sponsored The Daddy Games. I mean, I just emailed with the guy the other day and thanked him for all his help getting the word out. I can't believe he's involved in this," Kyle says, shaking his head. "I mean I've been to the guy's house. I've watched his demos on safe, consensual scenes. Hell, I've shared women with him—" Kyle stops short and looks over at me. "I mean … well, you know what I mean. Believe me, everyone was into it."

  "I believe you," I say, smiling at Kyle. "I'm really glad you came here with Evan. I'm so grateful for both of you right now. You have no idea."


  Kyle looks over at Brandon, who is still on the phone and is waving him over. I can't hear what they're saying once Kyle is with him, but they're both really animated. The conversation is over pretty quickly, though, and as Kyle walks back to us, he's shaking his head.

  "How'd it go?" Evan asks.

  "It's done. The guy on the phone is going to get his money by the middle of next week. That's the earliest I can make the arrangements for that amount."

  "Kyle, I can't believe you're doing this," Evan says. "I don't even know what to say."

  "You don't have to say a thing. I'm more than happy to do it."

  "Why were you shaking your head on the way back here?" I ask.

  "Oh, it's Brandon. He keeps trying to tell me that I don't understand; that there's more going on with him than I realize and that he's sick over the stuff I was saying to him."

  "Maybe he's telling the truth," Evan says. "You never know what's going on in another person's life."

  "Yeah, I don't know. I'm not too thrilled with him right about now. I still feel like I have to say something to that group." Kyle slaps Evan on the arm and flashes both of us a smile. "Okay, let's pile into the Lambo. It's gonna be a tight fit, but I think we can do it."



  Throughout most of the drive back into the city, everyone is silent. Zoe is curled up in my lap, asleep I think, and I'm pretty much speechless. I can't believe what Kyle has done for the two of us.

  "So what are your plans now?" Kyle asks, his eyes on the road in front of him.

  "I don't know. I was gonna take Zoe to Mexico and hide out for a while. But now—"

  "Now you're not on the run. You don't have to go anywhere, man." I can feel Kyle's head turn toward me and when I look over at him, he's smiling.

  "That's true," I say smiling back. "Really, I can't thank you enough—"

  "Hey, you already have. But you haven't answered my question. Do you have any plans? Business-wise and all that?"

  I furrow my brow and squint my eyes at Kyle. I have no idea where this conversation is headed. "Well, I'm gonna have to find a job. I'm guessing I'm no longer a partner in our company, after the whole felony embezzlement thing."

  Kyle laughs. "You can forget about all that. I am more than cool with you staying on. But the company doesn't look much like it did before you left."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, Graham and I had to do some pretty fancy footwork to replace the money you stole. We didn't have enough to pay our bills or the employees or anything."

  "Jesus, don't remind me. I feel like a total jackass."

  "No, that's not why I'm telling you this. What I'm saying is, that whole sex reality show idea, it really panned out. Way better than we expected. We raked in more during that one week than our best six months when we were doing consulting. I've been working on some ideas too. I want to make the next one even bigger, involving a lot more people and at a much better venue." He looks over at me again. "You interested?"

  "You're serious? You want me to come back to the firm, or whatever it is now? After everything? What's Graham gonna say?"

  "Dude, I seriously can't wait to see his face when I tell him. You've gotta be there with me. It's gonna be awesome."

  "Yeah, as long as he doesn't kill me first."

  "Don't worry; he doesn't even own a gun."

  "Oh, well, that's a relief," I say with a laugh. "What about Zoe?"

  "If she's into it she can totally work with us. She would have won. I mean, co-won, along with Aubrey. You know that, don't you?"

  "So this Aubrey girl won the whole thing instead?"

  "Yeah. The money and … well, you know."

  "Actually, I don't. What did she win?"

  "Oh, come on," Kyle said. "You're really gonna
make me say it?"

  "Yes," I say, nodding my head to add emphasis. "Look, I was pretty preoccupied with trying not to get killed during that whole thing. I didn't read the contest rules in the fine print when I looked at the site."

  Kyle lifts his hands up off the steering wheel. "Okay! Well, the whole thing was so Graham and I could find some very compatible chicks. That was how the whole thing got started in the first place. Sort of like an audition. It just went in a bit of a different direction when we found out we needed some fast money. But the grand prize stayed the same."

  "So, the two of you? You were the prizes?"

  "Well, when you say it like that it doesn't sound as good as it does in my head," Kyle says with a big smile. "But yeah. Anyway, that's not the point. What I'm saying is Zoe is good. She was really popular with the viewers. So whatever she wants to contribute is fine with me."

  "So she would have won you? Is that what you're saying?"

  Kyle actually turns red at this point. I've never seen him squirm like this before and I almost start laughing.

  "Hey! I didn't even know who she was at the time. But, yeah, that's what her prize would have been. Are you pissed?"

  Part of me wants to keep him sweating, but I know it's mean, especially after everything he's done for me today.

  "Nah, I'm not mad. You know that's not why I made her quit. I was just afraid that Bellini asshole would see her and figure out how to find her."

  "That's the whole reason?" Kyle asks. I don't say anything for a moment. I get the feeling he knows something he's not telling me.

  "No, it's not the whole reason."

  "Does Zoe know how you feel?" he asks, lowering his voice and glancing down at her where she's still curled up against my chest.

  I pause for a long moment, looking down and making sure her eyes are still closed. "I don't know," I say in a low voice. "I've pretty much gone out of my way to make sure no one knew. I mean it's a little messed up. She's my goddaughter. She's been my responsibly for a long time. You're not supposed to fall in love with someone you're taking care of."

  "I don't think there's any rules for this sort of thing, dude." Kyle drives in silence for a while. "I think you should tell her."

  * * *

  Kyle takes us to the hotel and we get our stuff together. Luckily, they left our room the way it was, even though we were only booked through that morning. I go to the office and pay for the extra time, then Kyle takes us back to my place.

  Throughout this last month, with all the hotel-hopping I did, I honestly didn't think I'd ever see my house again. I wasn't even sure when or if I'd be able to come back to the country with those goons looking for me and Zoe. But now, thanks to Kyle, all that stress and pressure is gone.

  "Look, Kyle, I don't know how long it's going to take me, but I'm going to pay you back."

  "Just come work with us again. I'll find plenty of jobs for you to do."

  "So we're in the sex industry now? No more advertising or web design?"

  "Oh, there's still plenty of that. Just in a different demographic. I think you'll get the hang of it really fast."

  I shake Kyle's hand and he pulls me in for a hug. When he steps back, Zoe runs up and throws her arms around his neck.

  "Thank you for everything, Kyle," she says. "You're an amazing person."

  "Hey, just doing what I can to make the world a better place."

  "You cornball," I say, then slap him on the back. Kyle turns and gets in his Lamborghini, then waves before taking off down the street.

  "Let's go inside. I'll order some food," I say as I unlock the door and grab my bags.

  "Good, I'm starving."

  Zoe walks into the living room and throws her bag on the floor next to the couch. "Everything I own is nasty." Then she looks up at me like she's expecting me to say something. "I feel really gross too. I'm gonna take a shower."

  I glance at her, then down at the floor. I still don't know how to tell her how I feel, so I just skirt the subject once again. "Sure, you know where the bathroom is. We can eat when you get out."

  Now that Zoe and I are alone, I can barely look at her. I don't understand what's wrong with me. I'm never like this. Not with other women, or clients, or anyone. This isn't me at all, but suddenly I'm terrified.

  This is the most confusing and bizarre relationship I've ever had. I wish we could skip over the fact that I've practically been a father to her for the last few years, and I could hold her in my arms again. But I can't figure out how to get myself from one to the other.

  I hear Zoe turn on the guest shower and decide to take one myself. I haven't shaved or anything in a couple days and I feel like if I get myself cleaned up, then maybe my ability to act like a man who knows what he wants will come back to me.

  I head into the master bedroom and turn on the shower in there, then step in under the hot stream. I close my eyes and let the water run down my head, face, and body and try to wash away all the horror from the last month.

  I've literally been in a state of panic ever since I took the money out of the company bank accounts and tried, but failed, to pay off Griff's debt. In a matter of days, I turned into a paranoid, anxious, angry person and started behaving more like a cornered animal than a human being. I really thought my life was over. The only thing that made sense to me was doing everything in my power to keep Zoe safe.

  Now that it's all over, I'm so relieved I can barely keep myself upright. I lean against the tile wall, take deep breaths, and thank the universe that I'm finally back home.

  As I stand there, almost falling asleep against the shower wall, I hear Zoe's voice.

  "Evan?" It's low and sexy, and it fills me with a surge of longing. For a minute, I think maybe I'd nodded off, and Zoe's voice was a dream. But then I hear the shower door click, and she's standing in front of me, naked and wet from her own shower. "Can I come in?"

  I don't know what to say to her. I'm still terrified of what I'm feeling for her, but what I want more than anything in the world is to hold her in my arms. "Yes," I say. I can feel a smile curling up on one side of my mouth, and it quickly spreads across my whole face. I honestly don't know if I've ever been this happy in my life.

  The second she steps into the shower and her body is pressed up against mine, everything I've ever wanted and ever been comes rushing back. I grip her hard and push her up against the stone tile wall of the shower, pressing myself against her soft flesh.

  I look down into Zoe's eyes, and when I see the way she looks up at me, so in awe of the passion that is pouring out of me, I know that there's nothing in the world that can stop me now; nothing that can come between me and this perfect angel that I've been in love with for I-don't-even-know how long.

  I bring my face to hers, and even through the steam-filled air, I can feel the heat of her breath on me.

  I lower my mouth a bit, and let that moment just before our lips touch wash over me. I close my eyes before I let it happen, and when they do meet, it's like nothing I've ever experienced before in my life. The intensity that builds inside me is matched by the way Zoe pulls me into her. She wraps her hands around my head and almost devours me.

  "Oh God, Evan," she gasps when I move my lips down her jaw and to her neck. "I was so scared. I thought you didn't want me anywhere near you."

  I pull back and look down into Zoe's beautiful eyes. "I want you with me, Zoe. I always have. I want to protect you and take care of you, but I thought …"

  "What," she asks, holding my face in her hands.

  "I thought there was no way I could go from being your guardian to being more. I didn't think it was fair of me to ask that from you. I was afraid to tell you how I felt because I was convinced you needed a father figure more than anything, and it was selfish of me to want you all to myself."

  "I've always wanted to be with you, Evan. Always. This is like every fantasy I've ever had, and they're all coming true. You have no idea."

  I kiss Zoe again, pressing my cock into
her stomach while she wraps one of her legs around my thigh. With my tongue still deep inside her, I pick her up and hold her firmly against the wall. I want nothing more than to enter her and finally claim her, but more than that, I want to hear her come while my face is between her legs.

  After that, I'm going to slide myself inside her and fill her up like she's never been filled in her life.



  I still have my legs wrapped around Evan as he carries me backward through the bathroom and bedroom, then let go when he throws me onto the bed. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe our wet, naked bodies are on the massive, king-sized bed in his house.

  Evan has always made sure everything around him was perfect, and has always been in control of his surroundings. But now, instead of worrying about the water on the floor or the messed-up bed, he's taking control of me.

  Something has definitely changed. The way he's looking at me now, it's like a switch has been flipped and an animal has been unleashed. I've always dreamed of him looking at me like this; like nothing on Earth could stop him from ravaging every inch of my body.

  He crawls on top of me and slowly makes his way up my body, his head dipping down so that he can kiss my skin every few inches but, all the while, he keeps his eyes on mine.

  When his face is finally hovering over mine, his lips brushing gently over my sensitive skin, he smiles his sexy, crooked smile. "You're amazing," he says, his eyes wide and dark. "Everything about you, Zoe. You're perfect."

  "Really?" I ask. I can feel my eyes glazing over with tears; the happiest tears I've ever cried in my life. "I've wanted to hear you say that for so long, Evan."

  "I've felt this way for a long time. I just didn't know how to tell you …"


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