Entangled Love

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Entangled Love Page 7

by Jessica Gray

  Mandy grabbed her jacket, “Sure Victor. Why don’t you let me handle dinner when I get back? My cousin is the manager over at Il Bistro, the new Italian place. They deliver and if I called them this morning, I bet they could put together some sort of buffet scenario.”

  Victor gave Mandy a one armed hug as he told her, “That sounds perfect.” Looking down into her face, he saw the spark enter her eyes and just barely resisted the urge to find out if her lips felt as soft as they looked. Seeing his attraction mirrored on her face, he told her, “Once these bumps in this project are smoothed out, I want to take you out.”

  “Like, on a real date?” Mandy licked her suddenly dry lips, and watched his eyes rack her movements. She had been attracted to Victor from the moment she had walked into the office, but had patiently been waiting on him to make the first move. They had bantered back and forth, and lately he had taken to touching her whenever possible. She didn’t mind, and was coming to crave his little touches. They made her feel special. Now he had finally asked her out, but she wanted to make sure it was for pleasure, and not just another business meeting.

  “Yes, on a real date. You. Me. No phones. No taking notes. No business. Just you and I getting to know one another. What do you say?” Victor watched her lick her lips again and felt his body start to respond. Stepping away from her, he started walking backwards while he waited for her response. The more distance he could put between himself and her right now, the safer things would be.

  Mandy watched him walk away, and shyly nodded, “I’d like that, a lot.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.” He gave her a grin, accompanied by a wink, and then was gone around the corner.

  Mandy took a moment to let her racing heart settle and then headed for the elevator. The deli was her first order of business, then arranging dinner, and then maybe she could find a few minutes to daydream and enjoy what had just happened.


  “Guys, I don’t know about you all, but I’m done for the night. I’ve already sent the rest of the team home, and Mandy is doing some light cleanup from what’s left of dinner. The restaurant people picked up their service item over an hour ago.”

  Evelyn glanced at the clock on the wall, shocked to see it was almost midnight. Looking at Victor, she could see how tired he was, “Vic, go. I’m almost finished here myself and I just want to check each part of the package over one last time to make sure we didn’t miss anything and then I’m heading home as well.”

  Michael came back into the conference room, catching the end of the conversation. “Man, go, and take that little receptionist home as well. She’s dead on her feet and not moving real fast,” he said chuckling. In truth, she had been almost asleep, leaning her head on her hands folded over her desk and hadn’t heard him re-enter the office. He had startled her and she had barely managed to contain her scream.

  Victor turned to Evelyn and could see that she still had some energy left. He hated leaving her to work alone in the building after hours. “Evelyn, why don’t you come too? I’ll take you home and we can both come back in first thing in the morning and check things over.”

  Evelyn shook her head; she needed to finish this now. Tomorrow would be too late if something was missing. “Vic, I’m fine. It will only take me another thirty minutes or so to check everything over and then I’ll leave. Let security know I’m still up here on your way out, will ya?” Turning to Michael, she said, “Don’t worry about the package being ready. I’ll leave it on your desk and you can look it over in the morning.”

  Michael got the distinct feeling that he was being dismissed and didn’t like it one bit. This was his project too and he would never sleep tonight if he wasn’t sure it was ready for the investors. “I’ll just stay if you don’t mind. I won’t sleep until I know the package is ready to go.” Turning to Victor, he nodded at the door once again, “Get out of here. I’ll make sure she leaves in the next half hour.”

  Victor looked at both Evelyn and Michael, trying to decide if it was safe to leave them alone in the office. Michael’s treatment of Evelyn had continued to be cold and impersonal, and he had yet to provide Evelyn an opportunity to apologize. Maybe they were both so tired; they would let their guards down enough and get things out in the open. He could hope.

  “Fine. I’ll see you both in the morning. Evelyn, thirty minutes and no longer. Got it?”

  Evelyn gave Victor a mock salute, “Yes, Sir.” She promptly went back to looking through the various pages in the project portfolio and didn’t even look up when Victor popped his head back in and said “Goodnight.”

  Thirty minutes later, Evelyn laid the portfolio down and stretched her arms above her head. Suddenly, she was more tired than ever. The package was perfectly put together and Mandy would have plenty of time to make the appropriate number of copies in the morning. Scribbling a note on a sticky pad, she attached the number of copies needed to the top page of the portfolio and placed it on Mandy’s desk.

  Stretching one more time, she started turning off lights as she headed to retrieve her jacket and purse. When she got to the conference room, she saw Michael still working on his computer. “I’m finished and heading home for the night. Shall I tell security what time you’ll be leaving?”

  Michael glanced up and immediately saw the effect the long day had taken on Evelyn. She looked dead on her feet and more beautiful than ever. A desire to hold her and ease the tiredness from her took hold of him, and his voice was gentle and caring when he asked her, “Are you going to be okay to drive home tonight?”

  It was the first time Michael had spoken to her without the distant coldness in his voice, and it immediately brought back memories of other times, before he had left, when he had spoken to her. She had loved hearing his voice and had often closed her eyes when Victor and he were discussing things, just to hear him speak. The tenor of his voice did something to her insides, and hearing it again, after being starved for the sound for so long, brought tears to her eyes.

  Blinking rapidly, she turned and headed down the hallway, “I’ll be fine. It’s only a fifteen minute drive.” Retrieving her things, she was surprised to see him waiting for her in the hallway, the remaining lights in the office already turned off, or down. Gesturing for her to precede him to the elevator, she walked in front of him, ready for this day to end.

  Michael allowed her to enter the elevator first, and was silent, watching her from beneath his lashes as the lift began it’s descent. Inside the confines of the small space, the scent of her shampoo and perfume was impossible to escape and brought back memories of before. Before he could stop himself, he found his hand reaching for her hair and smoothing it back behind her ear.

  At Michael’s touch, Evelyn froze. His touch was so familiar, yet so foreign. The urge to rub her head into his hand was strong. Too tired to fight her body’s responses, she gave into the impulse and leaned her head into his touch.

  At Evelyn’s compliance, Michael reached for her, turning her around and into his arms. Running his eyes over her face, he smoothed the hair back from the other side of her head and lowered his head. The moment their lips touched, it was like adding a spark to dry kindling.

  Evelyn wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. She was immediately transported back to the night of her graduation party and their one and only kiss. This was way better than she remembered. He tasted of coffee and butterscotch and his lips were driving her crazy.

  Michael kissed her lips, her cheeks, her eyelids, ending up with his mouth roving the curve of her jaw, headed towards the sensitive spot where her head and neck met. Not wanting to break the mood, but realizing that the elevator ride was about to end, he whispered in her ear, “Come back to the hotel with me?”

  Evelyn was so caught up in the feelings he was arousing in her, she didn’t even try to think, she just moaned her agreement and brought his lips back to her own. When the elevator door opened, Michael released her and wrapped an arm around her, keeping her close in c
ase she changed her mind.

  The security officer had seen the elevator begin its descent and called a cab. As Michael and Evelyn exited the building, they found a taxi waiting for them. Michael quickly ushered her into the cab and then turned her towards him and hugged her close. Giving the driver the name of the hotel, he then proceeded to find the sweet spot behind her ear that drew another moan from her.

  Whether it was the late hour, or just the weeks of being near her and yet not being able to touch her, Michael completely forgot his reasons for keeping her at arm’s length, and allowed his inner demons to run free.

  After getting her back to his hotel room, he proceeded to make sweet love to the only woman who had ever owned his heart. Evelyn had been shyly responsive, a testament to her inexperience in the art of lovemaking. Michael made sure to take her to the top of the mountain, and was in awe as he watched her fall off the precipice.

  As they both came down, reality began to set in. Evelyn was content to snuggle in Michael’s arms, and when she gave his chest a kiss and wrapped her arms around him tightly, it was if cold water had been thrown in Michael’s face.

  The reality of what had just happened was a bitter companion and Michael’s anger and resentment for the past rose to the surface.

  The Arrangement

  Feeling the tension invade Michael’s body, Evelyn pushed herself up and pulled the sheet around her to offer protection. Sleeping with Michael had been the most beautiful experience of her life, not that she had many to compare it to. The two men she had allowed such liberties had been more friend than lover in her mind, and the result of sleeping with them, had done nothing to change that opinion. Neither episode had been deemed worthy of repeating by either her or the gentlemen in question. By mutual consensus, no more dates had been scheduled and Evelyn had been fine with that.

  Michael grabbed his boxers and quickly donned them upon leaving the bed. He noticed that Evelyn averted her eyes the entire time and smirked at the blush that stained her cheeks. After what had just happened, how could she still be embarrassed?

  Retrieving the courtesy robe from the bathroom, he handed it to her and then turned his back, allowing her a small measure of privacy to put it on. Evelyn took the offered robe and gratefully pulled it around her, tying the belt. It appeared that what had been a wonderful experience to her, was being deemed a mistake by Michael. Well that was fine, she would gather her clothes up and go home. Her heart couldn’t stand another disappointment right now.

  Searching around for her clothes, Michael turned and watched her gather them all up. He followed her as she searched the living area, finally locating her other sock and her shoes. As she turned to enter the bathroom, he stopped her, “Evelyn, we need to talk about what just happened.”

  Evelyn stopped, but didn’t turn around, “Do we? I don’t think so. We’re both tired, and things got out of control. Now, I’m going to get dressed and then get out of your hair so we can both get some much needed sleep.” Evelyn was proud that she had been able to deliver her response with a controlled voice. She needed her wits around her and if she allowed herself to dwell on what had just happened she was liable to fall apart. The last thing she wanted to do was let Michael see her cry.

  Taking a step towards her, Michael reached out and tried to turn her around to face him, “Evelyn, we really need to talk about this.” Feeling her stiffen beneath his hand, he dropped his arm and took a step back.

  Evelyn swallowed, but turned and looked at him, “Michael, we’re both tired right now. I need some sleep and so do you…”

  “What just happened can’t be ignored.”

  “Fine. Talk.”

  Michael took a step towards her, and reached up to push her hair behind her ear again. “What just happened was awesome. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually enjoyed sex with a woman enough to want a repeat. I want a repeat with you.”

  Evelyn wasn’t quite sure where he was going with this. Making love with Michael had been one of the best experiences of her life…Wait a minute! Sex – he called what had just happened sex?

  “Michael, I …”

  Holding a finger up to silence her, he continued, “I’d like to continue seeing you while I’m here.”

  Evelyn was getting thoroughly confused. While he was here? Wasn’t he scheduled to leave in a few days time? “I don’t understand. I thought you were leaving this weekend.”

  “David called me this afternoon to check on our progress and has asked me to stay here and managed the project to completion. I’ll be securing office space next week and looking for more permanent housing as well.”

  Evelyn was floored and overjoyed by his news. Michael wasn’t leaving! But Michael wasn’t giving her the warm and fuzzy vibes she always assumed would come with a romantic relationship. “So you’re going to be sticking around? That’s great.”

  Michael watched the thoughts filter across her face. She should never play cards; she would give herself away immediately. He saw the hope bloom in her eyes and jumped to stop it in its tracks. “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page. While I really enjoyed having sex with you, and am looking forward to repeating the experience, I’m not looking for a relationship right now.”

  Evelyn’s mouth dropped open as his words registered. He wanted to continue sleeping with her, but they weren’t going to have a relationship?

  When he saw the shock cross her face, he decided to push his agenda and gain her compliance. “I would love to spend more time with you, after work and our other commitments are finished up for the day. I do have a few boundaries that I would like to discuss with you. First, I don’t believe in letting women sleep over. I don’t care if we use your house, or you come to mine, but I find it works better when we each go our separate ways afterwards. Keep the entanglements to a minimum.”

  Evelyn heard the words he was saying and couldn’t believe they were coming from Michael; the Michael she had grown up knowing. Who was this cynical man who believed it was okay to have sex with someone for the sake of sating their bodies physical desires, but emotion and commitment weren’t part of the package? The Michael she had known before would have never acted this way?

  “Michael, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I don’t sleep around. I think you probably figured that out on your own, but what you’re suggesting sounds like sex between strangers. Are we allowed to be friends in you little scenario? Can we grab a bite to eat together after work? Or do you just envision us showing up at the end of the day to service each other’s accounts and then going about our business?”

  Michael could see that Evelyn was getting upset. He shut down any part of himself that cared, and forged ahead. “I’m glad you understand what I’m suggesting. We were good together in bed, and since I’m not looking or a relationship right now, and you have your hands full with the current project, it’s the perfect solution. We will both have an available outlet for our sexual frustration without the stress or burden of a relationship.”

  “So, let me see if I get this right. We aren’t going to be friends. We aren’t going to have a relationship. We’re just going to jump each other’s bones whenever the mood strikes.”

  “Don’t be vulgar. The sex between us was amazing and you know it was. Tell me you don’t want to repeat the experience.”

  “Right now? Never again. I don’t do sex without the emotions. The Michael I used to know wouldn’t be able to handle sex without the emotions either. I think you’re lying to me and to yourself.” Turning around, Evelyn entered the bathroom. Closing the door, she secured the lock and then leaned upon the sink for a moment, swallowing to keep the tears at bay.

  After cleaning up and dressing, she sat on the edge of the tub and looked at herself in the mirror for a long time. Michael had turned a beautiful experience into something tawdry and disgusting. She replayed his words and they didn’t ring true. The longer she sat there thinking, the more she came to the conclusion that Michael was trying to keep her
close, but wasn’t quite ready to admit he still had feelings for her.

  So, what to do about it? She could walk away and hope that he would eventually come after her, but that hadn’t worked before and probably wouldn’t work now. Or, she could stay and try to play things his way, allowing him time to come to terms with his feelings. Could her heart handle the situation in the meantime? She hoped so.

  Leaving the bathroom, she found Michael sitting on the couch, flipping thru the t.v. channels. Joining him, but sitting in the side chair, she clasped her hands together and looked him in the eye, “Okay, I agree to your terms.”

  Michael tried to hide the shock and quickly lowered his eyes to his feet. He had been sure she would tell him to take a flying leap and had been trying to convince himself that it wouldn’t matter to him either way. He also wondered that he wasn’t more thrilled with her agreement. He was the one who had suggested the arrangement, and it was what he wanted. Wasn’t it?


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