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Entangled Love

Page 12

by Jessica Gray

  “Henry? I didn’t know you too were that close,” Victor told her.

  “Nothing romantic, at least I don’t think so. Anyway, he has business meetings in New York and thought maybe I would like to fly up there with him and see a show Saturday afternoon. We would be returning Sunday morning so I would only be out of the office Friday.”

  “This coming weekend? Isn’t that kind of short notice for this type of a trip?”

  Evelyn nodded, “He’s involved in some sort of charity fundraiser and their annual meeting is Friday morning in Manhattan.”

  “I take it your thinking about going, then?”

  Evelyn smiled and nodded, “I think I just might. A change of scenery might be nice right about now.”

  Victor scratched his chin and shrugged his shoulders before saying, “Well, will you at least talk with Michael before you go. If you don’t intend to let him back into your life, tell him that. I think you’re making a huge mistake, but it’s your life. Listen to him so that he can get on with his life.”

  “I’ll think about it.”


  Michael saw Victor go into Evelyn’s office and followed him after he exited. “Did you talk to her?”

  Victor glanced at Michael and nodded, “I did. She said she would think about it. My advice, give her some space. She’s going out of town this weekend. Back off a little and try talking to her again when she gets back.”

  “She’s going out of town? Where’s she going?”

  Victor sat down behind his desk before answering, “She’s going to New York.”

  Michael was stunned, to his knowledge she wasn’t working on a project for anyone in New York, and he knew she didn’t have any family there. “Why’s she going to New York?”

  “Just for the fun of it. She’s going to a show and she’ll be back sometime Sunday, I think.”

  Michael pondered that for a moment. It was really unlike Evelyn to go places by herself. “She’s going by herself?”

  Victor looked up in amazement, “Evelyn, go to New York by herself? Are you crazy? No, she’s going with Henry. He has to attend some fundraising annual meeting and invited her along.”

  Just like that, Michael saw red. What was it with this guy? Every time Michael thought he and Evelyn might have a chance, Henry Taylor popped back into the equation like a bad penny. Michael turned on his heel and headed for Evelyn’s office, ignoring Victor’s “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” admonition.

  Pushing open her office door, he entered and began speaking, “Why are you going to New York with Henry?” Realizing that his voice was raised and not very pleasant, he took a breath and tried again, “Evie, if you want to go to New York, I would be happy to take you there.”

  Evelyn finished her phone call with Henry, she had just finished telling him she was good to go on Friday when Michael came barging in. Now he was demanding she account for her decision to take a trip. “Michael, it’s common courtesy to knock and wait to be invited into one’s office.”

  Waving her correction off, he approached her desk, sitting on the edge of one of the seats positioned in front of it, “Evelyn, why are you running off to New York with Henry? We need to talk. I’ve tried and Victor…”

  Stopping him with her hand, she stood and didn’t even make an attempt to control her anger, “Stop right there! That was low even for you, having Victor plead your case. Henry asked by to accompany him to New York this weekend, and I’m going to go. I’ve always wanted to see a real Broadway Show and now I can.”

  “But Evelyn, what about us?”

  Coming around her desk, she opened her office door, intending to shove him out of it if need be. “There is no ‘us.’ There’s you leaving my office. And then there’s me going to New York.”

  “Victor said you were going to think about sitting down and talking to me,” Michael had to make her see reason. If she went off with Henry, he might never get a chance to make things right.

  “Will you leave if I promise to think about it?” gesturing again to the open door. Evelyn had work to do and no time for this today.

  Michael headed towards the door, stopping in front of her and looking down into her eyes, “You promise you’ll think about it?”

  Evelyn nodded, “I promise.” She hid her smile as Michael left her office.

  “When?” Michael asked before she could shut the door.

  Sighing, Evelyn asked, “When what?”

  “When do think you’ll have an answer?” Michael knew he was pushing it, but couldn’t back off. Too much was at stake.

  Evelyn shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know Michael, probably when I get back next week.”

  Michael moved as if to re-enter her office and she blocked him by standing in the doorway. “Evelyn, please don’t go to New York before you give me a chance to talk to you. Please don’t do that.”

  Evelyn couldn’t believe the Michael was begging her. She almost faltered in her resolve to make him suffer, but then thought of the three years she had waited for him to come back home, and closed her emotions off. Shaking her head , she replied, “I don’t know if I’ll have time to think about it before I leave, but if I do I’ll be sure to let you know my answer, okay?”

  Seeing the look of rejection cross his face, she quickly shut the door, throwing the lock just in case he decided to plead his case some more. Michael was now getting a taste of what it felt like to want something that the other person was unwilling to give. She hoped he was enjoying it.


  Michael didn’t remember driving home, or sitting down on the couch. After leaving Evelyn’s office, he had grabbed his briefcase and left for the day. He didn’t know what else to do to convince her that he accepted her apology and needed to give her his. She wouldn’t listen to him, and now she was headed off on a romantic weekend with Henry.

  He turned on the TV. and stared blankly at the screen. His boss had called earlier and told him the project would be wrapping up next week. He had been offered a partnership with the company, but had told David that he needed the weekend to think about it. He had hoped to work things out with Evelyn and then take Victor up on his offer of looking at joining DFJ as a co-owner again.

  Victor wanted him back on board, but Michael wouldn’t do so if he and Evelyn couldn’t get their stuff together. It would bad for the business and too hard on his heart. Not knowing what else to do, he closed his eyes and tried not to think of Evelyn in New York with Henry.


  Friday morning, Henry arrived right on time to pick Evelyn up for their trip. His meeting was in the early afternoon, and they had a three hour drive ahead of them and had decided to get an early start.

  Evelyn was excited about going, but as the hour drew nearer for Henry to arrive, she had begun to have doubts. She hadn’t seen Michael since the encounter in her office, and Mandy told her yesterday that he hadn’t been in to work in two days.

  Evelyn knew his project was almost finished, and hoped that no setbacks had occurred to jeopardize its completion. When she had asked Victor about it, he said everything was on schedule and he hadn’t heard from Michael either, but not to worry. He’d check on him today and she should go enjoy herself.

  Now that Henry was standing on the front porch, waiting on her to open the door, she hesitated. She didn’t love Henry, and there wasn’t even a slight amount of attraction towards him on her part. If she were being truthful, she loved Michael. She had always loved Michael, and probably always would. She was angry at the circumstances that had derailed their future together, but that didn’t mean she had to leave things that way.

  Victor had told her she needed to be honest with herself and figure out if making Michael pay was really worth it. That thought had kept her up most of the night, and her conclusion was that nothing was worth watching someone you cared for suffer. She could end both of their suffering by sitting down and honestly talking with him. It’s what he wanted.

  When the doorbell ran
g again, she knew what she had to do. She was going to get her life and dreams back on track.


  Michael heard the distant ring of the doorbell, but didn’t immediately register that it was his bell ringing. He had fallen asleep in front of the TV sometime in the wee hours of the morning after giving up any hope that Evelyn would call him before leaving.

  Glancing at the clock, he saw that it was only 7 a.m and he wondered who could be ringing his doorbell this early on a weekday morning. The religious types didn’t usually come around until 10 or 11. He hadn’t buzzed anyone up, so it must be someone who lived in the building.

  Opening the door, he was greeted to the sight of Evelyn standing there, arms wrapped around herself with a tentative smile on her face. “Hi.”

  Clearing his throat, he looked around for Henry, “Where’s Henry and why are you on my threshold? And how did you get up here?”

  Evelyn swallowed not sure which question to answer first. “The doorman recognized me. I kind of lied and told him it was your birthday and I wanted to surprise you. He let me up.”

  Michael let his eyes wander over her features. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

  When he didn’t say anything, she continued, “Henry’s on his way to New York. I didn’t go. I couldn’t.”

  “You couldn’t?” asked Michael, hope blooming in his chest once again.

  Evelyn shook her head. Looking around, she asked, “Could I come in?”

  Stepping back hurriedly, Michael opened the door wider, allowing her to step inside. He trailed after her as she wandered further into the living space before turning to look at him. “Michael, I did some thinking, and we have to stop hurting each other.”

  “Evie, I never meant to hurt you. Will you let me explain about that day three years ago?” Michael stood only a few inches away from her as he finished speaking.

  Evelyn reached up and placed her hand along his jaw line, letting her eyes take in his features. “Michael, you don’t have to explain. I need to tell you how I really feel though. I’ve loved you for so long, that….”

  Michael didn’t give her a chance to continue, pulling her to his chest, he sealed her mouth with his own. When he ran out of breath, he murmured, “I love you too. Never leave me again.” Not waiting for her reply, he captured her mouth again and started walking her backwards, toward the couch.

  When she nearly tripped and fell, he broke the kiss and looked down to see what she had tripped upon. Evelyn followed his gaze and then pulled away from his arms to retrieve the stack of books and small box sitting near them.

  Glancing up at him, she took them and sat on the couch. “Our yearbooks? What are these doing here?”

  Michael swallowed, nervous and slightly afraid of looking foolish, “I stopped and picked some things up from my mom and dad’s last time I visited your father.”

  Evelyn looked back up, “The last time? How many times have you been out to see him?”

  Michael sat down on the couch next to her, and took her hand in his, “I’ve been going out a couple of times a week. He’s trying to get things together, and he’s doing really well. He has a new girlfriend and he hasn’t gambled in almost a year now.”

  Evelyn felt tears fill her eyes and sadness that she hadn’t known about her dad’s progress. “I didn’t know.”

  Michael wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her close, “Its okay. He understands. Maybe one of these days you can come with me when I go to visit him. I know he’d love to see you.”

  Evelyn sniffed back her tears and nodded, “I’d like that.” Turning her attention back to the items in her hands, she started looking through them, “I can’t believe you were looking through our old yearbooks. And why do you still have this silly thing?” holding up a plastic carnation she had given him for his lapel. He and Victor had been her companions at most school dances, and she had presented them with plastic carnations to wear instead of spending money on flowers that would wilt and die.

  They had laughed together, and he and Victor had never forgotten to wear their carnation. They had always provided her with a fresh arrangement, designed and color coordinated to her outfit.

  “I’ve been looking at these things, trying to figure out how to get you back.”

  Evelyn looked at him, “Michael you never lost me. I don’t think you could.” Abandoning the books, she threw her arms around him and kissed with all of the love she could.

  Michael pulled her close and kissed her back. Several minutes later, he pushed her away and stood up. “We need to talk first. I love you. I’ve loved you for so long, but let anger and my own stupid pride get in the way. “

  “I…,” she began, only to have him shush her.

  “Let me finish, and then I’ll listen. I’m so sorry for the way I’ve treated you. You should probably never speak to me again, but I hope you’ll forgive me. If you do, I’m going to spend the rest of my days making it up to you.”

  Standing up, Evelyn approached him, hoping that the love in her heart was showing on her face and in her eyes, “Michael, we’ve done enough apologizing. We’ve both handled things so badly, but we’re here now. We’re on the other side. I’ll forgive you, if you’ll forgive me for what happened three years ago that started this whole thing.”

  Michael nodded and smiled, “That sounds like a plan.” When she reached for him, he held her away, saying, “We still have something else to talk about. My boss offered me a partnership in the company upon my return. The project here will be finished up next week. However, that’s not the only offer on the table. Victor talked to me, and has offered me a chance to rejoin DFJ - with your approval of course.”

  Evelyn started nodding even before he finished speaking. Ignoring his attempt to keep her at arm’s length, she wrapped her arms around him and took his mouth in a kiss designed to demonstrate her agreement.

  In between kisses, Michael asked, “I take it you are fine with me coming on board?”

  Evelyn didn’t answer, just nodded.

  Michael wrapped her in a hug and held her close. Victor had been right; things were going to work out just fine.


  “So, Michael’s driving back tonight?” Victor asked as he and Evelyn sat around the conference table looking at new proposals.

  Evelyn absently nodded, “Yeah. The moving company is following him up here in a few days so he has to find a house pretty quickly. I don’t imagine we’ll see him in the office before next week.”

  Victor watched her for a minute before he asked, “Are you going to be looking at houses with him?”

  Evelyn looked up before answering. “He wants me to. And part of me wants that, but the other part of me wants to make sure things are going to work out before taking that step.”

  Victor nodded, he had just asked Mandy to move in with the weekend before, and she was still thinking about it. When it came to relationships, each one had its own pace and rules. “Where is he staying while he finds a house?”

  Evelyn smiled, “Where else? With me. Maybe if we cohabitate for a few days, it will help me make up my mind. I could get used to waking up next to him, you know?”

  Victor nodded, he did know. Waking up without Mandy beside him ruined his morning. “Well, I’m just glad you both finally got it together. This company needs Michael business expertise, especially if we’re looking at expanding into the international market.”

  Evelyn looked at the proposals set before them. All but one of them was outside the US boundaries, opening up a whole new world of possibilities. Having Michael on board would be a huge asset, with his experience on foreign soil.

  “It looks like we’re about to embark on lots of new things around here,” Evelyn told Victor. She looked out the window, and instead of seeing the high-rise buildings and mountains in the distance, she saw a world full of possibilities, love, and happiness. It may have been a long journey to reach this place, but the entanglements of love had paid off
and she was anxious to reap their rewards.

  Other Books by Jessica Gray

  Destroyed Dreams

  Melissa Taylor is a bitter, young, divorce attorney who no longer believes in happily ever after and would gladly support an initiative to make marriage illegal.

  Robert Cooper has allowed life to defeat him. A bad relationship has taken all of the fight from him and he’s allowed his dreams to slip away.

  When the two meet, the sparks fly. The only thing they have in common is their dislike of all things relationship oriented. Can they find common ground? Is the concept of love dead or has it just been buried beneath the circumstances of their lives?


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