So I'm A Double Threat
Page 7
“Seven down is seafloor spreading,” Steph calls out.
“Duh, I can’t believe I didn’t get that one.” I shake my head, disappointed. Even though we share our work, we’re still pretty competitive.
“Okay, I’m done.” Steph throws her books down and stands.
“Are you kidding me?” I burst out. “Sit your booty back down, we’ve got a ton of math.”
“Damn, boss. Chill. I got it figured out,” Keesh informs us. “Alright. Steph, you do one through ten. Meggie, you do eleven through twenty, and I’ll do the rest.”
Steph puts some music on and we all get started. It sucks not having Amy here. We all have to do more work. How the hell is she doing it on her own? We haven’t done our homework by ourselves since sixth grade. Damn, is a boyfriend worth all that homework? Do I even have to ask? This is Alex we’re talking about. If he was mine, I’d do all my homework and his. Okay, let’s not got carried away again…but I’d at least do mine, all by myself.
I only get to number fourteen before my mind starts to wonder. There is a lot to think about. Amy seems to be getting more and more distant, while her boyfriend is becoming more of a friend to me. Alex actually texted me before practice today to wish me luck. How sweet. Ben continues to be a flirt and then today, just as planned, I got the chance to speak to Eric during sixth period.
All day long, I had tried to figure out a way to get his attention. Then, the opportunity just fell into my lap.
I guess Ms. Gelson got sick of hearing us talk because today was the day to separate the fab four. More specifically, Ms. Gelson moved me across the freakin’ room. Why me? Steph is the loud one. She may be the nice one, but she’s loud as hell. There’s not a whisper in that big body of hers. So why was I the one who had to move?
I picked up all my stuff and stomped over to my new seat like a four year-old brat. I was pissed and I didn’t try to hide it. That is until I found out who I was going to sit next to. Yup, you guessed it…Eric. Wait. It gets better. We did one of those partner reading things with Romeo and Juliet and guess who I was paired up with? Yup, you guessed it again…Eric.
Ms. Gelson screwed up royally by moving me next to him. There was no chance I was going to be reading. No chance in hell. It’s not like she was going to notice either. Most teachers could never imagine such honest honors kids like us not doing our work. Ms. Gelson was one of them. She trusted us. What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. Besides, if she tried to call on me to report our findings, I would be able to BS a decent enough response to appease her.
“So what’s up, Eric?” I asked casually, or at least trying to sound casual. “I haven’t talked to you in so long.”
“Yeah, that’s ‘cause you’ve been too busy with those senior guys,” Eric responded coldly.
I leaned back a bit, in my chair.
“Whoa. I wasn’t expecting that,” I said, shocked by Eric’s comment.
“Sorry,” he lightened up. “I wasn’t trying to be mean.”
“It’s okay. It just sucks it looks that way. It’s mostly just Amy ‘cause she’s with Alex,” I explained.
“Huh. But aren’t you with the other guy, his friend…B.J. or D.J. or something?”
He looked down at his book and turned some pages.
I chuckled and blushed, a little.
“Are you serious?” I grinned. “His name is Ben, and no, I’m not with him. We’re just friends.”
“Well that’s good ‘cause the word is, he’s a player,” Eric said, with a glare.
That didn’t sound like Ben. A player? Ben didn’t even have a girlfriend, I had thought.
“You’re wrong on that one. Ben’s not like that. He’s not even with anyone right now,” I said, defensively.
“He might not have a girlfriend, Meg, but he has lots of friends,” Eric said, scrunching his face between his brows.
Weird. Ben had never mentioned any girls.
But then again, why would he?
“Anyway, enough about Ben. Whatcha been up to?” I asked.
“Nothing really…just school stuff, but I’m trying out for soccer today, you?” Eric seemed more relaxed now and looked at me with interest.
My eyes widened. “Really?” I squealed. “I’m trying out too. Keesh and I both are.”
Our classmates looked up at us and Eric leaned in to whisper. “It’s supposed to be pretty tough. They only have a few spots on varsity but my game’s up so I think I’ve gotta shot.”
Eric smiled as he talked about soccer. You could tell he loves it.
“Aww, Eric, you’ve got mad skills…you’ll totally make varsity.” I put my hand on his arm. “Then, you’ll have tons of girls calling you.”
He gazed at me, put his head down, and said softly, “There’s only one girl I want to call me.”
He peeked up at me quickly and then lowered his eyes.
My mouth dropped. What was that supposed to mean?
Ms. Gelson interrupted our reunion. She passed out our homework and led a discussion on the day’s reading, until the bell finally rang.
Eric and I walked out of class together. We both just looked down, not knowing what to say.
The girls were outside waiting for me. I was one of the last ones out of the classroom since I now sat in the back.
“Hey, ladies,” the voice sounded familiar.
Before I knew it, Ben had come up from behind. He put one arm around my shoulder and the other around Steph’s. Alex came along and swept up Amy. He gave me a quick smile before walking away. Ben stared Eric down, then nudged us and we all began to head for the doors.
I looked back at Eric and smiled. I felt like crap. It seemed so rude to just leave him hanging there. I shouldn’t have let Ben step in and pull me away.
However, Ben seemed pretty amused by the whole thing. He knew exactly what he was doing.
I looked back again and Eric shouted, “Meg, remember what I said.”
I looked at him confused.
Which part?
As I walk home from Steph’s, after a long night of sharing homework, I get a text from Alex.
Hey Soccr Stud. Hows practice??
I smile. Alex is thinking about me.
Good. My legs r stl shakin. I only fell OMA 1 time.
LOL. Whr r u?
Walking home 4rm Stephs…y?
Wanna ride?
Ok…get in.
Just as I hit send, Alex pulls up next to me.
“What the heck, stalker?” I joke. “How did you find me so fast?”
“I was on my way home, too, and I thought I saw you walking.”
I open the door, and flip the handle to move the seat forward. I toss my soccer gear and backpack in the back, and slide in the front passenger seat.
“Well, I’m glad you did. I don’t know if these legs of mine could’ve made it home. I can’t even imagine how many miles we ran today. I was ready to quit after the first two. I swear they’re trying to kill us.”
Alex chuckles, and starts to drive away. “You’ll be okay, it’s just gonna take a few days to get used to. You should drink lots of water when you get home so your muscles won’t be so sore tomorrow.”
“Alex, I don’t have any muscles.”
He glances over at me with a smile. “Everyone has muscles.”
“Whatever. I doubt water is going to save me.” I try massaging my thighs.
“Just do it. For me, please. You’ll thank me, I promise,” he pleads.
“Okay. Thanks, coach.” I fling my hand over to smack him on the arm. My hand grazes his and there is instant silence. In that split second, I get the sensation of what it would be like to hold his hand.
Oh my God.
I need to say something.
Come on, Meg, say something.
“So what have you been up to? I haven’t talked to you in awhile.” I try my hardest to sound normal, but my voice quivers anyway.
I try not
to look at him, but can’t help it. I see a slight smile coming from the corner of his perfect mouth.
“I know. You and your friends are inseparable. It’s like if I want to talk to you, I’ve gotta talk to the whole tribe. I still can’t believe you were by yourself right now.” He chuckles.
“Whatever. It’s not like it’s all that easy to get your attention either.” I hope he catches my hint.
“I hear you.” He does.
We arrive at my house after I give him the play by play of turns. But I don’t get out right away. I stay and talk to Alex for just a bit more.
“So how are classes going?” he asks me.
“ASB is cool. English is okay too. Ms. Gelson expects a lot, but I’m keeping up. I’m ready to pull my hair out in science. Mrs. C has to be the most boring teacher I’ve ever had in my life.”
“What about math? Don’t you have the Mad Hatter?”
“Yeah, but why do people call him that?”
“You mean, he hasn’t spanked the markers yet?” He chuckles.
What? Spank markers?
“Uh…no, why would he spank the markers?”
“It’s this weird thing he does when he makes a mistake at the board. He says ‘malfunctioning marker’ and puts it in a box labeled ‘Mad Markers’.” It’s funny watching Alex shake his index finger at make believe markers.
“That’s nuts.”
“I know. That’s why he got his nickname.”
“Okay. Scary. Now I’m gonna have nightmares about this crazy math teacher throwing dry-erase markers at me or something.” I laugh.
“Well, call me if you can’t sleep…I’ll make you feel better.” Make me feel better? He’s torturing me with his smile right now.
Hmm. Maybe he can’t talk to me without leading me on. He sounds like he’s flirting, a little. I get the chills and goose bumps pop up all over my arms and legs.
When Alex says things like this, it gets my hopes up. And after the feeling I got when I touched his hand, no matter how slight it was, I don’t think I can handle it.
I dig deep to muster a smile. “I’ve gotta get inside. I bet my mom’s counting the seconds before she comes out here to meet you.”
“That’d be cool. I’d like to meet her.”
I look down at my clasped hands.
“Maybe some other time.” I reach to open the door.
I flip the handle on the seat and begin to dig my stuff out of the back.
“Thanks for bringing me home, Alex.” I know I’m blushing, but there is nothing I can do to stop it.
“Anytime, Megan. Bye.” He smiles, waves, and pulls away from the curb and down the street.
Why is he doing this to me? Why? Why? Why?
I run into my house, throw my stuff in my room, and run to the kitchen.
I need to drink me some water.
Chapter Eleven
Alex was right. The water worked and after a few more days, or maybe it was a week, my body wasn’t so sore anymore. I actually made the team. Practices aren’t as intense as try-outs were so I’m surviving. Barely. But hey…I’m surviving.
I feel like I miss so much while I’m at practice though. Phone calls for one thing. I feel naked on the soccer field without my cell. As soon as it’s over, I make a mad dash to finish my homework so I can return all my calls.
“Speak on it,” Ben shouts into the phone.
Seriously, this is how he answers the phone. Whatever happened to hello? Doesn’t that work anymore? I don’t know, but the whole I’m too cool speak on it bull is just stupid.
“Hey, Ben. What’s up? I had a missed call from you.”
It was weird for Ben to be calling so early. It kind of worries me. He usually doesn’t call until late, until I’m getting ready for bed. I wonder what’s going on.
“Did you just get home from practice?”
“Yeah, just barely. I hate practicing. Our first game doesn’t seem like it’ll ever get here. And I still have a stupid paper to write for English.”
“I know, practices suck, huh? At least you don’t practice year round or have games on Friday nights, like football.”
I consider it.
“Whatever. I would love games on Fridays. I wouldn’t have to go to school the next day. Besides, you know you like the after parties.”
“Those aren’t so bad, huh?” I can almost see his grin through the phone line. “That’s how I met you.”
“Awww…how cute.” Sarcasm is the only thing that comes to mind after hearing him say something like that.
“Seriously, Megan. It’s cool I met you.”
What’s up with Ben? Is he dying or something?
“Oh, I’m glad we met too.”
“That was a cool night.” Ben chuckles, quietly. “You know, I thought we were gonna…”
Ben is silent.
Gonna what?
I wait. Still, silence.
“Ben? You there? You thought we were gonna what?” He can’t just start a sentence like that and not finish.
“Uhhh. I thought we were gonna…gonna hook up.” He finally spits it out, but so softly it’s as if he’s telling me a secret. “Weird huh?”
“Yeah, right.” I can’t believe he’s saying this. “I’m not even your type.” I don’t know where that comes from, but I had to say something.
“Oh, and what’s my type?” He gets defensive.
“I don’t know, but not me.” My voice screeches. “And if I am your type, why didn’t you try anything?”
“Because Alex would have kicked my ass, that’s why!”
“What? What does Alex have to do with anything?”
“Alex likes you, a lot. He thinks you’re a good kid and he thinks I’ll screw things up with you. He says you’re too good for me.”
“Really. Damn, Alex doesn’t think anyone is good enough for me.” Including him, I think to myself. “What? Am I supposed to die alone and a virgin, or what? Why are you telling me this now?” I ramble on. I can’t believe I just said the word “virgin”.
And Alex…ugh. I’m so irritated by his hold on me.
Why is Ben even saying anything? What’s the point of having this conversation? And why does Alex think he can tell people to stay away from me?
What the hell is up with that?
“I don’t know,” Ben pauses, “I guess I just wanted you to know. You’ve been hanging out with the soccer guy a lot lately. I just wanted you to know you have options.”
Options? Options?
Is he serious?
Well, he has a point. I have been hanging out with Eric a lot. He’s fun to be around. We have the same classes. We both play soccer. He doesn’t care that I suck. And I don’t have to deal with any of the older girls acting like I just stole their prized possessions like I do when they see me talking to Alex or Ben.
“Interesting, Ben.” My tone is serious, my speech slow. “What do you mean by options?”
“Uhh. Well you don’t have to hang around with the kid so much anymore. We could start hanging out more often.”
I can tell he is smiling on the other end of the line. I can hear it in his voice.
“Really. So what? I’m not the nice kid anymore? No concerns about tainting my innocence?” I giggle, trying to sound flirty.
“Meg, you’re not innocent.”
“Haha, you got me.”
“So what’s the deal with you and sir kick-a-lot anyway?” “We’re just hanging out. That’s all.”
I’m not about to give up any info. Why does Ben need to know I’ll probably hang up with him right now and call Eric. He doesn’t need to know I’ve gone out with Eric a couple of times. Just to the movies, but we’ve gone out. We’re limited because neither one of us is old enough to drive yet.
“Well maybe I’ll have to ask you to hang out too.” Ben sounds sincere. No hint of humor. I think he’s serious.
There is silence.
“Okay.” I’m intrigued, yet confused. “So are you asking?�
“How ‘bout lunch?”
“Yeah, we can leave during 4th and be back before 5th tomorrow. You in?”
“Sure, why not?” I respond, trying not to sound too excited.
“Hey, I gotta go and you still need to write your paper anyway…so see ya around.” Ben hurries off the phone.
“Late,” he says, hanging up before I even get the chance to say goodbye or discuss any details.
Wait…wait a minute. What just happened here? I thought my life was going pretty smooth. I mean, my grades are good. Quarter grades are out. I got all A’s except for a B in Spanish. Soccer is alright. I survived tryouts and actually made JV. Keesh made varsity, like I expected. Getting moved across the room in English worked out to my advantage. Eric and I have been talking a lot more. I was actually beginning to think I might get my first high school boyfriend. But now Ben has managed to throw another “option” in my love life.
I thought I liked Eric. Like, really liked him. He is so sweet. He’s always saying nice things. He doesn’t care I’m not a size two and I have some meat on my bones. We haven’t kissed or anything, not since last school year. We’ve come close but I keep holding back.
At first I thought it was because of Alex. But that isn’t it, he’s just a good friend. He’s with Amy and I’m over it. Sure, every once in a while he makes me think maybe someday, we’ll be more than just friends. But honestly, I just enjoy the time I spend talking to him on the phone or texting. It’s like I lost Amy, but got Alex in return.
Maybe I’m holding back because of Ben. I’ve never thought of Ben like that before. Not seriously anyway. Sure, we’ve flirted, but it’s always been harmless. I’ve never considered something might come of it. I just thought we were joking around. But now Ben has asked me out and I can’t help but feel little butterflies in my stomach when I think of him. I feel happy, giddy almost.