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Sex Machine (Taken By The Machine Book 1)

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by C J Edwards


  Copyright © 2014 by Charlotte J Edwards


  C J Edwards on Kindle

  Adult Reading Material

  All characters depicted are over the age of eighteen.

  A note from the author:

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  It was ready! Kevin had spent twenty years of his life on this project and it had ruined his marriage. Sara marched out of the family home six weeks ago, claiming that as they never saw each other she might as well live elsewhere. Kevin was pretty sure she had a lover but didn’t have the time to even consider it. Their grown up daughter treated the place like a hotel when she was home from uni and the dog had gone feral. None of that mattered though. The sex machine was ready. It just needed testing.

  Engineer Kevin had first had the idea for this invention nearly twenty years ago after a jokey remark from Sara that vibrators didn’t really know how to satisfy a woman. He saw the business potential in a more responsive sex toy straight away and that was when he started locking himself away in his garage. Over the years, the idea developed from a souped up dildo to something that was much, much more. The finished machine was in the cellar. In fact it pretty much was the cellar and had cost more to construct than the house was worth. All he needed now was a test subject. It was originally supposed to be Sara; he had after all put it all together with her in mind. Now she was gone, he was going to have to be a bit more creative.

  He didn’t have to wait long for a solution to present itself. Louise was his daughter’s best friend and had been hanging round the house for so long she was virtually one of the family. The nineteen year old undergraduate was about five foot four, blonde, slim and very pretty. She may have considered Kevin to be something of a father figure but that idea wasn’t reciprocated in that way at all. In fact, Kevin would have to confess that she regularly featured in his masturbation sessions; especially now his wife was gone.

  Louise trotted through the Brown’s back door the way she had for the last ten years. She was full of herself at the moment. She’d met a new boy and couldn’t wait to tell her best mate all about him. What she didn’t know was that Sophie was actually still away. Although term had finished for her as well, she also had a new boy and so was in no hurry to leave Edinburgh! Louise looked all around the downstairs of the house and called upstairs. She was just about to leave when she saw the cellar door was ajar which piqued the interest of the over-inquisitive girl. For well over a decade, since she started regularly visiting her neighbour’s house, that door had been securely locked and she had been warned to keep away. She knew Kevin was building something down there but she had no idea what and she was desperate to know.

  Kevin had locked himself upstairs in the spare room which doubled as an office. Over the past few weeks he had been kitting it out with a control console for his pride and joy. A big computer sat on the floor and a row of monitors showed him the outputs for the machine; currently in standby, as well as images from the hidden cameras he had seeded all over the house but especially in the cellar. Watching little blonde Louise in her fluffy pink jumper and sprayed on leggings made his cock twitch as he thought about the possibilities her visit introduced. He had always tucked away the idea of trying to use her as a guinea pig but couldn’t see how to practically make that work. After all, she was normally only in the house with Sophie and he didn’t want to risk his daughter getting involved in his project in any way. But here she was, effectively trespassing and if she should happen to disturb the machine …

  The temptation was too much for her. Louise peeked around the door and saw nothing but stone steps leading down into the gloom of the cellar. Pulling the door behind her, she crept down the stairs. There was another door at the bottom of the steps, a metal shutter and it was open. Louise could see some blinking lights at the far end of the room but there was apparently no one there. Wandering further inside, she tried to figure out what was in there. All she could see was a lot of lights and dials.

  Clang! The metal shutter door dropped shut behind her and with a whir and a few clunks; the machinery seemed to spring to life. A flashing red light that seemed to come from all directions blinded her for a moment and then it stopped and the sound dropped to a low hum.

  Kevin checked the read out. The machine had just precisely measured the girl’s dimensions and location and was ready to go on his command. With a last look at Louise’s pretty face on the screen, he hit the enter key.

  Louise squinted through the gloom as her eyes began to adjust. She had just decided to go over for a closer look when the red strobe came on again and something happened. She caught a sudden movement in the corners of her eyes and almost simultaneously something wrapped itself around her thighs and upper arms. Louise began to panic. “Oh God, no! Help,” she called out in distress. Another tentacle detached itself from the wall, moved slowly around into front of her face, as though trying to gauge where to aim for and then, with the speed of a striking snake, zipped forward to fill her mouth and effectively gag her.

  Kevin carefully checked the machine readings. Although the machine was on automatic, with Louise’s airway potentially blocked it was imperative the sympathetic response worked properly or the girl was at risk of being suffocated. The material in the ‘tentacles’ was state of the art. It was neither a solid nor a liquid and altered its density as required. It was also full of sensors which measured the subject’s heart rate, skin temperature and secretions, allowing the super-powerful computer to gauge her condition and alter its responses accordingly, both to keep her safe and to maximise her arousal.

  Louise was petrified. The rubbery bonds held her securely and she could barely move. The thing in her mouth had grown to completely fill the void and was seemingly exploring her throat with a thin tentacle. She had no idea what was happening to her. Was this some sort of creature? The light seemed to be brighter now, or her eyes had fully adapted to the gloom. Either way she could see clearly about her now. Her eyes caught movement above her and she followed another appendage as it detached itself from the ceiling and dropped towards her. To her horror, she saw a shiny, spinning disc just in front of her face and realised it was some sort of cutting device. Louise took a deep breath and started to scream, only to have the sound stopped at its source by the gelatinous mass in her throat.

  Kevin checked the readings again. Louise’s heart rate was over 150 beats per minute, her pupils were dilated and she was sweating like a mare on heat. Interestingly he noted that her pussy was also secreting juices. He had read that there was a fine line between fear and arousal and that theory appeared to be bearing fruit. He was almost scaring the teen into an orgasm.

  Another two little metal arms were now waving around in front of Louise. These had vicious looking claws at the end. Slowly and surely they moved towards her and then gripped her cashmere sweater, pulling the material to either side to hold it taut. The spinning wheel came forward to slice the material neatly right down the middle to reveal her white bra. Louise was completely helpless to do nothing but watch with wide eyes as the claws pulled her wrecked jumper down her arms and in a matter of a couple of seconds had also sliced through her bra straps. The claws removed those threads of material too and all of a sudden she was topless, her perky little breasts on display in her neighbour’s cellar.

  When Kevin saw Louise’s tits, his boner actually began t
o hurt he was so turned on. Unzipping with his left hand, he pulled his cock out and began to idly rub it as he watched his machine make equally short work of the young woman’s leggings.

  All Louise now wore was her little white panties. The cutter disappeared below her eye line and she realised she was about to lose that last bastion of dignity. She could see nothing but felt the material fall away and the cool cellar air caress her moist pussy lips. She knew was as naked as the day she was born. Another pair of the tentacle-like restraints whipped out and grabbed her behind the knees, pulled sharply and suddenly she was off her feet. She was suspended in mid-air; facing the ceiling with her legs spread obscenely wide.

  Kevin had a camera focused right on the girl’s open pussy and her pink, moist flesh filled his screen. Her tidy little bush sat above a clearly excited little opening which was actually pulsing with anticipation. Well, it wouldn’t have to wait for long. Her breasts were now covered with suction caps that were massaging her tits as though she were being suckled and yet another accessory grew up between her legs and attached itself to her little pink clitty, buzzing and sucking. As he watched with delight, Kevin’s spare hand was now pumping hard up and down his thick shaft.

  Louise was now wriggling in mid-air. Her fear had turned suddenly to shear, unbridled passion. The stimulation in her tits and clitty was somehow just right and she was just so hot she thought she would burst. All of a sudden she realised she desperately needed cock. The thing in her mouth had changed shape and was now behaving like a selfish man, thrusting into her throat and retracting barely enough for her to grab a breath. And then she felt it; crawling between her labia, a fat, cock-like object.

  Louise was no virgin but she could count on both hands the number of blow jobs she had given her boyfriend and on one hand, the number of times he had got inside her panties. The thing that was now threatening to penetrate her felt a hell of a lot bigger than Edward’s adequate cock. As it slowly screwed itself into her, the thing in her throat retracted and she was able to take some deep breaths. Craning her neck upwards allowed her to just see a thick, snake-like thing, worming its way inside her. Her clitoris was still buzzing, as were her nipples as the giant dildo slowly pressed into her and Louise felt her little pussy opening like a flower. It hurt a little but by God if felt good. She heard a low, animalistic sound and realised it was her. As her vulva was being stretched, she was moaning like a woman possessed. “Oooooh!”

  The machine picked up the pace and started to hump the teenager so much harder than she was used to. Still suspended by her arms and legs, the bonds gave Louise enough freedom to wriggle and that’s exactly what she was doing. The thick tentacle fucked into her cunt so hard it rocked her backwards and she writhed in ecstasy. The feelings were so intense; Louise thought she was going to lose her mind. Throwing her head back she screamed as a powerful orgasm rushed through her body. “Arrrrrgh!”

  The sight and sound of the innocent teenager completely lost in her own desire was too much for him and Kevin shot his load across the carpet, narrowly missing his expensive equipment. Quickly composing himself, he checked the dials. On a scale of hundred, the machine registered that orgasm of Louise’s at near enough ninety seven. How many teenagers experienced that? For that matter, Kevin mused, how many grown women experienced orgasms as good as that? Louise was never going to be the same again. He peered at the screen as the machine turned his guinea pig over so she was facing the floor and then filled her mouth once again.

  Louise concentrated hard on breathing as the unknown entity entered her mouth again and began to purposely fuck her throat. The strange tentacle-like object seemed to be expelling a bitter-tasting fluid to lubricate its passage and despite the fact that it now completely filled her airway, it slipped in and out without any difficulty. The stimulation of her clitty and breasts had stepped up a gear and the young woman was finding this deep throat blow job to be incredibly erotic. The restraints were moving again and Louise found herself being tipped so her head pointed towards the floor, her knees drawn up towards her chest and her arse pointing towards the ceiling.

  Kevin had been particularly looking forward to this programme subroutine. He had no wish to hurt the delicate little girl in his cellar. He had supreme confidence in the ability of his invention to monitor the subject’s vitals and administer just the right degree of pain to ensure her pleasure receptors kicked in each time and overpowered the pain. That was the theory anyway. Now he would see whether it worked. That was after why he had a test subject.

  Thwack! Louise’s arse lit up and the sensations nearly blew her mind. Through the haze of overwhelming sensations she realised she was being spanked. Craning her neck around, she could just make out a long leather strap hanging above her on a metal arm and realised it was that which had hit her. The massaging of her clitoris and tits stepped up a gear and the phallus thrust into her throat as though it were a whore’s cunt. Her backside glowed but it just felt good!

  The machine began a steady fusillade of blows upon the teenager’s unprotected arse. Each one was slightly harder than the first and each one sent fireworks all through her body. At around ten, the spankings suddenly stopped and Louise found herself craving more. Subconsciously pushing her naked bottom upwards, towards the source of her pain, the young woman suddenly felt a deep down desperation. She really needed this simulation.

  Craack! Suddenly and without warning, the leather hit her again, two or three times harder than before. Louise shrieked as loudly as she could around the insistent gag and came… Hard!

  As she recovered from that particularly painful orgasm, the teenager became aware of something tentatively stimulating her exposed arsehole. It almost felt as though someone was licking around her sensitive little rosebud and it felt at once odd, disgusting and delightful. Her buttock cheeks were pulled apart slightly and the intruder went a little deeper, seemingly lubricating her tightest orifice and ever so slightly penetrating her.

  The idea of being buggered terrified the teenager. She had of course heard of other women doing it and even enjoying the experience but she had never contemplated it herself. She began to struggle once again and momentarily twisted in her bonds before the machine adjusted and whipped her back again. The tentacle in her bottom hole was tiny in diameter but seemed to be growing. As the buzzing in her clitoris and nipples increased again, Louise concentrated on the anal intruder and realised it was moving in a circular movement, coating her with lube and trying to relax her sphincter.

  All the same, Louise’s sphincter had no intention of being relaxed. If anything the circular muscle had hardened and tried instinctively to expel the intruder, which was still growing inside her. Momentarily distracted by some aggressive milking motions on her small, delicate breasts, she focused back on the insistent pressure in her arse to realise she was suddenly quite full and her anus being stretched from within. Just when she thought she could no longer take it, the expansion stopped and the thing began to hum inside her and then slowly move.

  Louise had thought the thing in her arse had already opened her up but when it began its slow, steady advance, she was in for a shock. It moved no more than a centimetre a minute but every second she felt a sharp sensation as her tight muscle was forced to give a little more. It took all of fifteen agonising minutes to completely fill her but by the time it was all the way in, she was moaning uncontrollably around the rubbery phallus in her airway, as she became overcome with the discomfort. And then it really began to move. Slipping easily in and out of her tight tunnel, the thing began to pump her arse like an over-enthusiastic Turk. Completely within its power, stuffed now in the mouth, cunt and arse and rotated to face the ground, the ripe teenager could do nothing but be fucked. Her body bucked this way and that as the machine kept her at fever pitch.

  When this orgasm came, it shattered Louise’s world. Her body began to twitch, multi-coloured lights played before her eyes and for a few short moments, she completely lost her mind. As she convulsed, t
he machine pumped warm, slightly bitter fluid into all three of her holes and that re-ignited her flame. Her cum lasted for minutes.

  The machine lowered Louise to her feet and waited until she was completely stable before withdrawing its support, to leave her on her own two feet. She stood naked and beautiful, swaying slightly as she learned to support herself once more. Then, a locker clicked open to reveal an assortment of casual clothing which she gratefully took her pick of, to replace the shredded rags lying on the floor. Once she was dressed, the big steel shutter door opened and the confused young woman saw she was free to leave.

  Wandering up the cellar steps in a daze, Louise took a quick look around the empty house and then scurried out of the front door. As she walked away, she thought about what had happened to her. The whole intense experience already felt like a dream but she still had the physical after-effects to remind her that it was anything but in her mind! Her tits tingled, her arse felt sore and her cunt was well-used. If nothing else, she needed to go home and reflect upon what had happened to her – and why she had enjoyed it so very much.


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  Lady Kathryn wasn't really a lady yet but she will be when she inherits. And she certainly doesn't behave like one. She gets an ultimatum from her boyfriend and finds herself the property of Mistress Dolores.


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