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Slaves of the Circle T

Page 14

by Charles Graham

  The drastic action was also a punishment for her stubborn reluctance to accept that her enslavement was to be permanent, for when her Masters had casually informed her that she was to be held captive for as long a they chose and that if and when they tired of her, she would be sold to a new owner in the Far East, Lila had simply refused to believe that such a thing could be done to her, screaming her protests until a gag had ended her arguments.

  Even then, she had still not truly understood the full extent of her Master's power and control over her Fate and had imagined that, somehow, some day, she would be freed or rescued, because unlike Cassie, who had apparently been lost at sea, Lila was a married woman with records and files proving her existence. Surely, she had convinced herself, it was just not possible for her to disappear without trace, to become a non-person, without some investigation being made. Unfortunately for Lila, she could not know that Travis' extensive network of contacts were already busy spreading the false rumours that he had begun. Rumours that she had left Rod and was thought to have returned to the city. Credible rumours that would soon be accepted as fact and then forgotten. As would Lila herself.

  Rod strolled over to where she knelt staring at the flames, then took five pieces of paper from his pocket and showed them to her.

  "Passport," he said calmly, "identification card. Driving licence. Medical record. And last, and most definitely least, marriage-certificate. Without these, slave, you don't officially exist," and as she gaped up at the documents, he tore all five into fragments and scattered them into the fire, the scraps of paper flaring instantly, then turning to ashes.

  "Goodbye and good riddance, Lila Travis and hello to Lila the slave," his lips curved into a cold, predatory smile and as she saw the charred remnants of her old identity drift away on the gentle breeze, her body trembled in anguish as she realised that she no longer possessed the means to even prove who she was.

  Without clothes, money or documents, clad only in chains, a steel collar on her throat and a brand burned into her hip, claiming that she had been imprisoned by her own husband and forced to serve him, his uncle and their accomplices as a sex-slave, who would believe a story like hers, even if she ever managed to escape to tell it? The media would have a field day and the headlines would be sensational, but if Rod and Travis denied everything, or even worse, claimed that she had volunteered to be enslaved, it would be their word against hers and she would never be able to prove that they were lying.

  The mud would certainly stick, but mostly to her and Lila knew she would never dare risk telling anybody, let alone the police or press, the humiliating details of what had been done to her.

  A hundred miles of rough country separated her from any chance of help, marooning her as effectively as if she were on a desert island and as Lila understood that she was trapped and that there was no way out, a hot flame of arousal ignited in her belly. Her Masters watched the play of emotions chasing across her pretty face and as her eyes filled with shock and despair, they knew that Lila had finally recognised and accepted their total power over her.

  "Kneeling display position. You may now submit formally and declare yourself the full and permanent slave of your Masters."

  Lila arched her body into the shamefully lovely exposure demanded, crossed her unbound wrists at the small of her back and licked her dry lips, gazing humbly up at the two men who towered over her. She took a deep breath, "I submit myself as a full and permanent slave, Masters," she whispered slowly and as she spoke the words that ended her last, faint hopes of freedom, Lila's belly churned with blistering slave heat and she trembled wildly.

  "You have submitted of your own free will and are now a full slave," Travis told her firmly, his dark eyes boring into hers, "we are your Masters and you will obey us perfectly and without question. If you fail to be fully satisfactory you will be disciplined. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Master," Lila whispered, her eyes wide.

  "Good. Punishment position, slave."

  She bent forwards instantly, placing her forehead on the dusty ground, clasping her fingers behind her neck and keeping her legs widely spread, praying that her immediate obedience would not be found wanting. If it was, she was in the ideal position to be whipped, her bottom raised high in the air and her head down, unable to see what was happening or anticipate her Masters' next move.

  After days of training and submission, the pose was a familiar one and she was all too aware of the tautly stretched globes of her buttocks and how easily her Masters could punish her if she displeased them. She must remain perfectly still and make no sound, regardless of what they did to her, because Lila knew that by her declaration of complete submission, she had delivered herself into their hands as a fully obedient slave and would be shown no mercy if she failed to reach the standard of perfection they demanded.

  Her toes curled and she fought not to close her thighs as cool leather slid over her buttocks and down into the spread valley between her bottom cheeks. The thin, flexible shaft of the crop slid easily in the juices of her arousal as it explored her with callous authority. As hard as she tried, Lila could not prevent the gasp that escaped her lips or the purely instinctive clenching of her thigh muscles and buttocks as the crop slipped between her engorged labia and its blunt tip found the swollen button of her clitoris.

  "Keep still, slave."

  The brusque order was accompanied by a sharp cut from a second crop and Lila gritted her teeth, forcing herself to relax her tensed limbs and accept both the flaring heat in her bottom and the even greater heat of arousal between her legs as her Masters tested her obedience. It was a test she had no chance of passing, for while her obedience increased her sexual passion, that same passion undermined her ability to obey. It was not long before Lila surrendered to her enforced need, her oozing sex sliding back and forth along the leather shaft bisecting her labia, even though her defenceless buttocks quivered and reddened to the stinging impact of a ruthless cropping delivered by the second whip that played over her back as well as her buttocks.

  Lila had been cropped before and been aroused before, but never together and couldn't believe, didn't want to believe that the combination of pleasure and pain could be so intensely, breathtakingly exciting. Her body was on fire, the two opposing sensations blending into a sexual inferno that raged through her like a hurricane. As she writhed and shuddered against the leather crop at her belly, she screamed in ecstatic anguish and submitted fully, her flexing thighs trembling in tribute to her first whip-orgasm.

  Overwhelmed by the fury of her own passion, Lila stared numbly at the dusty earth beneath her bulging eyes, appalled by her Master's cruelty and her own reactions to it. Her belly pulsed and her brain reeled as she tried to come to terms with the stunning insight into her own character that her climax to her Masters' whips had given her.

  She had not broken her pose, not once, not even when she had been whipped. She had obeyed as a slave, converting her pain to shattering arousal and using it to increase her sexual ecstasy. Welcoming it even, as the unavoidable, deliciously thrilling price for her pleasure, a price she had been willing to pay. Her pussy spasmed with undiminished power at her shamefully masochistic thoughts and Lila's brown eyes filled with tears of horrified despair, recognising in her anguish, that she was willing to pay the same price over and over again. She had lost everything, for as her belly burned with exquisitely submissive slave heat and her nipples ached for a caress that would send her spinning back into the helpless rapture of a slave's orgasm, Lila knew that her body was as fiercely hot and instantly responsive as any Master could wish for, and that where her body led, her brain must inevitably follow.

  Strong hands gripped her arms, pulling them down to the small of her back and as locks snapped shut at her wrists and elbows, Lila trembled with a terrible longing to be used as a full slave and feel her Masters drive deep into her body to take her and force her to submit. She wanted it, needed it and would have begged, but she was a slave under disciplin
e and had not been given permission to move or speak.

  "Up, slave," the order brought Lila to her feet, her body arching into the display position as she obeyed automatically, responding to the command of a Master as the full slave she knew herself to be. Both Masters looked at her calmly, surveying her presented breasts and belly as she stood motionless before them, but Lila was beyond shame or modesty, for such luxuries were for free women. For a slave, there was only her submission, obedience and, perhaps, just a little humble pride in the perfection of her service to her Masters and the knowledge that she was considered sufficiently desirable to merit enslavement and the placing of a collar about her throat.

  It was not much, but it was all a slave had and she hollowed her back more deeply to accentuate her breasts. Travis smiled easily and held his crop up to her lips, "Take this, slave," he ordered and Lila opened her mouth, her teeth taking a firm grip on the leather shaft. "Do not drop it, or I will use it on you. Follow me and stay two paces behind my right shoulder," and with a brief nod towards his nephew, he turned and walked towards the house.

  Lila stared at his broad back for a moment, then as Rod gave a mirthless chuckle and advised, "I wouldn't keep him waiting if I were you, slave," she hurried after her Master, arousal coiling in her belly as she followed him like a trained and docile pet, the taste of leather exciting on her tongue. Rod watched her obedience all the way to the house and as she went inside, he grinned coldly and muttered, "Well, you're a real slave now Lila honey and you know it, don't you? I wonder if you're wishing you'd tried harder when we were married? We couldn't get on together as man and wife, but I reckon things will be a whole lot better now we're Master and slave. For me anyway," and he began to walk slowly towards the stable, chuckling to himself.

  He had a date with a slave and Lila's submission to his whip had put him in just the right mood.

  Cassie lay on the bare boards in the centre of the wooden bed, her arms tied securely to the top corners, but with her legs free, her lips stretched around a hard rubber ball-gag and her eyes covered with a padded leather blindfold. She had been waiting a long time and her initial excitement at being bound and deprived of sight and speech had faded gradually to a gentle, delicious simmering in her sex.

  The lengthy delay didn't worry her; she had learned that patience was a necessity for a slave. Someone would come to her eventually and when they did, she knew that it would take only seconds and a touch or two to build the heat in her body to fever pitch. It didn't matter when, or even who walked in, her responses would be the same for she was a trained slave and could no longer control the submissive passions she had been conditioned to exhibit.

  Her Masters had bound her to await their pleasure and wait she must. It was as simple as that and Cassie accepted it, relaxing as best she could and allowing her mind to wander back over the past weeks of her captivity. Her belly swirled pleasantly as she visualised images of her previous bondage subjugations to each of the four Masters she had served... and the fifth, Lila who was now a slave herself instead of the Mistress that Cassie would have served willingly and with love.

  Aroused by her thoughts, Cassie tried to imagine what she would have said if someone had suggested to her a month or two before, that she was going to become a collared, branded prisoner and beg to be the sex-slave of the dominant redhead. At the time, she would have thought they were mad but she would have been wrong, because that was exactly what she had done. And would do again, if by some miracle, Lila was ever in a position to demand submission from her a second time. Which, to her disappointment, Cassie thought highly unlikely.

  The creak of a floorboard warned her that she was no longer alone and she stretched her legs towards the bottom corners of the bed, assuming that she was to be spread-eagled.

  The touch of strong hands as ropes were knotted to her ankle cuffs told her that her visitor was a Master, but he remained silent and she could not tell which it was. Not that it made any difference.

  To her surprise, her right leg was lifted so that her toes pointed to the ceiling, then pushed firmly towards the top of the bed and it was only as she felt the rope tighten to pull her ankle down and to her right, that Cassie realised what her Master had in mind.

  It was already too late to resist and she didn't want to be whipped, so she forced herself not to struggle as her left leg was raised and her ankle pressed down. The second rope tightened and she was helplessly doubled over at the waist, her legs extended back over her torso as if she was trying to touch her toes to the boards behind her head.

  With her ankles drawn out to the same posts at each side of the bed where her wrists were tied, her thighs gaped massively and as Cassie felt warm air play over the moist petals of her defenceless labia, she tensed the long muscles of her thighs in a forlorn effort to close her legs and protect the exposed cleft of her sex. Bound by her expert Master, she could gain no leverage against the ropes and quickly gave up the struggle, accepting that she could not free herself and had no choice but to endure whatever he chose to do with her hopelessly vulnerable body. Slave heat mounted in her belly as she waited for her Master to use her as he wished and as she felt a single finger slide up the full length of her parted sex, from the tight ring of her anal passage to the sensitive nub of her clitoris, Cassie squealed breathily into her ball-gag as unbearable arousal stormed through her folded body.

  She couldn't move, couldn't evade his touch or even trap his finger to draw it into her belly and as he repeated the arousal in reverse, Cassie whimpered in delicious fright as her body prepared itself to be taken and her juices glistened at her sex. There was no mistaking her readiness and she screamed in immediate submission as her Master climbed onto the bed and buried his straining erection deep in her body, his weight pinning her helplessly as his thick shaft drove full length into the seething core of her belly.

  Doubled over and held wide open by the ropes on her limbs, Cassie had no possible defence and her first climax erupted in jolting spasms over the iron hard flesh filling her sex as her Master embedded himself firmly and began to take her with long, smooth thrusts. Unable to arch up to meet him or change her position to vary the angle of his penetration of her, Cassie had no alternative but to surrender to her bondage. As her arousal built higher to every remorseless plunge of his shaft into her wildly quaking belly, she moaned and whimpered in frenzied need, exhibiting the full intensity of a slave's desperate passion as she was forced onwards towards a second huge climax while her first still raged through her quivering body.

  She could hold nothing back from her Master, hide nothing from him and as the white heat of her submission surrounded him with bubbling, swirling heat, his hands sought out her swollen breasts. Cassie screamed in total, willing submission as his fingers rolled and squeezed her throbbing nipples and a second orgasm crashed over her as the added stimulation pushed her over the precipice of her need and she hurtled down into a maelstrom of shattering lust and sexual subjugation. Her pussy convulsed with awesome power to send foaming waves of love juices spewing over his maleness as she came and came again as the slave she was and wanted only to be.

  Drowning in the whirlpool of her ecstatic submission to her slavery and her Master, Cassie shrieked a joyful welcome as his rigid shaft speared into the churning cauldron of her belly and released hosing jets of his seed to mix with her own emissions, a third orgasm exploding like a bomb within her as she screamed and sobbed in the delirious rapture of her absolute capitulation. Her fingers scrabbled at the bare boards and her whole body shuddered to the ferocious pulsing of her climax.

  For long, seemingly endless minutes, Master and slave panted and trembled together in the aftermath of their pleasure, but then Cassie's Master slid from her stained and dripping belly and began to dress himself, grinning arrogantly down at his devastated captive as she moaned in loss. He bent to her and pushed two fingers into her sex while his thumb rubbed across her prominent clitoris, then gave a cruel chuckle as her body responded helplessly.
  Cassie groaned in dreadful anguish as she heard him chuckle and felt him toy with her, but she was a trained slave, trained to be sexually responsive at all times and could not help her ingrained reaction to a Master's touch. Any Master's touch, for Cassie still did not know which of her Masters had forced her to submit so completely. He pulled his fingers from her and gave her right buttock a friendly slap, then strolled casually from the stable, leaving Cassie embarrassingly helpless and utterly vulnerable to anyone who might chance to find her.

  Including, perhaps, the same man again, for she was delightfully presented and he had not whipped her upraised bottom and slender thighs... yet. In fact she had to wait nearly an hour. But it was worth it as he whipped her to a scalding orgasm across her tautly spread thighs and buttocks before plunging into her and slaking his desire.

  Chapter 13

  Travis sat in his chair on the front porch of the ranch enjoying the warm late afternoon sunshine as he watched the two riders approach across the level grassy plain and bring their horses to a halt in front of the house.

  "Hi, boss."

  "Mr Travis."


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