Southern Australian, 4 December 1840.
Southern Australian, 6 October 1840.
Southern Australian, 2 October 1840.
Southern Australian, 8 December 1840.
Southern Australian, 29 September 1840.
Register, 26 September 1840.
Register, 12 September 1840.
Courier, cited in the Adelaide Chronicle, 4 July 1841.
Register, 19 September 1840.
Register, 12 September 1840.
Register, 16 September 1840.
Register, 23 September 1840.
Register, 12 September 1840.
‘A Briton’, letter to the Register, 26 September 1840.
Register, 24 October, 1840.
Register, 14 November, 1840.
The Diary and Letters of Mary Thomas 1836–1866: Being a Record of the early Days of South Australia, ed. Evan Kyffin Thomas, W.K. Thomas & Co., Adelaide, 1915, p. 169.
GRG 2/1/2/1842.
Register, 4 December 1844.
Geoffrey Dutton, The Hero as Murderer: The Life of Edward John Eyre, F.W. Cheshire, Melbourne, 1967, pp. 34–51.
J. Crawford, ‘Diary of J. Crawford: extracts on Aborigines and Adelaide 1839–1841’, South Australiana, 4, no. 1 (1965), pp. 34.
Register, 3 October 1840.
A. Buchanan, ‘Diary of a journey overland from Sydney to Adelaide’, Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch, Proceedings, 15 (1922–23): p. 72.
Buchanan, p. 75.
Register, 16 November 1839.
Register 18 January 1840.
Deposition of Henry Inman, Papers Relative to South Australia (hereafter PRSA) No. 87/Encl. 1.
Diary of Thomas O’Halloran, 27 April 1841, GRG 5/81, SRSA.
Diary of James Hawker, 13 May 1841, PRG 201/1, SRSA.
John Morphett, et al., to Grey, PRSA No. 87/ Encl. 5. This petition and Alfred Langhorne’s letter of appeal were published alongside Grey’s response in the Register, 29 May 1841.
PRSA No. 87/Encl. 6, published in the Register, 29 May 1841.
GRG 5/83, SRSA and PRSA No. 87/Encl. 8.
Moorhouse’s report of Charles Langhorne’s verbal account to the police party states that five Aboriginal men were shot dead by the overlanders (Moorhouse’s PRSA No. 92/Encl. 2); news of these deaths does not appear in Langhorne’s official report to Major O’Halloran (22 June 1841, PRSA No. 92/Encl. 3) or in O’Halloran’s report to Grey (27 June 1841, GRG 5/82, SRSA).
Diary of Major T.S. O’Halloran, 22–23 June 1841, GRG 5/81, SRSA.
PRSA No. 94/Encl.2.
Grey’s PRSA No. 94/Encl. 1.
PRSA No. 94/Encl. 7.
First report from Moorhouse to Grey, 4 September 1841, PRSA No. 97, Encl. 1.
James Hawker, Early Experiences in South Australia, E.S. Wigg & Son, Adelaide, 1899, p. 79.
Proceedings of the Meeting of the Bench of Magistrates, 20–22 September 1841, PRSA No.98/Encl.
GRG 2/5/52/1841.
Grey to Undersecretary Stephens, 23 December 1840, Historical Records Of Australia (hereafter HRA), Series 1: Governors’ Despatches to and from England, Library Committee of the Commonwealth Parliament, Sydney, 1914–1925, vol. XXI, p. 140.
Gipps to Grey, 14 June 1841, HRA, vol. XXI, pp. 408–10.
Grey to Gipps, 12 July 1841, HRA Vol. XXI, p. 465.
Colonial Secretary to Captain Butler, 22 October 1841, GRG 24/4, vol 4, p. 137.
Eyre to Colonial Secretary, 10 January 1842, PRSA, p. 308.
Henry Dudley Melville, ‘Reminiscences’, undated, unpublished in 5 volumes, D6976 (L), State Library of South Australia.
Chapter 3: ‘Our declared enemies’
P.J. Baillie, Port Lincoln and District: A Pictorial History, Lynton Publications, Blackwood, 1978, p. 19.
Cited in Margaret Davies, ‘Settlers and Aborigines at Port Lincoln 1840–45’, South Australiana, 18, no. 1 (1979), p. 25.
E.J. Eyre, Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia and Overland to King George’s Sound in the years 1840–1841, T. & W. Boone, London, 1845, vol. 1, pp. 163–65.
Eyre, pp. 167–69.
Eyre, pp. 169–70.
Eyre, p. 175.
GRG 5/2/1854/247, SRSA.
GRG 24/4/1841/308, SRSA.
Davies, ‘Settlers and Aborigines at Port Lincoln 1840–45’, pp. 29–31.
C. Schurmann, Correspondence file, 22 March 1842, S138, Lutheran Archives.
Register, 2 April 1842.
Cited in Davies, ‘Settlers and Aborigines at Port Lincoln 1840–45’, p. 33.
GRG 24/6/1842/100, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1842/125, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1842/1514, SRSA.
C. Schurmann, Correspondence Files, S144, Lutheran Archives.
GRG 24/6/1842/151, SRSA.
Edwin Schurmann, I’d Rather Dig Potatoes: Clamor Schurmann and the Aborigines of South Australia 1838–1853, Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide, 1987, p. 149.
GRG 24/6/1842/152, SRSA.
GRG 24/4 Vol. 4, pp. 601–602.
Colonial Secretary to Lieut Hugonin, 14 April 1842, GRG 24/4 Vol. 4, pp. 609–11.
C. Schurmann to Protector Moorhouse, Correspondence file, 18 May 1842, Lutheran Archives.
Schurmann, I’d Rather Dig Potatoes, p. 151.
C. Schurmann to Protector Moorhouse, Correspondence file, 18 May 1842, Lutheran Archives.
Schurmann, I’d Rather Dig Potatoes, pp. 151–152.
GRG 24/6/1842/354, SRSA.
Schurmann to Moorhouse, Correspondence file, 18 May 1842, Lutheran Archives.
GRG 24/6/1842/354.
Schurmann, I’d Rather Dig Potatoes, p. 152.
Schurmann to Protector Moorhouse, Correspondence file, 18 May 1842, Lutheran Archives.
GRG 24/6/1842/354, SRSA.
Schurmann, I’d Rather Dig Potatoes, p. 154.
GRG 24/6/1842/399, SRSA.
Hawker, Early Experiences, 1899, p. 5.
GRG 24/6/1842/236, SRSA.
Register, 25 January 1840.
GRG 24/6/1842/526, SRSA.
Register 17 July 1878.
John Wrathall Bull, Early Experiences of Colonial Life in South Australia, E.S. Wigg & Son, Adelaide, 1878, pp. 303–4.
Bull, p. 307.
GRG 24/6/1842/757, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1842/757, SRSA.
Bull, p. 299.
Register, 15 October 1842.
GRG 24/4 Vol. 4, p. 209.
Schurmann correspondence, 3 July 1843, S164–165, Lutheran Archives.
Register, 25 March 1843 and 29 March 1843.
GRG 24/6/1843/504, SRSA.
Schurmann correspondence, 3 July 1843, p. S168–69, Lutheran Archives.
Register, 22 July 1843.
Schurmann correspondence, 27 November 1843, Lutheran Archives.
Protector’s Letterbook, 27 July 1843, GRG 52/7, SRSA.
Schurmann, I’d Rather Dig Potatoes, p. 164.
GRG 24/6/1844/1288, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1846/411, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1846/741, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1846/276, SRSA.
Bull, p. 309.
B. Morris, ‘Frontier Colonialism as a Culture of Terror’, in B. Attwood and J. Arnold, eds., Power, Knowledge and Aborigines, La Trobe University Press, Melbourne, 1992, p. 86.
Chapter 4: Trials of the criminal justice system
George Grey, ‘Suggestions with reference to the practicability of improving the moral and social condition of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of Australia’, Register, 18 April 1840.
Register, 19 September 1840.
Register, 12 November 1842.
Register, 19 July 1845.
Attorney General’s Office, Letters received, GRG 1/2, 10 October 1846, SRSA.
GRG 24/1/1847/383.5, SRSA.
Martin Krygier, ‘The Rule of Law’ in Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, eds., International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences, Elsevier Science, Oxford, 2000, p. 13403.
Alan Pope, ‘Aborigines and the Criminal Law in South Australia: The First Twenty Five Years’, PhD Dissertation, Deakin University, 1998, p. 69.
Pope, ‘Aborigines and the Criminal Law’, p. 70.
GRG 24/6/1843/170, SRSA.
Cited in Castles, p. 533.
Castles, pp. 533–34.
Mark Finnane and Jonathon Richards, ‘“You’ll Get Nothing Out of It”: The Inquest, Police and Aboriginal Deaths in Colonial Queensland’, Australian Historical Studies, 35. no. 123 (2004), p. 90.
An Act to authorise the legislatures of certain of her Majesty’s colonies to pass laws for the admission in certain cases of unsworn testimony in civil and criminal proceedings, 1843 (6 and 7, Vic. c. 22), cited in John McCorquodale, Aborigines and the Law: A Digest, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra, 1987, p. 3.
Register, 18 September 1847 and 1 December 1847.
Aborigines Witnesses Act 1848 (11 and 12, Vic. No. 3), sections 2,7, & 10. Further amendments of the Evidence Act were made in 1849, removing some of the previous ambiguities.
Aborigines Evidence Act 1844 (7 and 8 Vic. No. 8).
Pope, ‘Aborigines and the Criminal Law’, pp. 93–94.
Cited in Pope, ‘Aborigines and the Criminal Law’, p. 120.
Register, 12 September 1849.
Skye Krichauff, The Narungga and Europeans: Cross Cultural Relations on Yorke Peninsula in the nineteenth century, Masters Thesis, University of Adelaide, 2008, p. 102.
GRG 24/6/1849/1908, SRSA.
Protector’s Letterbook, GRG 52/1, 8 October 1849, SRSA.
Pope, ‘Aborigines and the Criminal Law’, chapter 11.
MacGuire, 187.
Barry Patton, ‘Unequal Justice: Colonial Law and the Shooting of Jim Crow’, Provenance no. 5 (September 2006),
Ordinance to Facilitate the Performance of the Duties of Justices of the Peace, 1849, No 15. Magistrates could act singly, while Justices of the Peace held the same powers if two were present. Act to confirm the Appointment and Jurisdiction of Special Magistrates, 1865, No 6.
GRG 5/2/1854/125, SRSA.
Ordinance to regulate the Office of Coroner of South Australia, 1850, No 7.
GRG 24/6/1846/100, SRSA.
Pope, p. 236.
GRG 24/6/1851/1559, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1843/764, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1843/804, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1844/721, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1843/769, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1852/773, SRSA.
During the 1850s and 1860s, the Police Commissioner complained that settlers needed to be more active in defending themselves and their property. In 1863, he observed that ‘we have few instances in which a moderately resolute and well-armed man could not protect both his own life and his employer’s property’. Register, 23 October 1863.
GRG 2/1/1842/15, SRSA.
Examiner, 23 March 1843.
GRG 24/6/1847/24, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1852/3249, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1847/1077 and 1261, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1847/1462, SRSA.
Mark Finnane and Jonathan Richards, ‘“You’ll Get Nothing Out of It”: The Inquest, Police and Aboriginal Deaths in Colonial Queensland’, Australian Historical Studies, 35. No. 123 (2004): p. 87.
GRG 5/2/1854/395, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1843/804, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1847/24, SRSA.
GRG 5/1511847/1, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1847/1131, 1137 and 1462, SRSA.
Register, 7 January 1864.
Register, 10 December 1863; 7 January 1864.
GRG 5/2/1863/306, SRSA; Register, 24 February 1864.
Register, 4 May 1864.
Register, 6 May 1864.
Finnane and Richards, p. 105; pp. 101–105.
Pope, p. 103.
Pope, p. 103–4.
Robert Foster, Rick Hosking & Amanda Nettelbeck, Fatal Collisions, p. 215.
Register, 13 June 1849.
GRG 24/6/1388/1849, SRSA.
Aborigines Testimony Amendment Act, 1849 (12 and 13 Vic. No 4).
James Levison, ‘The Trial of Thomas Donnelly’, Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia, 30, no. 2 (1993): pp. 55–56.
GRG 24/6/1847/382, SRSA.
Levison, p. 60.
Register, 8 September 1849.
Register, 9 June 1849.
GRG 24/6/1846/721, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1851/1744, SRSA.
Kercher, 7.
Castle, 43.2; Davies, 316–20.
MacGuire, table opp. 187.
GRG 2/1/1842/15, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1847/220, SRSA.
For instance Castles, p. 527; Hunter, p. 216; Thiele (2009); Ward (2006).
Register, 28 November 1846.
Register, 25 November 1846.
Register, 17 March 1847; Pope, p. 72.
This was the case of Nam Moing Yu, or Jemmy, charged with assault with intent to murder. He was found guilty and sentenced to one year’s hard labour in December 1849. See Adelaide Observer, 8 December 1849.
Register, 16 May 1851.
Adelaide Observer, 24 May 1851.
Register, 7 June 1851.
GRG 24/1/383.5/1847, SRSA.
Pope, p. 148.
Hunter, 215–216.
Chapter 5: The culture of the settler frontier
Leith MacGillivray, ‘“We have found our paradise”: The South-East Squattocracy, 1840–1870’, Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia, no. 17 (1989): p. 26.
GRG 24/6/1844/1527, SRSA.
Ordinance to regulate the Office of Coroner of South Australia, 1850, No 7.
GRG 24/6/1844/961, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1844/1527, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1845/26, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1846/1096, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1845/589, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1845/1526, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1849/2001, SRSA.
MacGillivray, p. 27.
GRG 24/6/1846/1096, SRSA.
Edward Arthur, ‘Journal of Events from Melbourne, Port Phillip, to Mount Shanck, in the District of Adelaide, New Holland’. 1844; rpt. Libraries Board of South Australia, Adelaide, 1975, p. 45.
GRG 24/6/1844/1120, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1844/1293, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1844/1120, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1844/1135, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1844/1446, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1844/1248, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1844/1293, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1844/1528, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1845/143, SRSA.
Pope, 235.
GRG 24/6/1849/2001, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1848/1127, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1848/151, SRSA and Register 17 March 1849.
Foster, Hosking and Nettelbeck, p. 47.
Foster, Hosking and Nettelbeck, p. 48.
Register, 9 June 1849.
GRG 24/6/1849/1404, SRSA.
Register 9 June 1849.
GRG 24/6/1849/947, SRSA.
Register, 21 July 1849.
Chapter 6: Administrative responses to frontier violence
GRG 24/6/1851/1577 and 1744, SRSA.
Observer, 3 May 1851.
GRG 24/6/1851/1559, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1849/2001, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1851/1758, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1851/1577, SRSA.
nbsp; GRG 24/6/1851/1581, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1851/1733, SRSA.
GRG 24/6/1851/1758, SRSA.
South Australian Government Gazette, 11 July 1839.
Robert Foster, ‘Feasts of the full-moon: the distribution of rations to Aborigines in South Australia 1836–1861’, Aboriginal History, 13, no. 1 (1989): p. 69.
GRG 24/6/1847/286, SRSA.
Foster, ‘Feasts of the full-moon’, p. 69.
Protector’s Letterbook, 1 November 1852, p. 321, GRG 52/7, SRSA.
South Australian Government Gazette, 2 June 1853.
Robert Foster, ‘Rations, Co-existence and the colonisation of Aboriginal Labour in South Australia, 1860–1911’, Aboriginal History, 24 (2000): p. 11.
Robert Foster, ‘Coexistence and Colonization on Pastoral Leaseholds in South Australia 1851–99’ in J. McLaren, A.R. Buck & Nancy E. Wright (eds.) Despotic Dominions: Property Rights in British Settler Societies, University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, 2005, p. 253–55.
Moorhouse to Commissioner of Police, 6 April 1850, GRG 24/7, SRSA.
GRG 5/2/1854/541, SRSA.
Clyne, Colonial Blue, p. 120.
GRG 5/2/1853/18, SRSA.
GRG 5/2/1854/210, SRSA.
GRG 5/2/1856/235, SRSA.
GRG 5/2/1856/186, SRSA.
Nettelbeck and Foster, In the Name of the Law, 2007.
Robert Foster, ‘The Origin of the Protection of Aboriginal Rights in South Australian Pastoral Leases’, Land, Rights, Laws: Issues in Native Title, Issue Paper No. 24, 1998.
GRG 24/6/1850/2726, SRSA.
GRG 2/6/6/1851/23, SRSA.
South Australian Government Gazette, 30 January 1851.
Foster, ‘The Origin of the Protection of Aboriginal Rights’.
South Australian Government Gazette, 23 December 1852.
GRG 24/6/1852/773, SRSA.
Adelaide Observer, 14 February 1852.
South Australian Government Gazette, 24 August 1854.
Chapter 7: The Mounted Police and the tyranny of distance
D.W. Meinig, On the Margins of the Good Earth, SA Government Printer, Adelaide, 1988, p. 45.
Thomas Brown, ‘Concerning the Murder and the Following of the Blacks and Sheep. Account prepared by Thomas Brown about 1901’, Family papers of Mike Brown, Adelaide.
South Australian Government Gazette, 31 January 1856.
South Australian Government Gazette, 2 August 1855.
GRG 5/2/1856/239, SRSA.
Register 23 November 1857.
Register 26 November 1857.
GRG 5/2/1858/662, SRSA.
GRG 5/2/1858/749, SRSA.
Out of the Silence Page 26