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Melonee Brac's Mistletoe Madness [Brac Pack 30] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Lynn Hagen

  Melonee was pretty sure that if the person was demon or shifter, she could help these two. Her pack was on good terms with most of the demons and shifters. If not, she would find something to bargain with. “Who have you pissed off?” she asked.

  “Ceri,” they both replied at the same time.

  Melonee felt her heart sink.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ruttford walked down the hallway, searching the rooms for Melonee. He knew Adam was in the den with Murdock, and Maverick was gone, dealing with his mate in New York. But he hadn’t a clue where Melonee had taken off to.

  “Who ya looking for?” Johnny asked, sipping on orange soda from a straw as he came down the hall from the opposite direction Ruttford was heading.

  “Melonee, have you seen her?” he asked as he closed the door of the room he had just searched.

  Ruttford growled when Johnny stiffened and then quickly spun around, heading away from him. “Hold on right there, Johnny.”

  Johnny stilled, glancing at Ruttford over his shoulder. “I don’t know anything.”

  “The guilty look on your face says otherwise,” Ruttford said as he strode over to the human. “Where is she?”

  Johnny pursed his lips as if he had to really think about it. “I saw her this morning when she was awake, and then I ate breakfast, right before Keata pulled me into the den to play a video game, only her hair was pulled up into a ponytail, so I—”

  “Johnny.” Ruttford said the man’s name in warning.

  “Coming!” Johnny shouted and took off. Ruttford followed, determined to find out what was going on. He spotted the human ducking into a room as the door slammed shut. There was no way he was letting this go.

  Ruttford grabbed the handle and flung the door open, ready to demand Johnny tell him where Melonee was, but froze. What in the hell was Fire doing tied to a chair with a gag in his mouth? Ruttford glanced around to see Keata sitting in a chair across the room, flipping through a manga, relaxed, as if nothing were wrong.

  “We’re busted!” Johnny shouted. “Hide Fire!”

  “I can see him, Johnny,” Ruttford said as he crossed the room and yanked the scarf from Fire’s mouth.

  “About damn time you showed up!” Fire shouted at him. “These damn people are nuts.”

  Keata stood and tucked the comic under his arm. “I think my services are no longer needed.” Before Ruttford could ask any questions, Keata and Johnny bolted from the room. He ignored them as he turned toward his brother.

  “What in the hell is going on?”

  “Your crazy-ass family kidnapped me,” Fire said as he struggled against the binding. Ruttford could see a metal bracelet on his brother’s wrist, stopping him from shimmering out.

  “Why did they kidnap you?” He crossed his arms over his chest. He wasn’t letting his brother go, and he wasn’t budging until he had answers.

  “Nobody can resist my charms,” Fire said with a smirk. “They all want a piece of me.”

  “You are so full of shit, Fire. If anything, they all want to strangle you just for being related to me.” Ruttford had a feeling he wasn’t going to get anywhere with his brother. The man wasn’t forthcoming, and all he was doing was pissing Ruttford off. A horrific thought entered his mind. “Does Maverick know you are here? Did he put you in this room?”

  “I’m pretty sure everyone has avoided the man finding out.”

  Ruttford felt a measure of relief, but that still didn’t tell him why Fire was here.

  “Melonee came to see me,” Fire said in a tone that said he was more than happy with her visit.

  “If you don’t want to spit your teeth out, stay away from her,” he said to his brother.

  “She came to me,” Fire defended.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Fire asked with a twist to his lips.

  “If you don’t tell me, I’m calling our parents and telling them about your debt.”

  Fire lost the playful gleam in his eyes as he paled slightly. “She wanted to know where to find the Shadow elves that are after me.”

  Ruttford shoved the scarf back into Fire’s mouth and raced from the room. What in the hell was Melonee up to? Why would she hunt those no-good men down? He wasn’t sure, but he knew he had to rescue his mate before she got in over her head. He found Adam in the den, still talking with Murdock.

  “I need to talk with you.” He pulled Adam into the foyer. “We have to go save Melonee.”

  “Isn’t she here?” Adam asked.

  “No, she went to deal with some unsavory characters who would sooner kill her than listen to her pleas.”

  Ruttford headed toward the front door. If he couldn’t shimmer while in the house, he needed to get outside.

  But fate was being a bitch today because as soon as he opened the front door, Maverick stepped through, giving them both a murderous glare.

  “I need to talk to your brother,” Melonee said as she stood in front of Christian’s desk.

  “Why do you need to talk to Rhys?”

  She shook her head. “No, the other brother.”

  Christian sat forward, his brows creased as he stared at her. “Why on earth do you need to talk to Ceri?”

  “It’s a long story, but basically, in order to stop my brother-in-law from being killed, I have to settle a dispute these two Shadow elves have with Ceri.”

  “Maverick didn’t tell me about any dispute the elves had with Ceri.”

  Melonee quickly stopped Christian’s hand with hers when he reached for the phone. “That’s because my dad doesn’t know, and I would prefer to keep it that way. This is my mess and I am going to handle it on my own.”

  Christian stood, walking around the desk, stopping in front of her. “Ceri is not one to talk to in private, young one. You are aware of his affinity for flesh, correct?”

  “He’d eat me?” Melonee asked in astonishment.

  “Ceri is lost in his own head right now. I am not sure what he would do, but tempting him isn’t a wise thing. I may have some differences with Maverick, but sending his only child to a man who just might harm her would be an act of war.”

  Melonee chewed on her lower lip. This was not what she wanted to hear. There had to be a way to talk to the ancient vampire without getting hurt. “Can you come with me?”

  Christian shook his head. “Ceri is not pleased with me at the moment.”

  “You don’t understand, Christian. Ineedto talk to Ceri.”

  Christian sighed as he leaned against his desk. “It is that bad?”

  “If the Shadow elves kill Fire, then my brother-in-law’s debt falls to us. I don’t want my family involved in this.”

  “Very well, but be warned, if he becomes impossible, we leave right away.”

  Melonee wasn’t sure who she had feared dealing with more, Maverick, Myne and Yanyte, or Ceri. None of them were people to take lightly. At least she knew her dad wouldn’t kill her, but seeing the disappointment in his eyes would be far more damaging than anything the others could do to her.

  Christian grabbed her by her arm as they disappeared from the club and appeared in some strange palace that looked like it was going to crumble at any moment. It reminded Melonee of a palace that a king and queen would reside in with knights and maidens.

  “This is our childhood home,” Christian said as he walked her through the once-regal place. Melonee caught movement out of the corner of her eye just as Christian’s grip on her arm tightened.

  “Why have you come here?”

  Melonee watched as a vampire slid slightly into view whose very presence seemed to dwarf the room. Not because he was large, but because of the raw power that seemed to snap and crackle around him. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

  “This young fey wishes to have a word with you,” Christian announced.

  Ceri’s ice-cold blue eyes slid over to Melonee, and she had an overwhelming urge to run as fast and as far as she could. It wasn’t a welcoming
look nor was it friendly. “I need to ask a favor,” she replied before her bravery passed out.

  “And why would I grant you any favors?” Ceri asked as he moved out from the shadows.

  “Because my family is in danger and I would do whatever needed to keep them safe. There are two Shadow elves who have offended you?”

  Melonee took a step back when Ceri’s features transformed into what nightmares were made of. “Do not speak of those dead men.”

  Oh, hell. She was going to fail here. It didn’t seem like Ceri wanted to hear anything she had to say. “But if I don’t get you to forgive them, they will come after my family.”

  “They threatened someone that I—” Ceri glanced over at Christian as he stopped speaking midsentence. “They will be dealt with.”

  Melonee yanked her arm from Christian’s and strode over to Ceri. “What can I say that will convince you to leave them be? I love my mates with all my heart, and it would kill me to see anything happen to them. If I don’t get this debt forgiven, those two will come after not only my mates, but my family as well. We have little ones in the house, along with mates and…please, Ceri.”

  When Ceri reached out to run a finger along her arm, Melonee forced herself not to move. She knew it wasn’t a sexual gesture, but the alternative was downright terrifying. Was he inspecting her flesh before he consumed her?

  “Ceri,” Christian said in warning.

  “You do not exist to me, brother.” Ceri cocked his head, studying Melonee. “What would you sacrifice in order to save your family?”

  “Everything,” Melonee said without hesitation. “My very life.” But she prayed it didn’t come down to that.

  “Family is not as noble as you believe them to be,” Ceri replied. “They will betray you and turn their backs on you.”

  “My family would kill to keep me safe,” Melonee replied. “My dad would torch the earth if he thought someone was going to harm me. Not all families are bad, Ceri. My family loves me, even if they still look at me as a child.” She wasn’t sure why she said the last part, but the pain of choosing between her mates and her family was eating her alive.

  “You are a child,” Ceri replied.

  “Then my mates are lost to me,” Melonee whispered as she turned to walk back to Christian. She had foolishly thought she could handle this on her own. But it seemed she was going to have to go to Maverick in order to get the money to save Fire. It would be a blow to her ego to tell him she couldn’t deal with this on her own, but she would rather be defeated than have her family killed.

  “You would give up on them so easily?” Ceri asked.

  Melonee spun around, curling her hands into fists. “What do you want me to do, Ceri? You won’t help me. No one wants to help me. I have to go home and tell my dad that I need him to bail me out of this. I have to show him that I’m not an adult who can handle a mess her brother-in-law has gotten himself into.” She jutted her chin in anger. “Screw you, Ceri. Wallow in your self-pity. I hope it keeps you warm at night.”

  Melonee gasped when Ceri was across the room, pinning her to the far wall in under a second, growling in her face. “You come into my home and insult me?”

  “I told you,” she said, not bothering to struggle. “I would do anything to save them, even incur your wrath.”

  “Not very smart,” Ceri replied. “I could dine on your flesh with no regret, little girl.”

  “Enough,” Christian commanded in a tone that made the hairs on Melonee’s neck stand. “Release her, Ceri.”

  “Why should I?” Ceri asked. “You brought her to me. I did not seek her out.”

  Melonee gazed into Ceri’s troubled eyes, seeing the truth in them. “Who is he?”

  Ceri’s hold on her tightened. “Watch your tongue.”

  “You love him,” she replied, taking a wild stab that the person in question was male.

  “And those two Shadow elves threatened his life. I’m going to enjoy eating them as they slowly die.”

  Melonee was going to be sick at the image Ceri had just put into her head. This was one seriously messed-up individual, but she wasn’t here to judge him. “If you forgive them, then I owe you a debt.”

  “I will call you on that debt, young fey.” Ceri slowly released her. “I see wisdom in you owing me. But rest assured, if they go near him again, nothing will stop me from making them suffer years before they die.”

  “Do you know what you have just done?” Christian asked.

  “I saved my family,” Melonee replied as she backed away from Ceri.

  “Anytime I call on you,” Ceri reminded her.

  “Give me your word,” Melonee said as she came to a stop at Christian’s side.

  “Be gone before you really anger me.”

  Before Melonee could argue, she and Christian were back in his office. “You have just dealt with a man who will not forget you owe him,” Christian said as he cursed. “He will wipe out your entire family, village, and friends if you refuse him when he comes to collect.”

  “Who said I would refuse him?”

  “I’m not sure if you are the bravest female I have ever met or the dumbest. Go home before I call Maverick.”

  Melonee shimmered out, but she didn’t go home. She went straight to Myne and Yanyte.

  “Well?” Myne asked.

  “I don’t know who you went after, but if you go anywhere near him again, Ceri is going to dine on you two years before you are dead. Those are his words.”

  Yanyte didn’t look relieved. “Fire’s debt is wiped out.”

  “No,” Melonee said. “I don’t want it just wiped out. You are no longer going to deal with him. He is banned from making any more bets.”

  Myne studied her. “You have balls, woman. Fine, I’m tired of dealing with him anyway. Fire couldn’t pick a winner if it walked up to him and slapped him in the face.”

  Satisfied that Fire wasn’t going to get her family killed, Melonee shimmered home.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I’m going to paddle her ass just as soon as I get my hands on her,” Ruttford said as he paced their bedroom. “What was she thinking?”

  Adam had to admit, he was worried as well. After Ruttford explained what was going on with his brother and the men after Fire, he wondered about Melonee’s sanity. She had to be crazy to go looking for the Shadow elves. He had an overwhelming urge to paddle her ass as well.

  Since meeting her and Ruttford, Adam’s eyes had been opened to a whole new world, one where he could not only be himself, but have a family. It was odd for him to love Melonee and Ruttford the way he did, especially since he hadn’t known either of them that long, but his chest felt tight at the thought of anything happening to her.

  After the childhood Adam had experienced, he didn’t think anything but money and power would matter to him. But after spending time with this family, playing with the kids, and seeing how devoted the people in this house were to one another, Adam wanted to be a part of that.

  He just hoped Vincent came through for him or Kenyon Corporation was going to tear this town apart.

  Adam glanced up when the door to the bedroom opened and Melonee slipped inside. He felt his heart speed up as he looked her over. She was so damn beautiful, and thankfully, undamaged.

  Ruttford immediately yanked Melonee into his arms. “You are in big trouble,” he snarled between clenched teeth.

  “Actually,” Melonee said as she placed the palms of her hands on Ruttford’s chest, “I just got us out of trouble.”

  “How?” Adam asked as he cocked his head and regarded Melonee with curiosity. “From what Ruttford told me, those two are the dregs of society. How did you get them to call off the debt?”

  The smile on her face brightened, making Adam suck his breath in. He knew without a doubt she had woven herself around his heart. Never had he met a more stunning and vivacious woman—and he had met a lot of stunning beauties in his travels. Her laughter alone melted something inside of him.
r />   She flipped her hair over her shoulder, tilting her head to the side as she smiled at Ruttford and then Adam. “I found out they had someone gunning for them and bargained them out of being killed.”

  Ruttford frowned, his eyes level under drawn brows. “Who was after them?”

  Melonee pulled from Ruttford’s arms and sat on the bed next to Adam. “Does it matter? Fire is free of his debt, and our family is no longer in danger.”

  “It matters,” Ruttford said sternly. “You are our mate. What you do, who you deal with impacts all three of us.”

  Adam could feel Melonee stiffen next to him. Their relationship was still new, but he felt he had privileges with her. Grabbing her around the waist, Adam hauled her into his lap as he gazed into her stubborn face. “Tell us what you did.”

  The resolution in her eyes told Adam that no matter what they said, what happened was a sealed deal. “I owe Ceri a debt.”

  Ruttford paled where he stood, his jaw dropping as he stared at the back of Melonee’s head. “Sweet mother of the feys, please tell me you didn’t just say Ceri.”

  “Am I going to regret asking who Ceri is?” Adam asked as Melonee’s hands that were lying on his shoulders tightened. Yeah, he was going to regret this.

  “Ceri is an ancient vampire who thirsts not only for blood, but flesh. He is the example mothers use to scare their children into obedience.” Ruttford wiped his hand over his mouth as he turned. “How could you owe him a debt, Melonee? Do you know what you have done?”

  “Saved our asses,” she replied with a heated tone. “Do you have the fifty grand to give to those henchmen? Did you come up with a plan to get us out of this?”

  “I have the money,” Adam said. “Why didn’t you just ask?”

  Melonee turned to glare at him. “And how was I supposed to know this?”

  True. As Adam thought about it, he realized that they didn’t know him and he knew very little about them. His life, who he was and where he came from, was shrouded in secrets. All these two knew was his name and that he had inadvertently brought the lead vampire hunter’s attention to their town.


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