by Vicki Robin
beans and grains, 210
benefits of, 139–42
and food costs, 134–37
mystical experience of, 124–30
for others, 202
recipes, see recipes
signature soup, 143–44
time involved in, 137–39
tools of the trade, 118–20
Cooper, Ann, 249–50
co-ops, 237
cottage laws movement, 297
crunch, 111–13, 196
Cuba, 246
culture, 294
D’Adamo, Peter J., Eat Right for Your Type, 159
Dellinger, Drew, “Hieroglyphic Stairway,” 37
Descartes, René, 197
diets and dieting, 14–16
and cancer, 64–65
and meat, 159, 180
10 percent trick, 291
Dominguez, Joe, 37–38, 265
Dorcas and James, 101
Dowdell, Jess, 10, 252
Basic Vegetable Stock, 107–9
Bread and Butter Pickles, 27
Coffee and Red Wine–Infused Lamb, 109–10
Kale Chips, 145
Local Bean Hummus, 26
Nettle Soup, 85–86
Parsnips and Aged Sheep Cheese Gratin, 221–22
and Roaming Radish, 314–15
seasonal menu by, 308–10
sources of, 212, 213
Squash Bisque, 260
Duwamish tribe, 68
Earth Day, 32–33
Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve, 247
Ecocentric blog, 248
Ecological Footprint, 36
eggs, 210–11
80 percent fullness, 178
entitlement, author’s changing attitude toward, 225
exponential growth, 34–35
limits to growth, 36–38
overshoot and collapse, 35–36, 40
and Peak Oil, 40–41, 153
Eric and Britt, see Conn, Britt and Eric
ethics, 58, 81–83, 171
ethylene gas, ripening with, 241
Exploring Island County’s Food System, 277
fairness and justice, 274–75, 288
Fair Trade, 10, 167, 192, 213, 239, 257
Fallon, Sally, 146
family dinners, 193
Farm Bill, 165, 203, 287–88
average age of, 8, 281, 298
co-ops, 237
and Food 2020, 275
making ends meet, 213
relational, 236–39, 245, 248, 250, 301
risks shouldered by, 215
supporting, 168–69
and sustainability, 164–67, 213, 215–16, 287
tax breaks for, 280–81
why they farm, 214–18
young people as, 298–301
farmers’ markets, 101–4
and community, 126, 270
and cottage laws movement, 297
and 50-mile diet, 214
and market gardeners, 43, 97, 103–4
and relational eating, 236–37, 240, 252, 256
researching, 83, 107
sociability of, 6, 63, 101
three-beeters at, 63, 303
farmland, preserving, 247–48, 268–69
FASS (fat, acid, salty, sweet), 122
fast food myths, 133–39
costs of food, 134–37
preparation time, 137–39
Feldman, Judy, 277
fertility, 244–45
50 percent within 50 miles, 155, 169, 204–6, 261, 271, 296
canning food for, 205–6
shopping list for, 206–14
fish, 73
Fisher, Rhiannon, 278
Fleming, Severine von Tscharner, 300–301
author’s changing relationship with, 224, 231
canning, 205–6
complexity of, 203
costs of, 7, 72, 134–37, 156–58, 161, 168, 179, 201, 238, 296
donations of, 173
emotionally charged, 203–4
and fun, 204
and the future, 47–49
globally sourced, 239–40
growing, 79–80, 144
and love, 142, 202, 230–31, 232–33
messages about, 25
politics of, 203, 240, 244
preferences vs. orthodoxies, 133
small-scale vs. big producers, see industrial food system
and sociability, 202
at starting point, 78
and waste, 248–49
Food, Conservation, and Energy Act (2008), 102
food-borne illnesses, 131, 238, 254
Food Charrette, 284–85
food democracy, 317
food deserts, 150
food drives, 173
food hubs, 251–52
food journal, 180
Food Lifeline, 172
food map, 272–74, 293–94, 302–4
food miles, 17, 95, 123, 241, 270–72, 304
food sheds, 122, 153, 213, 285, 303–4, 307–8
food stories, 23–25
food system:
agenda for eaters in, 296
being our own, 4, 202–3, 231
benefits of, 169–72
community, 190, 274, 275, 303
complementary, 290–91
elements of, 293–94
and February 50/50, 207
health-centered, 287
household, 302
industrial, see industrial food system
mapping, 272–74, 293–94, 302–4
and natural world, 125, 306–7, 317
participatory, 317
person-to-person, 238–39
rebellion against, 243, 244
regional, 303–4
relational, see relational eating
transformers in, 294–96
food technologies, 203
Food 2020, 272–86
back casting in, 281, 284
communities in, 275
effects of, 282
goal of, 278
healthy people in, 275
how to do it, 282–85
invitation to, 283–84
justice and fairness in, 274–75
and local economy, 276
mapping your system, 272–74
meeting for planning of, 278–81
progress in, 288–90
sustainable ecosystems in, 275
vibrant farms in, 275
food value chain, 294
freedom, 244, 312
free range, 160
Fresh Food for the Table, 282
freshness, 241
frugality, 57–58, 59, 63, 243
Gerber, Georgia, 258
Gibbons, Euell, 30
GI Bill, 299
Gleeful Gleaners, 77, 229
Globescope Pacific Assembly (1989), 33–34
goat leg, 141–42, 223
Good Cheer Food Bank, 77, 172–73, 228–29, 282, 316
Goose Community Grocery Store, 61–62
government controls, 168, 237–39, 304
on cheese, 97, 237–38
on eggs, 210–11
on milk, 70, 131–32, 203, 316–17
scale-appropriate, 297–98, 317
government subsidies, 169, 238
grace, 202, 218–20, 234–35
grains, 161–63, 209–10
gratitude, 232, 234–36
Gray, Farmer, 30
, Pat, 30
Greenbank Farm Training Center, 229, 277, 279, 281, 315–16
Greenhorns, 300–301
Green Revolution, 203
Growing Communities (UK), 304–6
exponential, 34–35
limits to, 36–38
Halprin, Anna, 311–12
hara hachi bu (80 percent full), 178
Hayes, Denis, 32
health, 58, 139–40, 275
Helsing Farm, Chehalis, 103
herbs and spices, 74, 75, 117–18
Hindu grace (India), 219
Hippocrates, 118
homecoming, 196–98, 224
homegrown food, 144
honey, 71
hope, 4–5, 264–67, 269, 270, 276, 277, 282, 292
Hopkins, Rob, 42, 49
horizontal distribution, 269–71
household food system, 302
Hubbard, Lauren, 208, 209, 261
hunger, 15, 203
hunter-gatherer lifestyle, 41
Imes, Loren and Patty, 212–13
industrial food system:
and agriculture, 8, 52, 172, 175, 203, 236, 244, 247
dependence on, 3, 171–72, 201, 244, 269
efficacy of, 124, 134, 169–72, 178, 190
and ethics, 58, 171
and food-borne disease, 238, 254
hidden costs of, 201, 242–43, 248, 257
impersonal, 4, 89, 225, 240
leaving it to the experts, 201
and obesity, 232
and oil, 40, 52, 245
and price, 7, 72, 157–58, 161, 168, 179, 238, 296
and regulations, 8, 72, 168, 211, 237–39, 251, 296, 297–98, 317
relational eating vs., 224, 230, 232, 237, 240
trend toward, 99, 135, 139, 179
vs. the little guy, 8, 72, 97, 157–58, 172, 174, 175, 237, 250, 269, 295
integrity, 232
Jesperson, Annie, 217–18, 316
Jewish grace, 220
journal, keeping, 180
Jurriaans, Sieb, 258, 259
justice and fairness, 274–75, 288
Kahn, Gene, 173–77, 268
kale, 115–16
Kale Chips, recipe, 145
Katz, Rebecca, One Bite at a Time, 121–22
Kerr, Graham, 119–20
Kickstarter, 251, 315
King, F. H., 176
Klinenberg, Eric, Going Solo, 193
Kohlmeier, Martin, 117
Korrow, Chris, 248, 264, 316
Krapfel, Paul, Shifting, 285–86
lamb, recipe, 109–10
Langley, Washington, 93
Langley Middle School garden, 229
Lao-Tzu, 36
Lappé, Frances Moore and Anna, ix-xii, 168
Lazarus, Karen, 277, 278
LeBaron, Duke and Kate, 233–34
lemons and limes, 74
letting go, 39–40
liberating limits, 198–201
Lobell, Robbie, 315
expanding to everyone, 268, 270
and horizontal distribution, 269–71
relationships in, 153–55
shopping criteria, 257–58
USDA definition of, 102, 270
vs. big food producers, see industrial food system
wherever you are, 153–55, 239–40
your version of, 307–8
local eating:
effects of, 6–10
and farmland preservation, 247–48, 268–69
and fertility, 244–45
and freshness, 241
and frugality, 243
and the future, 250–53
hyperlocal (10 miles), 47
is it for you?, 5–6
and local prosperity, 246
rare practice of, 163–67
reasons to do it, 6, 240–53, 254–55
rebellion, 243, 244
relational, 153, 240–53
and relocalization, 9–10
in restaurants, 212
and ripeness, 241
and security, 245–46
and subsidiarity, 191–92
and taste, 242
where to begin, 256–57
and wholesomeness, 242–43
Local Investing Opportunity Network (LION), 251, 314
location, 106–7
Long, Joe, 67
Long, Nancy, 67
Long Family Farm, 66–67, 69, 223, 224
and biodynamic farming, 244
cooking with, 142, 206, 308
food is love, 142, 202, 230–31, 232–33
and local food, 8, 89, 101, 122, 223, 232–33, 240, 253
need for, 231
pride vs., 153
and 10-mile diet, 15, 16, 105, 142, 191, 199, 202
and vulnerability, 127
and web of life, 226
Lower Skagit First Nations people, 11
Mackies (settlers), 12
Marin Agricultural Land Trust, California, 247
Marshall Plan, 299
Marty and Beulah, 30–31
Meadows, Donella, 58
Bittman’s views on, 158–61
at custom-cut slaughterhouses, 297
living with less, 291–92
from Long Family Farm, 66–67, 69, 223, 224
meatloaf recipe, 51
no-meat mantra, 182
raising your own, 291–92
scale-appropriate regulations for, 297–98, 317
and 10 percent rule, 181
as treat, 180–81
trends away from, 180–82
meatless Mondays, 181
Menominee Indians, 31
menu, seasonal, 308–10
migrant farmworkers, 163
author’s quest for, 69–71, 89, 90–91, 94, 97, 223
goat, 69–71, 97
pasteurized, 70
raw, 70, 130–33, 203, 297
regulation of, 70, 131–32, 203, 316–17
Miller, Rhea, 284–85
Mitchell, Pam, 198
and farmers’ markets, 101–4
food calculation by, 43, 45, 172
as market gardener, 103–4, 216, 314
and SPIN-Gardening, 43–45
Mobley, Neal, 101
moderation, 153
Molly’s Season Extender CSA, 72
monocropping, 190, 242
Monroe, Marilyn, 16
moral issues, 171
Morrill, Lisa, 50–52
Morris, Kimmer, 249
multistakeholder dialogue, 276
Muzzall, Ron and Shelly, 212
Nattress, Vincent, 50, 52
natural food, 105–6, 122–24
natural world, 90, 125, 167, 306–7, 317
Nelson, Gaylord, 32
Nelson, Willie, 197
Nestle, Marian, 249
New Road Map Foundation, 59
Nichols, Mike (food delivery), 207–8, 270
Niemuller, Martin, 307
night soil, 176
Nina (cheese lady), 97, 141, 198, 211
Now It’s Your Turn:
conscious eating, 178–82
cooking, 142–43
dining together, 218
establish your home base, 78
food ethic, 81–83
food journal, 180
food messages, 25
graces, 218–20
grow your own, 79–80
host a Potl
uck with a Purpose, 83–85
how to start a Transition Town group, 49–50
location, 106–7
motivation, 78–79, 254–55
shopping criteria, 257–58
tasks, 308
tell your food stories, 23–25
treasure hunt, 83
where to begin, 256–57
your food future, 47–49
your life as an eater, 22–23
your version of “local,” 307–8
your “where”, 79
nuts, 89–90
obesity, 232
oil (cooking), 74
oil (petroleum):
and industrial food system, 40, 52, 245
peak, 40–41, 52, 68, 93, 153, 255
price of, 280
omega-3 oils, 74
organic food, 167, 280
laws governing, 211
scaling up, 268
Organic Valley Dairy Cooperative, 16
overeating, 19
overshoot and collapse, 35–36, 40
Pachamama Awakening the Dreamer Symposium, 38
Peak Oil, 40–41, 52, 68, 93, 153, 255
Penguin Companion to Food, 124, 125
permaculture, 94–95, 280
Peterson, Cary, 229, 243, 316
Peterson, Molly and John, 72, 198, 217, 224, 261, 313, 316
pickles, recipes, 27
pink slime, 250
plate size, 178–79
potatoes, 116
potlatch, 98–99
Potlucks with a Purpose, 65–66, 77, 83–85
preference, 58
pressure cooker, 120, 143
Putnam, Robert, Bowling Alone, 98
querencia (longing for home), 187
Quinn, Daniel, 99
Ranker, Kevin, 316
Ratekin, Kent, 44, 89, 105, 194–95, 213, 313
rebellion, 243, 244
Basic Vegetable Stock, 107–9
Bread and Butter Pickles, 27
Chanterelle and Cauliflower Mushroom–Stuffed Roasted Chicken Breast, 184–86
Chef Sibrand Jurriaans Brussels Sprouts, 259
Georgie’s Grandma Smith’s Rockwell Baked Beans, 221
Grass-Fed Bone Marrow Broth, 146–47
Jess Dowdell’s Nettle Soup, 85–86
Jess’s Coffee and Red Wine–Infused Lamb, 109–10
Jess’s Parsnip and Aged Sheep Cheese Gratin, 221–22
Kale Chips, 145
Local Bean Hummus, 26
Ma’s Meatloaf, 51
Nutty Renee’s Red Kuri Soup, 183–84
Root Chips, 145
Salad of Fall Greens, Poached Hen’s Egg, Walnut Vinaigrette, 53–55
Squash Bisque by Jess Dowdell, 260
Sweet Pickle Relish, 27
Vicky Brown’s Dessert Cheese, 86–87
your signature soup, 143–44
relational eating, 124–30, 223–40
author’s movement into, 26, 89, 192, 201, 223, 224–25, 250, 261
and belonging, 226–27, 230
and children, 249–50