by Vicki Robin
and community, 79, 227, 228–31, 240, 246, 270, 298
and cooking, 124, 142, 225, 308
definitions of, 4, 9, 192, 226, 253, 271
eating together, 234–36
and exotics, 239–40
and farmers’ markets, 236–37, 240, 252, 256
and farming, 236–39, 245, 248, 250, 301
food and love, 230–31, 232–33
and food value chain, 294
and the future, 250–53, 267–69
and global food sources, 239–40
and gratitude, 232, 234–36
and hope, 269, 270, 276, 277
and horizontal distribution, 269–71
and integrity, 232
and local eating, see local eating
and sprouting, 79–80
vs. industrial food system, 224, 230, 232, 237, 240
web of eating, 127, 225–26
web of life, 226, 232, 234, 239–40, 253, 307
author’s commitment to, 46, 226, 264
and local finance, 314
movement, 5, 9–10, 40–41, 50, 85
and Transition Town, 42–43, 154–55, 303
resilience, 9, 154, 289, 290, 293
resourcefulness, 140, 154
Rhinelander commune, 28–32, 206
Ridenour, Laura, 317
ripeness, 241
Robbins, John, Diet for a New America, 58, 159, 168
Root Chips recipe, 145
Roth, Geneen, 230–31
Women Food and God, 231
salad recipe, 53–55
Salish people, 11
salt, 74
Sandra, 198
goat leg from, 141–42, 223
Satir, Virginia, 123
sauerkraut, 134
scalability, 176–77
scale-appropriate regulations, 297–98, 317
scaling up, 268–69
school lunches, 249–50
Schuman, Michael, 303
seasonal harvests, 165
Farm Bill principles, 287–88
food evolution in, 286–90
security, 245–46
self-sufficiency, 46, 192–94
September Eat Local Challenge, 77
serotiny, 292–93
Shaw, George Bernard, 36
shopping, 59–63, 257–58
Shulman, Phyllis, 286, 288–89, 290
Silby, Georgina, 208–9, 216–17, 224, 238, 261
simplicity, 57
Singer, Jean, 277, 278
Sioux grace, 220
slowing down, 179
Smith, Georgie, 198, 314
baked bean recipe, 220–21
heirloom beans from, 72, 224, 238, 261
as market gardener, 207, 208
reasons to farm, 215–16
and Willowwood Farm, 182–83
Snacking in America (NPD), 100
Snohomish tribe, 68
Snoqualmie tribe, 68
solo lifestyle, 192–94
Basic Vegetable Stock, 107–9
Bone Marrow Broth, 146–47
Nettle Soup, 85–86
Red Kuri Soup, 183–84
Squash Bisque, 260
your signature recipe, 143–44
South Whidbey, 92–93, 98–100
Spangle, Linda, 113
spices and herbs, 74, 75, 117–18
SPIN-Gardening, 43–45
Squash Bisque, recipe, 260
Star Store, Langley, 59–61, 71–72
Steele, Carolyn, Hungry City, 68
Steiner, Rudolf, 44, 195
Stoll, Andrew, 74
subsidiarity, 191–92
sustainability, 168, 177, 250
conference (1989) on, 33–34
and exponential growth, 34–35
as extreme sport, 21–22, 95, 155, 223, 243, 291, 312
and farmers, 164–67, 213, 215–16, 287
and Food 2020, 275
and limits to growth, 36–38
and overshoot and collapse, 35–36, 40
and survival, 41–43
sustainable development, 286
Sustainable Seattle, 39
Sustainable Whidbey Coalition, 95
Swanson, Lynn, 237
sweeties, 113
Talbot, Nathaniel, 316
taste buds, 125, 179, 242
Tata corporation, 77
TED talks, 158–60, 191
10-mile diet, 1–2
author’s blogs about, 75–76, 92, 106, 128–30, 142, 172, 191–92, 262
author’s lifestyle changes in, 190–91
beginning of, 20–21, 28, 56–57
constraints of, 149–50, 198–201
continuing with, 223
D-Day minus 1, 88–89
effects of, 3, 105, 123, 188–91, 199, 224–25, 311–12
end of, 196
expanding the definition of, 155
food miles, 123
food rules derived from, 202–4
mystical experience of, 124–30
practicalities of, 128
solitary eating in, 192–94, 196
and Transition Town gathering, 149–55
Week One: Grounded!, 88–110
Week Two: Getting the Hang of It, 111–47
Week Three: The Week of My Discontent, 148–86
Week Four: Final Week, 187–222
wherever you are, 153–55
Teresa, Mother, grace of, 219
Thistlewaite, Rebecca, “So You Say You Want a Food Revolution,” 163–67, 168
Thoreau, Henry, 32
time, value of, 200–201
time limitations, 137–39, 193
Tobey (chickens), 156–58, 168, 194, 224
togetherness, 140, 218, 234–36
Trader Joe’s, 61–62
transformations, 224–25
transformers, 294–96
Transition Colorado, 303
Transition Town:
gathering, 149–55
how to start, 49–50
and relocalization, 42–43, 154–55, 303
Transition Whatcom County, 152
Transition Whidbey, 65–66, 77, 83, 93, 229, 272
Tree Top Bakers, 101
trust, 130, 293
turnips, 75–76
Twain, Mark, 153
Vallat, Gary, 233
Van’s Produce, Seattle, 62, 77
victory gardens, 291
volunteerism, 228
Waldorf education, 44
waste, 248–49
Waters, Alice, 212, 249
web of eating, 127, 225–26
web of life:
awareness of, 203
being woven into, 318
and relational eating, 226, 232, 234, 239–40, 253, 307
weight loss, 188
wheat, 161–63
Whidbey Institute, 229
Whidbey Island:
ability to feed itself, 45, 46, 67, 189, 279–80
community of, 45
Food 2020 in, 272–86
map, iv
native tribes of, 68
Whidbey Island Farm Tour menu, 308–10
“Whidbey Island Grown” brand, 239, 276
Whidbey Island Local Compost (WILC), 280, 281
Whidbey Island Local Lending (W.I.L.L.), 251, 282
Whidbey Island Nourishes (W.I.N.), 229–30
Whidbey Island Slow Food Convivium, 52
Whidbey Island Winery, 71–72
; Whitney, John and Else, 210–11
whole foods, 182, 242
whole-foods Lent, 180, 242
Whole Measures for Community Food Systems, 274–76
wholesomeness, 242–43
Wicks, Judy, 212
Wildenson, Percy, 67
Willeford, Lynn, 314
Wolfe, Chris, 152–54, 223
women, economic independence of, 193
Yes! magazine, 191
Young, John, 198
young farmers, encouraging, 298–301
Your Money or Your Life (Robin and Dominguez), 37–38, 46, 57, 138
zackers, 111–12
zookies, 114
zucchini, 111, 115, 118