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Billionaires Housekeeper Bound & Spanked Part One (Submission, Erotic Romance)

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by Jenny Jeans

  She kind of wondered why they didn’t simply buy what they wanted. Surely there were women out there that would fall all over themselves to be the submissive to two virile, hot men.

  Suddenly, her cell rang and she about screamed it was so unexpected, mostly because she’d been inwardly thinking so intensely. She dug it out of her jean-shorts pocket and looked at the display, seeing, “unknown number.” Then she cut the call. No way was she answering an unknown number because it could be that creep Jared got her new number.

  Then a disembodied voice sounded in the room. “Charlie, answer your cell, it’s Hall.”

  Charlie’s heartbeat pitter-pattered as her eyes bugged out looking around the room. She held her cell clenched in her hand, then she whispered, “Where are you?”

  “Intercom, sweetheart.”

  That crazy heart beating went faster with Hall’s deep voice calling her sweetheart. Her cell rang again, and this time with shaking fingers she answered the “unknown caller.”

  “Hey,” she said softly, not sure how else to address a hello.

  “It occurs to me how freaked out you must be.” Hall’s voice rumbled and it instantly brought his cut, masculine features and intense brown eyes to her mind, as she nodded.

  He chuckled, and she visibly shivered over the sexy sound that curled through her, centering on all her sensitive parts. “I can’t see you, sweetheart.”

  “Oh right,” she muttered, toward her cell, which she held up. “Ah yes, sir, I am … freaked out.” She wanted to be brave enough to call him intimate names like, handsome or Mcdreamy.

  “Part of the power shift is trust,” Hall said.

  She scrunched her nose, wondering what that meant. “You guys are like the most powerful, rich men I know,” she said.

  “Good,” he answered, and his answer blew her away. Then he did it some more. “Don’t like the thought of you knowing any other powerful men.”

  That sounded so tummy-tingling possessive, and she caught that he’d left off the rich part. She wondered if it meant he was not very impressed with his money.

  She looked at her phone as she spoke. “Well, I don’t really know you too trust you even a little.”

  “Noted,” he briskly responded. “But we could have taken you already if we’d chosen too.” He paused as she tensed, realizing he was saying a hard truth. “However that’s not the way it works.”

  Right then, her chosen answer could change her fate either way, and what came out of her mouth was nothing she thought through. “How does it work?”

  “You have to trust that Judd or I will not push you any further than you can handle. You have to trust we would stop the second you used your safe word, and I’d only fucking do it if you are getting off on it, otherwise I’m not interested.”

  “Wow,” Charlie whispered, feeling the last of what he said to her bones and deeper.

  “Questions,” Hall asked, with a quick way he had.

  “Safe word?”

  “Judd and I would like you to have the word ‘grace’ as your safe word, once spoken by you, and everything we could be doing will stop. You get me?”

  No, no, she didn’t. “Yes, sir,” she answered softly. So she could go to them and see, say that word and she could get out.

  “If you want to learn more come to my office in the back of the east wing. But, Charlie, just the fact you call me sir, says something. And, Charlie, I like it.”

  Wow. Charlie felt feelings inside her expand — she barely knew him, but she liked it very much that she’d pleased him.

  “Charlie,” he whispered. “Don’t wear your bra or panties, if you come.”

  The phone went dead as an electrified twang of amazement and heat surged through her. “Oh wow, wow,” she moaned the exclamation.

  A knock sounded on the cottage front door making her jump, but a second later take her hard nipples to answer it. If she’d not been in a lingering Hall Daze she might have wondered who would come to her door at the estate ... and knock. But she threw open the door without thinking and she stared straight at handsome billionaire number two. Judd, with the vivid dark blue eyes, that intensely searched her features.

  “Baby girl, if you want to go I will take you. If you need money to live on you have it, just say the word.”

  Charlie nearly melted the second he called her, the breast and pussy tingling, “baby girl.” She’d hardly heard what else he’d said. But he was watching her so closely he seemed to sense something.

  “Babygirl,” his deep voice rumbled again. She nearly moaned leaning toward him, now in a Judd Babygirl haze. Then he muttered, “Hall’s been at you.”

  He moved forward catching her waist, and then moved them both back into the cottage living room with the door shutting by his hand. “You’re a quarter into sub-space already.” Charlie had no clue what that was as she felt his warm body close to hers. She wanted to tell him he could call her that endearment forever as she studied his firm lips.

  “Babygirl.” Soft, deep, and rolling bass. She leaned further toward him. “You like that don’t you?” His hand caught her chin, lifting her eyes to his. “Your nipples are hard.”

  Charlie blinked, then she blinked solidly again, feeling as if she were coming out of a haze. Hard nipples? She didn’t even know him. She pushed away from him with a hand on his chest.

  “I don’t, I don’t...” she stuttered.

  Judd stayed where he was as she backed up. “That’s better, Charlie. You hear me now?”

  She hit the edge of the loveseat with the back of her knees, and she stopped, while nodding. “W-What happened?”

  His hands hit his pockets, throwing his broad shoulders wider. “You’re very receptive,” he replied, to which she did not understand, then he said, “I’ll explain if you stay, but I’m not going to bother if you are going.”

  She should go. She opened her mouth to tell him that, when he said, “Now listen carefully, Charlie.” She closed her mouth and studied his exotic good looks. He was mouthwateringly handsome. “If you want to leave here, I will take you anywhere you want to go. You are free. You are not under any obligation to stay. Get me?”

  They both said that, Charlie realized. “Okay,” she whispered. He was offering her a one way ticket out of there.

  “Tell me what I just said,” he ordered very firmly, as in she better do it.

  “Um …” She cocked her hip, one hand anchored in her back pocket. “I can leave. You will take me anywhere,” she replied.

  “Good,” he murmured, and his dark blue eyes were watching her intently.

  She knew he had to see the quiver that just showed up and ran through her without control. The moment he’d praised her. He looked as if he wanted to come across the room and stick his tongue down her throat. But he stayed solid, where he was.

  “You need money I will give it to you, Charlie, to live on out there until you get on your feet. No obligation, no repayment. You get me?”

  She wanted to rush over and hug him. Small tears pricked her eyes as she nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Judd,” he corrected her. She shook her head, she couldn’t call him that. “I will tell you this, if you decide to stay, Charlie, you were made for this. Just the fact you feel the need to call me sir, shows it.”

  Hall had said the same thing. She couldn’t believe it. “I’ve never even felt ... umm. I never thought about …”

  “Kneeling, completely naked, at a man’s feet,” he uttered, and flame shot through her, expanding in her sex like a shot of arousal. It was one thing to just think something like that, but to have an utterly handsome male say it, right to her face, so she could practically feel herself doing it for him. “A man you want to please. A man who can make you do naughty things you never thought existed. A man who makes you come hard, over and over.”

  Charlie’s knees nearly buckled, but Judd finally moved and caught her waist. He lifted her to the couch, then he stepped back when she thought he would hold her, touch he
r, or kiss her. Her mind swam.

  “You can have either, Charlie. You get me?”

  Charlie tilted her head back on a boneless neck to look up at him. “Yes, sir,” she whispered.

  His gaze swept her with more nipple-tingling intensity, then he turned and walked to the door. “I want you freely, Charlie, only if you want to try. You can dip your toes in this weekend, see if you’re willing. Monday, we will release you. Call me if you want to leave ... come to me, if you want to stay and try.”

  He was looking at her from the open doorway and her heart was in her throat from all he’d said, then he added in the deepest low voice yet. “If you come to me, baby girl, wear no panties because I want to spank your hot ass.”

  “Oh,” Charlie mewed, but Judd was gone and she felt as if she needed to rush into her bedroom to touch herself before she died from needing to climax.


  Judd felt the need to adjust his hard cock inside his cargo pants and that hadn’t happened in a decade. Either he was already in pussy so he didn’t need to deny himself and adjust his hard cock or he was mastering pussy to grovel. He never got hard then. That was the difference with Charlie — he was banging just looking at her. Most of his domination events before this had been about control and power, not sexual for him.

  He liked watching a sub squirm, then get off, but he saved his ejaculation for vanilla pussy later. Hall would say they were saving themselves for the right one.

  Judd snorted. Maybe they were working up to sexual dominance, because it was a controlled precise thing. Heated emotions could put a submissive in danger. A Master had to have control of his cock and temper it. Half the problem with him and Hall was they never had time.

  Having a “house submissive,” as Hall called it, would take care of that. It was brilliant. He just wondered if he and Hall could share. Finding the right submissive for a night’s entertainment took time. They had shared on occasion with the mastering duties, and they’d also dominated two women side by side at the same time.

  Charlie was unexpected. Charlie just smacked them both in the face. Both he and Hall liked the same type woman who had all curves and was womanly plump with long hair. Fucking red hair like a Da Vinci painting. Charlie’s was long, curling, and thick. Made to hold and guide. Yeah, they liked the same kind of pussy, and Charlie was all that … but more.

  “Innately, submissive,” he muttered, tracking back through the house to his office. Most women were, with the right control, but Charlie was the sweet, hot, and obliging kind. It would be amazing to make her submit. Then fuck her.

  He growled in his throat as he reached his desk with his gaze quickly scanning the TV screens across all walls. That was the problem, both him and Hall bedding Charlie. Could they do that? It was not lost on him the odds of a woman like Charlie landing in their private estate. The chances of that were too slim to just let go. If she agreed.

  Judd saw on one screen their company stock was up over the last hour. He tapped his desktop and changed one screen to JAP Index to see the closing mark. Then he smiled.

  He knew without a doubt she would at least try out the weekend.

  Hall prowled into his office an hour later. “Distribution to Dubai is fucked,” Hall stated flatly. Hall walked over and sat in a chair in front of Judd’s desk, stretching his long legs out in front of him. “I’ll have to make a trip there to straighten it out,” Hall finished, with his mouth pensive.

  Judd knew Hall was not in his office for the matter of distribution, which Hall could handle singlehandedly. Judd turned from his distracted working, even turning his high backed chair to cross one long leg, bent over the other knee.

  “You practically had her in sub-space,” he mused lowly.

  Hall’s gaze grew sharp with his eyebrows raising. “Amazing,” he said. “She didn’t bolt when you gave her the chance?”

  Judd shook his head. “She won’t.” Then he added, “At least for today.”

  Hall nodded, still looking pensive. “Sharing,” he stated succinctly, the thing that had to be on his mind.

  “Yes,” Judd sighed, rubbing a hand across his jaw.

  “I want my dick in her,” Hall uttered. “If she stays.”

  “Same,” Judd responded curtly.

  Their gazes caught and held with intensity.

  Hall’s voice burned with that same intensity. “She might be shit. But just the promise she’s the one, I’d do a threesome. And, get off on it.”

  Now, Judd raised his eyebrows. A woman together with both their dicks inside her? Well, his fucking body instantly loved the idea, and he willed his interested cock not to get hard. Just thinking about the challenges of both of them dominating her was very intriguing.

  “Menage.” Judd rolled the word as if it were a taste of fine wine. Hall watched him intently. Then Judd nodded and Hall seemed to relax.

  “We’re going to have to really communicate, Judd,” Hall said.

  “Not a problem, brother,” Judd answered with the affectionate nickname they used on each other.

  “Right,” Hall agreed. “No dick’s, until she decides.”

  “I agree, but her climaxes are in.”

  A light grew in Hall’s eyes. “Definitely.”

  Judd leaned forward, elbows on his desk, looking squarely at Hall. “I’m spanking that sassy ass.”

  “Brother,” Hall whispered, in mutual agreement.

  Charlie changed her outfit three times before she settled on a light-colored, turquoise sundress that hit just above her knees. It had the required no bra halter top and hid the no panties bottom pretty well, besides being cute. Part of her couldn’t believe she was going to tempt this crazy offer, but after Judd’s visit she felt very reassured she could stop at any time.

  So if she felt that way, she’d be crazy not to at least try it. Then she forgot about all of it, while trying to decide the momentous decision of which man to go to first. Would it show she liked one more than the other? And, spanking? She thought she really didn’t want to be spanked, unless it was the kind made playfully with her boyfriend, say. Or two smoking hot billionaire boyfriends?

  “That’s why you are doing this,” she muttered, to her errant thoughts, as she left the cottage. However, she’d decided that she wasn’t going to go to either of them; instead she was going to go to the pool to sit and relax. Tease.

  She must have adjusted her pose by the amazing pool at least ten times trying for the one that best showed her off. She hadn’t seen the pool areas before and where she sat was by just part of its massive and luxurious expanse. Before her were a lagoon with beach and a rock-hilled waterfall, cascading down into a cove pool. She could see that it was only one small area of a much larger tropical oasis meandering further on.

  It had to be several tropically themed pool areas connected together, she thought adjusting her pose again, then wondering how it might look if she reclined on a chaise lounge.

  “You’ve been a bad girl already.”

  Charlie inhaled a startled breath, with her head jerking, to look over her shoulder. It was Judd and Hall. They’d come at her from behind. Flustered and pinging on awareness, she immediately stood, whirling to face them. They both looked seriously stern, while all her girly parts throbbed with surprised arousal for being called a “bad girl” by one of them.

  “You were to come to us, if you decided to stay, not lounge by the pool,” Judd scolded, and Charlie found it extremely hard to hold his demanding gaze.

  “I couldn’t decide which one,” she explained, breathlessly.

  They both arrived on either side of her, and boy, was the masculine aura they threw off warm, washing over her. Judd’s hand slid along the bareness of her back with his touch burning her exposed flesh, while Hall’s equally large hand cupped one cheek of her bottom through the light sundress she wore.

  “No bra,” Judd uttered.

  “No panties,” Hall uttered.

  Charlie blushed hotter than she�
�� ever blushed before. “At least you did part of your instructions right,” Hall murmured against her ear as she looked at their feet, both wearing nice leather sandals.

  She really thought she should be praised for not picking one over the other. This really was going to happen. Neither hand stopped touching her with very possessive heat.

  “Eyes,” Judd’s voice growled, and she shivered, not knowing what he meant.

  “Eyes!” Hall’s voice snapped so curtly her gaze jumped up to them. They were so attractive to her and their hands were touching her. Her eyes started to drift shyly away.

  “Eyes,” Judd warned, then she understood the command, turning her gaze to them. Oh god and it was a command. A masculine demand. Their bodies were so close to her.

  Hall’s hand squeezed her bottom, while Judd’s hand stroked her back. “Normally you’d be over my knee getting your bare ass spanked for not obeying.” Judd said, with his blue irises deepening on the words, “bare” “ass” and “spanked.” She realized suddenly he could be turned on by spanking her.

  “Monday you will be disciplined the second one command isn’t obeyed,” Hall stated, and his hand continued to rub her bottom, raising and lowering her skirt with the movement. God, spiking aches reached her sex with each movement they made, and she was acutely aware she was barely covered, standing between them.

  “Yes, sir,” Floated from her lips as if the most natural deference.

  “We’ll concede we don't want to scare you off,” Hall said, each word emphasized with his big hand stroking her bottom. “But you will be spanked later tonight for this.”

  “It’s not fair,” she blurted, then her gaze dropped from theirs. “I’d have had to pick one, and you would not have liked that.”

  Before the words left her mouth, their big hands moved, one to grab her waist and her body was lifted. She squealed, then her voice cut off as she landed over Judd’s shoulder. Her palms smacked his back. “What are you doing!” she demanded.

  But he was already striding forward, carrying her over his shoulder. She braced her palms on his strong back trying to keep her head up, but still all her hair fell forward so she really couldn’t see. “Let me down!” she cried.


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