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A Miami Love Tale 2 : Thugs Need Luv Too

Page 3

by Diamond Johnson

  “Hey Bria,” I said, sitting up in the bed and wiping the sleep from my eyes.

  “Breesha can you come get me?” she said, and from her voice, I could tell that she was crying.

  “Bria what’s wrong?” I asked her, turning on the light in my room, immediately knowing that something wasn’t right.

  “Just come and get me Breesha please, I’m scared,” she cried into the phone.

  “Okay baby girl, sit tight, I’ll be there soon,” I said getting, up so that I could go into my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

  “Okay,” she cried, and then she hung up the phone.

  I was so confused right now. I didn’t know what was going on over there. I just knew I needed to hurry up before something bad happened over there. I went inside of my closet to find me something to wear. I threw on my red and gray Puma sweat suit with the matching sneakers, and took my long hair from out of my headscarf and let it flow down my back. I hurried and grabbed my purse off the dresser.

  I didn’t know what was going on with Bria, but I was praying that everything was okay. I was debating if I should call Dontae or not. I didn’t want to risk him being put in jail tonight for going over there and doing something crazy if something was wrong. I chose not to call him, which was probably wrong because that was his daughter, but I knew my man and his temper. I knew that if he went over to the house and something was wrong with Bria, he would kill Sharice’s ass. I was going to inform him on whatever happened once I left, though.

  Twenty minutes later, I was pulling up to Sharice’s house. There were no cars in the driveway, and I only prayed that this bitch wasn’t dumb enough to leave a four-year-old home by herself. I quickly got out the car and jogged up to the front door. I rang the doorbell and a minute later, Bria came to the door with a sad look on her face. She looked as if she was crying before I got there. I bent down and picked her up, and she softly cried in the crook of my neck. I walked over to the couch and sat with her on my lap.

  “Bria, where is your mommy?” I asked her, wiping the tears from her face.

  “I don’t know. Her and Fred left me here by myself,” she said.

  Fred was Sharice’s boyfriend. I swear, I cannot for the life of me see how two adults could be so stupid and leave a little girl home alone. Anything could have happened in there. She could have gotten hungry and tried to cook something, and accidently set the house on fire. Somebody could have rang the doorbell in there, and she could have let them in and it wasn’t no telling what they would do to her. I’m just glad that I gave Bria that phone, because it’s no telling what could have happened if she hadn’t called me.

  I stood up with Bria in my lap and put her down. She showed me to her bedroom, and I packed her bag with a few outfits in it. Once I had everything that she needed, I turned off all the lights in the house and locked the door. I put Bria in the backseat and pulled out of the driveway. Let’s see if Sharice brings her stupid ass here and realizes that her daughter was missing. I looked in the rearview mirror and watched as Bria sadly looked out of the window. I swear, I loved this kid so much. For some reason, she reminded me of myself when I was her age; just living in a household where your mother could give two fucks about you. How a mother could love a man more than she loved her own child, her own flesh and blood, was beyond me.

  Bria wasn’t even my child, but I know for a fact that I was doing more for her than Sharice had ever done for her. When I spend the night over to Dontae’s house, along with Bria, it’s me that feeds her, bathes her, helps her with her homework, does her hair, everything that Sharice’s sorry ass fails to do.

  I pulled my phone out of my purse when I approached a red light. I called Dontae and waited for him to pick up.

  “What’s up lil mama?” he asked, and from his voice I could tell that he was high.

  “Where are you?” I asked, ignoring his question.

  “On the way home now. What’s up?” he asked.

  “I’m coming over there. I have a little surprise with me too,” I said, looking back and smiling at my little china doll in the backseat.

  “Alright baby, drive safe, I love you,” he said.

  “I love you more,” and I ended the call.

  “Bria what you want to eat tonight?” I asked her.

  “Pizza!” she said excitedly.

  Pizza it was. I called Pizza Hut and gave them Dontae’s address, since that’s where we were headed to. Ten minutes later, we were pulling up to the house and Dontae’s car was already there. I shut the car off and helped Bria out of the back seat. I hated that I had her riding without being in her car seat, but the one that I usually kept with me was in Dontae’s car. When I was reaching over to get her bag from the floor, I felt her wrap her small arms around my waist.

  “I love you Breesha,” she said, smiling.

  I looked down at her and a small tear fell from my eye. It felt so good for me to hear her say that. Most times, you’ll often hear little kids say they love someone, but half the time they say it just to say it. I could genuinely feel the love that Bria had in her eyes for me, though. I could see that she was thankful for me coming to get her from out of that house tonight.

  “Aww, I love you too munchkin,” I said, pinching her nose.

  I walked with my purse on my shoulder and Bria’s bag in one hand as I held Bria’s hand with the other. I used the key that Dontae gave me and let myself in. I walked inside the house, and Dontae was sitting on the couch watching basketball, as usual.

  “Look who’s here,” I said, making my presence known as we came into the den.

  “Daddy!!!” Bria yelled, jumping in her daddy’s lap.

  “Hey lil mama,” Dontae said, kissing her cheek. He looked surprised to see that Bria was there.

  “Bria here, go put your bag in your room and I’ll be up there in a few minutes so you can take your bath,” I said, handing her over her bag with her clothes in it.

  She jumped off her daddy’s lap, took the bag from me, and ran up the stairs. I walked over to Dontae and sat down on his lap.

  “You know your baby mama ain’t shit, right?” I asked after I was sure that Bria was upstairs.

  “Tell me something I don’t know. How you end up with Bria tonight anyway?” he asked, pulling me closer to him.

  “Bria called me crying, telling me to come pick her up. I went over to the house and Bria in the house by herself. No cars in the driveway, no nothing! She said Sharice and Fred left her there by herself,” I told Dontae, and I watched as his nostrils flared with rage.

  “I swear to God, she got to be the stupidest bitch on the god damn planet. From now on, Bria is staying here with me. I’m not even gon’ call her stupid ass and let her know that I have Bria. I want her to walk in the house to see that Bria isn’t there. Give her stupid ass something to think about. A nigga went against his better judgement and let that bitch see Bria again after she let another nigga put his hands on my seed, and this the fuckin thanks that I get!” he said angrily.

  “Wait, you said Bria called you? How did she know how to reach you?” Dontae asked, me with confused eyes.

  “A little birdie got her a cell phone for emergency uses only,” I said with a sly smile.

  “Breesha, I know your ass didn’t get my baby no damn phone,” Dontae said aggravated.

  “Not me, a little birdie,” I said, kissing him. He laughed and gently shoved me away from him.

  “Baby, when we were outside getting the bags out the car just now, Bria told me she loved me. That shit did something to me. I loved her since the day I met her, but I didn’t think she felt the same way. I mean, I knew Bria liked and respects me but damn she really made me feel special. Looking into her eyes, I feel like I’m looking into the eyes of myself when I was a little girl. Growing up, after my dad left us, I watched how my mom’s whole attitude changed towards me. It’s like that woman hated me just because, and it’s sad because it wasn’t always like that. I tried to be the perfect daughter
for her; I didn’t give her any trouble, I made good grades in school, kept my room clean, but it was never enough. That’s what I’m seeing when I look at Bria. I can tell that she loves Sharice, but it’s like Sharice has this mustered up hate in her heart for her own damn daughter,” I told him.

  Dontae wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a hug.

  “Bae honestly, fuck Sharice–straight up. The way I’m feeling right now, I wouldn’t give two fucks if Bria never went and saw that bitch again. And as far as Sharice not loving her own child, that’s just her loss because baby at the end of the day, my daughter has me and she has you now. I watch the way Bria is with you. I notice how she tries to do everything that you do, and I love that. I love your ass for being here for me and my daughter, because Lord knows I wouldn’t know shit on raising a little girl by my damn self, and you know Sharice ass not going to teach her shit,” he said, and I nodded my head with him in agreement.

  In no way, shape, or form was I trying to talk bad on his baby mama, but the shit was obvious that she didn’t give a fuck about her child. Dontae and I didn’t even know that she was still messing around with that Fred dude until Bria told me tonight. You would think that after a nigga but his hands on your child, that you would get the fuck away from him. That shows right there that she didn’t give a fuck about that in the first place.

  “Oh yeah, and I’m sorry for snapping on you like that the other day. A nigga just wish that I could come home to you every night,” he said, kissing me on the neck.

  That night when Dontae snapped on me for not wanting to move in with him, he didn’t even want any pussy, so I knew that he was mad. I tried to give him some of the food that I had cooked for him, but he wasn’t fuckin with me like that. The next morning, I did wake up and apologize to him, and I told him that I would really think about moving in, and I meant it this time.

  “It’s fine baby, I forgive you, with your funny acting ass,” I told him.

  “I guess that mean a nigga can’t get no pussy tonight then, huh?” Dontae asked, trying to put his hands in my pants.

  “Nope, you sure as hell can’t. You already know I like for my baby to sleep with us when she’s over here,” I said, standing up. He sucked his teeth and had a pissed off look on his face as he focused his attention on the game.

  “But if you’re a good boy, when Bria goes to sleep, I’ll let you hit it downstairs in the kitchen on top of the counter, just the way you like it,” I said, bending down to kiss those suckable lips. I knew that would get his attention. I turned to head upstairs, but quickly stopped to turn back around.

  “Baby, listen for the door, I ordered a pizza,” I said.

  I went upstairs and got ready to give Bria her bath and take myself a long hot shower.


  Fred and I had just came back from going to the Hard Rock to gamble a little bit. At first, I wasn’t going to go because my daughter was here, and I didn’t want to have to ask Dontae to get her so that I could go out to the casino. I knew that he would call me every bitch in the book for fuckin back with Fred, so calling him wasn’t even an option. Bria was sleep, and Fred assured me that we would be back before she even woke up, so I let him convince me to leave her there alone, and we went to the casino and stayed there over three hours. I felt so stupid, because I gambled over four hundred dollars away and only came back with fifty. I’m also stupid for allowing this nigga to con me into leaving my daughter in the house by herself, especially when I knew that her little ass was good for taking cat naps. She was probably up ten minutes after we had left, but I was praying that she was still asleep.

  We pulled up to my house and I quickly got out to make sure Bria was okay in there. If she wasn’t sleep, I knew she would run her little ass back to her daddy and tell him how I left her home by herself. I walked in the house and went to her bedroom, and she wasn’t there. I checked all three bathrooms, my room, the guestroom, and she wasn’t anywhere to be found.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” I cursed, slapping myself for being so stupid as to leave my daughter home by herself. None of this occurred to me at the time that I had left. The worst thing that I expected to happen was that she would wake up while I wasn’t there, and then she would go and tell Dontae about it the very next time that she seen him; but damn, I never expected that she would be gone from out of the house.

  Fuck! I knew Dontae was going to fuckin kill me if something had happened to Bria. She was his heart, and I knew he wouldn’t have a problem killing me for being so stupid. I paced in the living room back and forth, trying to figure out where my baby could possibly be. Fred walked in the house and noticed the scared look on my face.

  “Girl what’s wrong with you?” he asked me, sitting down on the sofa with a beer in his hand.

  “Bria isn’t fuckin here. This shit is all your fuckin fault!” I yelled at him, walking over and getting into his face.

  “Bitch!” he yelled, standing up and slapping the shit out of me.

  This wasn’t the first time that Fred had put his hands on me. In fact, this type of behavior was normal routine for us. When I first met Fred, he was the sweetest man that I had ever met. Now, he’s just a fuckin asshole and sometimes, I swear that I really did hate him. Ever since he lost his job working as a driver for UPS, he hasn’t been the same. He was caught stealing some of the products, and they ended up firing his ass, so all his ass did was come over here, drink and whoop my ass whenever shit didn’t go his way.

  After Donate came over here and fucked him up for putting his hands on Bria, he never touched her ass again, but that didn’t exempt me because this nigga was fuckin my ass up on a daily basis. He didn’t even speak to Bria’s ass anymore, and she wasn’t speaking to him. Honestly, the reason why I didn’t do anything about the situation when Fred hit Bria is because I was scared. I was scared of what he would do to me if I said something. That night he punched my baby in her back and she flew across the room, I felt helpless as a parent, because I couldn’t defend her. He had just beaten my ass the night before, and I didn’t think that my body could handle another whooping.

  Fred wasn’t no little nigga either. This nigga was about 215 pounds of pure muscle, but he was still soft as hell because he picked on people that he knew wouldn’t be able to defend themselves. When Dontae came over here that night and beat his ass, God knows that I was happy, but I couldn’t show that because Fred would fuck my ass up after, which really didn’t matter because he ended up beating my ass anyways. He felt like I didn’t protect him, and that I allowed Dontae to come in here and almost kill him. It was that night that I came to the conclusion that Fred was a pussy, because while Dontae was beating his ass, not one time did he try to defend himself; not one time did he get a punch in or anything.

  “I didn’t put a fuckin gun to your head and tell you to go with me to the casino! You took it upon yourself to leave Bria here alone,” he fussed. Aint this some shit! He didn’t put a gun to my head, but he damn sure did beg me with his broke ass.

  He shoved me into the wall and sat back on the couch. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to call Dontae and risk him killing me, and I didn’t want to call the police because they were going to take me and Fred’s ass to jail for leaving her alone in the first place. I decided to just wait and see what was going to happen. If nothing changed in the next hour, I was going to call Dontae.

  It was now midnight, and the verdict was still the same. I went downstairs to get my phone from out my purse. Fred was on the couch knocked out, and I swear I just wanted to shoot his sorry ass. I got my phone and hurried back upstairs. I dialed Dontae’s number and waited for him to answer. He didn’t pick up the first time, so I called back. This time he answered, and I could hear moaning in the background.

  “Baby, hang up,” I could hear that bitch Breesha moan to him in the background.

  “What you want Sharice?” Dontae asked me, frustrated.

  “Dontae, Bria is gone. I don’t know where s
he is. I left for a few minutes, and when I came back she wasn’t here,” I said, half lying because Fred and I were gone a little bit over threehours.

  “Bitch, get the fuck off my line. You don’t have to worry about my daughter no more. She here with me. My girl went to go pick her up since your trifling ass thought it was okay to leave her at home by herself!” he barked into the phone.

  I breathed a sigh of relief, just happy that my daughter was alright.

  “Breesha slow your ass down red, damn,” I heard him grunt into the phone.

  I can’t believe this nigga was fuckin while I was still there on the phone. I sucked my teeth and hung up the phone. I really hoped that Dontae didn’t plan on taking my baby away from me. Even though she irked my nerves with her spoiled ass, she still kept me sane, and believe or not, I did love my daughter. I had a very bad way of showing it, but how the fuck can you show a person love when you don’t even know what the fuck it feels like to be loved by someone? I know I wasn’t the best mother in the world–hell, I wasn’t fuckin claiming to be. I never had that female guidance, so it was hard for me to show Bria that motherly love. I thought by me giving up stripping that it would make me a better mom, but as you can see, it hasn’t.


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