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Dragonstone (Eligium Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Jake Allen Coleman


  A short story Eligium prequel exclusively for VIP Newsletter subscribers. Click HERE for more FREE DOWNLOAD

  A short story Eligium prequel exclusively for VIP Newsletter subscribers. Click HERE for more information.


  A Note from Jake

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  People and Places

  Ansetl-lea—A glade deep in the wilderness that is the site of the entrance to Ha’vehl’on.

  Aodhan Bret—Council chamber at the heart of the Dazhberg.

  Arch-mage—Primary wizard of Uriasz, linked closely to the kingdom and its fate and granted commensurate power to see to its protection.

  Baladeva—The leader of the Krenon.

  Ban—Agreement made at the end of the Dragon Wars to effectively outlaw magic and its uses throughout the kingdom.

  Cenric Brice—Young orphan boy and apprentice wizard.

  Cinaeth—Fortress overlooking the Loegaire Valley. Built to guard against slaver raids from Cale Druenenn. Site of the final victory over Sterling Lex during the Dragon Wars. Now established as his seat of power in Cynneweald.

  Damianus—High Councilor of Gabirel.

  Darden—A wizard of Uriasz.

  Dazhberg—Fortress stronghold of the Order of Gabirel.

  Dmitiri Mora—Member of the High Council of Gabirel and Krystelle Mora’s father.

  Dragon Guard—A military force left over from the Dragon Wars. Sworn to protect against the rise of those who would seek to bring such destruction again. One of the signatories of the Ban.

  Egilhard Teoma—Lord Commander of Gabirel.

  Eimhin Egon—Seneschal of the Dazhberg. A dwarf.

  Eligium—Five stones used in the formation of the Ban to bind and contain magic.

  Eligius Siothrun—The Sunstone; One of the five Eligium. Recovered by Sebastian Headley, Cenric Brice, and Krystelle Mora and returned to the Aodhan Bret on the eve of the Krenon attack on the Dazhberg.

  Eligius Ealadha—The Moonstone; One of the five Eligium. Given in trust to the Elves for safekeeping at the end of the Dragon Wars. Also known as the Eligius Ealadha.

  Eoghan—Member of the High Council of Gabirel.

  Ercanbald—King of Cynneweald.

  Finnguala—A dwarf of some standing.

  Gerhard—A wizard of Uriasz.

  Gerlach Pwyll—Dark wizard responsible for removing the Sunstone from the Aodhan Bret. Killed by Sebastian Headley.

  Hallvard—The dwarven hidden kingdom.

  Ha’vehl’on—An elven city. Abandoned at the end of the Dragon Wars and suspended between this world and the realm to which the elves retreated.

  Heinrick Tornike—Soldier of fortune employed by Gerlach Pwyll. Killed by Sebastian Headley.

  Jeoffery Leif—Gabirel’s Captain of the Guard, responsible for the defense of the Dazhberg.

  Knights of Gabirel—A premier fighting force sworn to protect the Kingdom and one of the signatories of the Ban.

  Krenon—A group dedicated to enforcing the Ban and eliminating magic from Cynneweald. One of the signatories of the Ban

  Krystelle Mora—Sword-master of Gabirel and daughter of Dmitri Mora.

  Marcello—Member of the High Council of Gabirel.

  Njord—General of the Dragon Guard.

  Nynniaw—An elf.

  Philon—Wizard and current Arch-mage of Cynneweald.

  Quiren Adelwolf—Swordmaster General of Gabirel. Killed by Gerlach Pwyll.

  Radomil—Dark wizard, infiltrating the Dazhberg on behalf of Sterling Lex to claim an item of value.

  Raginald—Reputed to be the finest swordsman in Gabirel and titular head with the retirement of Quiren Adelwolf.

  Sebastian Headley—A young man nearing his 18th year. Dreams of life as a warrior but has begun exhibiting unusual magical powers.

  Sterling Lex—A dark wizard who has unnaturally extended his life. The Enemy of Gabirel and Uriasz.

  Tapani—Dark wizard, infiltrating the Dazhberg on behalf of Sterling Lex to claim an item of value.

  Uriasz—Order of wizards and the keepers of magic across Cynneweald. One of the signatories of the Ban.

  Witek—A dark wizard sent to the north by Sterling Lex.




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