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CHARMED Boxed Set 1, Hero Hearts Historical: Inspirational Western Romance

Page 19

by Cambridge, Kate

  “It’s just me,” Claire said.

  “Come in,” Magdalena invited.

  Claire entered and then gasped. “Your arm! What happened?”

  Magdalena looked down at her arm and rubbed it lightly. “That’s where he grabbed me. It's fine—just a bit sore and bruised.”

  Claire’s eyes widened. “That must have hurt, a lot to bruise like that Mags. I’ll get some salve for your arm. It will help with the healing. I’ll be right back.”

  Claire returned with the salve in an instant and helped Magdalena dress.

  “Who’s here?”

  “Sully, Jim, Mary, and Lance,” Claire confirmed, then chucked when Magdalena groaned. “There’s only so much I can do, I’m afraid, Mags. We are all concerned about you, and now that I’ve seen your arm, I’m beginning to think it might be wise to let Lance check you over.”

  “Claire, we had worse bruises than this growing up,” Magdalena scoffed. “Please, I really need your support right now…”

  Claire gave her friend a sympathetic smile.

  “Maybe I should just go straight to bed and avoid seeing everyone.”

  “That would only serve to prove their concerns have merit, my friend. Trust me, you are better off coming with me. And just so you know, everyone is staying for dinner.”

  Magdalena groaned. “At this point I just want to get this over with.”


  The conversation in the room stopped when Claire and Magdalena walked in. Both women paused. “Mary, can you help Mags and me in the kitchen, please?” Claire asked.

  “Sure thing,” Mary agreed, jumping up and moving quickly, both sisters flanking Magdalena on their way to the kitchen.

  Jim chuckled and Lance looked at him curiously.

  “It’s the friend flank, we used to call it,” he clarified. “Those three are tight, and right now, they obviously feel the need to protect Magdalena.”

  “From what?” Lance and Sully asked simultaneously.

  “From the two of you,” Jim laughed. “Or more likely from our good doctor here,” he admitted with a smirk. “Mags is not exactly a fan of attention from men, or doctors, to be honest with you.”

  Both men continued to stare at him. He raised his eyebrows. “It’s her father. He’s a — difficult person, and that’s not even the half of it. I think if Magdalena hadn’t had our father as a positive example in her life, she’d probably have become a nun and sworn men off altogether.”

  “Is that why she seems so determined to avoid me?” Lance asked.

  “To her defense, Lance, you are very intense, overprotective, and at times, overbearing. Magdalena is very independent.” He shrugged his shoulders, “Although I do think something else is going on.” Jim steepled his fingers, deep in thought.

  “What do you mean?” Sully asked.

  “Mary and Magdalena seem to be conspiring about something. They often clam up if I walk in on a conversation. Something’s going on with Mags, but I don’t know what—at least not yet.”

  “I think I have an idea,” Sully admitted.

  “Did Claire tell you something?” Jim asked.

  “I don’t want to speak out of turn, but I think Magdalena’s father gave her some sort of ultimatum. Whatever it is, it’s bothering Claire, and she’s nothing if not fiercely loyal. She tried to talk with Magdalena’s father while we were in Philadelphia, but when I arrived home later that day she was slamming pots and pans in the kitchen and muttering something about stubborn men. I don’t think it went well.”

  Jim nodded. “Makes sense. I’m surprised Claire even attempted to approach him. If Doctor Allen has given Mags an ultimatum, nothing will change his mind. So there’s a little insight for you, Doc.”

  At Lance’s uplifted eyebrow, Jim chuckled, “Oh, come on, Doc. I can see the way you look at Magdalena. She’s beautiful, intelligent, kind, and a great catch—and I’m not blind.”

  “What about you?” Lance asked. “How do you feel about her?”

  “You’re not stepping on any toes here, Doc. She’s like a sister to me and always has been.”

  Lance nodded. “So you think I should back off?”

  “Nope. Not at all,” Sully interjected. “I think it will take a strong man to finally win the trust and heart of Magdalena, and you’ve already started, Lance. When she looked at you today and said, ‘Yes, sir’, Claire and I both knew you have already earned her respect.

  Jim whistled. “Really, she responded like that to him?”

  “She did,” Sully confirmed.

  “Speaking from experience,” Sully looked directly at Lance, “strong and independent women need a man who won’t take no for an answer. They might put up a fuss initially, but when they know your authority is coming from a place of genuine respect, concern, and love, you’ll quickly begin to realize that it’s something they’ve needed all along, and eventually, they will, too.”

  He paused, ”As evidenced by Magdalena’s response to you earlier today, Lance. I don’t think you should take it easy on her at all.” He looked at him expectantly.

  Lance nodded and stood, moving toward the kitchen.

  Sully looked at Jim and winked. “Not a word of this to your sisters.”

  “No, sir, I wouldn’t dream of it,” he chuckled.


  Lance leaned against the doorway, observing the women. They hadn’t noticed him yet, and he took full advantage of that fact.

  “Magdalena, that must have been horrifying!” Mary exclaimed.

  “It was definitely scary,” Magdalena admitted, “and then he grabbed me by the arm—“

  “You should see it, Mary,” Claire interjected. “She has a huge bruise to prove it.”

  “It’s not that bad, Claire,” Magdalena protested, “and then he shoved me to the floor and that’s when I hit my head on the chair,” she admitted.

  Mary turned, putting her hand on Magdalena’s shoulder. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes, are you sure, Magdalena?” Lance asked from the doorway.

  All three women spun around.

  Magdalena gasped and gripped the sink behind her, Claire on her left, and Mary on her right. “Y—yes, of course, I already told you.”

  “What you’re telling them,” he looked pointedly at Claire, Mary, and then at Magdalena, “is a bit different from what you tried to assure me of earlier,” his voice was low and controlled.

  “N—no, that’s not quite right. I told you that I’m fine,” she raised her chin, “and I am.”

  “Ah,” he said, taking a step toward her. Both women squeezed closer to her sides. “Then you won’t mind if I confirm that myself, will you?”

  No—yes—I mean, that’s not necessary.”

  Claire crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at Lance. “She said she’s fine.”

  “Claire?” Sully walked up behind Doc Holloway, “Could I see you for a moment, please?”

  Claire gulped but stood her ground. “Claire Clarke, now, please,” he warned. “You, too, Mary.”

  Both women looked at Magdalena and squeezed her hands before moving out of the kitchen toward Sully.

  “This is completely unnecessary,” Magdalena whispered.

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” Lance Holloway confirmed, pointing toward a chair at the table.” Please, sit.”

  “No.” Magdalena tilted her head in challenge.

  “Okay, have it your way,” he agreed, moving toward her and sweeping her into his arms as though she were as light as a feather.

  “Put me down you brute!” She exclaimed, struggling in his arms, but to no avail. He was 6’3” tall, and as strong as an ox. The more she struggled, the tighter he held her.

  “Stop.” He commanded, and she did.

  “Mary, with me,” he demanded, and she followed after Lance toward the guest room.

  He plunked Magdalena down on the bed. Her chest was heaving and her eyes wild. “How dare you?” She demanded as
she pushed up on her elbows, then scooted to the other side of the bed.

  He stood at the near side of the bed, towering over her. “Let me see your arm.”

  She bristled. “It's nothing more than a bruise.”

  “Let me see your arm, Miss Allen, or do I need to get Jim and Sheriff Sully to assist me?”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” She narrowed her furious eyes at him.

  “Try me.”

  Magdalena quickly looked to Mary, who shook her head as though trying to convey that this was one fight she wasn’t going to win.

  “Oh, fine,” she hissed through pursed lips.

  “Mary,” he asked, his eyes never leaving Magdalena’s, “would you ask Jim to get my bag for me, please?”

  “Yes, of course,” she agreed, offering an apology through her eyes to Magdalena before she turned.

  Magdalena’s eyes widened.

  Was that fear he glimpsed in her eyes? No, it was vulnerability. If he was going to win this fierce and wounded woman’s heart, vulnerability might just be his friend, Lance decided.

  “Lay back, Miss Allen,” he encouraged. “You’re only making this more difficult for both of us.”

  She shot daggers at him with her eyes but did as he asked.

  Good girl, he thought. We’re making progress.

  Jim and Mary entered with Doc Holloway’s bag. “Will she live, Doc?” Jim asked with a grin stretching from ear to ear, as he set the bag down beside the doc.

  “Not sure yet, Jim, but I’m hopeful.”

  Jim chuckled and turned to leave the room.

  “My stethoscope, please, Mary?” He asked.

  “This is ridiculous.” Magdalena huffed.

  Mary sat on the edge of the bed and held Magdalena’s hand to comfort her.

  When Doc Holloway pulled Magdalena’s sleeve up her arm, Mary gasped. “That’s a lot worse than I thought, Mags,” she admitted.

  Magdalena bit her lip, hard, as the doctor pressed against her bruised flesh. “Is that really necessary?” She asked through pursed lips, hissing.

  “I want to make sure nothing’s broken, Miss Allen,” he confirmed sternly, his hands moving to her head.

  She jerked away from him when his fingers reached the tender bump from her fall against the chair.

  He sighed, pulled her forward, and put his fingers tenderly on the bump. “Look at me,” he demanded.

  She did, wincing as he palpated it. Her eyes filled with pain.

  He proceeded to ask her questions, making her eyes follow his fingers in various directions, then pressed her back against the pillows.

  “Is she okay?” Mary whispered.

  Lance turned his eyes on Mary, they radiated disappointment.

  “I’ll be right back,” he confirmed, turning to leave the room.

  Magdalena looked at Mary as soon as he left. “He’s angry,” Mary confirmed.

  Magdalena sighed. “I really did think I was okay.” She defended before pushing herself back up and swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Mary hissed.

  “I’m going to finish helping Claire with dinner,” She announced.

  Lance Holloway walked back into the room. “You’re going to stay right where you are. I’ll bring dinner to you,” he insisted. “Stay with her,” he glared at Mary before turning to leave the room once more.

  “Mags,” Mary squeezed her friend’s hand, “I think he’s right, and think we’ve all had enough excitement for one day. Just do what he asked, okay? Here, I’ll help you get into a nightdress, and then I’ll bring you your dinner. You look exhausted,” she confirmed.

  Magdalena sighed. “Okay,” she agreed.

  Mary closed the bedroom door, helped Magdalena into a nightdress, and then opened the door. “I’m going to check on dinner. Don’t move,” she warned.

  Magdalena managed a tired grin. “I will be good.”


  “You were right, you know?”

  “Really? How so?” Doc Holloway asked Magdalena, watching her carefully from the end of the bed.

  “I am too tired and sore to teach today,” she admitted. “I thought I would feel fine, but well, you were right.”

  He nodded. “I’ll stop by later today and then we can decide if it’s wise for you to teach tomorrow, Miss Allen.” It was a statement, not a question.

  “Okay,” she agreed, her eyes focused on his. “And you can call me Magdalena.”

  He nodded, squeezed her hand, then rose to leave.


  He turned back, his eyes curious.

  “I’m sorry,” she dropped her eyes. “I’m sorry I was so difficult.”

  He smiled. “I wouldn’t expect anything less, Magdalena,” he confirmed, reaching out to caress her cheek before he turned and left her room.

  What was that supposed to mean? She wondered.

  Claire walked into her room with a breakfast tray. “Good morning! How’s the patient today?”

  “Not you, too,” Magdalena groaned.

  “All I can say is you’d better eat every bit of this because I’m under strict instructions to deliver a full report to the doctor when he returns later today.”

  “Really?” Magdalena asked as the corners of her mouth turned up ever so slightly.

  “Yes, really,” Claire confirmed with a smile before sitting on the corner of the bed. “You got us all in trouble, you know,” she confided.

  Magdalena grimaced. “I’m sorry. It was foolish of me, but honestly, I think I was still in shock. I truly did think I was fine.”

  “Yes, well, Sully was furious with me, Lance was disappointed with all of us, and now they’re never going to believe us when we tell them we’re fine.”

  “How’s Sister Theresa? Have you heard?”

  “She’s about the same, but expected to be fine. Lance is headed there now, and Sully is beefing up the number of deputies.”

  “He is? Why?”

  “Well, when Lance saw the extent of your injuries, he told Sully he needed to get more men over to the orphanage. He told him he thinks they are violent men, and should not be underestimated.”

  Magdalena shivered. “Yes, they were dripping with it, now that I think about it. He didn’t even hesitate when he shot Sister Theresa—a sister!”

  “Mm. I know. I think they’re trying to decide what to do about Raphael.”

  “What do you mean?” Magdalena asked, sitting up straighter.

  “Eat,” Claire demanded. “Well, the children of the orphanage may not be safe with him there, and the best way to ensure those men do not return is to make sure Raphael is not there if they do return.”

  “But—that wouldn’t be good for Raphael. The children and the sisters are like his family now.”

  “Yes, but we are too close to the Mexican border, and Sully thinks Raphael may need to be moved to an orphanage or family further away.”

  Magdalena tilted her head. “I can ask my father. I’m certain he knows the administrator of an orphanage in Philadelphia. I think he must because I know he’s done volunteer work at one in the past.”

  “Are you talking with your father?” Claire asked.

  “We’ve written,” Magdalena confessed. “He won’t back down from the ultimatum, and now I’m down to just over five weeks. I just wish I had more time.”

  “Maybe you won’t need more time.”

  “Claire, please don’t. I don’t need your help with this.”

  “What are you talking about? Of course, you need my help with this. Do you want to be forced to marry a man you don’t know or have feelings for?”

  “No,” Magdalena admitted, her eyes thoughtful.

  “You’ve fallen for him, haven’t you?” Claire exclaimed, clapping her hands.

  Magdalena smiled at her friend. “I don’t know about that, but I can tell you that it’s incredibly embarrassing every time he tries to take my pulse or listen to my heart and it’s ra

  Claire jumped up, then hugged her friend.

  “Don’t get excited. I have no idea how he feels, and just because there’s chemistry, doesn’t mean it’s the right match.” She paused. “He’s incredibly bossy and stubborn and overprotective—I’m not sure if I could handle that long-term,” she admitted.

  “Trust me, I know exactly what you’re talking about and I thought it would be harder with Sully than it is, but the truth is, when you know your husband is asking—or telling—you to do something, and you know it’s because deep down they love you and believe it’s best for you, it makes all the difference in the world.” Claire’s eyes were shining, and her face flushed.

  “You’re pathetic,” Magdalena teased.

  “I know,” Claire admitted. “Who would have guessed.”


  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Magdalena spun around. Claire stopped laughing, mid-laugh.

  “I—I’m just helping Claire,” she whispered.

  Lance narrowed his eyes at the women. “Where are you supposed to be?” He asked, his voice a low growl.

  Magdalena swallowed. “Home? Here?”

  He shook his head no and took a step toward her.

  “She was feeling so much better, Lance, and we just—we just—,”

  “Where are you supposed to be?” He asked Magdalena one more time, ignoring Claire’s protest as he drew closer.

  Magdalena crossed her arms over her chest. “You did not tell me I had to stay in bed—not today. You said I couldn’t teach.” She inclined her head with emphasis.

  “In bed. Now.”

  Magdalena licked her lips and skirted around the doc before running for the room.

  Lance tossed a grin at Sully and then followed after her.

  “You—you—Sullivan Clarke!” Claire’s eyes narrowed, “Are you in cahoots with Lance Holloway?”

  Sully took three long steps toward his wife and she backed up quickly against the kitchen sink. “Mrs. Clarke, are you challenging me?” He asked, his face a mere inch from hers.

  Her eyes grew wide, and she licked her lips. “Yes, sort of,” she admitted with a mischievous grin.


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