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Twice Bitten (New Moon Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Belle Harper

  It was a small window but it was no trouble for me, I could slip out of one smaller. My shoulders burned as I slowly, quietly lowered myself down the other side. My feet barely made a sound as I slowly placed them on the ground. I could see my breath fog up the air in front of my face. It was a colder night than I had expected, and I felt a chill run down my spine.

  I couldn’t help myself. I looked around and saw Raff’s window was closed, but I could see in since he hadn’t drawn the blinds. I couldn’t help myself, I moved forward a little to see him. He was laying on his bed, wearing blue sweatpants. One knee was up and his feet were bare. I scanned further and saw that he was topless… and all those tattoos. He was beautiful. I felt a lump form in my throat at the thought of leaving him.

  Why couldn’t he just be… not a red wolf, a normal guy. I wanted to go inside. Tell him to come with me, that we could leave this crazy place together. Stop Ranger from hurting him. His arm was up and draped over his eyes, and I could see he had headphones on.

  I let out a slow, shaky breath, the cold air burning my lungs and making my nose run. I reached out toward Raff and closed my hand in a goodbye. He would be better without me.

  I wiped a lonely tear as I picked up my backpack, swung it over my shoulder, and slowly creeped around to the front of the house. I glanced back, just one last time. I felt a passing of guilt that I didn’t say goodbye to Joshua. Little Joshy. I would write him a letter and tell him how sorry I was. I hoped he would understand it wasn’t him. I just… I couldn’t do this.

  I crossed my arms against my chest and tucked my hands under my armpits. I could feel my nose starting to run more now. I sniffed a few times and my eyes were watering. It was the cold, I told myself as I wiped it on my sleeve. But as many times I tried to tell myself, my heart told me it wasn’t.

  It was quiet out here, the only sounds were my feet on the pavement and the random calling of an owl. I scanned everywhere, looking for anything out of place—this definitely wasn’t my first time walking alone at night. I knew what could hide in the shadows. I could hear a car… and it was getting closer. I turned to figure what direction it was coming from, the sound bouncing off the houses around me. The bright lights blinded me as it turned from a street up ahead and onto the street toward me. Fuck.

  I stepped behind a fence and squatted low. The car was slow and the engine was loud as it rumbled down the street toward me. My heart started to race that it was Jack or Grayson looking for me, but when the car got close enough, I saw it was black and not their silver car. When it continued on past me, my heart settled. I waited for it to be far enough away before I got up and started to walk much faster. I didn’t like being out here, and now that I knew werewolves could smell me… shit, they could be tracking me as well. Why I didn’t think of that. My heart started to race again and I started to run.

  When I heard the engine purr down the street behind me, I realized this person must be looking for me. I glanced behind me and the car picked up speed and was heading right toward me.

  “Fuck,” I hissed, trying to catch my breath. I hadn’t run like this in a while and my backpack weighed too much, but I didn’t want to drop it. When the car pulled up in front of me, I skidded to a stop. Fuck the bag. I dropped it, my heart pounding in my ears, I ran toward someone’s house. I could hide in their backyard, but shit, they could smell me, right?

  An arm grabbed me and hauled me to a stop. The pain in my shoulder from the sudden stop pained me, and I let out a scream before my mouth was muffled by a hand. Then a voice close to my ear told me it was okay.

  I turned back towards him and he dropped his hand from my mouth “Galen?” He was staring down at me. What the hell? I shrugged him off and he let me go as I took a step back, rubbing my shoulder. I looked at the black car then back to him, still trying to catch my breath.

  “What. The. Fuck?” I was angry as I looked around to see if there was anyone else with him. Why the hell was he out here… looking for me.

  “I had a feeling you really weren’t okay this afternoon, so I came to find you.”

  My brows furrowed. He came to find me? My history teacher, the one who knew all about werewolves and was just like super okay with them. He didn’t tell me about the weird creepy claiming thing that Jack spoke about, though.

  “Just get in the car. I will drive you to the bus stop myself.” I cocked my head and he cocked a brow. “That’s where you were going right?” I rolled my eyes. I felt stupid and frustrated at the same time.

  Ugh. Why the fuck was he so good looking? It was distracting. I dropped my shoulders and relaxed my body. “Fine,” I muttered.

  He didn’t say anything as he walked me back to his car, he reached down and picked up my backpack on the way. He opened the passenger door and I slipped in, feeling the warmth of the heater instantly. He gave me my bag and I placed it on the floor. I sagged back against the seat once he had closed the door and let out a deep breath. It had been a long day and I was mentally and physically exhausted after that run. I had been getting too lazy, I needed to work out more if I was going to do that again.

  We ended up outside of town at truck stop. “Let me get you breakfast first and we can chat.” I was pissed off. He said he would take me to the bus stop, and this obviously wasn’t a bus stop. But my stomach betrayed me… I would spend his money on food. I needed to save everything I had in my sock so I could get far, far away from here.

  I ordered and we sat in silence for a while. It was tense, not comfortable at all. Not like the times I had lunch in his office. I knew too much about this werewolf stuff, and I didn’t know exactly what he wanted to chat about, and he hadn’t made a move to say anything. But I could guess it would be about seeing a boy turn into a wolf in his office yesterday.

  There were a lot more people in here than I had expected, it was early but busy. Another person walked in, the bell sounding their arrival. The waitress, an older lady, placed my food in front of me. I thanked her before she walked off to greet the newcomer.

  I looked down at the full plate—pancakes, bacon… eggs. It smelled so good, and the first thought that popped into my head was Jack and Grayson’s house and how they cook this every morning. Just this… it wasn’t the same. There was no laughing and smiles, cute little Josh… no Raff. I felt sick as I swallowed the lump in my throat and eyed Galen. I was mad and emotional—two things that didn’t mix well.

  “Why have you brought me here? I told you I’m fucking leaving this place.”

  The casual way Galen pushed the maple syrup toward my plate as he watched me with that penetrating gaze had me sitting up straighter. I didn’t know why, but around him, I wanted to be… better. I wanted him to see me as an equal, not some stupid teenage girl who had a crush on their teacher.

  “You need to eat, and you’re not leaving.” He took in my silence and sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. The boys shouldn’t have shown you that way.”

  Sorry for what? That werewolves were real? Yeah… that was the best reason to be leaving Port Willow. This place was full of freaks. Next they were going to tell me there were vampires.

  I poked my fried eggs with my fork. I wasn’t hungry. No, that was a lie. I was, but I didn’t want to eat all of this in front of him. He had ordered nothing, not even a coffee. Huh… When was the last time I saw him eat something? Anything? Never. I looked up at him, a tired expression on his face.

  “Don’t tell me… you sparkle?”

  His brow rose and I could see the hint of a smirk. He glanced over to a table full of diners before he leaned in so close, I could feel his breath on my face. “Is that your way of asking if I’m a vampire? I thought you would be more direct than that, Lexi.” He cocked his head, challenging me.

  Was he saying yes? He didn’t say no. What the hell? My heart started to race, and I could see him shift in his seat. His eyes widened slightly. Oh fuck!

  “Yeah… well, I’m Team Jacob.”

  I didn’t move. I refused to back down. I
watched as his expression changed and for the first time, I saw him smile. And holy fuck, that just made him go from sexy teacher to sex god in three seconds flat.

  “Well that’s disappointing. But the boys will be happy to know that.”


  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I was so tired. I laid in bed, thinking over what I should have said to Lexi when she found out. I should have come home with her, I shouldn’t have listened to Galen and let her leave. I was stupid to listen to him. I thought she would be happy to see me when I got back from school. I was hoping for another special night like the one we had last night.

  And now she wouldn’t speak to me. I didn’t know what to do. I needed her, and I wasn’t there when she really needed me. Waking up in the morning with Lexi had been the best feeling in the world. I was embarrassed that I rubbed my cock against her ass, but I was half-asleep and her scent… being that close all night. I forgot where I was in that moment and I thought she would be upset with me. Fuck, we hadn’t even kissed yet, but I already knew I never wanted to kiss anyone else in the world. Only Lexi.

  Lexi had been in the shower for a long time, and I was worried. I knocked on the bathroom door but she didn’t answer. I didn’t want to use my shifter hearing on her. I didn’t want to upset her more by pushing her—I could tell she wouldn’t like that. I wouldn’t like it if someone didn’t give me some space to think, and Grayson told me that she needed space.

  I wanted to go lay in her bed and wait for her; my wolf wanted to take in her scent, roll in it. Mark myself. But I didn’t want her to be upset or angry if she found me in there, so I returned to my bed and laid down. My eyes gritty and tired, but I couldn’t sleep even if I wanted to.

  I had never felt this way before and I was lost. How do I go back to what we had? My wolf was more agitated than usual. I wanted to go for a run to let off some steam, but I couldn’t leave her here. Just in case she needed me. I hope she did, I wanted to show her my wolf. He wanted her to stroke him, curl up with him…

  There was a knock at my door. My heart jumped into my throat.

  “Rafferty?” It was Jack. I pulled my headphones out and sat up. The shower was still going. Had she been in there for an hour? I ran my hands over my face and through my hair as I called out for him to come in.

  “I just got a call from Alaric. Galen has Lexi. She is safe right now, and he will be bringing her back later. I just wanted to tell you, and let you know that none of this is your fault. I don’t want you to think it was.”

  All the air whooshed out of my lungs and I couldn’t breathe. She left me…

  “No, Raff, look at me.” Jack was in front of me, squatting on the floor, his eyes searching mine. “This was a lot for her to take in. It has nothing to do with you, and what you two have. Okay? I know you were both getting close. We could smell that yesterday morning. We might be old, but we can still smell when you have both marked each other. Lexi is… Look, I know she cares about you. Her leaving isn’t about you, it is about her. Okay? There is nothing you could have done. This is what she does, and I was prepared for that. I slept in the living room expecting her to leave out the front door when she gave up on her window lock.”

  I didn’t want to listen to him. She could have taken me, she should have. Instead, she left me.

  “Who is in the shower?” Jack turned and walked toward the bathroom door.

  “She went in there…” I heard Jack curse as he tried to unlock the door. About five minutes later I heard Grayson and him outside trying to get in through the window. I realized that I didn’t even hear or see her slip outside. I was so lost in my head that my wolf didn’t even sense her leave.

  She was right there, and—

  She didn’t want me.

  A few hours later I could hear yelling in the house. I didn’t go to school, I refused to go. Grayson said it was fine to stay home today. I didn’t care if he thought it was fine or not, I wasn’t going. I needed to wait for her, to see her.

  There was some banging sounds and I heard Lexi’s door slam shut. I could smell her. She was back. My heart felt light, but my stomach plummeted. Remembering that she left without me. I could smell Galen, and Alaric was there. I opened my door and was met with a stare down from Nash. Motherfucker.

  “What’s going on?” I asked Galen. He looked concerned and tired. What had he done to her? I could sense my wolf growing angry, pacing, wanting to bust out and tear him up. Sensing my shift in mood, Galen looked up and shook his head. It was Alaric who answered me.

  “She will be living with me now. She is here to pack up her belongings. It will be easier to keep her safe there. She is not understanding this and has locked herself in her room.” He looked back to the door and knocked again. I could smell the distress coming from Lexi, the fear, the anger.

  “Fuck off, I am not living with you or your fucked-up sons!” Nash looked to his father with an expression that said, “what did I do?”

  I couldn’t help the smile spread on my face as Alaric stood with a dumbfounded look on his face. Lexi was one of a kind.

  Jack, Alaric, Nash, and Galen were now all looking at me. I took a step back farther into my room when Alaric gestured with his hand to her door.

  “You, boy, she likes you. My sons told me that you have tried to claim her, yes? She will listen to you.” I knew where he was going with this, but I wasn’t going to get her to come out and leave with them. I shook my head but then he growled at me, his voice demanding I submit. My wolf was submitting to his, even though I didn’t want to. He was the Alpha here, and my wolf could sense that.

  I bit my tongue for as long as I could. I wouldn’t do what they wanted. It was not right for them to do this to her. She might have run away from me, but she was leaving everything when she ran. And if that was her choice…

  “I know what we will do. We will take Raff back to his old pack if Lexi doesn’t come out of the room. We will send him back to his loving, caring family, and I will escort him there myself.”

  I could see a gleam in Nash’s eye as he glared at me. I felt like someone sat on my chest, I couldn’t breathe as chills crawled up my spine. He couldn’t do that, he wouldn’t.

  “Yes, that is right, get your stuff, boy. I will send you on your way now. She has thirty seconds to get her stuff and leave before I send you back to those addicts.” Alaric smiled at me. He fucking smiled.

  I could feel the fear coming from Lexi. I didn’t just smell her, I swear I could feel it in my bones, in my mind. My wolf was vibrating, I would lose control in a moment. I took another step back when Nash reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me toward him. I growled lowly; my wolf so close to the edge I would shift right here if I didn’t have such control. And I could only control it for so long.

  “Hey,” Jack yelled at Nash.

  “Get off me,” I growled, just as Lexi’s door clicked open. Everyone turned as one and I shoved Nash away from me. Lexi’s face was red and splotchy, like she had been crying. I had been so upset that she had left me, that I didn’t think I would see her like this. She looked so small, so unsure of herself. All her choices had been taken away. I stumbled forward, they used me against her. I would go back to my pack if it meant she was happy. I would do that, I would do anything for her in this moment. She eyed everyone warily in the hallway. Jack gave her a sad smile that said, ‘I’m sorry.’ He had no choice in this—he and Grayson were very low ranking in the pack. They wouldn’t get a say even if they tried.

  “Good, well, now you are ready. Nash.” Alaric nodded to Nash as he brushed past him and walked into the living room. Jack followed Alaric.

  Nash grabbed the top of Lexi’s arm and I saw the fire in her eyes as soon as he made contact with her. She wasn’t small and weak. She was fire. Lexi turned to look him straight on, and Nash looked like the cat that caught the mouse.

  Lexi gave him a huge sarcastic grin before she reached up to his shoulder and her knee met his ball
s. Even I winced when she smashed into him with such force. Nash let go of her and dropped down, cupping his junk with a huge yelp. Alaric started yelling about something, and Galen was trying to get Lexi to calm down. Her scent was strong, like we might get a glimpse of what she was or might be now.

  I felt her soft hand slip into mine, it was small but cold. I looked down to where she held me as she leant into me. She was trying to keep me strong when I should be the one giving her my strength. Alaric stomped back toward us, and without thinking, I pulled Lexi into my room and slammed the door shut. I pressed my body against it to stop them from coming in.

  The door handle rattled and there were a few bangs before Galen told them all too calm down, that Lexi would come to the living room soon. Galen told them to give her a little time with me, that it would be for her best interest. I felt like Galen was on her side, but as a vampire, he was the weakest member in the pack. Usually in shifter packs, vampires had no say or pull. I suspected he was just as low-ranked as Grayson and Jack, but he was respected by Alaric which went a long way.

  “I won’t let them send you back.” Her words were barely a whisper.

  I looked down at her, her eyes filled with tears. I didn’t know what to say, no one had ever done something like that for me. I vowed then that I would always protect her, no matter the cost.

  I will keep you safe, Lexi.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  This room I had been put in was huge, but it was white and sterile like the rest of the house. It made me feel like a caged animal. The way they treated me, the way they treated Raff was worse than an animal. God, I hated Nash and Alaric. They played me, they played me well. I wasn’t sure if they were serious about sending Raff back to his uncle, but I didn’t want to take the chance. I knew either way I was going to be dragged here. I wouldn’t let Raff be taken down too, just because we were friends… well, more than friends. At least, I hoped we still were, after what I did. I didn’t get a chance to explain to him why I ran.


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