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Electrified by the Eel (Filthy Monster Erotica Book 2)

Page 7

by Harpie Alexander

  Settle into…Uhuh. And there it was, suspicions confirmed. No wonder why he’s been so silent, he doesn’t intend to let me go, at least not for the time being.

  Still petting his tailing, Luna trailed her fingers along his markings, slowly tracing their edges. “So…is there some kind of market nearby? I don’t recall passing one on the way here and since I no longer have any clothes to keep me comfortable, it’d be really nice if I could tag along with you.”

  The amount of guilt that flashed across his face after she spoke made her stomach sink with guilt. It was ridiculous. He was the one that shredded her clothes and let them sink into oblivion, probably to never be seen again. So why was she the one feeling guilty?

  Probably because he’s trying to take care of me…

  Still, he couldn’t possibly think to keep her naked all the time. If she wasn’t already on her way to getting a cold, she’d be lucky. If she stayed like this for too long, she’d probably end up freezing to death, unless she found a way to keep herself warm.

  Elar is warm…

  “Elar, you can’t keep me like this. I don’t belong in this world,” she protested lightly, sitting up and pushing his tail off her lap. He turned away from her, refusing to meet her eyes as his expression took on a look of despair.

  Luna let out a deep sigh, which turned into a shriek when Elar suddenly lifted her to her feet and dove into the water so quick that it created a massive splash that drenched her again. Taking a step back to avoid being pulled out by the turbulent tidal wave he left in his wake, she was left standing there alone, jaw open wide in complete shock.

  Several silent minutes passed and he didn’t return. Minutes turned to hours, or so it felt and with nothing to do but wait, Luna sat down and watched the small waves lap at the side of the rock ledge. Eventually, her shoulders slumped and her thoughts turned to despair, convinced he must have left her for good. All because she couldn’t keep her mouth closed. She pushed too much, made him feel bad and possibly even regret. Except for hurting his feelings, she didn’t regret a single thing that had happened between them since she met Elar. He’d been kind, respectful, even attentive to her pleasure—sure he was also possessive, aggressive, and dominant, but believe it or not, she enjoyed those things about him as well, maybe even more so.

  Dammit. Why’d I have to go and ruin a good thing? Where would I ever find a man as great as him? He’s all I have in this weird world and I don’t want to lose him.

  “I’m sorry!” Luna yelled over the water, her voice echoing off the cavern walls. “I didn’t mean to upset you…please come back Elar. I’ll stay…if it means you’ll come back.”

  As soon as the words left her mouth, she was stunned by the full implications of them. She liked Elar, a lot, enough so that the fear of losing him made her admit things she was only beginning to understand. Would she really stay here with him? In this barren cave? Could she really live like this?

  Movement in her peripheral vision caught her attention. A dark, blurry figure hovered just below the surface of the water. It was Elar and he appeared hesitant to approach, instead, he watched her through the water.

  Luna slowly knelt, mindful of the sharp rocks at the edge of the shelf she was perched on which could easily tear her unprotected skin if she so much as moved wrong. If there was one thing she could have in that moment, it was her damn clothes, her pants if nothing else for heaven’s sake.

  It was an absolute travesty that she was now naked. She didn’t know if she would ever have more clothes. Even if she still insisted on going home, she’d probably emerge from the backyard naked as a jaybird and right in the middle of a police investigation into her disappearance. The idea was laughable and concerning. Just another reason to add to the pile as to why she didn’t want to go back.

  And piling up they were.

  Yellow eyes blinked up at her through the dark water that obscured the rest of his face. Her heart leaped in her chest, she was elated that he’d returned and not left her completely alone in such unfamiliar and seemingly inescapable territory.

  A soft sound filled the air. It was quiet and slow and seemed to be coming from the water. Upon recognizing some of the tones she’d heard from when they had sex in the water, she realized the sound was coming from Elar. He was singing. But this was much different from the upbeat, almost pleasurable sounds she’d heard before. Now, his vocalizations were quieter, sorrowful, almost apologetic.

  She had no doubt in her mind that the song was for her, like he was apologizing for his mistakes, whatever they were. Perhaps he didn’t abandon her after all. Perhaps he only left to clear his head and give her some space, and instead of making more demands of her, he was using his beautiful voice to ask if he could return, now that he was ready.

  Of course, that was all purely speculation. She didn’t know enough about Elar or much about his kind to truly understand his motives at all. He did eat her out moments after rescuing her and then kidnapped her. And now he was holding her hostage, and vague in his reasons for keeping her, but at least he was treating her to incredible sex. The only thing she knew for sure was that he was downright determined to not let her go. But why? It’s not like there weren’t plenty of females he could mate with. She had literally run into a plethora of them when they…

  A shudder rolled through her body at the memory. She had met a rather large group of them and look at what they did to Rick. They were vicious, violent, and apathetic to his pleas for mercy.

  But they helped me though…Rick was a violent man. They were punishing him. If the females hadn’t intervened, I’d be dead or worse.

  Was it possible they treated Elar just as poorly? Had he been violent and hurt a female, just as Rick was going to hurt her? Even if that was the case, was he truly deserving of such brutality?

  No, she told herself. She might have only known Elar for a short time, but she could already tell he was everything that Rick wasn’t. Kind, caring, attentive to her needs. Her sore pussy tingled at the mere thought of Elar taking care of her needs. Fuck…he’s going to be the death of me if I can’t stop getting turned on by him.

  Realizing she was still staring at Elar, Luna motioned for him to come to her.

  As he breached the surface, she could see his marking slowly bleeding in and out of intense shades of yellow-orange. His gaze locked on hers, sad but hopeful as he slowly approached the ledge she stood at.

  “Will you?” he asked in a quiet, deeply anxious voice.

  Luna cocked her head to the side, confused by the serious lack of detail in his question. “Will I what?”

  “Stay. You said you would if I came back. I am here, so will you stay?”

  His passionate eyes watched her with such intensity it was as if he was barely restraining his nervousness as he waited for her answer. The earnest longing and innocence in his usually deep and commanding voice was so endearing, Luna found herself lulled into replying without a rational thought. “Yes, Elar I’ll stay.”

  This is crazy. What am I doing? Agreeing to live here with someone I just met. He’s not even human!

  “Good, because I wasn’t planning on letting you go just yet. It would have made me very…unhappy had you insisted.”

  There was something in his voice which warred against his words, like he was putting on a false bravado to hide his true feelings. What kind of insecurities was this poor lonely male hiding from her?

  Disregarding the droplets of water sluicing down his powerful chest and abs in favor of the inhuman beauty of his face, she locked her gaze with his. There was a glint of hope in them that warmed her heart even more.

  Lazily rising from the water, he pulled something dark and soaking wet out with him. Holding the heavy looking bundle in his hands, he shook part of it out and held it up for her.

  “My clothes!” she cried in delight, and reached for them, but before handing them over, Elar squeezed every drop of water from the fabric as he could and lay them on the rocks next to her.

  In a frenzy, her fingers roamed over her pants and shirt, checking the damage. Finding the large rips left by Elar’s claws took only seconds, but it wasn’t as bad as she had thought it would be, her clothes were torn in such a way she could still wear them if she tied the edges together. That little light at the end of the tunnel made her feel better. It wouldn’t be exactly the same, but it was better than being completely nude.

  “Thank you Elar! I thought I’d never see these again. Though, I’m going to have to ask you not to tear them from me again. As you know, I don’t have an extensive wardrobe just laying around,” she said with a chuckle.

  “I wouldn’t have torn them if you weren’t hiding your delicious cunt under them. I suggest you remove them quickly in the future if you don’t want them more damaged,” he replied in a semi-dark, arrogant voice just as she tried slipping her legs into the damp clothing.

  Luna immediately ceased what she was doing, heat suffusing her cheeks as she looked up at Elar towering over her once more. She used to hate the word cunt, but the way he said it made her reconsider the word. It was so erotic and naughty coming from his lips. A tingle of excitement rushed through her, reminding her of their earlier encounter.

  “Viiiiiisk, you’ve become wet again,” he snarled, nostrils flaring. The feral look in his eyes as he pushed himself further out of the water was predatory and it only meant one thing. He was about to pounce.

  Mildly alarmed by the intense lust in his gaze, she stepped back, only to stumble because she’d forgotten that she still had one foot in her torn up pant leg. She let out a screech as she began to fall towards the rocky ground behind her. The only thing she could think of was how bad it would hurt when she landed.

  Luna slammed her eyes shut as if that could somehow protect her from the incoming pain she was about to feel.

  But she never hit the ground.

  Something firm wrapped around her waist, stopping her fall, and she cracked open an eye. It was Elar’s tail. He had saved her again.

  He’s coming in pretty handy. Couple of rescues, some mind blowing sex…

  “Thanks,” she said with a sigh of relief. His tail tightened just a fraction and pulled her towards him. The small movement reminded her exactly why she almost fell in the first place: her scent, the predatory look in his eyes. Her pussy clenched at the reminder and she shivered, slowly shifting her gaze up at him as her hands gripped on his tail. “Elar?”

  He didn’t respond as his face darkened with hunger.

  Lifting her high in the air, he held her dangling above his head, then lowered her to his face and helped her shift her legs so she could straddle his shoulders. Darting out his tongue, Elar swiped between the tender folds of her sex. Luna’s body slowly came alive at the sensations his tongue provoked. He carefully avoided her clit as he licked and nipped everywhere around it, dragging out her torment as long as he could.

  Her thighs trembled around his head, and soon, she found herself moving her hips against him, unable to resist riding his face as she clutched at his bare scalp. Had she ever cummed three times in one week before this? Much less a single day? If she hadn’t, she was setting a personal record, one she doubted was going to end at three.

  “You taste so good on my tongue,” he murmured between fervent licks, his breath hot on her skin.

  “My clit…play with my clit,” she whined, panting and practically begging him. Luna was almost relieved he didn’t have any hair, because if he did, she knew without a doubt she would’ve pulled out every strand by now.

  Finally, that delightful forked tongue of his wrapped around her little nub, twisting and turning every which way as it tugged at her. The sole attention on it felt amazing, but despite her attempt to chase her approaching orgasm, she felt empty inside. After the naughty things they’d done to each other already, his tongue simply wasn’t enough.

  “I need you inside me,” she cried as she arched above him and dug her heels into his shoulder blades.

  “Not until I’ve made you cum first,” he growled, stopping briefly to give her a look that told her to stop complaining and behave, then he went back to licking her, even slipping the length of his tongue into her pussy and stroking the inner walls.

  She bucked at the slight invasion, but it still wasn’t what she needed. Why did he have to be so controlling? And why did she like it so much? She’d never enjoyed it when anyone else tried to dominate her in the past.

  Desperate for relief, she reached down to finger herself but Elar batted her hand away with a snarl that vibrated her sensitive flesh and drew a loud gasp from her. “Please, Elar, I need you. I’m so empty.”

  He stopped, looking up at her with incredulity. “Say it again.”

  “Say what?” she whimpered in frustration, her thighs, pussy, and hips quivering, straining desperately to touch him. Her body shook with the need to reach something, anything, just some part of him. So close to release, she only needed just a little bit more to set her off. Because she was so focused on not losing that edge, it took her a second to understand him. Although, she would have said anything at this point if it meant he’d finally fuck her. Anything. “Elar, don’t make me wait…Please fuck me, I need you.”

  He hissed, not saying a word, then set her on her feet again, nudging her to turn. “Kneel,” he ordered, his voice thick with emotion.

  When she didn’t move fast enough for him, he spun her around and forced her to her hands and knees—gently. Excitement coursed through her veins as she felt him slide up behind her, water dripping from his body as he swayed over her. Any moment now, his thick cock and those small little feelers at the base of his slit would torment her swollen flesh as he pounded into her.

  This was what she needed.



  “What are you doing?” Luna asked with a whine when he spread her bottom apart to get a better view of her slit so he could lick it. A breathy moan escaped her as she shivered with need, her back bending as she offered her cunt to him. “I thought we were moving onto something else?”

  Elar wasn’t quite ready to let the flavor of her fade from his mouth, not when she was so deliciously close. With only a few more swipes of his tongue, her channel would gush with more fluid and then he would spear her with his cock.

  In response to her impatience, he snapped out his tail and lightly struck her bottom. Elar winced at the loud crackling sound the whack created, but Luna squealed and pushed back against him, clearly enjoying it.


  Every aspect of her beckoned him, called to him. Her taste, her scent, the sounds she made were barbs that hooked into his very being. He wanted to please her in every way, which was also why he’d felt so dejected when she had brought up the subject of leaving again. How could he control her when clearly, she was the master of him? But he was so close even now. She was a slave to her needs just as he was a slave to his mating heat. Her body dripped with desire, craving him at every turn. If only he could learn to command it, she would never want to leave him.

  “You will take what I give you,” he ordered, having already learned that his dominance ripened her lust further.

  It was a stark contrast in comparison to females of his kind, who under no circumstance would have allowed a male to control them. Perhaps it was one of the reasons why he couldn’t resist her. It wasn’t just her feminine appeal, soft demeanor, and those kind eyes he found appealing, but her ability to yield to him when he demanded it. He liked it, appreciated it…hungered for it. Perhaps a little too much, though, since he found himself getting a tad bit carried away.

  “And if you don’t behave, you will find yourself begging for release while I seed you over and over again.”

  “No! No…I’ll behave. I’ll do whatev—”

  That was all he needed to hear.

  Elar dove between her legs and suckled her flesh once again. This time, however, he paid more attention to her dripping channel than the spot she called her clit. He had to m
ake sure she fully understood that it was he who was in control, not her. If there was one thing he needed, it was this. Soon, she was crying her frustration and trembling violently as he kept her on the edge of her release.

  A devious grin formed on his face. If the other Eelakwians found out how much he’d changed, they’d say he’d gone feral, blame it on his attempt to avoid the mating heat. Stories of his deviance would be shared with future younglings in order to keep them in line. It was laughable, especially now that he’d experienced such bliss with a mate who gave as much pleasure as she took. How could he not think they were equally matched? How could he not believe the First Mother sent her straight to him? She was practically gift wrapped in those awful clothes when she fell straight into his lake.

  There was no doubt of who she was.


  If only he could crush her desire to leave him, at least until she birthed him younglings to care for…but even then, he longed for her to stay. Yet she was human, and dead set on making it back home.

  Knowing their time together was likely limited—though he thanked the Goddess it was going to be far longer than a traditional Eelakwa mating—Elar finally decided to give her some reprieve.

  Hard and tenaciously slow, he dragged his tongue across her favorite spot, then sucked her clit into his mouth, nipping her gently. She jerked, coming undone within seconds and cried out in pleasure, releasing the decadence of her orgasm onto his tongue. What was it again she said about needing more? Elar chuckled to himself and spent the next several minutes licking every little bit her body offered, leaving just enough behind to coat his cock so he could rut her pliant body.

  “Oh, fuck,” she groaned when he gripped her hip with one hand and held her steady. “I’m so ready for this.” Her words came out in a breathy chant that made him grin.

  “I know, female. Have patience,” he said through gritted teeth. He almost chuckled at how easily he slipped into this new role of his. It was no wonder the females sought to keep control over their males. The feeling was heady and intoxicating.


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