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A Case of Love

Page 7

by Wendy Stone

  So wrapped up were they, neither felt the ride slow or heard the click of the bar as it unlatched, freeing them.

  "Excuse me,” a gravely voice said, clearing his throat loudly.

  Hawk lifted his head, staring around blankly then smiled down at her. “Oops. Ride's over, sweetheart."

  Mac blushed, stepping out of the ride and, not waiting for Hawk, made her way down the small wooden planks towards the exit. She felt his arm wrap around her waist just as she made it to the grass and she looked up at him, bursting into laughter. “Are you planning on doing this every ride?"

  "Everyone I can,” he chuckled, dropping a quick kiss on her lips. “Come on."

  They walked through the park, riding the Pirate's Ship, the Tilt'o-whirl, the Scrambler and the Swings before reaching the first of the two main rides this park was famous for. The rollercoaster was a huge wooden structure with a metal track that curved and twisted in and around itself, promising the rider a glorious trip.

  Hawk pulled her in line, setting her in front of him so that he could wrap his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest. Her head reached the bottom of his chin and he leaned against her, feeling her hands come down over his. “Have I told you how glad I am that you walked into that warehouse?” he whispered, bending his head to reach her ear.

  "No,” she said, turning to grin up at him. “You just enjoyed the free feel you got."

  "Yeah and what part of me being male did you miss?” He laughed, his hands stroking over her stomach and landing on her hips as the line moved forward. “I have to admit to being a little awestruck when Kenny brought you in. That little red"

  "That little red dress went back to its owner,” she said, laughing at his disappointed expression. “Maybe Selena will let me borrow it again sometime, just for you."

  He hummed into her neck, his lips nibbling along her skin. She shivered and he smiled, enjoying what he was doing to her. The line moved quickly and soon they were filing on to the platform that led to the long red car.

  "Come on,” he grinned, his brown eyes sparkling.

  Kenzie found herself caught up in his enthusiasm, giggling like a school girl as he swung her into the very first car of the rollercoaster. “You're completely crazy,” she laughed.

  "Yep,” he agreed easily, bending to kiss her before sliding into the car next to her. “Are you a screamer?"

  With the tingling sensations left from the last kiss he'd pressed upon her, Kenzie just blinked at him a minute in confusion. “Screamer? mean on the rollercoaster. No, I don't scream."

  "We'll have to see about that,” he whispered against her ear, his tongue coming out to tickle the soft whorl.

  She shivered in reaction, feeling her nipples growing hard and a spurt of heat rush to pool in her groin. “Oh, not fair,” she moaned, just as the safety bar slid down, clicking into place. “That was cheating."

  "Nope,” he quipped. “All's fair..."

  The ride took off with a jerk, startling Mackenzie enough so that a squeal was torn from her mouth. She glared at Hawk as the car started to make its first torturously slow climb to the summit, the clacking nose harsh in her ears.

  She turned to him, scooting as close as she could, letting her hand fall to his thigh. “I heard somewhere that an orgasm on a rollercoaster is ten times better than one in a bed.” Her hand smoothed over the fabric of his jeans, sliding down toward his knee and then back up toward the bulge that was growing in his pants. “It has something to do with endorphins."

  "Really,” he groaned as her hand came to rest upon the hard ridge of his cock, stroking and squeezing it through his jeans. “Mac...uh...ah, you maybe shouldn't be...ah...doing that."

  The car was slowing as it reached the top. Mac, turned innocent eyes up to him. “Doing what?” she asked, flicking open the button to his jeans and sliding her hand inside. “This?” She felt the heated tip, moving down further to find his thick shaft and stroking over it as they plunged down the other side.

  "Yes,” he growled, loud enough to be heard over the roar of the wind and the screams of the other passengers. The motion of the car made her hand move over him, jerking him off.

  He felt good in her hand, hard and thick, throbbing as the curves and twists of the ride jostled them. She could only imagine how good he would feel inside of her, how the thick shaft would stretch her, filling her, pumping inside of her until she would come. Just the thought had her wet and wanting, her eyes on his face.

  Hawk closed his eyes, unable to watch what she was doing to him. He could feel the cum churning inside of him, wanting to explode. Every move of her soft hand sent him closer to completion until he groaned, grabbing her hand and pulling it away from his body. “Stop,” he growled, his voice a sexy rasp.

  He turned and looked at her, groaning at the sight. She was flushed, her eyes a little hazy, heavy lidded, hungry. Her lips were parted, wet from her tongue. The wind rushed through her curls, tossing them like a lover's hands would. Her tee shirt was blown back against her body, outlining her breasts, showing off the hard nipples that pushed against her bra.

  "If you don't stop looking at me like that, I'm going to take you somewhere and fuck you until you scream,” he growled, watching as her eyes narrowed and then focused upon his mouth. He could almost hear her thoughts in his head, the expression on her face clear.

  Mac could only fantasize about how it would feel to be held in his arms while he pounded into her. She could almost see it in her mind, pushed against a wall, naked, his hand holding her arms above her head while his other hand diddled in her creamy pussy, driving her past the brink of holding back. It was an intoxicating picture, one that had her licking her lips in anticipation.

  Hawk buttoned his jeans as they rounded the final head pounding turn, feeling the car slowing and then coming to a stop. The safety bar clicked open and he pushed it up, reaching for Mac's hand to pull her from the ride. They raced out together, Hawk yanking down the bottom of his tee shirt to hide his throbbing erection.

  Pushing her behind the exit, he backed her out of sight of the other passengers. With her back against one of the supports of the ride, he bent his head, his tongue a furious flame in her mouth. He kissed her hard, hearing her moans of pleasure as his hands came up and cupped her aching breasts, his thumbs rubbing over her nipples.

  "How do you like it?” he hissed against her lips. Then he tore his mouth away from hers, staring around for a minute before he pulled her along behind him heading away from the coaster. They got in another line, and Mac glanced back at him, wondering at his mood. He held her as he had in the coaster line but there was none of the teasing banter that had been there before.

  This line was shorter and Kenzie gasped when she saw the ride. A double Ferris wheel loomed above them, a huge thing with red and green and yellow lights blinking in a mad dervish of colors. He pulled her into a car, his arm wrapping around her shoulders as the carnie set the safety bar. The car swung, teetering back and forth as the ride began, swinging them up and over before coming to a stop at the top of the first round.

  "Now,” he growled, his voice low, “do you think it was wise to play like you did?"

  "Wise? Maybe not,” she grinned, her hand coming up to stroke across his face. “Fun, definitely. Why? Are you planning on making me pay?"

  He nodded, a strained grin on his face. “I think someone should and since I'm the only man here, I guess it's up to me. His hand caught the curls at the base of her neck, yanking on them gently and tipping her head back. She could see the heat in his eyes as he moved closer, her lips parting in anticipation of her kiss.

  Heat, an explosion of it, burst in the pit of her stomach. A moan was torn from her throat as he played with her mouth, teasing and tasting then devouring her, thrusting his tongue inside, dancing against her own in a passionate tango. His palm cupped her face, tipping her head, giving him more room to drive her mad.

  "I should pull up your shirt and bare yo
ur pretty nipples for my lips,” he growled, tearing his mouth from hers. His hand slipped down, palming the heavy mound, his thumb stroking over it.

  "You wouldn't,” she groaned. “That would be breaking the law."

  She arched up into his hand, her head falling back against his arm, moaning as he found her throat with his lips. He nipped, laving at the stingy flesh with his tongue before sucking gently, careful not to leave a mark that would stay.

  "I want you,” he growled. “You're driving me insane."

  Her breath hissed out and she felt the heat of his palm on her bare stomach, her shirt bunching up under his seeking fingers. “What are you doing?” she moaned as his hand pushed under her bra, taking the cup and shifting it until his palm cupped her bared breast.

  "If you can't tell, then I'm doing something wrong,” he groaned, shifting in the seat and making it rock. His hand squeezed gently over her soft flesh, lifting it and palming the hard nipple. She arched into his fondling hand, a whimper of need and pleasure coming from her lips.

  The car began to move again and Hawk lifted his head, meeting her gaze with his own. He glanced around, hiding his hand from those around with his body. The car spun, dropping them down only to spin them back up and around. The two wheels traded places, and then slowed, leaving them at the top. The view was amazing, but neither of them was interested in anything but each other.

  Mac reached up, her hand twining in the lengths of his dark hair. Her other hand slid over his collar, pulling him closer. “Kiss me,” she breathed.

  "My pleasure,” he whispered. His lips were warm, his touch heated, his kiss demanding. She moved under his hand, her leg coming to rest over his, her hand dropping to his lap. He tore his mouth from hers. “Minx,” he growled, his hand coming down to cup hers against his jeans.

  "Hey you two! Get a room!"

  Hawk jerked, his hand coming out from under her shirt. He looked up, seeing two teenagers staring down at him from the car above theirs. “Very funny,” he grumbled. His head swiveled and he glared as she laughed, though the sound was husky.

  Her hand still cupped his groin, slowly squeezing and rubbing his throbbing cock, driving him to distraction. He grabbed her wrist, lifting it and pinning it to the seat behind her. “You are something else,” he hissed.

  "Me?” she grinned. “I'm not the one molesting women on the Ferris Wheel."

  "No, you were the one with her hand down my pants on the rollercoaster.” He wrapped his arm around her, hugging her close.

  "Oh was that you?” she said with a chuckle. She nuzzled her nose in his neck, breathing in his scent. “You know you have to win me some horrid looking stuffed animal before you can take me home."

  "Horrid looking?"

  "Have you ever looked at the stuffed animals they have in amusement parks? They're hard and feel like they're stuffed with sawdust.” She sighed, closing her eyes and relaxing against him. She could still feel the heat of his hand on her breast, the taste of him in her mouth.

  "So if they're that bad, why would you want one?” he asked, ignoring the view around him, his eyes on her.

  "It's tradition,” she grinned, lifting her head to kiss his jaw. “If you take a girl to an amusement park, you have to win her one so that she can take it home and sigh over it. Unless, of course, the date didn't turn out well, in which case you take it home and throw darts at the damn thing."

  "How's this one going?” he asked as they spun down to the bottom part of the twin wheel.

  "Well, so far, I'm not getting out the darts. But then again, you haven't won the animal for me yet, have you?” Mackenzie looked around them. “It really is pretty up here."

  "You are really pretty,” Hawk said, his hand sliding over her cheek.

  * * * *

  He stood at the concession stand, his eyes ever watchful, following the circuit of the Ferris wheel as it moved around and around. He watched her laugh, leaning closer to the Detective, her hand touching him. He watched them kiss, saw his hand under her shirt, touching her. He fumed.

  Over in the midway, an engine revved, a burst of flame spouted in the air, drawing his eyes. Lust filled him, and he felt his cock grow hard in the dirty jeans he wore. He put his hand in his pocket, slowly letting it play over his erection, ignoring the gasps of the people around him who saw what he was doing.



  "Freak. Damn boy, take that somewhere else if you got to do that,” a man said, picking up his little girl and covering her eyes.

  His feet seemed to have minds of their own, carrying him toward the grandstands, hearing the sound of the master of ceremonies who spoke loudly into a PA system. He came closer, watching as a motorcycle went screaming towards a circle of fire, passing through it to come out the other end. The people in the stands roared, two men coming out to put out the flames with fire extinguishers.

  As soon as the fire was out, he blinked, seeming to come out of a trance. Feeling the wetness of his orgasm slicking down the inside of his shorts, he glanced down. Noting the darkening stain on his jeans, he yanked his shirt down to hide the growing wetness. With one last glance towards the Ferris wheel where he'd last seen her, he hurried out of the park, heading to his car.

  * * * *

  "Ten shots for a dollar, just one thin dime a piece!” the girl called, her voice bored and tired sounding. “Shoot the target and win your lady a prize!"

  "Come on,” Hawk said, grinning down at Mac. “Time for the horrid stuffed animal."

  "Aw, my poor heart is just going pitty-pat,” she teased, letting him drag her to the games.

  "Six bears, eight ducks or four bull's eyes wins your lady a prize,” she called as they approached.

  Hawk pulled out a dollar and handed it to her, taking the gun that the girl handed him. “What does she get if I hit ten bears?"

  "Ten bears wins the lady any of the animals on top,” she said, leaning back against the side of the tent that held the game.

  "Pick your animal,” he kidded Mac.

  "Can I pick you?” she asked, cocking her hip into his.

  "Later,” he hissed, taking aim. “Can't you see this winning stuffed animals is an important business. Serious stuff, now hush."

  "Sor-rey,” she drawled.

  The gun made a popping sound, the small bb's clinking off the bears as he knocked them down. He set the gun down, smiling at Mac. “Did you decide which one you wanted?"

  "Show off,” she smirked. “Um, I think I want the pink hippo, the one with the long lashes."

  The girl, chomping on gum, reached up and snagged the hippo, holding it out to Mac. She took it as the girl popped her gum, tucking it under her arm and snuggling her other in Hawk's. “Thank you,” she said.

  "All I get is a thank you?” he kidded her.

  "Depends,” she said.


  "Whether you plan on asking me out again."

  He chuckled, spinning her around and dipping her over his arm. “What do you think?"

  Kenzie let her heart settle back down before answering. “I think I'm irresistible and you are going to have to ask me out again. You can't help yourself.” She shrugged her shoulders as he lifted her back to her feet.

  "And what are you going to say?” he asked, dropping a kiss on her nose.

  "Now if I tell you that, it ruins all the suspense. You don't want to take all the mystery out of our relationship now, do you?” Mac grinned, enjoying the feeling of being sure enough of the attraction between them to kid him like this.

  "So when do I find out?"

  "When you ask me,” she said matter-of-factly. “When else did you think to find out?"

  "Well, how about now?” he said, stopping in front of a concession stand and getting in line.

  "Does that mean you're asking?” she teased him.

  "How come I feel that this could take on all the slapstick humor of ‘Who's on first?’”

  She giggled, taking the lemonade he'd bought for h
er. “No, that would be corny."

  He took the huge cone of French fries and his change, then turned to find a picnic table that wasn't being used and sat down on it. Patting the spot in front of him, he motioned her to sit down, pulling her back so that her back rested against his chest. “So?” he asked, holding out one of the French fries for her to eat.

  "I can't answer a question that hasn't been asked,” she teased him, licking the salt off of his fingers before holding up the lemonade for him to get a drink.

  "Miss Mackenzie Hunter, will you do the honor of accompanying me out again?” he asked quite formally, lifting her fingers to his lips.

  "Why I do declare, sir,” she said in her best Georgia accent. “You are ever so bold.” She waved her fingers in front of her face, batting her eyes in his direction. “Whatever would ma and pa say, if they were to hear you speak to me in such a way?"

  He chuckled. “Well, shucks Miss Scarlet, I just can't help but want to spend more time with you."

  Mac turned, her eyes growing serious. “Gideon, I'd love to go out with you again."

  "How come I hear a but, on the end of that?” he asked, just as seriously. His hand slid down her arm, feeling her warmth and the smoothness of her skin.

  "Probably because there is a but,” she said with a shrug. She watched as he entwined his fingers with hers as if he was bracing for bad news.

  "So why won't you go out with me?"

  "Well,” she said slowly. “There's reasons."

  "What kind of reasons?” he asked, turning her face with his hand so that she looked at him. “Tell me one."

  "You want one reason?"

  "That's what I said."

  She wiggled her finger at him, turning so she could face him a little easier. “Come closer and I'll tell you."

  He moved closer, putting his cheek next to hers, feeling her breath against the hair near his ears, her perfume surrounding him. It made waiting for her answer even harder, to feel her so close and know she might be pulling away. Well, he just wouldn't let her. His active brain was already trying to come up with whatever excuse she could give him, finding solutions and mulling over the situation, so he almost missed the words she whispered in his ear.


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