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The Battlefield Series 3: Trusting Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He reached out and held her upper her arm to look at the bruising.

  “It will get really ugly before it heals completely. Just needs time.”

  She held his gaze. “It’s pretty damn ugly right now, Milton.”

  He reached up and caressed her cheek. “At least this one healed. I hated seeing your beautiful face battered like that,” he admitted and then pulled back.

  She didn’t say a word. “Well, let’s get you home and then next time we’ll work on some more counter moves that can incorporate the kickboxing that you’re learning.”

  “Great. I need to get back on the schedule. Is there room in the Wednesday afternoon class?”

  “For you, definitely,” he said and she followed him from the room. When they got into the office her cell phone was ringing. She walked over to answer it and saw it was Trevor, the guy that the hardware store manager recommended.

  “Hi, Trevor. Really? Oh, God, I hope it works out. No problem, I’ll find someone else. Thanks anyway.” She disconnected the call while Milton was turning off the lights and locking up.

  “What was that about?”

  She nibbled her bottom lip.

  “This guy Trevor who was going to come over to fix my leaky sink and look at the window. It’s rotting.”

  “What? Why didn’t you tell me? How long has this been going on?” Milton asked her as he grabbed his keys.

  “It’s okay, Milton. I’ll find someone.”

  “No, you won’t. It’s my job. My brothers and I own the cottage. We’re your landlords and you’re supposed to tell us if something is wrong. I hope to hell the window doesn’t have to be replaced or the cabinets under the sink.”

  She nibbled her bottom lip.

  “Could it get that bad?”

  “Honey, water can cause serious damage. Let’s go. It’s a good thing I’m driving you home and can take a look right now.”

  “Today?” she asked.

  “Hell yeah, because if something needs fixing and that window is rotting, this storm is only going to make matters worse.”

  He guided her out the door and she tried covering her face as the wind and rain whipped against her. “My bike.”

  “Forget it. I’ll drop it off tomorrow.”

  “I need to do errands tomorrow. It’s my day off.”

  He opened the truck door and then helped her get in. It was so high up, she needed the boost.

  He closed the door and she inhaled the scent of his cologne in the cab of the truck. Everything about the truck was big like Milton. Including the shotgun that lay behind her head and above the small glass window that looked over the bed of the truck. She swallowed hard.

  “What kind of errands do you need to run tomorrow?” he asked her, pulling from the parking lot and heading back to Repose.

  “Just grocery shopping and I was going to visit with Antonia.”

  “Why don’t you have your car back yet?” he asked her and she didn’t know what to say. Was he asking because he heard that Antonia was registering the car under her name and insurance? She didn’t want to lie and she didn’t want to tell him why.

  “It’s taking time to process the insurance and registration.”

  “I thought Nancy was helping out with that after Cesar spoke with her.”

  She was surprised that Milton knew about that. Then he must know about Antonia registering the car under her name.

  “It’s no big deal. I have it covered and should have the car in a few more days. That’s why I wanted my bike.”

  “Well, I’ll give you a ride anywhere you need, and Jesse and Jack will be available, too. That all depends on what I’m walking into at the cottage.”

  She felt bad, like maybe she made matters worse by not contacting him all because of the attraction she was trying so hard to ignore.

  If things were normal then she would be giddy right now and completely smiling that she was in Milton’s truck with him and they were talking so nicely. That wasn’t the case. She needed to remain friends only.

  “I appreciate that you are giving me a ride home, and that you’ll check out the leak and the window. I hope it isn’t bad.”

  “Me either.”

  As they entered Repose and then her neighborhood, the rain continued to pour. It was also a little chilly and she was so wet.

  As they got out and ran to the door Milton saw the stream of water coming from the side of the house around the foundation.

  “Shit, have you looked in the basement lately?”

  “No. I haven’t been down there since I moved in.”

  “Well, that doesn’t look good from here. There’s a window on the side of the house.” He stepped onto the grass to look and she followed, getting soaked and then heard him curse. She jumped and then she saw what he saw. Water was basically pouring into the window on the side of the house and foundation.

  “What do we do?” she asked as he turned abruptly and she grabbed on to his arm to not fall.

  “Get you inside before you get sick. We may need to pump out water. Let’s take a look inside.”

  They hurried to the front door and dried their feet a little before trekking across the tile floor to the basement door. A quick glance to the left and she saw not only the water leaking into the window by the kitchen and sink but also water on the floor.

  “Oh, God, the place is flooding.”

  He pulled out his cell. “Yeah, got water problems big time at Carina’s cottage. Checking out the basement now. Bring the pumps. If they aren’t strong enough we may need to call the fire department. Yup.” He disconnected the call and they headed down into the basement.

  “Fuck, this isn’t good.”

  She covered her mouth and gasped, seeing things floating on the flooring including boxes of pictures and things from her grandparents. She went to step down and he grabbed her. “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to save the boxes of stuff.”

  “Forget it, they’re ruined, and if not, then you’ll get them after the water is pumped out.”

  “No. Those things are all I have left right now to look at of my grandparents. No.” She headed into the water that was nearly up to her knees and she started grabbing at boxes.

  “Jesus,” he scolded but then went in and started helping her. They carried a few items up when they heard yelling from upstairs. “Jesse and Jack are here,” he said, carrying the box of items to the top of the stairs.

  Jesse appeared. “One more please, Milton,” she said to him. He grabbed it from her and passed it to Jesse, who joined them.

  “What the hell is going on? This has never happened before,” Jesse said.

  “We haven’t had rain like this in a while. We’ll know more once we start pumping out water.”

  “Well, the forecast said this storm is right over us and just sitting here. It’s going to go on for hours.”

  “Shit,” Milton stated.

  “What do we do first?” she asked them and then Jack was at the top of the stairs.

  “Here are two pumps. I need help with the generator to start flushing out the water.” She noticed how Jack and Jesse looked at her top and she remembered how wet she was—and probably showing off how cold, too.

  An hour later the humming sound continued and the smell of diesel and dirty water filled the small cottage. She was exhausted and hungry as they all gathered around the kitchen. She looked at the boxes on the floor that she and Milton had saved. She pulled out a picture of her grandparents. She missed them so much. She wished she could hear their voices. She closed her eyes and imagined her grandmother’s lotion she wore. The clean, sweet scent of vanilla and orange.

  God, she missed them. She called one time since she took off after they helped her. Her grandfather said, “Don’t call again. Damn telemarketers.” Then she heard Collin’s voice in the background and she hung up. She prayed he and Steven hadn’t hurt them trying to find out where she ran to.

  “Who is that?” Jack’s voice surprised
her and she nearly dropped the picture. She wiped the unshed tears from her eyes and then placed the picture into the box.

  “My grandparents,” she said and then stood up.

  “They still alive?” he asked and reached down into the box to take the picture back out. She shivered, worrying about what other questions he would push to ask her.


  “Where do they live?”

  “Far from here,” she replied and then watched him and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Jack looked her over and she felt every bit of the effect that had on her.

  “You look a little like your grandmother,” he said to her and looked from the picture to her. Her heart soared a moment and she couldn’t hide her reaction.

  “You think so?” she asked, stepping closer. He lowered the picture and pointed at her grandmother.

  “I can see the resemblance in your eyes.”

  She looked at the picture and then up at Jack. He reached out with his free hand and stroked her cheek and jaw.

  “Gorgeous blue eyes, so filled with emotion.”

  She lowered her head and stepped away.

  Jesse was repairing the sink and she finished mopping up the floors. Thank God no pipes burst or seemed to have additional problems except the rotted wood around the kitchen window.

  “Is that going to be expensive?” she asked, leaning over the counter on her elbows. She was dirty, wet, cold, and tired.

  “It’s not your responsibility but ours. We’ll get it fixed as soon as the rain clears. I’ll pick up a new window at the lumber yard and the wood, too.”

  “I’ll help you install it and redo some of the piping under the sink. It’s rotted out and about time we fix it,” Jesse added.

  “What about the basement and ensuring this doesn’t happen again?” Jack asked.

  “I think we may need to do some outdoor drainage and landscaping work,” Milton said and ran his hand along his jaw.

  She lifted up and all three men stared at her.

  “Anyone want a drink or something? Maybe some food?” she asked.

  “Nevin is on his way. He just got off work,” Jesse said and placed his cell back onto the clip on his jeans.

  Because she was staring at him and appreciating the man’s beauty, she hadn’t noticed Jack move closer and place his arm around her waist from behind her. She tightened up and his lips kissed her shoulder where the bruising was.

  “Looks like you’re healing well. It will get really ugly before it starts fading.”

  She tightened up and then tilted her head up toward him while trying to step to the side, but he had her pinned against the counter and completely under his control with one arm.

  “Milton said the same thing. I’m fine, though, so no need to worry.”

  She turned in his arms, prepared to move away, and feared she may smell from her workout earlier and from cleaning up the mess here in the house. It was hard work.

  “We do worry, though,” Jack said, staring at her lips while he gently glided a finger from her collar bone down her shirt and back to her waist. It not only tickled her skin but aroused her body, too.

  He cupped her chin and tilted her head up toward him.

  “I think you need looking after.”

  “She sure does. Especially with all those men wanting to visit her at the Filling Station,” Milton added.

  “What men?” Jesse asked, moving closer to her.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked Milton.

  “Tony and those other jarheads,” he said.

  “Tony?” Jesse asked.

  “Milton, they were just being friendly. I see them all the time at the restaurant.”

  “Exactly. I don’t like it,” Milton said, moving right next to her.

  She knew what they were doing and she couldn’t let it happen. If they kissed her then it would be harder and harder to avoid them. Already, all day while they helped her here at the cottage, she avoided acknowledging how their touches affected her. The brush of an elbow, the caress of a hand or glide along her back as they moved around her working side by side. She avoided staring at their muscles as they bent and flexed, moving with ease and then working hard and showing a hint of their stamina. It was all too much.

  Jack cupped her chin and lowered closer.

  “Don’t, Jack. Please.”

  He hesitated.

  “Sorry, no can do,” he said and touched his lips to hers.

  She tightened up, thinking she would feel immense fear and like she was trapped, being controlled, but she didn’t. Hell, she felt instant fire, a need so deep that when his muscular arms wrapped around her and pulled her against his chest, she did all she could not to kiss him back and ravish the god’s mouth.

  He pressed deeper, stroking his tongue around in slow exploration while he kept her pressed snugly against him. Her nipples hardened, her breasts called out to be touched and receive some of the same attention her mouth was receiving.

  She moaned and he ran one hand along her back and then to her ass. She gripped his arms and began to pull back when he dipped and then lifted her up onto the table. Her legs parted and he pressed between them and then eased his hands along her arms to her hips and then her thighs. He caressed her bare legs and she shivered as she pulled back. Their lips parted.

  “Holy shit, Carina.” His eyes looked at her lips, her chest, and then all she could do was stare at him like some mute.

  Jack’s large palms caressed her thighs and he held her gaze with a firm expression until Milton stepped closer, cupped her cheek, and went in to kiss her next. She couldn’t move. Not with that man so deeply under some sort of spellbound look in his eyes. It was too late when his lips touched hers and his hands caressed her face as he devoured her moans.

  She tilted forward as Jack continued to caress her thighs but then he stepped back and Milton began to release her lips. Jesse was there, taking over kissing her and pulling her close. His lips covered hers and she got lost in the moment, in the experience that rocked her world. No dream, no fantasy she’d ever had about these men and them kissing her compared to the real deal.

  Jesse released her lips and trailed kisses along her throat and chin. As she turned to try and slow things down, Nevin appeared. Her eyes widened. She was shocked to see him.

  “I’ve got the best timing,” he said and cupped her cheeks and pressed his lips to hers. Soft-spoken, calm Nevin the doctor pressed between her legs and kissed her, bringing her legs up against his sides. He lowered her down to the table and cupped a breast as he explored her mouth. She rocked her hips, moaned at his size and abilities, hell, at all their tactics combined, and her pussy spasmed.

  She pulled from his lips and gasped. “We have to slow down. Oh, God, this is bad. So bad,” she said to him.

  She saw Milton, Jack, and Jesse looking at her face and then her chest. She glanced down and realized her shirt was pulled away from her breast, revealing one large, bra-encased mound.

  Before she could move, Nevin was lifting the material back into place before he pulled her to a sitting position. He fixed her top and then pressed a few kisses to her nose, cheek, and then lips.

  What have I done? Oh, God, this is so bad. So very bad.

  * * * *

  Jesse could see the instant change in her expression. They finally got to kiss her, and together. It was explosive and so damn powerful. Jesse wanted, needed, much more. One look at the fearful, shocked expression on Carina’s face and he knew what was coming next. Her denial. Her resistance. And he wanted to know why.

  “Don’t even say it, Carina. It was bound to happen. We all feel it,” Milton said. Thank God for his fierce, commanding tone, because Carina immediately looked down and stopped herself from denying it.

  She clasped her hands on her lap and wouldn’t look at them.

  “That can’t happen again.”

  “Why not?” Nevin asked, placing his hands on her thighs. She tilted her head up to look at him. Tears
filled her eyes.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why?” Jack pushed.

  “I just can’t. Not now.”

  “Explain,” Milton commanded, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

  She shook her head. “No.” She slid off the counter and when Nevin tried to place his hands on her hips, she grabbed them.

  “Please, Nevin, this is hard enough.”

  He maneuvered his hands so that now he held hers. He brought them up against his chest and she couldn’t believe how turned on she felt.

  “Something has you holding back. A fear, or an experience that makes you scared to accept us. I can see it in your eyes, that is, when you’re not avoiding mine.”

  She looked away and stepped back, only for Nevin to press closer.

  “Talk to me. To us. Did you have a bad experience?” he asked her.

  Those dark blue eyes looked her over. She felt feminine, petite, protected with all four men so close around her. The intimidation, the anxiety, concerns were a lot stronger. She couldn’t be stupid here. She wouldn’t tell them her fucked up situation. She wouldn’t allow them to step in and want to help, to become part of something that would end badly. She kept thinking about Antonia and how Ray came after her.

  “I can’t, Nevin. Just leave it alone. Please, Nevin, I want to be friends.”

  “Fuck being friends,” Jack stated firmly and she swung her head to look up at him. He stood there with his hands on his hips, appearing older, seasoned, a real man. Nothing like Steven or Collin, or anyone her age. She swallowed hard.

  “I can’t give you more. Not now.”

  “Are you in some kind of trouble, or danger?” Jack asked.

  She opened her mouth to say something, to lie or minimize, but stopped, and her hesitation made a series of mumbled curses roll through the room.

  Nevin released one of her hands and brought his palm against her cheek. He tilted her face up toward him. Sweet, commanding, sexy Nevin. A doctor to boot, and he was looking at her with care, with desire. A perfect specimen. Why? He won’t want me when he finds out about the rape. About her running instead of fighting a group of men, a town, a way of life acceptable to that corrupt county she grew up in down south.


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