In Need of a Tow
Page 8
"I won't give you a penny less. C'mon Katherine, it's a Mercedes."
"Fine, but put the money Brian's account. If you don't, I’ll give it to him anyway."
We talked for a few more minutes and I asked him if he'd be able to give me a ride to the airport when I was ready. He told me it wouldn't be a problem. I left his office and realized it was nearing seven p.m. and I hadn't eaten dinner yet. I stopped for a quick bite at the diner then went back to my apartment. As I got settled, my cell phone rang again.
"Hello, my beautiful woman!"
"Hi sweetheart. How's it going?"
"Not well."
"Why’s that?"
"Because you're there and I'm here. I want you here, Katherine." He knew I loved when he called me Katherine. I could feel my heart flutter.
"I'll be there in a few days, love."
"Okay, I waited nine months for you, I guess I can stand a few more days. I know it's early, but I wanna go spend some time with Adam before he goes to bed, so I was callin' to say g'night and sweet dreams now."
"My dreams are always sweet because you're in every one of them. Sweet dreams to you, too, Brian. Love you."
"Love you more!" Then the line went silent.
* * * *
Margaret came to the office the next day with the papers Bob and I needed to sign. I was surprised but happy she’d gotten the papers ready so quickly. She told me she knew I was anxious to get things settled here so I could get back to Brian. Bob came in from the back, kissed her on the cheek then sat down at his desk. She handed me the papers first, I read them over, signed them, and then handed them to Bob.
"So that's it?"
"Yes. It's all done. Well, I still have to file the paperwork to make it legal, but when I do, you and Bob will officially be business partners."
* * * *
It took a few days for things to get straightened out even though Margaret had filed the paperwork quickly. I wanted to make sure Bob and Phil didn't need any help before I left. I said my good-byes to them and went home to pack. I called Ron and told him I was ready to go to the airport. Gary, the guy who drove the tow truck for him now, looked me all up and down then winked as he dropped Ron off in front of my apartment building.
He looked like he was around Ron's age, maybe a few years older, with dark brown hair and gray eyes. He was attractive, but I didn't like the way he looked at me, it gave me chills. I simply brushed him off. I handed Ron the title to my Mercedes and the keys. He handed me a receipt to show me he’d deposited the money for the car into Brian's account like I’d requested and we headed for the airport.
"Thanks for doing this for me, Ron. Now I have nothing to be worried about and I can focus on getting back to Brian."
"Not a problem, Katherine. It helps me out, too. Rose is anxious for us to get married and she's absolutely going to love her wedding present from me.” He rubbed the steering wheel. "I'm glad you and Brian were able to work things out." I could sense the hesitation in his voice.
"Look, Ron, I know you were never crazy about the idea of your son with a woman old enough to be his mother, but I can assure you, I love him with all my heart and soul and I’m never letting him get away from me again."
"I know, Katherine. It's like I said, I think I was jealous of him being so happy and I wanted the same for myself. I know you love him and you'd never do anything to get in the way of his son. I think you did the right thing by going to find him. I've never seen him happier than he was when the two of you were together. I'm glad he has you in his life again. I'm hoping you can forgive my behavior towards you." He glanced over at me and gave me a warm smile.
"Of course I can, Ron. I never wanted to come between you and Brian. I know you were just being the protective father."
"Friends?" He reached his hand out to me.
"Friends.” I shook his hand and smiled.
We got to the airport and I went to the counter to check my bags while Ron found two seats together. While waiting for the announcement to board the flight to Dallas, Ron and I talked about Brian, Rose and Adam. I tried to give him my full attention, but my heart raced and all I could think about was spending tonight—every night—with Brian again. My flight was announced, Ron gave me a warm hug and we said our good-byes.
* * * *
Brian picked me up at the airport in Dallas and we couldn't get back to his place fast enough. Once again, we barely had the door closed and we were completely naked, exploring each other, like we were learning all over again. We made love for about an hour, got out of bed, took a shower then headed right back to bed. He was so gentle and so loving, I could feel it in every kiss and every caress. He lit my whole body on fire with is touch.
It should be a sin to feel this good.
It was as though no time had passed between us. Our bodies fit together perfectly. I felt every inch of him as he moved his hips and found the spot he knew always drove my body into frenzy. He kissed my neck and I breathed his scent in deep. That scent, that feeling, that touch—all I’d craved so long were finally back. But I still craved him. I wanted more of him.
I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him even deeper into me. I felt our bodies slapping together and ran my hands down his back. My pussy contracted on his cock and I felt his whole body stiffen. We both experienced the most powerful orgasms we'd ever felt. We reached our peak together.
He collapsed on top of me completely out of breath. He rolled over onto the bed and his body was still shaking. He let out a content sigh I hadn't heard in a long, long time then lay motionless except for the most passionate kiss on my lips.
"It just gets better and better with you.”
I was speechless. Our love making had never been that intense! Not even after we were away from each other for nine months. My head was still swirling in a haze of ecstasy. I scooted in closer to him and he put an around me. I rested my head on his chest and could hear his heart beating. It was so calming, I started to doze off. I probably slept for an hour before I felt Brian kissing my cheek and gently rubbing my shoulder to try and wake me up.
"What time is it?" I asked groggily as I rolled over to see he had already gotten dressed.
"It's around two.”
I got myself up out of bed, kissed him then headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed. When I came out, he had lunch waiting for us.
"Hungry?" He put two plates with sandwiches and chips down on a small table in the corner of the room.
"Starving!" I walked over and sat down at the table.
"I told Adam you were coming and he's so excited to see you." He pulled his chair closer to mine.
"I missed him, too. I can't wait to see him; I bet he's gotten big!"
We talked some more while we finished eating. Whenever we had Adam when we were back in Michigan, Brian would usually go alone to pick him up and bring him back to the house so I never had the opportunity to meet Jennifer's parents. Brian told me they knew about me, but didn't know I was closer to their age than his and don't be hurt or offended if they look surprised when I meet them. I told him I'd be okay with it; I was used to people's reactions by now. We cleaned up our lunch dishes and headed over to the main house.
"Hello?" Brian shouted as he walked into the house.
"Brian, we're in here," Jennifer answered from another room.
The house looked cozy for a family of four. We entered through the side door off the kitchen. As we walked through the kitchen, I’d noticed it was beautifully decorated with a country motif. There was a large stove and refrigerator on one side of the room with a huge table in the middle. We walked through the kitchen to the family room where we saw Jennifer, Adam and Jennifer's parents. There were two sofas, a recliner and two end tables arranged around the room. One whole wall had shelves filled with DVDs and a large screen TV in the center.
Nice set up! I thought as we entered the family room.
"Ca-tee! Ca-tee! Ca-tee!” Adam squea
led when he saw me and jumped into my outstretched arms.
"Oh, I missed you, Adam!" I scooped him up into my arms and hugged him.
I put him down, turned to Brian and he smiled adoringly at the both of us. Jennifer's parents were staring at me and although I said I'd be okay with their reaction to my age, it still made me nervous. Before Brian could introduce me, I walked up to Jennifer's dad first and introduced myself.
"Hi, I'm Kathy.” I reached out to shake his hand.
"Gordon." He shook my hand. "And this is my wife, Ann." He turned to Jennifer's mother.
"Pleased to meet you, Kathy.” She reached out to shake my hand.
They both looked to be around my age. Gordon had short blond hair and blue eyes. He had a well trimmed beard and mustache and he looked to be quite fit. Ann was an older version of Jennifer with the same blond hair and brown eyes. When she stood up to meet me, she was a few inches shorter than me. Brian and Gordon towered over her.
"Adam's been talkin' 'bout you all day," Jennifer said as she hugged me.
"Have you had lunch?" Ann asked as she headed for the kitchen.
"Yeah, we just ate," Brian said.
"Well c'mon into the kitchen anyway, Kathy. Let's get to know you a bit." Ann motioned me to follow her.
I left Brian to be with Adam and followed Ann into the kitchen. She started pulling lunch meats and cheeses out of the refrigerator and arranged them on a platter. I walked over to offer my help.
"No, I'm good, thanks. Have a seat.”
"Look, Ann, I know—”
She interrupted. "Annie, please." Her friendly smile put me at ease.
"Okay, Annie. I know there's a big age difference between me and Brian, but I love him and I promised him I'd never get in the way of his son."
"What are you talking about?"
"You and Gordon seemed kinda surprised when you met me and I thought—”
"Oh, don't worry 'bout him. I think you and Brian look good together. Does he make you happy?"
"Happier than I've ever been in my life."
"Do you make him happy?"
"He says I do. I hope I make him happy."
"Then that's all that matters."
We spent the whole afternoon with Jennifer and her family. When it was time for us to leave, Adam clung to my leg and started crying.
"No go, Ca—tee," he said.
I picked him up and hugged him. "I'm staying with your daddy, Adam, so we'll see lots of each other again." I brushed his hair back then kissed his forehead and his crying calmed a bit.
"She'll be back tomorrow, honey," Jennifer said as she took him from me.
Brian and I headed back up to his apartment. We made love all night long. The passion between us had intensified and we fit together better than we ever had before. We were back in each other's lives and more in love than we’d ever been.
I spent a lot of time with Adam while Brian was working and Annie had even gotten me involved in selling Avon. It kept the boredom away and gave me someone to talk to instead of sitting around all day. We’d finished early one day and I wanted to surprise Brian and take him out to lunch.
"Hey, Nick," I said as I walked into Freeman's.
"Hi, Kathy.”
"I didn't see the tow truck outside, is Brian out on a run?"
"Yeah, but he should be back any minute if you wanna wait for him."
"Okay." I took a seat in the lobby and flipped through a magazine.
Two girls walked into the shop and approached the counter. They looked to be about eighteen or so and both had long blond hair. They both wore bright colored sundresses and walked with confidence they could turn heads quite easily.
"What can I do for you ladies?" Nick asked them as they approached the counter.
"Well, my car broke down a couple miles up the road and I had to call my sister to come get me," one of the girls said.
"Yeah, I don't know why she just didn't call for a tow," the other girl said.
"Whatever. Anyway, do you guys have a towing service or something? I need my car towed and this was the closest place to where it's at." The first girl flipped her hair and smiled seductively at Nick.
"Yeah, but our driver's out on another run right now. If you want to give me your info, he can get you taken care of when he gets back," Nick told them, ignoring the girls' attempts to flirt.
While the first girl was giving her information to Nick, the other girl had come and sat down a few chairs over from me. She glanced at me with a smile. A few minutes later, Brian pulled up outside and the girl who was sitting near me began staring at him as he got out of the truck and walked toward the building. She got up, walked over to her sister and nudged her.
"Look at the tow truck driver," I heard her whisper to her sister.
Her sister turned around and fixated her stare at Brian as he walked in. He didn't see me sitting there as he approached the counter. I sat and watched the girls, now both looking him all up and down, same as I had the first day we met.
"Oh my God, he's gorgeous!" the first sister said not seeming to care who heard her.
As Brian went behind the counter, Nick leaned over and said something to him. He looked up and saw me sitting in the lobby. He ran around the counter and I got up to meet him halfway. He completely ignored the two girls staring at him. I threw my arms around him and kissed him hard. I felt his hands caressing my ass. Both the sisters looked at each other then looked at me in total shock.
"Whatcha doin' here, sweetheart?" he asked.
"Annie and I were done with our stuff early so I thought I'd surprise you and take you out to lunch."
"Great! I'm starving!"
"Not so fast, Romeo. These girls need a tow." Nick pointed to the sisters standing there with shocked looks on their faces.
"I can wait." I walked back to my seat with a little extra sway in my hips.
"Okay, I shouldn't be too long. Love you," Brian said as he headed out the door.
"Love you, too." The sisters looked back at me. I simply smiled.
It’d only been about fifteen minutes when I heard Brian's voice behind me. "Ready to go, beautiful?"
"Yep!" I walked over, kissed him again and noticed the sisters taking seats in the lobby.
We left Freeman's with our arms around each other and I could see the girls sitting in the lobby. I couldn’t quite tell the looks on their faces—perhaps it was astonishment, perhaps jealousy—but I didn’t care either. We sat in the car for a few minutes and I couldn't keep my hands off him. He looked so damn good today. He looked good everyday, but today there was something about him that made me want to fuck him right there in the car in front of where he works.
He told me he was in the mood for Mexican, so we found a little Mexican place up the road from Freeman's. After we were seated, I excused myself to go use the restroom. I did what I needed to do and as I was walking out of the stall, I heard Brian's voice. He'd snuck into the restroom. He raised a finger to his lips in a shushing gesture, pushed me gently back into the stall and turned me around so my back was against the door. He reached up my skirt and pulled my panties down. We kissed while I found his belt and pulled his jeans down to his knees. We fucked hard and quick. He pulled himself together and walked out of the stall. I heard water running as he cleaned himself up.
I pulled up my panties and straightened out my clothes a bit. When I heard the door of the restroom open, I left the stall. I saw an elderly woman standing there looking at me with a look of disgust on her face. I gave her a quick smile, walked to the sink, cleaned myself up then went back to our table. We gazed at each other and smiled, our legs entwined under the table.
We talked over lunch and he told me his dad had called him asking him to be best man at the wedding. Ron and Rose decided the wedding date would be May fifth. They’d even invited Jennifer and her family to come. He was nervous about being best man. I told him his dad would help him through it. After lunch, I drove Brian back t
o work then went home.
Rose called me later that day and asked if I'd be her maid of honor. I accepted and asked if she needed any help with planning the wedding. She said it was going to be a small ceremony, only close friends and family and they were having it at Brian's house since his was the only yard big enough and neither of them wanted a big church wedding.
* * * *
As each month passed, I found myself actually missing the snow and cold weather, but managed to adjust. I’d go with Brian on weekend trips to northern Texas to show Adam the snow when it was cold enough. It got closer and closer to May and Brian was increasingly nervous. I tried to calm him down, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, May was here and it was time for us to head back to Michigan to help set up for the wedding. I told Brian to try to put things in the back of his mind and focus on his dad's happiness.
On the flight from Dallas, we sat close, enjoying each other's company. I dozed off and my hand slipped off the arm rest into Brian's lap. I woke up to see it there and blushed a bit, feeling his burgeoning erection through his jeans. I rubbed it gently and gave him a smile. The fasten seat belt sign was off, so I got up and walked to the bathroom. I turned around and saw Brian watching which stall I went into. A few moments later I heard a knock on the door and I let him in.
As we started kissing, he pulled my dress up over my head and dropped it to the floor. He sat me up on the sink and pulled my panties off and dropped them to the floor. I felt him stick two fingers inside my wet, tingling pussy. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him deeply. I reached down, started undoing his jeans and felt them drop to his knees. He pushed me back against the mirror while sliding his hard cock perfectly inside my waiting pussy. He pumped hard and I heard him grunt when I slid forward to take him deeper. It was uncomfortable fucking him like this, but I didn't care. I had his cock inside me and wasn't about to give that up.
He wrapped his arms around me and his whole body was stiff as he shot his load deep inside me. I climaxed with him. He paused for a minute with his cock still inside my pussy. We both trembled while we tried to catch our breath. He backed up so I could get down off the sink then cleaned himself up.