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Into the Dark

Page 5

by T A. McKay

  I walk into Rocco’s office and see him sitting staring out of his window.

  “I love to see a man hard at work.” He doesn't even turn to look at me when he answers.

  “Don’t you ever knock?” I can’t help but laugh at his surly attitude. Looks like some things haven’t changed this week.

  “Do I need to knock? Are you hiding something from me Rocco?”

  “Fuck off, Mason. I’m not in the mood.” I walk over to the couch and collapse down onto it, putting my feet up onto the coffee table.

  “That’s not a nice way to speak to the guy who has come to answer all your prayers. You, my grumpy little friend, are coming out with me tonight. A meal at Del Mars will put a smile on your face.” I chose to leave out the fact that we will be joined at the meal by two hot females. It will cause an argument either now or I chose later. I know Rocco is a gentleman so he won't cause an argument in front of the ladies, tomorrow will be another story but I will just try and avoid him until work on Monday.

  “You maybe didn't hear me, Mason. Fuck off.” He still hasn't looked at me and it’s pissing me off a little. I pick up the cushion that’s on the couch next to me and throw it at him.

  “Penny for your thoughts, sweet thing.” The cushion hit’s him on the side of the head finally making him turn to look at me. He looks like shit. There are dark circles around his eyes making it look like he hasn't slept in weeks, and he has at least two days worth of stubble that is very unlike Rocco.

  “You’re a dick, you know that right?”

  “People keep telling me that lately, I'm good with it. So, you gonna talk to me this time or should I win in a smack down and force you to talk?” I see a slight smile reaching his lips. Fighting was always the way we sorted out our problems growing up, with our fists. It’s been a long time since we have had a straight up fight, but I'm pretty sure I could still take him. Rocco is quiet for a few moments, but I give him this time to try and work out what he wants to say, the one thing you can’t do is rush Rocco.

  “I just don't know when it all went to shit. When was the turning point in my life when everything I had worked so hard for just crumbled around me?” I was mistaken. It’s not angry Rocco we have today, it’s pensive Rocco and he is easier to work with.

  “You sound like a girl, man. When did you start with all these feelings and stuff?” I try to make a joke to improve his mood. The answer I wanted to give him was his life went to shit the minute he laid eyes on Elle but I didn't think this is the time. I see a smile turn the corner of his mouth up as he looks over at me.

  “Yeah, I know, I'm a dick. So I go back to what I was saying. You. Me. Del Mars. Tonight.”

  “What’s the catch?” I knew he wouldn’t trust me fully, he knows me far too well.

  “I’m hurt that you would think I would want anything other than spending the night with my very best friend.” Yeah, I know I'm laying it on thick but he’s onto me and I need to get him to agree to go.

  “Fine, Mason. I will pretend you are just an amazing friend and there are no ulterior motives for wanting me to come out with you tonight, but just answer me this. Do I need to shave and dress nice?” Yes, he’s definitely onto me.

  “Of course, you do, I want my date to look hot. You wouldn't take me out looking scruffy would you?” I pout my lips and blow a kiss at him as I get up from the couch.

  “Eight o'clock at Del Mars. Drive yourself, so you can take yourself home, I will be too busy to drive you.” I hear his groan from behind me as I walk out the door before the door closes I hear him mutter.

  “I am gonna regret this, I know it.”

  I pull up outside Del Mars just before eight, I can't see Rocco but I can see his Lexus in the car park. Knowing ‘Mr Always On Time’ he has probably been here for an hour already and is on his third drink at the bar waiting on us. I walk around to the passenger door and open it to let Jen out. She is all legs as she gets out of the car in her short skirt, and I can't help but wonder if she is wearing underwear. Taking her hand and helping her out of the car I make a mental note to make sure that Rocco drives her friend, Kathy, home tonight.

  Opening the door to the restaurant, I let the ladies enter before me, and I look around until I see Rocco sitting at the bar. He is wearing dress trousers with a white shirt and in that moment I know that he never fell for my story for one minute. I point over the girl’s shoulders towards Rocco and place my hands at the base of their backs to move them towards him.

  “Holy fuck. Is that your friend?” Kathy, Jens friend, asks. I had told her that I had a friend joining us, but that’s all I said, but she had the reaction I expected. Women love Rocco. With his dark hair and tattoo women are all over him, he just never notices the attention. It’s not the first time I have been thankful that he doesn't pay attention to the women around us, he would kick my arse if we ever went head to head for a woman's attention.

  “Yes, Kathy. That’s Rocco and he’s your date for the night.” I can actually feel her body shudder as we move closer, if nothing else, tonight should make for some good entertainment. Rocco turns towards us as we approach, the look on his face not showing an inch of surprise.

  “Rocco, my man. Let me introduce you to these two beautiful women. This is Jen, my date for the evening, and this is Kathy her friend.” He holds his hand out to shake as he says his hellos. As he reaches over to me, he squeezes my hand a little more than necessary making me cringe a little.

  “Well, our table is ready if you are all ready to go grab a seat.” Rocco says as he stands and leads the way over to our table.

  I’ve had so much fun at dinner tonight, I'm not even sure what I have enjoyed the most. It could be the hot woman sitting next to me with her hand on my dick. She started slowly, working her hands gradually up my thigh and by the time she reached my dick it was rock hard. It could also be sitting there watching Rocco being manhandled by Kathy...or maybe that should be woman handled. He has been the perfect gentleman since we sat down, showing no romantic interest but being polite, this hasn't stopped her making it perfectly clear where she wants the evening to go. I think her top has lowered about four inches and I'm pretty sure if she pulls it down anymore her breasts are going to pop out of the top. Add that to the way she keeps rubbing herself up and down Rocco’s arm and it’s taking me all my strength not to laugh at the look of discomfort on his face. I’m looking over at him and I see him freeze. I chuckle, wondering where Kathy has possibly put her hand when I see a look of anguish come over Rocco’s face.

  “Rocco, are you ok?” I say quietly over the table to him. Thankfully Jen and Kathy are having a conversation about...well I don't know what, some girly shit is all I know.

  “Seriously Rocco, you are freaking me out a little. You look ill.” He doesn't say anything, but he is staring hard at something behind me. I turn in my seat to see what has caught his attention and I feel my stomach drop. This isn’t going to end well. Entering the restaurant is Makenzie with a guy I don’t know. The guy has his hand on her back leading her to her chair, showing that this is more than just a casual dinner. Makenzie looks beautiful and is smiling, I know this must be hurting Rocco.

  “I need to leave.” It’s a simple statement, one that says to me everything that Rocco is feeling.

  “We haven't finished eating yet.”

  “I don’t give a fuck, Mason. I can't sit here all night and watch her with him.” He almost growls the words at me in his pissed off mood.

  “You caused this! She was yours to have, but you fucked it up. You, Rocco. No one else.” I’m trying to keep my voice as low as possible, trying not to bring attention to us. I’m saved from any more drama when our meal is brought to the table by the waitress.

  “Let's just finish our meals and then we can leave.” Rocco nods his head at me, looking away from where Makenzie is sitting.

  “Oh my gosh, look at this food. Here Rocco try this.” I swear the girl couldn't be less oblivious to what's going on arou
nd her if she tried. Rocco obviously has no interest in eating the prawn from her fingers, but she just doesn’t notice. The evening just went from entertaining to interesting.

  Our meal is finished and we are sitting waiting on Rocco. He disappeared after Makenzie went to the toilet and neither of them are back yet.

  “Do you think he’s ok? He has been gone for a while now.” I'm not even sure how to answer that question. Is he in danger? Probably not. Is he ok? He is so far from ok it’s hard to explain.

  “Yeah, he will be fine, there was maybe a queue.” What the fuck am I meant to say? I’m sorry Kathy, I know you were hoping to wrap those legs around Rocco tonight but he is currently doing, something, with the girl he is in love with. He may not like to admit it, but I know Rocco loves Makenzie, and the sooner he admit’s it to himself the better.

  I see Rocco walking back to the table on his own, and I can't tell if this is a good thing or not.

  “Everything okay?” He looks at me and I see the fire in his eyes. This shouldn't make me smile as much as it does, but what can I say. It’s nice to see Rocco wanting to fight for something again.

  “Yeah, it’s fine.” He manages through a clenched jaw. Kathy, again very oblivious to everything that isn't her, leans into his arms and rubs her breasts up and down his arm. I stifle my laugh, I’m pretty sure that this would be a very bad time to give in to the urge. Rocco looks like he could commit murder and I would rather not be on the receiving end of his anger. I look towards the toilet door when I see Makenzie returning to her table. She looks like a hot mess. Her lipstick is messed up, her hair is falling out of the style she had it in and her cheeks are red. If I didn't know better I would say that she had just been thoroughly fucked in that toilet, but there is no way Rocco would look as pent up as he does if he had finally gotten laid. She catches Rocco’s eye and he watches her as she goes back to sit down, I don't think there is a minute he isn't focused on her. I don’t even think he is hearing anything that Kathy is saying to him, she is trying to talk to him about going out after the meal, maybe to a nightclub and then back to his house. There is no reaction to her so she moves closer to him wrapping her hands around his arm, she leans in closer and talks into his ear, kissing the side of his neck while she is there.

  “Fuck! She’s going to leave with him.” Kathy moves back from the angry words coming from Rocco, a look of confusion on her face probably wondering who he’s talking about.

  “Leave it, Rocco. She came with him.” His hands are grabbing the side of the table. I’m not sure if he is trying to keep himself sitting there, or if he is wishing his hands were wrapped around the guys' neck.

  “I can’t do it man. She shouldn't be with him.” Ok. Maybe we are making a little progress here.

  “Who are we talking about?” Man, Kathy has a really annoying voice.

  “No-one.” Both Rocco and me snap at the same time. She snaps her mouth shut and her eyes get large. Please don't fucking cry.

  “If she shouldn't be with him, Rocco. Who should she be with?”

  “I don't know, just not him. He’s my friend.” I turn to look at the guy. I hadn't recognised him before but if he is Rocco’s friend then, there is a good chance I have met him. I see the guy walking back to the table and helping Makenzie with her shawl, before putting his arm around her shoulder. This is the final straw for Rocco and he pushes his chair away from the table and stands. He does it so quickly that I nearly don’t get in front of him to stop what is about to happen.

  “Just leave it.” I place my hands on his chest making sure that he can't go anywhere. The last thing he needs when he’s in this mood is to get into a fight, he may not be a fighter but with all the swimming he does he has plenty of muscle. I also think Makenzie would be pissed with him if he went and knocked out her date.

  “She can't leave with him.” The pleading in his voice almost make me move out of the way and let him go after her, but I stick with the idea that it would be a very bad idea. I turn my head and watch as she leaves with the guy.

  “Fuck!” Rocco shouts as the door closes behind her.

  “Calm down. The last thing you need is to go after her and mess things up even more. What happened in the toilet?” I push him back towards our table making him take his seat again.

  “ I kissed her.” Not the answer I was expecting from him. He finally grew a pair and kissed her.

  “Your timing is a little off, but that’s a great move.” He looks at me and I can see more of this story coming, and this may not have the happy ending I want for him.

  “I walked away. I swear it was the best kiss I have ever had, but I can't make her happy so I said sorry. What the fuck am I meant to do, Mason? I want her so bad, but I'm no good for her. What chance have I got though if I can’t keep away from her?”

  “Em, excuse me? I think I will leave now, it’s obvious that nothing is going to happen tonight.” Shit, I totally forgot about Kathy. I’m sure this hasn't made her feel great at all.

  “Kathy, we're sorry. That was really impolite. Please, let me give you a lift home.” Rocco turns to her and I can see the embarrassment in his face. He would never treat a woman like that on purpose.

  “That’s ok, Rocco. Don’t worry about it. I think you need some time to yourself.” She places her hand on top of his and smiles at him, I also see that her top has suddenly moved up to cover her breasts. I wonder if it was before or after the chat.

  I turn to look at Jen, praying that this hasn't caused me to miss out on her company tonight.

  “You ok, babe?” I lean in and kiss her cheek.

  “Yeah, everything is great. But Kathy is getting a lift home from a friend and I'm so very tired.” She fakes a little yawn then smiles at me.

  “Could I get a ride home?” Thank god. I would have had to kick Rocco's ass if Jen had taken off with Kathy.

  “A ride is something I can offer.” I look at Rocco, trying to decide if he needs me tonight, I'm praying that he doesn’t.

  “Are you good?” He nods his head while standing.

  “I'm fine, go take Jen home. I will see you at work on Monday. Sorry for spoiling the night, I will grab the bill for this one.” I fist bump with Rocco before walking towards the door. I look back over my shoulder towards him.

  “Just don't do anything stupid, Rocco. I don't need to be bailing your arse out of jail.” He laughs as he hands his credit card to the waitress to pay for the meal.

  “I think we both know that's not gonna happen. I only need bail when you’re involved.”

  Chapter Six

  I walk into the coffee shop and take a look around. After getting a strange call from Makenzie a little while ago, I agreed to meet her here to have ‘a chat’. Not that I’m complaining, anything to get away from Rocco, I swear I haven't seen him in such a bad mood since before the bitch left. He had actually shouted at the guys today and that’s just not like him, he is the laid back boss, but when Makenzie called asking to meet to chat with me, I thought that maybe this could explain everything.

  I see her sitting at a table towards the side of the shop waving at me. There are only about four people drinking coffee in here at the moment, does she really think I won’t see her? I laugh to myself a little and walk over to the table, I throw myself heavily on to the seat opposite her, making the most dramatic entrance I can manage.

  “You cannot even believe the day I’ve had. I was so glad when you called and I had an excuse to leave.” She looks over to me and smiles before saying,

  “Well, I’m glad, I think. I will try to take that as a compliment. I didn't know what you drank so I just waited until you got here to order for you.” I look over to the counter and see a hot blonde is serving today. Yes, I really need to go and speak to her but before I go I need to have a little fun with Makenzie.

  “Yes, it was a compliment so stop fishing. I will be back in a minute, I’ll just go and grab a coffee.” I give her a wink and watch a red tinge growing on her cheeks, I wonder
if she realises that she blushes so often. Every time I see her she seems to have a permanent blush, I wonder if it’s me?

  I get up and walk over to the counter watching the blonde as I move. I catch her eye and she doesn't look away as she continues to talk to the woman she is serving, I smile at her knowing that my work here is now done. She will be in my bed before the end of the day.

  “Good afternoon, what can I get you?” I think about giving her the answer that is on the tip of my tongue, but I decide to behave...for now.

  “Just a black coffee, please.” She watches my lips as I talk and I know she is imagining how they will feel against her, it’s the same as every other woman. I don’t know why I find it so easy to pick up women, the guys are always giving me shit about it, but I have worked out that they’re just jealous. I'm not a big headed guy, but I know the women seem to like what they see when they look my way, add in my cockiness and they can't seem to get enough. I always thought that women were looking for a sweet guy, the one who would bring them flowers and treat them like a princess, but that’s all wrong. Women seem to like arseholes, don't know why but it’s the truth. I never lie to these women, never make any promises after my one night with them, but the still seem to flock to me, sometimes begging me to spend the night with them and who am I to not help out a begging woman.

  I watch as the server moves to the back of the counter and fills my cup with coffee. I look back over to Makenzie, but she isn't paying any attention. My coffee is placed on the counter in front of me and I reach back grab my wallet, but the girl places her hand on top of my hand that I'm holding my coffee in.


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